def allocate(ctx, mh_addr, num_bytes):
    # nothing to allocate
    if num_bytes == 0:
        return 0

    # round size to nearest 8 byte
    ex = num_bytes & 7
    if ex != 0:
        num_bytes += 8 - ex

    # read mem header
    mh = MemHdr()
    mh.read(ctx, mh_addr)
    log_exec.debug("read: %s", mh)

    # enough total free?
    if mh.free < num_bytes:
        return 0
    if mh.first == 0:
        return 0

    # find chunk with enough free bytes
    mc_last = None
    mc = mh.read_first(ctx)
    log_exec.debug("read: %s", mc)
    while mc.bytes < num_bytes:
        mc_next = mc.read_next(ctx)
        log_exec.debug("read: %s", mc_next)
        if mc_next is None:
            log_exec.warn("invalid mem chunk list!")
            return 0
        mc_last = mc
        mc = mc_next

    # what's left in chunk?
    rem = mc.bytes - num_bytes
    if rem > 0:
        # some bytes left in chunk -> adjust size and keep it
        mc.bytes = rem
        # allocate at end of chunk
        res_addr = mc.addr + rem
        log_exec.debug("shrink: %s", mc)
        # remove whole chunk
        if mc_last is None:
            # set new first
            mh.first = mc.next
            # mh will be written below
            mc_last.next = mc.next
        # result is whole chunk
        res_addr = mc.addr
        log_exec.debug("remove: %s", mc)

    # update header
    mh.free -= num_bytes
    log_exec.debug("done: %s", mh)

    return res_addr
def allocate(ctx, mh_addr, num_bytes):
  # nothing to allocate
  if num_bytes == 0:
    return 0

  # round size to nearest 8 byte
  ex = num_bytes & 7
  if ex != 0:
    num_bytes += 8 - ex

  # read mem header
  mh = MemHdr()
  mh.read(ctx, mh_addr)
  log_exec.debug("read: %s", mh)

  # enough total free?
  if mh.free < num_bytes:
    return 0
  if mh.first == 0:
    return 0

  # find chunk with enough free bytes
  mc_last = None
  mc = mh.read_first(ctx)
  log_exec.debug("read: %s", mc)
  while mc.bytes < num_bytes:
    mc_next = mc.read_next(ctx)
    log_exec.debug("read: %s", mc_next)
    if mc_next is None:
      log_exec.warn("invalid mem chunk list!")
      return 0
    mc_last = mc
    mc = mc_next

  # what's left in chunk?
  rem = mc.bytes - num_bytes
  if rem > 0:
    # some bytes left in chunk -> adjust size and keep it
    mc.bytes = rem
    # allocate at end of chunk
    res_addr = mc.addr + rem
    log_exec.debug("shrink: %s", mc)
    # remove whole chunk
    if mc_last is None:
      # set new first
      mh.first = mc.next
      # mh will be written below
      mc_last.next = mc.next
    # result is whole chunk
    res_addr = mc.addr
    log_exec.debug("remove: %s", mc)

  # update header
  mh.free -= num_bytes
  log_exec.debug("done: %s", mh)

  return res_addr
def deallocate(ctx, mh_addr, blk_addr, num_bytes):
    # nothing to allocate
    if num_bytes == 0 or blk_addr == 0:
        return 0
    # round size to nearest 8 byte
    ex = num_bytes & 7
    if ex != 0:
        num_bytes += 8 - ex

    # read mem header
    mh = MemHdr()
    mh.read(ctx, mh_addr)
    log_exec.debug("read: %s", mh)

    # no mem chunks?
    if mh.first == 0:
        # assume that the whole memory is returned
        if num_bytes != mh.total or blk_addr != mh.lower or mh.free != 0:
            log_exec.error("Invalid deallocation: num_bytes != mh.total")
        # create a new mc
        mc = MemChunk(0, num_bytes, mh.lower)
        log_exec.debug("single: %s", mc)
        mh.first = mh.lower
        # find chunk right before/after the returned block
        mc_last = None
        mc = mh.read_first(ctx)
        log_exec.debug("read: %s", mc)
        while mc and mc.addr < blk_addr:
            mc_last = mc
            mc = mc.read_next(ctx)
            if mc is not None:
                log_exec.debug("read: %s", mc)

