def plotWx(self, fileList, inter=False): """ Given a fileList of one or multiple files, will generate 1 plot. """ if inter: ion() else: ioff() timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S') nfiles = size(fileList) print "Loading %d Wx files" % nfiles utwx, wx = self.wvrR.readWxFile(fileList) if utwx == None: return fields = wx.dtype.fields fname = fileList[0].split('_') if nfiles > 1: figsize = (36, 12) leg_loc = (1.03, 1.03) fileslow = '%s_2400.txt' % (fname[0]) trange = [ utwx[1].replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0), utwx[-1].replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ] else: figsize = (12, 10) leg_loc = (1.13, 1.03) fileslow = '%s_%s.txt' % (fname[0], fname[1][0:4]) trange = [utwx[1].replace(minute=0), utwx[-1].replace(minute=59)] # plot wx variables. figure(1, figsize=figsize) clf() sp = subplot(4, 1, 1) plot_date(utwx, wx['tempC'], fmt='.-') if 'dewC' in fields: plot_date(utwx, wx['dewC'], fmt='g.-') legend(['temp', 'dewpoint'], bbox_to_anchor=leg_loc, prop={'size': 10}) sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) m = nanmean(wx['tempC']) s = nanstd(wx['tempC']) grid(color='gray') ylabel('Wx Temp [C]') yl = ylim([-80, 0]) xl = xlim() cap = 'Temp: %2.1f +- %2.1fC' % (m, s) text(0.05, 0.9, cap, transform=sp.transAxes, fontsize=14) sp = subplot(4, 1, 2) plot_date(utwx, wx['rh'], fmt='.-') sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) q = find((wx['rh'] < 100.0) & (wx['rh'] > 0.0)) m = nanmean(wx['rh'][q]) s = nanstd(wx['rh'][q]) grid(color='gray') ylabel('Wx Rh [%]') yl = ylim([0, 105]) cap = 'Rh: %2.1f +- %2.1f %%' % (m, s) text(0.05, 0.9, cap, transform=sp.transAxes, fontsize=14) sp = subplot(4, 1, 3) plot_date(utwx, wx['wsms'], fmt='.-') if 'wsmsGust' in fields: plot_date(utwx, wx['wsmsGust'], fmt='g.-') legend(['Mean', 'Gusts'], bbox_to_anchor=leg_loc, prop={'size': 10}) m = nanmean(wx['wsms']) mm = nanmax(wx['wsms']) s = nanstd(wx['wsms']) ylabel('Wx Wind Speed [m/s]') cap = 'Wind Speed: %2.1f +- %2.1f m/s' % (m, s) sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) grid(color='gray') yl = ylim([0, max(15, mm)]) text(0.05, 0.9, cap, transform=sp.transAxes, fontsize=14) sp = subplot(4, 1, 4) plot_date(utwx, wx['wddeg'], fmt='.-') sp.set_xlim(trange) m = mod( math.asin(nanmean(sin(wx['wddeg'] * pi / 180))) * 180 / pi, 360) s = math.asin(nanstd(sin(wx['wddeg'] * pi / 180))) * 180 / pi grid(color='gray') ylabel('Wx Wind Dir [Deg]') yl = ylim([-10, 370]) cap = 'Dir: %3.1f +- %3.1fdeg' % (m, s) text(0.05, 0.9, cap, transform=sp.transAxes, fontsize=14) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) xlabel('UT time') title = fileslow.replace('.txt', '_Wx') suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=20) print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') au.movePlotsToReducDir(self.reducDir) return (utwx, wx)
def plotTilt(self, fileList, inter=False, verb=True): if inter: ion() else: ioff() timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S') nfiles = size(fileList) print "Loading %d Tilt files" % nfiles uttime, d = self.wvrR.readTiltFile(fileList) fname = fileList[0].split('_') figsize = (36, 12) leg_loc = (1.03, 1.03) filetilt = '%s_2400.txt' % (fname[0]) trange = [ uttime[1].replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0), uttime[-1].replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ] fignum = 1 figure(fignum, figsize=figsize) clf() sp = subplot(2, 1, 1) plot_date(uttime, d[:, 0], fmt='g.