class Supervisor(Singleton): """ Agent supervisor Starts dedicated threads for each data source """ CONTAINER_CLASS = '%sContainer' CONTAINER_MODULE = 'amplify.agent.containers.%s.%s' def __init__(self, foreground=False): # daemon specific self.stdin_path = '/dev/null' if foreground: self.stdout_path = '/dev/stdout' self.stderr_path = '/dev/stderr' else: self.stdout_path = '/dev/null' self.stderr_path = '/dev/null' self.pidfile_path = context.app_config['daemon']['pid'] self.pidfile_timeout = 1 # init self.client = HTTPClient() self.containers = {} self.bridge = None self.start_time = int(time.time()) self.last_cloud_talk_time = 0 self.is_running = True def init_containers(self): """ Tries to load and create all objects containers specified in config """ containers = {} containers_from_local_config = context.app_config['containers'] for container_name in containers_from_local_config.keys(): try: container_classname = self.CONTAINER_CLASS % container_name.title() container_class = loader.import_class(self.CONTAINER_MODULE % (container_name, container_classname)) containers[container_name] = container_class() context.log.debug('loaded container "%s" from %s' % (container_name, container_class)) except: context.log.error('failed to load container %s' % container_name, exc_info=True) return containers def run(self): current_thread().name = 'supervisor' # get initial config from cloud self.talk_with_cloud() # run containers self.containers = self.init_containers() if not self.containers: context.log.error('no containers configured, stopping') return # run bridge thread self.bridge = spawn(Bridge().run) # main cycle while self.is_running: context.inc_action_id() for container in self.containers.itervalues(): container._discover_objects() container.run_objects() container.schedule_cloud_commands() try: self.talk_with_cloud(top_object=context.top_object.definition) except AmplifyCriticalException: pass self.check_bridge() time.sleep(5.0) def stop(self): self.is_running = False for container in self.containers.itervalues(): container.stop_objects() Bridge().flush_metrics() Bridge().flush_events() def talk_with_cloud(self, top_object=None): # TODO: receive commands from cloud now = int(time.time()) if now <= self.last_cloud_talk_time + 60: return # talk to cloud try: cloud_response ='agent/', data=top_object) except: context.log.error('could not connect to cloud', exc_info=True) raise AmplifyCriticalException() # update special object configs changed_containers = [] for obj_config in cloud_response['objects']: obj = obj_config['object'] obj_type = obj['type'] container = self.containers[obj_type] obj_id = definition_id(obj) if container.object_configs.get(obj_id, {}) != obj_config['config']: container.object_configs[obj_id] = obj_config['config'] changed_containers.append(obj_type) for obj_type in changed_containers: self.containers[obj_type].stop_objects() # TODO work with messages messages = cloud_response['messages'] # global config changes config_changed = context.app_config.apply(cloud_response['config']) if config_changed and self.containers:'config has changed. now running with: %s' % pprint.pformat(context.app_config.config)) for container in self.containers.itervalues(): container.stop_objects() self.init_containers() self.last_cloud_talk_time = int(time.time()) def check_bridge(self): """ Check containers threads, restart if some failed """ bridge_state = 'OK' if not self.bridge.ready() else 'STOP' # context.log.debug('bridge status: %s' % bridge_state) if self.bridge.ready and self.bridge.exception: context.log.debug('bridge exception: %s' % self.bridge.exception) self.bridge = gevent.spawn(Bridge().run)
class Bridge(Singleton): def __init__(self): self.client = HTTPClient() self.queue = defaultdict(list) self.first_run = True def look_around(self): """ Checks everything around and make appropriate tree structure :return: dict of structure """ # TODO check docker or OS around tree = {'system': ['nginx']} return tree def run(self): # TODO: stop after 3 fatal errors current_thread().name = 'bridge' context.setup_thread_id() try: while True: m_size_b, m_rss_b = self.wait() context.inc_action_id() self.flush_meta() if not self.first_run: self.flush_metrics() self.flush_events() self.flush_configs() else: self.first_run = False gc.collect() m_size_a, m_rss_a = context.log.debug('mem before: (%s %s), after (%s, %s)' % (m_size_b, m_rss_b, m_size_a, m_rss_a)) if m_rss_a >= m_rss_b: context.log.debug('RSS MEMORY same or increased, diff %s' % (m_rss_a-m_rss_b)) elif m_size_a >= m_size_b: context.log.debug('VSIZE MEMORY same or increased, diff %s' % (m_size_a-m_size_b)) except: context.default_log.error('failed', exc_info=True) raise def flush_meta(self): self._flush(container=context.metad, location='meta/') def flush_metrics(self): self._flush(container=context.statsd, location='metrics/') def flush_events(self): self._flush(container=context.eventd, location='events/') def flush_configs(self): self._flush(container=context.configd, location='nginx/config/') def _flush(self, container=None, location=None): # get structure objects_structure = self.look_around() # get root object # there is only one root object! root_type = objects_structure.keys().pop() root = container.flush(type=root_type).values() if not len(root): root = {'object': context.top_object.definition} root_only_for_structure = True else: root = root[0] root_only_for_structure = False # go through children (one level) root['children'] = [] child_data_found = False for child_type in objects_structure[root_type]: for child_data in container.flush(type=child_type).itervalues(): if child_data: child_data_found = True root['children'].append(child_data) self.queue[location].append(root) if child_data_found or not root_only_for_structure: context.default_log.debug(root) try:, data=self.queue[location]) self.queue[location] = [] except Exception, e: exception_name = e.__class__.__name__ context.log.error('failed to push data due to %s' % exception_name) context.log.debug('additional info:', exc_info=True)