def spin_rotation_angle(pa, pb, pc, bachelor=2):
    """Calculate the angle between two spin-quantisation axes for the 3-body D->ABC decay
      aligned along the particle B and particle A.
        pa, pb, pc : 4-momenta of the final-state particles
        bachelor : index of the "bachelor" particle (0=A, 1=B, or 2=C)

    :param pa: 
    :param pb: 
    :param pc: 
    :param bachelor:  (Default value = 2)

    if bachelor == 2:
        return atfi.const(0.)
    pboost = lorentz_vector(
        -spatial_components(pb) / scalar(time_component(pb)),
    if bachelor == 0:
        pa1 = spatial_components(lorentz_boost(pa, pboost))
        pc1 = spatial_components(lorentz_boost(pc, pboost))
        return atfi.acos(scalar_product(pa1, pc1) / norm(pa1) / norm(pc1))
    if bachelor == 1:
        pac = pa + pc
        pac1 = spatial_components(lorentz_boost(pac, pboost))
        pa1 = spatial_components(lorentz_boost(pa, pboost))
        return atfi.acos(scalar_product(pac1, pa1) / norm(pac1) / norm(pa1))
    return None
    def final_state_momenta(self, x):
           Return final state momenta p(A1), p(A2), p(B1), p(B2) for the decay
           defined by the phase space vector x. The momenta are calculated in the
           D rest frame.
        ma1a2 = self.m_a1a2(x)
        mb1b2 = self.m_b1b2(x)
        ctha = self.cos_helicity_a(x)
        cthb = self.cos_helicity_b(x)
        phi = self.phi(x)

        p0 = atfk.two_body_momentum(self.md, ma1a2, mb1b2)
        pA = atfk.two_body_momentum(ma1a2, self.ma1, self.ma2)
        pB = atfk.two_body_momentum(mb1b2, self.mb1, self.mb2)

        zeros = atfi.zeros(pA)

        p3A = atfk.rotate_euler(atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, pA), zeros, atfi.acos(ctha), zeros)
        p3B = atfk.rotate_euler(atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, pB), zeros, atfi.acos(cthb), phi)

        ea = atfi.sqrt(p0 ** 2 + ma1a2 ** 2)
        eb = atfi.sqrt(p0 ** 2 + mb1b2 ** 2)
        v0a = atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, p0 / ea)
        v0b = atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, -p0 / eb)

        p4A1 = atfk.lorentz_boost(atfk.lorentz_vector(p3A, atfi.sqrt(self.ma1 ** 2 + pA ** 2)), v0a)
        p4A2 = atfk.lorentz_boost(atfk.lorentz_vector(-p3A, atfi.sqrt(self.ma2 ** 2 + pA ** 2)), v0a)
        p4B1 = atfk.lorentz_boost(atfk.lorentz_vector(p3B, atfi.sqrt(self.mb1 ** 2 + pB ** 2)), v0b)
        p4B2 = atfk.lorentz_boost(atfk.lorentz_vector(-p3B, atfi.sqrt(self.mb2 ** 2 + pB ** 2)), v0b)

        return (p4A1, p4A2, p4B1, p4B2)
def helicity_angles_3body(pa, pb, pc):
    """Calculate 4 helicity angles for the 3-body D->ABC decay defined as:
      theta_r, phi_r : polar and azimuthal angles of the AB resonance in the D rest frame
      theta_a, phi_a : polar and azimuthal angles of the A in AB rest frame

    :param pa: 
    :param pb: 
    :param pc: 

    theta_r = atfi.acos(-z_component(pc) / norm(spatial_components(pc)))
    phi_r = atfi.atan2(-y_component(pc), -x_component(pc))

    pa_prime = lorentz_vector(
        rotate_euler(spatial_components(pa), -phi_r,
                     atfi.pi() - theta_r, phi_r), time_component(pa))
    pb_prime = lorentz_vector(
        rotate_euler(spatial_components(pb), -phi_r,
                     atfi.pi() - theta_r, phi_r), time_component(pb))

    w = time_component(pa) + time_component(pb)

    pab = lorentz_vector(-(pa_prime + pb_prime) / scalar(w), w)
    pa_prime2 = lorentz_boost(pa_prime, pab)

    theta_a = atfi.acos(
        z_component(pa_prime2) / norm(spatial_components(pa_prime2)))
    phi_a = atfi.atan2(y_component(pa_prime2), x_component(pa_prime2))

    return (theta_r, phi_r, theta_a, phi_a)
def final_state_momenta(data):

    # Obtain the vectors of angles from the input tensor using the functions
    # provided by phasespace object
    cos_theta_jpsi = phsp.cos_theta1(data)
    cos_theta_phi = phsp.cos_theta2(data)
    phi = phsp.phi(data)

