def msg_size_test(broker, url, psize): if( broker == 'mqtt' or broker == 'amqp' ): p_client = None s_client = None if( broker == 'mqtt' ): p_client = mqttClient(1, url) s_client = mqttClient(2, url) topic = {'topic': 'x', 'psize': psize, 'qos':0 } kwargs_p = {'nr':10, 'ival':1} msg_s = {'topic':'x', 'qos':0, 'cb':on_message} kwargs_s = {'timeout' : 20} else: p_client = amqpClient(1, url) s_client = amqpClient(2, url) topic = [ {'exchange': 'x', 'routing_key': '', 'psize': psize } ] kwargs_p = {'nr': 10, 'ival': 1} msg_s = {'exchange': 'x', 'cb': callback, 'no_ack': True} kwargs_s = {'timeout' : 20} p_client.connect() s_client.connect() s_client.subscribe(msg_s, kwargs_s) s_client.start_subscribe_timeout(topic, kwargs_s) time.sleep(1) p_client.publish(topic, kwargs_p) ## wait until they are terminated, make sure to disconnect so that connections at the host are freed p_client.waitForClient() s_client.waitForClient() return np.median(timevals), np.mean(timevals), np.var(timevals)
def pub_sub_test(url, nr_pub, queue_size, timeout): global timevals global recv_packets p_clients = [] s_client = amqpClient(0, url) s_client.connect() kwargs_s = { 'timeout': timeout, 'arguments': { 'x-max-length-bytes': queue_size } } msg_s = {'exchange': 'x', 'cb': callback, 'no_ack': True} s_client.subscribe(msg_s, kwargs_s) sent_pkt = [] for c in range(0, nr_pub): client = None topic = None kwargs = None client = amqpClient(c, url) topic = [{'exchange': 'x', 'routing_key': '', 'psize': 1}] kwargs_p = {'nr': 1, 'ival': 1, 'sent_list': sent_pkt} p_clients.append(client) client.connect() time.sleep(1) # wait for subscribers to be fully initialized for p in p_clients: p.publish(topic, kwargs_p) ## wait until they are terminated, make sure to disconnect so that connections at the host are freed s_client.waitForClient() for p in p_clients: p.waitForClient() timevals_median = np.median(timevals) timevals = [] recv_pkt = copy.deepcopy(recv_packets) recv_packets = [] return timevals_median, sent_pkt, recv_pkt
def var_sub_test(broker, url, nr_pub, nr_con): if (broker == 'mqtt' or broker == 'amqp'): p_clients = [] s_clients = [] for c in range(0, nr_pub + nr_con): client = None topic = None kwargs = None if (broker == 'mqtt'): client = mqttClient(c, url) topic = {'topic': 'x', 'psize': 1, 'qos': 0} kwargs_p = {'nr': 1, 'ival': 1} msg_s = {'topic': 'x', 'qos': 0, 'cb': on_message} kwargs_s = {'timeout': 10} else: client = amqpClient(c, url) topic = [{'exchange': 'x', 'routing_key': '', 'psize': 1}] kwargs_p = {'nr': 1, 'ival': 1} msg_s = {'exchange': 'x', 'cb': callback, 'no_ack': True} kwargs_s = {'timeout': 10} if (c < nr_pub): p_clients.append(client) else: s_clients.append(client) client.connect() for s in s_clients: s.subscribe(msg_s, kwargs_s) for s in s_clients: s.start_subscribe_timeout(topic, kwargs_s) time.sleep(1) for p in p_clients: p.publish(topic, kwargs_p) ## wait until they are terminated, make sure to disconnect so that connections at the host are freed for p in p_clients: p.waitForClient() for s in s_clients: s.waitForClient() return np.median(timevals), np.mean(timevals), np.var(timevals), len( timevals)
nr_con = 1 if (broker == 'mqtt' or broker == 'amqp'): for c in range(0, nr_pub + nr_con): client = None topic = None kwargs = None if (broker == 'mqtt'): client = mqttClient(c, url) topic = {'topic': 'x', 'psize': 1, 'qos': 0} kwargs_p = {'nr': 1, 'ival': 1} msg_s = {'topic': 'x', 'qos': 0, 'cb': on_message} kwargs_s = {'timeout': timeout} else: client = amqpClient(c, url) topic = [{'exchange': 'x', 'routing_key': '', 'psize': 1}] kwargs_p = {'nr': 1, 'ival': 1} msg_s = {'exchange': 'x', 'cb': callback, 'no_ack': True} kwargs_s = {'timeout': timeout} if (c < nr_pub): p_clients.append(client) pubs += 1 else: s_clients.append(client) subs += 1 client.connect() print('Publishers: {0} Subscribers: {1}'.format(pubs, subs))
from amqpClient import amqpClient from threading import Thread import pika import time def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print(body.decode('utf-8')) if __name__ == "__main__": #url = 'amqp://*****:*****' url = 'amqp://*****:*****@' amqp = amqpClient(1, url) amqp.connect() topic = [{'exchange': 'y', 'routing_key': '', 'psize': 10}] amqp.publish(pubmsg=topic, kwargs={'nr': 3, 'ival': 0.3}) #amqp.subscribe('temp') print("going to while loop") while (True): time.sleep(1) # print('in script')