        # now we have either a mc_last and/or mc chunk
        # check if we can merge with one or both
        end_addr = blk_addr + num_bytes
        mc_merge = True if mc is not None and end_addr == mc.addr else False
        mc_last_merge = True if mc_last is not None and mc_last.addr + mc_last.bytes == blk_addr else False
        log_exec.debug("merge: mc_last=%s, mc=%s", mc_last_merge, mc_merge)

        # we merge with both last and current one -> grow mc_last, remove mc
        if mc_merge and mc_last_merge:
            mc_last.bytes += num_bytes + mc.bytes
            mc_last.next = mc.next
            log_exec.debug("both: %s", mc_last)
        # we merge with last only
        elif mc_last_merge:
            mc_last.bytes += num_bytes
            log_exec.debug("grow last: %s", mc_last)
        # we merge with current only -> move chunk to begin of blk_addr
        elif mc_merge:
            mc.addr = blk_addr
            mc.bytes += num_bytes
            mc_last.next = blk_addr
            log_exec.debug("grow cur: %s", mc)
        # no merging possible -> create a new chunk between last and cur
            next_addr = mc.addr if mc is not None else 0
            mc_new = MemChunk(next_addr, num_bytes, blk_addr)
            if mc_last is not None:
                mc_last.next = mc_new.addr
                log_exec.debug("new after: %s", mc_new)
                mh.first = mc_new.addr
                # mh is written below
                log_exec.debug("new front: %s", mc_new)

    # update header
    mh.free += num_bytes
    log_exec.debug("done: %s", mh)
def deallocate(ctx, mh_addr, blk_addr, num_bytes):
  # nothing to allocate
  if num_bytes == 0 or blk_addr == 0:
    return 0
  # round size to nearest 8 byte
  ex = num_bytes & 7
  if ex != 0:
    num_bytes += 8 - ex

  # read mem header
  mh = MemHdr()
  mh.read(ctx, mh_addr)
  log_exec.debug("read: %s", mh)

  # no mem chunks?
  if mh.first == 0:
    # assume that the whole memory is returned
    if num_bytes != mh.total or blk_addr != mh.lower or mh.free != 0:
      log_exec.error("Invalid deallocation: num_bytes != mh.total")
    # create a new mc
    mc = MemChunk(0, num_bytes, mh.lower)
    log_exec.debug("single: %s", mc)
    mh.first = mh.lower
    # find chunk right before/after the returned block
    mc_last = None
    mc = mh.read_first(ctx)
    log_exec.debug("read: %s", mc)
    while mc and mc.addr < blk_addr:
      mc_last = mc
      mc = mc.read_next(ctx)
      if mc is not None:
        log_exec.debug("read: %s", mc)

    # now we have either a mc_last and/or mc chunk
    # check if we can merge with one or both
    end_addr = blk_addr + num_bytes
    mc_merge = True if mc is not None and end_addr == mc.addr else False
    mc_last_merge = True if mc_last is not None and mc_last.addr + mc_last.bytes == blk_addr else False
    log_exec.debug("merge: mc_last=%s, mc=%s", mc_last_merge, mc_merge)

    # we merge with both last and current one -> grow mc_last, remove mc
    if mc_merge and mc_last_merge:
      mc_last.bytes += num_bytes + mc.bytes
      mc_last.next = mc.next
      log_exec.debug("both: %s", mc_last)
    # we merge with last only
    elif mc_last_merge:
      mc_last.bytes += num_bytes
      log_exec.debug("grow last: %s", mc_last)
    # we merge with current only -> move chunk to begin of blk_addr
    elif mc_merge:
      mc.addr = blk_addr
      mc.bytes += num_bytes
      mc_last.next = blk_addr
      log_exec.debug("grow cur: %s", mc)
    # no merging possible -> create a new chunk between last and cur
      next_addr = mc.addr if mc is not None else 0
      mc_new = MemChunk(next_addr, num_bytes, blk_addr)
      if mc_last is not None:
        mc_last.next = mc_new.addr
        log_exec.debug("new after: %s", mc_new)
        mh.first = mc_new.addr
        # mh is written below
        log_exec.debug("new front: %s", mc_new)

  # update header
  mh.free += num_bytes
  log_exec.debug("done: %s", mh)