-') legstr1 = 'Pitch Mean' plot_date(uttime, d[:, 2], fmt='r.-') legstr2 = 'Roll Mean' sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) m0 = nanmean(d[:, 0]) m2 = nanmean(d[:, 2]) grid(color='gray') ylabel('Tilt [Deg.]') yl = ylim([-.5, .5]) xl = xlim() cap = 'Pitch Day Avg.: %0.3f Deg. \n Roll Day Avg.: %0.3f Deg.' % (m0, m2) text(0.05, 0.9, cap, transform=sp.transAxes, fontsize=14) legend([legstr1, legstr2]) sp = subplot(2, 1, 2) plot_date(uttime, d[:, 1], fmt='g.-') legstr3 = 'Pitch Std. Dev.' plot_date(uttime, d[:, 3], fmt='r.-') legstr4 = 'Roll Std. Dev.' sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) m1 = nanmean(d[:, 1]) m3 = nanmean(d[:, 3]) grid(color='gray') ylabel('Deg.') xlabel('Time') yl = ylim([0, .1]) xl = xlim() cap = 'Day Avg. Pitch Std. Dev.: %0.3f Deg. \n Day Avg. Roll Std. Dev.: %0.3f Deg.' % ( m1, m3) text(0.05, 0.9, cap, transform=sp.transAxes, fontsize=14) legend([legstr3, legstr4]) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) xlabel('UT time') title = filetilt.replace('.txt', '_Tilt') suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=20) print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') au.movePlotsToReducDir(self.reducDir) return (uttime, d)
def plotStat(self, fileList, fignum=1, inter=False, verb=True): """ Takes a filelist of of *.tar.gz files generates plots to show the status of each alarm in the stat file Will generate a 24hour plot only (per hour plot does not make sense), with the following subplots - State Alarms - 12VOLT, 6VOLT, M6VOLT, 12CURR, 6CURR, M6CURR values. Created by NL 20160916 Last updated NL 20161019 Updated by dB 20161103 with major modifications/simplifications """ if inter: ion() else: ioff() nfiles = size(fileList) if verb: print "Loading %d stat files" % nfiles (utTime, d) = self.wvrR.readStatFile(fileList) if size(utTime) == 1: return fname = fileList[0].split('_') filestat = '%s_2400.txt' % fname[0] figsize = (36, 12) trange = [ utTime[0].replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0), utTime[-1].replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ] fig = figure(fignum, figsize=figsize) clf() ############################################################################# listofalarms = [ 'STATE_MODE', 'STATE_OP', 'STATE_ALARM', 'STATE_BOOT', 'STATE_CLK', 'STATE_TE', 'AL_BYTS', 'AL_CTRL', 'AL_V12', 'AL_CURR', 'AL_VOLT', 'AL_TEMP', 'AL_TEST' ] ''' Explanation of alarms, see section 5.2-5.3 of Alma WVR operations manual ACZMAN001 STATE_MODE: 0 = operational, 1 = idle, 2 = config mode, 3 = n/a STATE_OP: 1 = ready for operations ie hot/cold loads are appropriately set and stable, 0 else STATE_ALARM: 0 = all is well, 1 = at least one alarm is set STATE_BOOT: 0 = all is well, 1 = watchdog timer has expired and rebooted the CPU STATE_CLK: 1 = all is well and the 125 MHz external clock is present, 0 else STATE_TE: 1 = all is well and external timing event (TE) ticks present, 0 else AL_12V: 0 = all is well, 1 = +12V is switched off which can happen due to tripped temp protection AL_CTRL: 0 = all is well, 1 = a control point was requested while not in the proper mode AL_BYTES: 0 = all is well, 1 = a control point was requested with wrong number of bytes AL_CURR: 0 = all is well; bits 3210 where 0:+12V supply overcurrent, 1:+6V overcurrent, 2:-6V overcurrent, 3:chopper overcurrent AL_VOLT: 0 = all is well; bits 210 where 0:+12V supply overvoltage, 1:+6V overvoltage, 2:-6V overvoltage AL_TEMP: 0 = all is well, bits 43210 where 0:Hot load over temp, 1: cold load