def plotOffsets(self, mpiFile, jobID, numProc):
     offsets = mpiFile + "offsets" + jobID
     offsetsFile = open(offsets, "rb")
     while True:
         file =
         if len(file) != 24:
             (id, beg, end) = struct.unpack("qqq", file)
             if (id, beg, end) != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
                 self.axes.plot([id, id], [beg, end], color="b", \
     (low, high) =  self.axes.get_ybound()
     self.axes.set_ylabel("Offset (Bytes x 1e%d)"% analysis.exponent(high))
     self.axes.set_xlim([-1, numProc])   
 def plotOffsets(self, mpiFile, jobID, numProc):
     offsets = mpiFile + "offsets" + jobID
     offsetsFile = open(offsets, "rb")
     while True:
         file =
         if len(file) != 24:
             (id, beg, end) = struct.unpack("qqq", file)
             if (id, beg, end) != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
                 self.axes.plot([id, id], [beg, end], color="b", \
     (low, high) = self.axes.get_ybound()
     self.axes.set_ylabel("Offset (Bytes x 1e%d)" % analysis.exponent(high))
     self.axes.set_xlim([-1, numProc])
def graphPerProcessor(mpiFile,numberOfProcessors, average, jobID, above, below):
    offsets = mpiFile + "offsets" + jobID
    times = mpiFile + "times" + jobID
    fig4 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
    ax2 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
    offsetFile = open(offsets, "rb")
    title = ""
    if above != 0:
        title += "Number of Processors Ended Above Average: %d\n" % above
    if below != 0:
        title += "Number of Processors Ended Below Average: %d" % below
    # 24 is the size of the number of bytes we are reading for 3 items
    inputList = []
    while True:
        file =
        if len(file) != 24: # read the whole file
            (id, beg, end) = struct.unpack("qqq", file)
            if (id, beg, end) != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
                inputList.append((id, beg, end))

    # so here we sort on id then by the beginning of each write in place
    # this lets us downsample the output on the offset graph without losing
    # *hopefully* too much real information at high write counts
    inputList.sort( key = operator.itemgetter(0,1))
    while len(inputList) > (100*numberOfProcessors) or len(inputList) > 65536:
        inputList = inputList[::2] # get every other element
    low = min(x[1] for x in inputList)
    high = max(x[2] for x in inputList)
    ax1.set_xbound(lower=-1, upper= numberOfProcessors)
    ax1.set_title(title, fontsize=10)
    ax1.set_ylabel("Offset (Bytes x 1e%d)"% analysis.exponent(high))
    ax2.set_xlim([-1, numberOfProcessors])
    ax2.axhline(average, color="y", linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)

