def plot_polar(phi, r, ax=None): y_r = config['y_range'] y_th0 = config['y_thresholds'][0] y_th1 = config['y_thresholds'][1] y_target_norm = analysis.normalize(config['y_target'], y_r) y_th0_norm = analysis.normalize(y_th0, y_r) y_th1_norm = analysis.normalize(y_th1, y_r) phi_target = np.arccos(y_target_norm) phi_th0 = np.arccos(y_th0_norm) phi_th1 = np.arccos(y_th1_norm) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True) ax.set_thetamin(0) ax.set_thetamax(180) ax.set_xticks(np.pi / 180. * np.linspace(180, 0, 4, endpoint=False)) ax.fill_betweenx(r, np.pi - phi_target, np.pi - phi, color=config['color_standard'], alpha=0.2) ax.plot([np.pi - phi_target, np.pi - phi_target], [0, 1], dashes=(2, 3), c=config['color_default']) if y_th0: phi_cold = np.where(phi > phi_th0, phi, phi_th0) ax.fill_betweenx(r, np.pi - phi_th0, np.pi - phi_cold, color=config['color_cold'], alpha=0.2) ax.plot([np.pi - phi_th0, np.pi - phi_th0], [0, 1], dashes=(4, 4), c=config['color_cold']) if y_th1: phi_warm = np.where(phi < phi_th1, phi, phi_th1) ax.fill_betweenx(r, np.pi - phi_th1, np.pi - phi_warm, color=config['color_warm'], alpha=0.2) ax.plot([np.pi - phi_th1, np.pi - phi_th1], [0, 1], dashes=(4, 4), c=config['color_warm']) ax.plot(np.pi - phi, r, c=config['color_default']) return ax
def analyze(): raw = request.get_data() curve = raw_to_dataframe(raw) curve = normalize(curve) last_coin['curve'] = curve last_coin['datetime'] = coin = classify_coin(curve) last_coin['coin'] = coin if last_coin['coin'] == -1: last_coin['coin'] = 'unknown' return 'ok'
# print(np.shape(test_V_arr_for_combo)) #============================================================================================================== # Process Base and Mixture Data #============================================================================================================== # dim(trace_V_arr) = (3, 1000, 2300) which is (num base odors, num neurons in network, # timesteps after start=100ms) # dim(X) = (6900, 1000) which is (num base odors*# timesteps after start=100ms, num neurons in network) X = np.hstack(trace_V_arr).T #normalize training (base odor) data mini = np.min( X) # lowest voltage of any neuron's voltages at any time for any odor maxi = np.max( X) # highest voltage of any neuron's voltages at any time for any odor normalized_Training_Voltages = anal.normalize( X, mini, maxi) # 0 if minimum value, 1 if maximum value. point_Labels = np.hstack(label_arr) # Train the SVM on base odors and labels clf = anal.learnSVM(normalized_Training_Voltages, point_Labels) for rowNum, aCombo in enumerate(baseNum): # load, ignoring four of the outputs _,_,_,test_V_arr_for_combo[rowNum],_,label_test_arr_for_combo[rowNum] \ = anal.load_data(te_prefix+'combo_'+str(rowNum)+"_", num_runs = number_Of_Mix_Runs) test_data = test_V_arr_for_combo[rowNum] # mixed odor voltage test_data = anal.normalize( test_data, mini,
# run the simulation and save to disk ex.createData(run_params_train, I_arr, states, net) ex.mixtures2(run_params_test, I_arr[:num_odors_mix], states, net) # load in the data from disk spikes_t_arr, spikes_i_arr, I_arr, trace_V_arr, trace_t_arr, label_arr = anal.load_data(tr_prefix, num_runs=num_odors_train) spikes_t_test_arr, spikes_i_test_arr, I_test_arr, test_V_arr, test_t_arr, label_test_arr = anal.load_data(te_prefix, num_runs=num_alpha * num_test) X = np.hstack(trace_V_arr).T # normalize training data mini = np.min(X) maxi = np.max(X) X = anal.normalize(X, mini, maxi) y = np.hstack(label_arr) # train the SVM clf = anal.learnSVM(X, y) test_data = test_V_arr test_data = anal.normalize(test_data, mini, maxi) y_test = np.mean(label_test_arr, axis=1) pred_arr = [] A_arr = [] for i in range(len(test_data)): pred = clf.predict(test_data[i].T)
def count_vessels(probesizemicron, theta=[0]): # algorithm pseudocode: # normalize image slice # rotate probe # slice rotated image to generate line profiles # low pass filter line profiles to remove noise # find peaks of line profile (local maxima) # discard peaks below empirical threshold # count the number of peaks --> number of crossed vessels at location # no need to adjust discard theshold with depth # repeat above for all substacks in the whole imaging volume # p.s. tested