over temp, 2:ctrl over temp, 3:BE over temp, 4:CS over temp tripped AL_TEST: 0 = all is well, bits 210 where 0:chopper wheel error during last self test, 1:calibration file error during last self-test, 2:LO error ''' sp1 = subplot2grid((11, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=5) dd = asarray([ d['STATE_MODE'], d['STATE_OP'], d['STATE_ALARM'], d['STATE_BOOT'], d['STATE_CLK'], d['STATE_TE'], d['AL_BYTS'], d['AL_CTRL'], d['AL_V12'], d['AL_CURR'], d['AL_VOLT'], d['AL_TEMP'], d['AL_TEST'] ]) s = shape(dd) cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet', 16) im1 = imshow(dd, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', extent=(0, s[1], 0, s[0]), vmin=0, vmax=16) sp1.set_yticks(arange(13)) grid(color='w', which='both') sp1.set_xlim([0, s[1]]) sp1.set_xticks([5.125, 10.25, 15.375, 20.6, 25.625, 30.75, 35.875]) sp1.set_xlabel('') sp1.set_ylim([-.2, 13.2]) listofalarms.reverse() sp1.set_yticklabels(listofalarms) sp1.set_yticklabels(listofalarms, verticalalignment='baseline') cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.55, 0.02, .35]) cbar = colorbar(im1, cax=cbaxes) = 12 cbar.set_label(' State/Alarm values', rotation=270) #Now for other subplots self.plot_stat_subplot(11, 5, utTime, d, '12VOLT', trange, [11.4, 12.4], 0.2) self.plot_stat_subplot(11, 6, utTime, d, '6VOLT', trange, [5.4, 6.4], 0.2) self.plot_stat_subplot(11, 7, utTime, d, 'M6VOLT', trange, [-6.4, -5.4], 0.2) self.plot_stat_subplot(11, 8, utTime, d, '12CURR', trange, [3.0, 4.0], 0.2) self.plot_stat_subplot(11, 9, utTime, d, '6CURR', trange, [2.4, 3.0], 0.2) self.plot_stat_subplot(11, 10, utTime, d, 'M6CURR', trange, [.09, .12], 0.01) subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) title = filestat.replace('.txt', '_STAT') suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=24) print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') if not inter: close('all') au.movePlotsToReducDir(self.reducDir)
def plotHk(self, fileList, inter=False, verb=True): """ takes a fileList of *.tar.gz files generate housekeeping plots for a single filebase.tar.gz Will generate 4 plots: - LOAD_TEMPS - WVR_TEMPS - WVR_Calibrated_Tsrc - AZ_EL """ if inter: ion() else: ioff() timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S') utTime, tslow, d, az, el, tsrc = self.wvrR.readSlowFile(fileList) if size(tslow) == 1: return fields = d.dtype.fields nfiles = size(fileList) fname = fileList[0].split('_') obsTyp = fname[2].split('.')[0] if nfiles > 1: fileslow = '%s_2400.txt' % fname[0] figsize = (36, 12) #leg_loc = trange = [ utTime[0].replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0), utTime[-1].replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ] else: fileslow = '%s_%s.txt' % (fname[0], fname[1][0:4]) figsize = (12, 10) #leg_loc= if obsTyp == 'skyDip': trange = [ utTime[0].replace(minute=0, second=0), utTime[-1].replace(second=59) ] else: trange = [ utTime[0].replace(minute=0), utTime[-1].replace(minute=59) ] #plot hot and cold load Temps figure(1, figsize=figsize) clf() sp = subplot(4, 1, 1) plot_date(utTime, d['HOT_TEMP'], fmt='-') plot_date(utTime, d['HOT_SETP'], fmt='r-') m = mean(d['HOT_TEMP']) st = std(d['HOT_TEMP']) print "hot mean/std:", m, st grid(color='gray') ylabel('HOT LOAD [K]') yl = ylim([m - .04, m + .04]) xl = xlim() cap = 'Setp=%3.3f K, Mean=%3.3f K, std= %3.3f mK' \ %(d['HOT_SETP'][0],m,st*1e3) text(xl[0], yl[1] - .01, cap) sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(4, 1, 