    # Rest-frame momentum of two-body Bs->Jpsi phi decay
    p0 = atfk.two_body_momentum(mb, mjpsi, mphi)
    # Rest-frame momentum of two-body Jpsi->mu mu decay
    pjpsi = atfk.two_body_momentum(mjpsi, mmu, mmu)
    # Rest-frame momentum of two-body phi->K K decay
    pphi = atfk.two_body_momentum(mphi, mk, mk)

    # Vectors of zeros and ones of the same size as the data sample
    # (needed to use constant values that do not depend on the event)
    zeros = atfi.zeros(phi)
    ones = atfi.ones(phi)

    # 3-vectors of Jpsi->mumu and phi->KK decays (in the corresponding rest frames),
    # rotated by the helicity angles
    p3jpsi = atfk.rotate_euler(
        atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, pjpsi * ones), zeros, atfi.acos(cos_theta_jpsi), zeros
    p3phi = atfk.rotate_euler(
        atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, pphi * ones), zeros, atfi.acos(cos_theta_phi), phi

    ejpsi = atfi.sqrt(p0 ** 2 + mjpsi ** 2)  # Energy of Jpsi in Bs rest frame
    ephi = atfi.sqrt(p0 ** 2 + mphi ** 2)  # Energy of phi in Bs rest frame
    v0jpsi = atfk.vector(
        zeros, zeros, p0 / ejpsi * ones
    )  # 3-vector of Jpsi in Bs rest frame
    v0phi = atfk.vector(
        zeros, zeros, -p0 / ephi * ones
    )  # 3-vector of phi in Bs rest frame

    # Boost momenta of final-state particles into Bs rest frame
    p4mu1 = atfk.lorentz_boost(
        atfk.lorentz_vector(p3jpsi, atfi.sqrt(mmu ** 2 + pjpsi ** 2) * ones), v0jpsi
    p4mu2 = atfk.lorentz_boost(
        atfk.lorentz_vector(-p3jpsi, atfi.sqrt(mmu ** 2 + pjpsi ** 2) * ones), v0jpsi
    p4k1 = atfk.lorentz_boost(
        atfk.lorentz_vector(p3phi, atfi.sqrt(mk ** 2 + pphi ** 2) * ones), v0phi
    p4k2 = atfk.lorentz_boost(
        atfk.lorentz_vector(-p3phi, atfi.sqrt(mk ** 2 + pphi ** 2) * ones), v0phi

    return (p4mu1, p4mu2, p4k1, p4k2)
def generate_rotation_and_boost(moms, minit, meanpt, ptcut, rnd):
    Generate 4-momenta of final state products according to 3-body phase space distribution
      moms   - initial particle momenta (in the rest frame)
      meanpt - mean Pt of the initial particle
      ptcut  - miminum Pt of the initial particle
      rnd    - Auxiliary random tensor

    pt = generate_pt(rnd[:, 0], meanpt, ptcut, 200.)  # Pt in GeV
    eta = generate_eta(rnd[:, 1])  # Eta
    phi = generate_phi(rnd[:, 2])  # Phi

    theta = 2. * atfi.atan(atfi.exp(-eta))  # Theta angle
    p = pt / atfi.sin(theta)  # Full momentum
    e = atfi.sqrt(p**2 + minit**2)  # Energy

    px = p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.sin(phi)  # 3-momentum of initial particle
    py = p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.cos(phi)
    pz = p * atfi.cos(theta)

    p4 = atfk.lorentz_vector(atfk.vector(px, py, pz),
                             e)  # 4-momentum of initial particle

    rotphi = uniform_random(rnd[:, 3], 0., 2 * atfi.pi())
    rotpsi = uniform_random(rnd[:, 4], 0., 2 * atfi.pi())
    rottheta = atfi.acos(uniform_random(rnd[:, 5], -1, 1.))

    moms2 = []
    for m in moms:
        m1 = atfk.rotate_lorentz_vector(m, rotphi, rottheta, rotpsi)
        moms2 += [atfk.boost_from_rest(m1, p4)]