on 50um substacks thresh = -0.6 # create sub-z tiff stack subzstack = subz_from_3dtiff(tif3darray, 50) print tif3darray.shape print subzstack.shape # make mask of probe cross-section probesizepix = micron2pix(probesizemicron) l = max(probesizepix) k = np.zeros((l, l)) k[l / 2] = 1 # horizontal probe damage2d = np.zeros( (len(theta), ((subzstack.shape[1] - l) / downsample + 1), ((subzstack.shape[2] - l) / downsample + 1))) lineprofiles = np.zeros((subzstack.shape[0], len(theta), ((subzstack.shape[1] - l) / downsample + 1), ((subzstack.shape[1] - l) / downsample + 1)), dtype=object) print damage2d.shape for lnum, layer in enumerate(subzstack): print 'layer ' + str(lnum + 1) + ' of ' + str(subzstack.shape[0]) layer = dsp.normalize(layer) for i, t in enumerate(theta): print('%s degrees' ', all translations...' % t) rotated = misc.imrotate(k, t, interp='nearest') # get rid of rotation artifacts rotated[rotated < rotated.max()] = 0 rotated[rotated == rotated.max()] = 1 # for y in xrange(layer.shape[0]+l): # add step here... ys = 0 for y in xrange(0, layer.shape[0] - l, downsample): xs = 0 # for x in xrange(layer.shape[1]-l): # add step here... for x in xrange(0, layer.shape[1] - l, downsample): a = rotated * layer[y:y + l, x:x + l] b = a.T[a.T.nonzero()] # luminance est of collision # profl = b profl = dsp.smoothg( b, 20) # smoothed profile for this location # if b.mean() > .5: c = profl > 1.5 damage2d[i, ys, xs] += np.diff(c).nonzero()[0][::2].size profl[profl > 1.5] = 1.5 profl[profl < thresh] = thresh # discard small peaks lineprofiles[lnum, i, ys, xs] = profl # count peaks --> vessels # damage2d[i,y,x] += sum(dsp.islocmax(profl)) damage2d[i, ys, xs] += argrelmax(profl, order=5)[0].size # damage2d[i, ys, xs] += len(find_events(profl, thresh)) # damage2d[i, ys, xs] += len(find_peaks_cwt(b, np.arange(5, 20))) xs += 1 ys += 1 return damage2d, lineprofiles, subzstack
def count_vessels(probesizemicron, theta = [0]): # algorithm pseudocode: # normalize image slice # rotate probe # slice rotated image to generate line profiles # low pass filter line profiles to remove noise # find peaks of line profile (local maxima) # discard peaks below empirical threshold # count the number of peaks --> number of crossed vessels at location # no need to adjust discard theshold with depth # repeat above for all substacks in the whole imaging volume # p.s. tested on 50um substacks thresh = -0.6 # create sub-z tiff stack subzstack = subz_from_3dtiff(tif3darray, 50) print tif3darray.shape print subzstack.shape # make mask of probe cross-section probesizepix = micron2pix(probesizemicron) l = max(probesizepix) k = np.zeros((l,l)) k[l/2] = 1 # horizontal probe damage2d = np.zeros((len(theta), ((subzstack.shape[1] - l) / downsample + 1), ((subzstack.shape[2] - l) / downsample + 1))) lineprofiles = np.zeros((subzstack.shape[0], len(theta), ((subzstack.shape[1] - l) / downsample + 1), ((subzstack.shape[1] - l) / downsample + 1)), dtype=object) print damage2d.shape for lnum,layer in enumerate(subzstack): print 'layer '+str(lnum+1)+' of '+str(subzstack.shape[0]) layer = dsp.normalize(layer) for i, t in enumerate(theta): print('%s degrees'', all translations...'%t) rotated = misc.imrotate(k, t, interp='nearest') # get rid of rotation artifacts rotated[rotated < rotated.max()] = 0 rotated[rotated == rotated.max()] = 1 # for y in xrange(layer.shape[0]+l): # add step here... ys = 0 for y in xrange(0, layer.shape[0]-l, downsample): xs = 0 # for x in xrange(layer.shape[1]-l): # add step here... for x in xrange(0, layer.shape[1]-l, downsample): a=rotated*layer[y:y+l,x:x+l] b=a.T[a.T.nonzero()] # luminance est of collision # profl = b profl = dsp.smoothg(b,20) # smoothed profile for this location # if b.mean() > .5: c = profl > 1.5 damage2d[i,ys,xs] += np.diff(c).nonzero()[0][::2].size profl[profl > 1.5] = 1.5 profl[profl < thresh] = thresh # discard small peaks lineprofiles[lnum, i, ys, xs] = profl # count peaks --> vessels # damage2d[i,y,x] += sum(dsp.islocmax(profl)) damage2d[i,ys,xs] += argrelmax(profl, order=5)[0].size # damage2d[i, ys, xs] += len(find_events(profl, thresh)) # damage2d[i, ys, xs] += len(find_peaks_cwt(b, np.arange(5, 20))) xs += 1 ys += 1 return damage2d, lineprofiles, subzstack