2) plot_date(utTime, d['HOT_PWM'], fmt='.') ylabel('HOT PWM [%]') m = mean(d['HOT_PWM']) st = std(d['HOT_PWM']) print "hot mean/std: %3.3f %3.3f" % (m, st) ylim([10, 50]) grid() sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(4, 1, 3) plot_date(utTime, d['COLD_TEMP'], fmt='-') plot_date(utTime, d['COLD_SETP'], fmt='r-') m = mean(d['COLD_TEMP']) st = std(d['COLD_TEMP']) print "cold mean/std: %3.3f %3.3f" % (m, st) grid() yl = ylim([m - .04, m + .04]) cap = 'Setp=%3.3f K, Mean=%3.3f K, std= %3.3f mK' \ %(d['COLD_SETP'][0],m,st*1e3) text(xl[0], yl[1] - .01, cap) ylabel('COLD LOAD [K]') sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(4, 1, 4) plot_date(utTime, d['COLD_PWM'], fmt='.') ylabel('COLD PWM [%]') xlabel('ut Time') subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) sp.set_xlim(trange) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) m = mean(d['COLD_PWM']) st = std(d['COLD_PWM']) print "cold pwm mean/std:", m, st ylim([10, 50]) grid() title = fileslow.replace('.txt', '_LOAD_TEMPS') suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=24) print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') ### plot TP, LNA, NE, CS temps and setp inside WVR figure(2, figsize=figsize) clf() sp = subplot(4, 1, 1) plot_date(utTime, d['TP_TEMP'], fmt='b-') plot_date(utTime, d['CS_TEMP'], fmt='r-') plot_date(utTime, d['LNA_TEMP'], fmt='g-') plot_date(utTime, d['BE_TEMP'], fmt='c-') plot_date(utTime, d['TP_SETP'], fmt='b--') plot_date(utTime, d['CS_SETP'], fmt='r--') plot_date(utTime, d['BE_SETP'], fmt='c--') legend(['TP', 'CS', 'LNA', 'BE'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.02)) ylabel('WVR TEMPS [K]') grid() sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(4, 1, 2) plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['TP_TEMP'] - mean(d['TP_TEMP']), 20), fmt='b-') plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['CS_TEMP'] - mean(d['CS_TEMP']), 20), fmt='r-') plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['LNA_TEMP'] - mean(d['LNA_TEMP']), 20), fmt='g-') plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['BE_TEMP'] - mean(d['BE_TEMP']), 20), fmt='c-') ylabel('WVR TEMPS - p0 [K]') xlabel('ut Time') grid() sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(4, 1, 3) plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['TP_TEMP'] - mean(d['TP_TEMP']), 20), fmt='b-') plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['CS_TEMP'] - mean(d['CS_TEMP']), 20), fmt='r-') plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['LNA_TEMP'] - mean(d['LNA_TEMP']), 20), fmt='g-') plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['BE_TEMP'] - mean(d['BE_TEMP']), 20), fmt='c-') ylabel('WVR TEMPS - p0 Zoom [K]') xlabel('UT Time') ylim([-.05, .05]) grid() sp.set_xlim(trange) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) if 'CS_PWM' in fields: sp = subplot(4, 1, 4) plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['CS_PWM'], 20), fmt='r.') m1 = mean(d['CS_PWM']) plot_date(utTime, au.smooth(d['BE_PWM'], 20), fmt='c.') m2 = mean(d['BE_PWM']) ylabel('PWM [%]') xlabel('UT Time') yl = sp.set_ylim([0, 100]) xl = sp.set_xlim(trange) grid() print "CS PWM mean: %2.2f%%" % m1 print "BE PWM mean:%2.2f%%" % m2 cap1 = 'CS PWM: %2.1f' % m1 cap2 = 'BE PWM: %2.1f' % m2 text(xl[0], yl[1] - 10, cap1) text(xl[0], yl[1] - 20, cap2) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) title = fileslow.replace('.txt', '_WVR_TEMPS') suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=24) print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') # plot