def pub_sub_run(broker, url, nr_pub, nr_con, interval=1): global timevals timevals = [] if (broker == 'mqtt' or broker == 'amqp'): p_clients = [] s_clients = [] pubs = 0 subs = 0 timeout = 170 for c in range(0, nr_pub + nr_con): client = None topic = None kwargs = None if (broker == 'mqtt'): client = mqttClient(c, url) topic = {'topic': 'my/topic', 'psize': 1, 'qos': 0} kwargs_p = {'nr': 1, 'ival': interval} msg_s = { 'topic': 'my/topic', 'qos': 0, 'cb': callback_pub_sub_test_mqtt } kwargs_s = {'timeout': timeout} else: client = amqpClient(c, 'amqp://{0}'.format(url)) topic = [{'exchange': 'x', 'routing_key': '', 'psize': 1}] kwargs_p = {'nr': 1, 'ival': interval} msg_s = { 'exchange': 'x', 'cb': callback_pub_sub_test, 'no_ack': True, 'auto_delete': True } kwargs_s = {'timeout': timeout} if (c < nr_pub): p_clients.append(client) pubs += 1 else: s_clients.append(client) subs += 1 client.connect() print('Publishers: {0} Subscribers: {1}'.format(pubs, subs)) for s in s_clients: s.subscribe(msg_s, kwargs_s) time.sleep(5) for s in s_clients: s.start_subscribe_timeout(topic, kwargs_s) for p in p_clients: p.publish(topic, kwargs_p) ## wait until they are terminated, make sure to disconnect so that connections at the host are freed for p in p_clients: p.waitForClient() for s in s_clients: s.waitForClient() print('Total msgs received: {}'.format(len(timevals))) return np.median(timevals), nr_pub - nr_con
def msg_interval_test(broker, url, fileName, iterations=1, stepsize=1, interval=0.01): y_packetloss = [] x_msg_s = [] y_times = [] for i in range(stepsize, iterations + 1, stepsize): global recv_msgs, timevals recv_msgs = 0 timevals = [] p_clients = [] s_client = None msgs_pr_publisher = 600 timeout = 170 if (broker == 'mqtt' or broker == 'amqp'): client = None topic = None kwargs = None subs = 0 pubs = 0 for j in range(i + 1): if (broker == 'mqtt'): client = mqttClient(j, url) topic = {'topic': 'x', 'psize': 1, 'qos': 0} kwargs_p = {'nr': msgs_pr_publisher, 'ival': interval} msg_s = { 'topic': 'x', 'qos': 0, 'cb': callback_msg_interval_mqtt } kwargs_s = {'timeout': timeout} else: client = amqpClient(j, 'amqp://{0}'.format(url)) topic = [{'exchange': 'x', 'routing_key': '', 'psize': 1}] kwargs_p = {'nr': msgs_pr_publisher, 'ival': interval} msg_s = { 'exchange': 'x', 'cb': callback_msg_interval, 'no_ack': True, 'auto_delete': True } kwargs_s = {'timeout': timeout} if (j < i): p_clients.append(client) pubs += 1 else: s_client = client subs += 1 client.connect() print('Publishers: {0} Subscribers: {1}'.format(pubs, subs)) if (not s_client.isConnected()): s_client.connect() s_client.subscribe(msg_s, kwargs_s) s_client.start_subscribe_timeout(topic, kwargs_s) time.sleep(1) for p in p_clients: p.publish(topic, kwargs_p) ## wait until they are terminated, make sure to disconnect so that connections at the host are freed s_client.waitForClient() for p in p_clients: p.waitForClient() sent_msgs = i / interval x_msg_s.append(i * interval) if (sent_msgs > 0): y_packetloss.append(recv_msgs / sent_msgs) else: y_packetloss.append(0) y_times.append(np.median(timevals)) print('Total msgs received: {}'.format(len(timevals))) write_to_csv(x_msg_s, y_packetloss, '../csv/finalresults/{0}'.format(fileName[0]), 'Packet loss test') write_to_csv(x_msg_s, y_times, '../csv/finalresults/{0}'.format(fileName[1]), 'Median receive time single consumer')
from amqpClient import amqpClient def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print(" [x] %r" % body) url = 'amqp://*****:*****' amqpC = amqpClient(url) amqpC.connect() amqpC.subscribe({'exchange': 'logs', 'callback': callback, 'no_ack': True})
from amqpClient import amqpClient from threading import Thread import pika import time def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print(body.decode('utf-8')) if __name__ == "__main__": url = 'amqp://*****:*****' amqp = amqpClient(url) amqp.connect() amqp.subscribe({ 'exchange': 'x', 'cb': callback, 'no_ack': True }, {'timeout': 30}) print("going to while loop") while (True): time.sleep(1) # print('in script')