    #plot everything now that the axis are set
    ax1.plot([[x[0] for x in inputList], [x[0] for x in inputList]], 
        [[x[1] for x in inputList], [x[2] for x in inputList]], color="b", 
    timeFile = open(times, "rb") 
    # 24 is the size of the number of bytes we are reading for 3 items
    inputList = []
    while True:
        file =
        if len(file) != 24:
            (id, beg, end) = struct.unpack("ddd", file)
            if (id, beg, end) != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
               inputList.append((id, beg, end))
    # Sometimes we have no times to parse if none are outside of one std dev.
    if (len(inputList) > 0):
        inputList.sort( key = operator.itemgetter(0,1))
        while len(inputList) > (100*numberOfProcessors) or len(inputList) > 65536:
            inputList = inputList[::2] # get every other element
        low = min(x[1] for x in inputList)
        high = max(x[2] for x in inputList)
        ax2.plot([[x[0] for x in inputList], [x[0] for x in inputList]],
            [[x[1] for x in inputList], [x[2] for x in inputList]], linewidth=1.5)
def graphPerProcessor(offsets, timeProcessor, above, below, numStd, pids):
    fig4 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
    maxProcessor = 0
    for item in offsets:
        id = int(pids[item[0]])
        beg = item[1]
        end = item[2]
        if maxProcessor < int(id):
            maxProcessor = int(id)
        ax1.plot([id, id], [beg, end], color="b", linewidth=1.5)
    (low, high) = ax1.axes.get_ybound()
    ax1.set_ylabel("Offset (Bytes x 1e%d)" % analysis.exponent(high))
    # so the axis does not draw over processor 0
    ax1.set_xlim([-1, maxProcessor + 1])
    # list of ends so that we can find the cutoffs
    ends = [0] * (maxProcessor + 1)
    earliestStart = 0
    ax2 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
    for item in timeProcessor:
        id = int(pids[item[0]])
        currentEnd = ends[id]
        beg = item[1]
        end = item[2]
        if earliestStart == 0:
            earliestStart = float(beg)
        if earliestStart > float(beg):
            earliestStart = float(beg)
        if currentEnd == 0:
            ends[id] = float(end)
        if currentEnd < float(end):
            ends[id] = float(end)
    for i in xrange(len(ends)):
        ends[i] = ends[i] - earliestStart
    endsArray = numpy.array(ends)  # make a numpy array so it can calculate
    # stdev and averages
    avg = numpy.average(endsArray)
    standardDev = numpy.std(endsArray)
    aboveCutoff = avg + numStd * standardDev
    belowCutoff = avg - numStd * standardDev
    # get the number graphed above and below the cutoffs
    numAbove = 0
    numBelow = 0
    for end in ends:
        if maxProcessor <= 16:  # all are graphed so count all of them
            if end < avg:
                numBelow += 1
            if end > avg:
                numAbove += 1
        else:  # these are those that are graphed with standard deviation cutoffs
            if end < belowCutoff:
                numBelow += 1
            if end > aboveCutoff:
                numAbove += 1
    title = ""
    if numAbove != 0:
        title += "Number of Processors Ended Above Average: %d\n" % numAbove
    if numBelow != 0:
        title += "Number of Processors Ended Below Average: %d" % numBelow
    ax1.set_title(title, fontsize=10)
    for item in timeProcessor:
        id = int(pids[item[0]])
        beg = float(item[1]) - earliestStart
        end = float(item[2]) - earliestStart
        if maxProcessor <= 16:  # graph all of the processors
            ax2.plot([id, id], [beg, end], linewidth=1.5)
        else:  # graph based on inputs
            if above and (ends[id] > aboveCutoff):
                ax2.plot([id, id], [beg, end], linewidth=1.5)
            if below and (ends[id] < belowCutoff):
                ax2.plot([id, id], [beg, end], linewidth=1.5)
    # average
    ax2.plot(["0", str(maxProcessor)], [avg, avg], color="y", linewidth=2)
    ax2.set_xlim([-1, maxProcessor + 1])
def graphPerProcessor(mpiFile, numberOfProcessors, average, jobID, above,
    offsets = mpiFile + "offsets" + jobID
    times = mpiFile + "times" + jobID
    fig4 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
    ax2 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
    offsetFile = open(offsets, "rb")
    title = ""
    if above != 0:
        title += "Number of Processors Ended Above Average: %d\n" % above
    if below != 0:
        title += "Number of Processors Ended Below Average: %d" % below
    # 24 is the size of the number of bytes we are reading for 3 items
    inputList = []
    while True:
        file =
        if len(file) != 24:  # read the whole file
            (id, beg, end) = struct.unpack("qqq", file)
            if (id, beg, end) != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
                inputList.append((id, beg, end))

    # so here we sort on id then by the beginning of each write in place
    # this lets us downsample the output on the offset graph without losing
    # *hopefully* too much real information at high write counts
    inputList.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1))
    while len(inputList) > (100 *
                            numberOfProcessors) or len(inputList) > 65536:
        inputList = inputList[::2]  # get every other element
    low = min(x[1] for x in inputList)
    high = max(x[2] for x in inputList)
    ax1.set_ylim([low, high])
    ax1.set_xbound(lower=-1, upper=numberOfProcessors)
    ax1.set_title(title, fontsize=10)
    ax1.set_ylabel("Offset (Bytes x 1e%d)" % analysis.exponent(high))
    ax2.set_xlim([-1, numberOfProcessors])
    ax2.axhline(average, color="y", linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)