TSRC for all 4 channels figure(3, figsize=figsize) clf() m = [] sd = [] sp = subplot(2, 1, 1) plot_date(utTime, d['TSRC0'], fmt='b-') plot_date(utTime, d['TSRC1'], fmt='r-') plot_date(utTime, d['TSRC2'], fmt='g-') plot_date(utTime, d['TSRC3'], fmt='m-') xl = xlim() yl = ylim() for i in range(4): m.append(mean(d['TSRC%d' % i])) ylabel('WVR TSRC [K]') legend([ 'TSRC0, m=%3.3f' % m[0], 'TSRC1, m=%3.3f' % m[1], 'TSRC2, m=%3.3f' % m[2], 'TSRC3, m=%3.3f' % m[3] ], bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.02)) grid() sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(2, 1, 2) plot_date(utTime, d['TSRC0'] - mean(d['TSRC0']), fmt='b-') plot_date(utTime, d['TSRC1'] - mean(d['TSRC1']), fmt='r-') plot_date(utTime, d['TSRC2'] - mean(d['TSRC2']), fmt='g-') plot_date(utTime, d['TSRC3'] - mean(d['TSRC3']), fmt='m-') ylabel('WVR TSRC -p0 [K]') for i in range(4): sd.append(std(d['TSRC%d' % i])) legend([ 'TSRC0, std=%1.3f' % sd[0], 'TSRC1, std=%1.3f' % sd[1], 'TSRC2, std=%1.3f' % sd[2], 'TSRC3, std=%1.3f' % sd[3] ], bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.02)) grid() subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) sp.set_xlim(trange) xlabel('UT time') title = fileslow.replace('.txt', '_WVR_Calibrated_TSRC') suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=24) print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') ## plot az/el figure(4, figsize=figsize) clf() sp = subplot(3, 1, 1) plot_date(utTime, el, '.-') ylim([-10, 100]) ylabel('raw elevation [deg]') grid() sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(3, 1, 2) waz = mod(az, 360) plot_date(utTime, waz, '.-') grid() ylabel('raw az [deg]') ylim([-10, 370]) sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(3, 1, 3) plot_date(utTime[1:], diff(az) / .96) grid() ylabel('diff az [deg/s]') subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) ylim([0, 20]) sp.set_xlim(trange) xlabel('ut time') title = fileslow.replace('.txt', '_AZ_EL') suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=24) print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') #plot chopper current and pwm figure(5, figsize=figsize) clf() sp = subplot(2, 1, 1) plot_date(utTime, d['CHOP_CURR'], fmt='-') sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_ylim([-.02, .2]) grid() ylabel('Current [A]') sp = subplot(2, 1, 2) plot_date(utTime, d['CHOP_PWM'], fmt='-.') subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) sp.set_xlim(trange) sp.set_ylim([0, 100]) grid() ylabel('PWM [%]') xlabel('ut time') title = fileslow.replace('.txt', '_CHOPPER') suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=24) print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') if not inter: close('all') au.movePlotsToReducDir(self.reducDir)
def plotFastData(self, fileList, inter=False, verb=True): if inter: ion() else: ioff() timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S') nfiles = size(fileList) if verb: print "Loading %d fast files" % nfiles utfast, tfast, azfast, elfast, d = self.wvrR.readFastFile(fileList) if size(tfast) == 1: return chans, q = self.getIndex(d) fname = fileList[0].split('_') if size(fname) < 3: obsTyp = None else: obsTyp = fname[2].split('.')