    return moms2
 def m_prime_bc(self, sample):
       Square Dalitz plot variable m'
     mbc = atfi.sqrt(self.m2bc(sample))
     return atfi.acos(2 * (mbc - math.sqrt(self.minbc)) /
                      (math.sqrt(self.maxbc) - math.sqrt(self.minbc)) -
                      1.) / math.pi
 def m_prime_ab(self, sample):
       Square Dalitz plot variable m'
     mab = atfi.sqrt(self.m2ab(sample))
     return atfi.acos(2 * (mab - math.sqrt(self.minab)) /
                      (math.sqrt(self.maxab) - math.sqrt(self.minab)) -
                      1.) / math.pi
 def m_prime_ac(self, sample):
     Square Dalitz plot variable m'
     mac = atfi.sqrt(self.m2ac(sample))
     return (
         atfi.acos(2 * (mac - math.sqrt(self.minac)) /
                   (math.sqrt(self.maxac) - math.sqrt(self.minac)) - 1.0) /
def helicity_angles_4body(pa, pb, pc, pd):
    """Calculate 4 helicity angles for the 4-body E->ABCD decay defined as:
      theta_ab, phi_ab : polar and azimuthal angles of the AB resonance in the E rest frame
      theta_cd, phi_cd : polar and azimuthal angles of the CD resonance in the E rest frame
      theta_ac, phi_ac : polar and azimuthal angles of the AC resonance in the E rest frame
      theta_bd, phi_bd : polar and azimuthal angles of the BD resonance in the E rest frame
      theta_ad, phi_ad : polar and azimuthal angles of the AD resonance in the E rest frame
      theta_bc, phi_bc : polar and azimuthal angles of the BC resonance in the E rest frame
      phi_ab_cd : azimuthal angle between AB and CD
      phi_ac_bd : azimuthal angle between AC and BD
      phi_ad_bc : azimuthal angle between AD and BC

    :param pa:
    :param pb:
    :param pc:
    :param pd:

    theta_r = atfi.acos(-z_component(pc) / norm(spatial_components(pc)))
    phi_r = atfi.atan2(-y_component(pc), -x_component(pc))

    pa_prime = lorentz_vector(
        rotate_euler(spatial_components(pa), -phi_r,
                     atfi.pi() - theta_r, phi_r),
    pb_prime = lorentz_vector(
        rotate_euler(spatial_components(pb), -phi_r,
                     atfi.pi() - theta_r, phi_r),

    w = time_component(pa) + time_component(pb)

    pab = lorentz_vector(-(pa_prime + pb_prime) / scalar(w), w)
    pa_prime2 = lorentz_boost(pa_prime, pab)

    theta_a = atfi.acos(
        z_component(pa_prime2) / norm(spatial_components(pa_prime2)))
    phi_a = atfi.atan2(y_component(pa_prime2), x_component(pa_prime2))

    return (theta_r, phi_r, theta_a, phi_a)
def spherical_angles(pb):
    """theta, phi : polar and azimuthal angles of the vector pb

    :param pb: 

    z1 = unit_vector(
        spatial_components(pb))  # New z-axis is in the direction of pb
    theta = atfi.acos(z_component(z1))  # Helicity angle
    phi = atfi.atan2(y_component(pb), x_component(pb))  # phi angle
    return (theta, phi)
def spherical_angles(pb):
    Return polar and azimuthal angles of the 3-vector or Lorentz vector

    :param pb: Input vector
    :returns: tuple (theta, phi), where theta is the polar
              and phi the azimuthal angles

    z1 = unit_vector(
        spatial_components(pb))  # Unit vector in the direction of pb
    theta = atfi.acos(z_component(z1))  # Helicity angle
    phi = atfi.atan2(y_component(pb), x_component(pb))  # phi angle
    return (theta, phi)
def euler_angles(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2):
    """Calculate Euler angles (phi, theta, psi in the ZYZ convention) which transform the coordinate basis (x1, y1, z1)
      to the basis (x2, y2, z2). Both x1,y1,z1 and x2,y2,z2 are assumed to be orthonormal and right-handed.

    :param x1: 
    :param y1: 
    :param z1: 
    :param x2: 
    :param y2: 
    :param z2: 

    theta = atfi.acos(scalar_product(z1, z2))
    phi = atfi.atan2(scalar_product(z1, y2), scalar_product(z1, x2))
    psi = atfi.atan2(scalar_product(y1, z2), scalar_product(x1, z2))
    return (phi, theta, psi)
    def final_state_momenta(self, m2ab, m2bc, costhetaa, phia, phibc):
          Calculate 4-momenta of final state tracks in the 5D phase space
            m2ab, m2bc : invariant masses of AB and BC combinations
            (cos)thetaa, phia : direction angles of the particle A in the D reference frame
            phibc : angle of BC plane wrt. polarisation plane z x p_a

        thetaa = atfi.acos(costhetaa)

        m2ac = self.msqsum - m2ab - m2bc

        # Magnitude of the momenta
        p_a = atfk.two_body_momentum(self.md, self.ma, atfi.sqrt(m2bc))
        p_b = atfk.two_body_momentum(self.md, self.mb, atfi.sqrt(m2ac))
        p_c = atfk.two_body_momentum(self.md, self.mc, atfi.sqrt(m2ab))

        cos_theta_b = (p_a * p_a + p_b * p_b - p_c * p_c) / (2. * p_a * p_b)
        cos_theta_c = (p_a * p_a + p_c * p_c - p_b * p_b) / (2. * p_a * p_c)

