def reorganize_adj(sentence):
    deletes ',' and 'and' if it is between adjectives
    Input=sentence                              Output=sentence

    i = 0

    while i < len(sentence) - 1:
        if sentence[i] == ',' or sentence[i] == 'and':
            if analyse_nominal_group.is_an_adj(sentence[i + 1]) and analyse_nominal_group.is_an_adj(sentence[i - 1]):
                if other_functions.number(sentence[i + 1]) == 0 and other_functions.number(sentence[i - 1]) == 0:
                    sentence = sentence[:i] + sentence[i + 1:]
        i += 1
    return sentence
def reorganize_adj(sentence):
    deletes ',' and 'and' if it is between adjectives
    Input=sentence                              Output=sentence

    # init
    i = 0

    while i < len(sentence) - 1:
        if sentence[i] == ',' or sentence[i] == 'and':
            if analyse_nominal_group.is_an_adj(
                    sentence[i + 1]) and analyse_nominal_group.is_an_adj(
                        sentence[i - 1]):
                if other_functions.number(
                        sentence[i + 1]) == 0 and other_functions.number(
                            sentence[i - 1]) == 0:
                    sentence = sentence[:i] + sentence[i + 1:]
        i += 1
    return sentence
def upper_to_lower(sentence):
    converts the upper case to lower case
    Input=sentence, beginning sentence list                  Output=sentence

    # If the sentence begins with upper case
    if other_functions.find_cap_lettre(sentence[0]):

        # We convert upper case to lower case if it is not 'I'
        if sentence[0] == 'I':
            sentence = expand_contractions(sentence)
            return sentence
            sentence[0] = sentence[0][0].lower() + sentence[0][1:]

        #We make changes here because we need lower case and not upper case
        sentence = expand_contractions(sentence)
        sentence = adverbial_or_subsentence(sentence)
        stc = process_and_beginning_sentence(sentence)

        #If sentence is modified we can return it
        if stc != sentence:
            return stc

        #We find an action verb => it is an imperative sentence
        if sentence[0] in ThematicRolesDict().get_all_verbs():
            return sentence

        #If we find the word in the Beginning_sentence list
        for v in ResourcePool().sentence_starts:
            if sentence[0] == v[0]:
                return sentence

        #We find a number
        if other_functions.number(sentence[0]) == 1:
            return sentence

        #If there is plural
        sentence = analyse_nominal_group.find_plural(sentence)
        #If it still start with adjective
        if analyse_nominal_group.is_an_adj(sentence[0]) == 1:
            sentence = ['the'] + sentence

        #If there is a nominal group
        if analyse_nominal_group.find_sn_pos(sentence, 0):
            return sentence

        #Default case: we assume a proper name, we convert lowercase to uppercase
        sentence[0] = sentence[0][0].upper() + sentence[0][1:]

    # If the sentence begins with lower case
        #We make changes here because we need lower case and not upper case
        sentence = expand_contractions(sentence)
        sentence = adverbial_or_subsentence(sentence)
        sentence = process_and_beginning_sentence(sentence)

        #If we find the word in the Beginning_sentence list so we can return it
        for v in ResourcePool().sentence_starts:
            if sentence[0] == v[0]:
                return sentence

        #If there is plural
        sentence = analyse_nominal_group.find_plural(sentence)
        #If it still start with adjective
        if analyse_nominal_group.is_an_adj(sentence[0]) == 1:
            sentence = ['the'] + sentence

    return sentence
def upper_to_lower(sentence):
    converts the upper case to lower case
    Input=sentence, beginning sentence list                  Output=sentence

    #If the sentence begins with upper case
    if other_functions.find_cap_lettre(sentence[0]):

        #We convert upper case to lower case if it is not 'I'
        if sentence[0] == 'I':
            sentence = expand_contractions(sentence)
            return sentence
            sentence[0] = sentence[0][0].lower() + sentence[0][1:]

        #We make changes here because we need lower case and not upper case
        sentence = expand_contractions(sentence)
        sentence = adverbial_or_subsentence(sentence)
        stc = process_and_beginning_sentence(sentence)

        #If sentence is modified we can return it
        if stc != sentence:
            return stc

        #We find an action verb => it is an imperative sentence
        if sentence[0] in ThematicRolesDict().get_all_verbs():
            return sentence

        #If we find the word in the Beginning_sentence list
        for v in ResourcePool().sentence_starts:
            if sentence[0] == v[0]:
                return sentence

        #We find a number
        if other_functions.number(sentence[0]) == 1:
            return sentence

        #If there is plural
        sentence = analyse_nominal_group.find_plural(sentence)
        #If it still start with adjective
        if analyse_nominal_group.is_an_adj(sentence[0]) == 1:
            sentence = ['the'] + sentence

        #If there is a nominal group
        if analyse_nominal_group.find_sn_pos(sentence, 0):
            return sentence

        #Default case: we assume a proper name, we convert lowercase to uppercase
        sentence[0] = sentence[0][0].upper() + sentence[0][1:]

    #If the sentence begins with lower case
        #We make changes here because we need lower case and not upper case
        sentence = expand_contractions(sentence)
        sentence = adverbial_or_subsentence(sentence)
        sentence = process_and_beginning_sentence(sentence)

        #If we find the word in the Beginning_sentence list so we can return it
        for v in ResourcePool().sentence_starts:
            if sentence[0] == v[0]:
                return sentence

        #If there is plural
        sentence = analyse_nominal_group.find_plural(sentence)
        #If it still start with adjective
        if analyse_nominal_group.is_an_adj(sentence[0]) == 1:
            sentence = ['the'] + sentence

    return sentence