[0] timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S') if nfiles > 1: filefast = '%s_2400.txt' % fname[0] figsize = (36, 12) trange = [ utfast[0].replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0), utfast[-1].replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ] else: filefast = '%s_%s.txt' % (fname[0], fname[1][0:4]) figsize = (12, 10) #figsize=(8,6) if obsTyp == 'skyDip': trange = [ utfast[0].replace(minute=0, second=0), utfast[-1].replace(second=59) ] else: trange = [ utfast[0].replace(minute=0, second=0), utfast[-1].replace(minute=59, second=59) ] #plot CH0, CH1, CH2, CH3 for i, fr in enumerate(['CH0', 'CH1', 'CH2', 'CH3']): figure(10 + i, figsize=figsize) clf() sp = subplot(2, 1, 1) chc = '%sC' % fr chh = '%sH' % fr cha = '%sA' % fr chb = '%sB' % fr qc = q[chc] qh = q[chh] qa = q[cha] qb = q[chb] plot_date(utfast[qc], d[chc][qc], fmt='b.') plot_date(utfast[qh], d[chh][qh], fmt='r.') plot_date(utfast[qa], d[cha][qa], fmt='g.') plot_date(utfast[qb], d[chb][qb], fmt='c.') grid(color='gray') ylabel('%s [counts]' % fr) xl = xlim() legend([chc, chh, cha, chb]) sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(2, 1, 2) plot_date(utfast[qc], d[chc][qc] - median(d[chc][qc]), fmt='b.') plot_date(utfast[qh], d[chh][qh] - median(d[chh][qh]), fmt='r.') plot_date(utfast[qa], d[cha][qa] - median(d[cha][qa]), fmt='g.') plot_date(utfast[qb], d[chb][qb] - median(d[chb][qb]), fmt='c.') grid(color='gray') ylim([-100, 100]) ylabel('%s -p0 [counts]' % fr) xl = xlim() sp.set_xlim(trange) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) title = filefast.replace('.txt', '_%s_FAST' % fr) suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=20) print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') #plot C, A, H, B for i, fr in enumerate(['A', 'B', 'C', 'H']): figure(14 + i, figsize=figsize) clf() sp = subplot(2, 1, 1) ch0 = 'CH0%s' % fr ch1 = 'CH1%s' % fr ch2 = 'CH2%s' % fr ch3 = 'CH3%s' % fr q0 = q[ch0] q1 = q[ch1] q2 = q[ch2] q3 = q[ch3] plot_date(utfast[q3], d[ch3][q3], fmt='c.') plot_date(utfast[q0], d[ch0][q0], fmt='b.') plot_date(utfast[q1], d[ch1][q1], fmt='r.') plot_date(utfast[q2], d[ch2][q2], fmt='g.') grid(color='gray') ylabel('Phase %s [counts]' % fr) xl = xlim() legend([ch3, ch0, ch1, ch2]) sp.set_xticklabels('') sp.set_xlim(trange) sp = subplot(2, 1, 2) plot_date(utfast[q3], d[ch3][q3] - median(d[ch3][q3]), fmt='c.') plot_date(utfast[q0], d[ch0][q0] - median(d[ch0][q0]), fmt='b.') plot_date(utfast[q1], d[ch1][q1] - median(d[ch1][q1]), fmt='r.') plot_date(utfast[q2], d[ch2][q2] - median(d[ch2][q2]), fmt='g.') grid(color='gray') ylim([-100, 100]) ylabel('Phase %s -p0 [counts]' % fr) xl = xlim() sp.set_xlim(trange) sp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) title = filefast.replace('.txt', '_CH%s_FAST' % fr) suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=20) if verb: print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') if not inter: close('all') au.movePlotsToReducDir(self.reducDir)
def plotPIDTemps(self, fileList, fignum=1, inter=False, autoXrange=False, verb=True): timefmt = DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S') nfiles = size(fileList) if verb: print "Loading %d PIDTemps files" % nfiles ut, sample, wx, temps, input, output = self.wvrR.readPIDTempsFile( fileList) if size(sample) <= 30: return legend_pole16 = [ 'Inside Air', 'PID Input', 'Op-amp', 'Gnd plate', 'heat exh', '24V PS', 'E pink foam', 'Arduino', 'El mtr', '48V PS', 'Az stage', 'Outside 1', 'Outside 2' ] legend_pole17 = [ 'Inside Air', 'PID Input', 'Op-amp', 'El lim sw', 'heat exh', '24V PS', 'Up bspl1', 'Arduino', 'El mtr', '48V PS', 'Az stage', 'Outside 1', 'N/A' ] legend_summit = [ 'Inside Air', 'PID Input', 'Op-amp', 'El lim sw', 'heat exh', '24V PS', 'E foam', 'Arduino', 'El mtr', '48V PS', 'Az stage', 'Up bspl', 'Outside 1' ] if self.unit == 'wvr1': if ut[0].year <= 2016: leg = legend_pole16 else: leg = legend_pole17 elif self.unit == 'wvr2': leg = legend_summit if verb: print "Making plots for location: %s" % self.unit if inter: ion() else: ioff() fname = fileList[0].split('_') if size(fname) < 3: obsTyp = None else: obsTyp = fname[2].split('.')