        # Fix momenta with p3a oriented in z (quantisation axis) direction
        p3a = atfk.vector(atfi.zeros(p_a), atfi.zeros(p_a), p_a)
        p3b = atfk.vector(p_b * Sqrt(1. - cos_theta_b**2), atfi.zeros(p_b),
                          -p_b * cos_theta_b)
        p3c = atfk.vector(-p_c * Sqrt(1. - cos_theta_c**2), atfi.zeros(p_c),
                          -p_c * cos_theta_c)

        # rotate vectors to have p3a with thetaa as polar helicity angle
        p3a = atfk.rotate_euler(p3a, atfi.const(0.), thetaa, atfi.const(0.))
        p3b = atfk.rotate_euler(p3b, atfi.const(0.), thetaa, atfi.const(0.))
        p3c = atfk.rotate_euler(p3c, atfi.const(0.), thetaa, atfi.const(0.))

        # rotate vectors to have p3a with phia as azimuthal helicity angle
        p3a = atfk.rotate_euler(p3a, phia, atfi.const(0.), atfi.const(0.))
        p3b = atfk.rotate_euler(p3b, phia, atfi.const(0.), atfi.const(0.))
        p3c = atfk.rotate_euler(p3c, phia, atfi.const(0.), atfi.const(0.))

        # rotate BC plane to have phibc as angle with the polarization plane
        p3b = atfk.rotate(p3b, phibc, p3a)
        p3c = atfk.rotate(p3c, phibc, p3a)

        # Define 4-vectors
        p4a = atfk.lorentz_vector(p3a, atfi.sqrt(p_a**2 + self.ma2))
        p4b = atfk.lorentz_vector(p3b, atfi.sqrt(p_b**2 + self.mb2))
        p4c = atfk.lorentz_vector(p3c, atfi.sqrt(p_c**2 + self.mc2))

        return (p4a, p4b, p4c)
def random_rotation_and_boost(moms, rnd):
    Apply random boost and rotation to the list of 4-vectors
      moms : list of 4-vectors
      rnd  : random array of shape (N, 6), where N is the length of 4-vector array
    pt = -5.0 * atfi.log(
        rnd[:, 0]
    )  # Random pT, exponential distribution with mean 5 GeV
    eta = rnd[:, 1] * 3.0 + 2.0  # Uniform distribution in pseudorapidity eta
    phi = rnd[:, 2] * 2.0 * atfi.pi()  # Uniform distribution in phi

    theta = 2.0 * atfi.atan(atfi.exp(-eta))  # Theta angle is a function of eta
    p = pt / atfi.sin(theta)  # Full momentum
    e = atfi.sqrt(p ** 2 + mb ** 2)  # Energy of the Bs

    px = (
        p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.sin(phi)
    )  # 3-momentum of initial particle (Bs meson)
    py = p * atfi.sin(theta) * atfi.cos(phi)
    pz = p * atfi.cos(theta)

    boost = atfk.lorentz_vector(
        atfk.vector(px, py, pz), e
    )  # Boost vector of the Bs meson

    rot_theta = atfi.acos(
        rnd[:, 3] * 2.0 - 1.0
    )  # Random Euler rotation angles for Bs decay
    rot_phi = rnd[:, 4] * 2.0 * atfi.pi()
    rot_psi = rnd[:, 5] * 2.0 * atfi.pi()

    # Apply rotation and boost to the momenta in input list
    moms1 = []
    for m in moms:
        m1 = atfk.rotate_lorentz_vector(m, rot_phi, rot_theta, rot_psi)
        moms1 += [atfk.boost_from_rest(m1, boost)]

    return moms1
import sys
import tensorflow as tf


import amplitf.interface as atfi
import amplitf.kinematics as atfk


rndvec = tf.random.uniform([32, 3], dtype=atfi.fptype())

v = rndvec[:, 0]
th = atfi.acos(rndvec[:, 1])
phi = (rndvec[:, 2] * 2 - 1) * atfi.pi()

p = atfk.lorentz_vector(
    atfk.vector(atfi.zeros(v), atfi.zeros(v), atfi.zeros(v)), atfi.ones(v))

bp = atfk.lorentz_boost(
    atfk.rotate_euler(atfk.vector(v, atfi.zeros(v), atfi.zeros(v)), th, phi,

 def theta_prime_bc(self, sample):
     Square Dalitz plot variable theta'
     return atfi.acos(-self.cos_helicity_bc(sample)) / math.pi