    #plot everything now that the axis are set
    ax1.plot([[x[0] for x in inputList], [x[0] for x in inputList]],
             [[x[1] for x in inputList], [x[2] for x in inputList]],

    timeFile = open(times, "rb")
    # 24 is the size of the number of bytes we are reading for 3 items
    inputList = []
    while True:
        file =
        if len(file) != 24:
            (id, beg, end) = struct.unpack("ddd", file)
            if (id, beg, end) != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
                inputList.append((id, beg, end))
    # Sometimes we have no times to parse if none are outside of one std dev.
    if (len(inputList) > 0):
        inputList.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1))
        while len(inputList) > (100 *
                                numberOfProcessors) or len(inputList) > 65536:
            inputList = inputList[::2]  # get every other element
        low = min(x[1] for x in inputList)
        high = max(x[2] for x in inputList)
        ax2.set_ylim([low, high])
        ax2.plot([[x[0] for x in inputList], [x[0] for x in inputList]],
                 [[x[1] for x in inputList], [x[2] for x in inputList]],
def graphPerProcessor(offsets, timeProcessor, above, below, numStd, pids):
    fig4 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
    maxProcessor = 0
    for item in offsets:
        id = int(pids[item[0]])
        beg = item[1]
        end = item[2]
        if maxProcessor < int(id):
            maxProcessor = int(id)
        ax1.plot([id, id], [beg, end], color="b", linewidth=1.5)
    (low, high) = ax1.axes.get_ybound()
    ax1.set_ylabel("Offset (Bytes x 1e%d)" % analysis.exponent(high))
    #so the axis does not draw over processor 0
    ax1.set_xlim([-1, maxProcessor + 1])
    # list of ends so that we can find the cutoffs
    ends = [0] * (maxProcessor + 1)
    earliestStart = 0
    ax2 = fig4.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
    for item in timeProcessor:
        id = int(pids[item[0]])
        currentEnd = ends[id]
        beg = item[1]
        end = item[2]
        if earliestStart == 0:
            earliestStart = float(beg)
        if earliestStart > float(beg):
            earliestStart = float(beg)
        if currentEnd == 0:
            ends[id] = float(end)
        if currentEnd < float(end):
            ends[id] = float(end)
    for i in xrange(len(ends)):
        ends[i] = ends[i] - earliestStart
    endsArray = numpy.array(ends)  #make a numpy array so it can calculate
    #stdev and averages
    avg = numpy.average(endsArray)
    standardDev = numpy.std(endsArray)
    aboveCutoff = avg + numStd * standardDev
    belowCutoff = avg - numStd * standardDev
    # get the number graphed above and below the cutoffs
    numAbove = 0
    numBelow = 0
    for end in ends:
        if maxProcessor <= 16:  #all are graphed so count all of them
            if end < avg:
                numBelow += 1
            if end > avg:
                numAbove += 1
        else:  #these are those that are graphed with standard deviation cutoffs
            if end < belowCutoff:
                numBelow += 1
            if end > aboveCutoff:
                numAbove += 1
    title = ""
    if numAbove != 0:
        title += "Number of Processors Ended Above Average: %d\n" % numAbove
    if numBelow != 0:
        title += "Number of Processors Ended Below Average: %d" % numBelow
    ax1.set_title(title, fontsize=10)
    for item in timeProcessor:
        id = int(pids[item[0]])
        beg = float(item[1]) - earliestStart
        end = float(item[2]) - earliestStart
        if maxProcessor <= 16:  #graph all of the processors
            ax2.plot([id, id], [beg, end], linewidth=1.5)
        else:  #graph based on inputs
            if (above and (ends[id] > aboveCutoff)):
                ax2.plot([id, id], [beg, end], linewidth=1.5)
            if (below and (ends[id] < belowCutoff)):
                ax2.plot([id, id], [beg, end], linewidth=1.5)
    ax2.plot(["0", str(maxProcessor)], [avg, avg], color="y", linewidth=2)
    ax2.set_xlim([-1, maxProcessor + 1])