[0] if nfiles > 1: figsize = (36, 12) leg_loc = (1.08, 1.03) savefilename = '%s_2400.txt' % fname[0] trange = [ ut[0].replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0), ut[-1].replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ] else: figsize = (12, 8) leg_loc = (1.08, 1.03) savefilename = '%s_%s.txt' % (fname[0], fname[1][0:4]) if obsTyp == 'skyDip': trange = [ ut[0].replace(minute=0, second=0), ut[-1].replace(second=59) ] else: trange = [ ut[0].replace(minute=0, second=0), ut[-1].replace(minute=59, second=59) ] if (autoXrange): trange = [ut[0], ut[-1].replace(second=59)] figure(fignum, figsize=figsize) clf() subpl = subplot(7, 1, 1) plot_date(ut, au.smooth(input, 20), fmt='g.-') m = mean(temps[:, 0]) s = std(temps[:, 0]) axhline(19, color='r') grid(color='gray') ylabel("PID Temp [C]") ylim([10, 25]) subpl.set_xlim(trange) subpl.set_xticklabels('') legend([leg[1], 'setpoint'], bbox_to_anchor=leg_loc, prop={'size': 10}) subpl = subplot(7, 1, 2) plot_date(ut, au.smooth(output[:, 0], 20), fmt='b-') ylabel('PID output [bits]') ylim([-10, 4300]) grid(color='b') twinx() heaterPower = (43. * array(output[:, 0]) / 4096)**2 / 8.0 #P through 8 ohms maxHeaterPower = 43**2 / 8 fracHeaterPower = 100 * heaterPower / maxHeaterPower plot_date(ut, au.smooth(fracHeaterPower, 20), fmt='g-') ylim([0, 105]) ylabel('fracPower (g) [%]\n max = 231W') grid(color='green') subpl.set_xlim(trange) subpl.set_xticklabels('') subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) subpl = subplot(7, 1, 3) if shape(output)[1] > 1: plot_date(ut, output[:, 1] * 1, fmt='r.') plot_date(ut, output[:, 2] * 2, fmt='m.') plot_date(ut, output[:, 3] * 3, fmt='c.') ylabel('Relays state') grid(color='gray') ylim([-.1, 3.3]) subpl.set_xticklabels('') subpl.set_xlim(trange) legend(['RelayIn*1', 'RelayOut*2', 'RelayAz*3'], bbox_to_anchor=leg_loc, prop={'size': 10}) subpl = subplot(7, 1, 4) if shape(output)[1] > 1: plot_date(ut, au.smooth(output[:, 4], 20), fmt='b-') ylim([-10, 5300]) grid(color='b') twinx() heaterPower = (array(output[:, 4]) / 5000)**2 maxHeaterPower = 1 fracHeaterPower = 100 * heaterPower / maxHeaterPower plot_date(ut, au.smooth(fracHeaterPower, 20), fmt='g-') ylim([0, 106]) ylabel('fracPower(g) [%]\n max = 20W') grid(color='green') subpl.set_xlim(trange) subpl.set_xticklabels('') subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) subpl = subplot(7, 1, 5) for i in range(1, 10): plot_date(ut, au.smooth(temps[:, i], 20), fmt='-') ylabel('Box Temps [C]') grid(color='gray') ylim([0, 35]) subpl.set_xticklabels('') subpl.set_xlim(trange) legend(leg[2:11], bbox_to_anchor=leg_loc, prop={'size': 10}) subpl = subplot(7, 1, 6) legw = [] if self.unit == 'wvr1': if ut[0].year <= 2016: outtemp = [10, 11] else: outtemp = [10] elif self.unit == 'wvr2': outtemp = [11] if wx is not None: plot_date(ut, wx['tempC'], 'r-') legw.append('NOAA') for i in outtemp: plot_date(ut, temps[:, i], fmt='-') legw.append(leg[i + 1]) ylabel('Outside Temp Zoom [C]') xlabel('UT time [s]') subpl.set_xlim(trange) subpl.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) grid(color='gray') #legend(legw,bbox_to_anchor=(leg_loc[0],leg_loc[1]-.7), prop={'size':10}) subpl = subplot(7, 1, 7) legw = [] if self.unit == 'wvr1': outtemp = [10, 11] yl = [-80, -15] elif self.unit == 'wvr2': outtemp = [11] yl = [-65, 0] if wx is not None: plot_date(ut, wx['tempC'], 'r-') legw.append('NOAA') for i in outtemp: plot_date(ut, temps[:, i], fmt='-') legw.append(leg[i + 1]) ylim(yl) ylabel('Outside Temp [C]') xlabel('UT time [s]') subpl.set_xlim(trange) subpl.xaxis.set_major_formatter(timefmt) grid(color='gray') legend(legw, bbox_to_anchor=(leg_loc[0], leg_loc[1] - .7), prop={'size': 10}) title = savefilename.replace('.txt', '_PIDTemps') suptitle(title, y=0.95, fontsize=24) if verb: print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') if not inter: close('all') au.movePlotsToReducDir(self.reducDir)
def plotAtmogram(self, fileList, inter=False, verb=True, fitphase=True): ''' Created by NL 20161010 Re-written by dB 20161110 TODO: Store data in pickle as intermediate product ''' if inter: ion() else: ioff() nfiles = size(fileList) # nfiles to analyze pcoef = { 0: None, 1: None, 2: None, 3: None } # init fit coef for 4 chans D = {0: None, 1: None, 2: None, 3: None} # init maps for 4 chans Dres = { 0: None, 1: None, 2: None, 3: None } # init map residuals for 4 chans Dbl = { 0: None, 1: None, 2: None, 3: None } # init maps baseline for 4 chans c = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm'] if verb: print "Loading %d slow files:" % nfiles utslow, tslow, d, azslow, elslow, tsrc = self.wvrR.readSlowFile( fileList) nchan = shape(tsrc)[1] dres = zeros(shape(tsrc)) # init residuals on the 4 tsrc if size(tslow) == 1: return waz, fs = self.findScans(azslow) fname = fileList[0].split('_') if nfiles > 1: fileslow = '%s_2400.txt' % fname[0] figsize = (36, 12) trange = [ utslow[0].replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0), utslow[-1].replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ] else: fileslow = '%s_%s.txt' % (fname[0], fname[1][0:4]) figsize = (12, 10) trange = [ utslow[0].replace(minute=0, second=0), utslow[-1].replace(minute=59, second=59) ] # majorloc = AutoDateLocator(minticks=5, maxticks=12, interval_multiples=True) # df = DateFormatter('%H:%M') figure(10, figsize=figsize) clf() #Loop through channels for i in range(nchan): res, pcoef0, baseline = self.filterScans(waz, tsrc[:, i], fs, 'sin', fitphase) dres[:, i] = res pcoef[i] = pcoef0 D[i] = self.interpToImage(waz, tsrc[:, i], fs) Dres[i] = self.interpToImage(waz, res, fs) Dbl[i] = self.interpToImage(waz, baseline, fs) sd = shape(D[0]) #Now do the atmogram plots sp1 = subplot2grid((7, 2), (4 * (i / 2) + 0, mod(i, 2)), colspan=1) imshow(D[i], aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') sp1.set_xticks(range(0, sd[1], 10)) sp1.set_xticklabels('') sp1.set_yticks(range(0, sd[0], 60)) sp1.set_title('TSRC%s' % i) sp2 = subplot2grid((7, 2), (4 * (i / 2) + 1, mod(i, 2)), colspan=1) imshow(Dres[i], aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') sp2.set_xticks(range(0, sd[1], 10)) sp2.set_xticklabels('') sp2.set_yticks(range(0, sd[0], 60)) sp3 = subplot2grid((7, 2), (4 * (i / 2) + 2, mod(i, 2)), colspan=1) imshow(Dbl[i], aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') sp3.set_xticks(range(0, sd[1], 10)) sp3.set_yticks(range(0, sd[0], 60)) sp3.set_ylabel('Az( [deg]') sp3.set_xlabel('scan number') subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) title = fileslow.replace('.txt', '_atmogram') suptitle(title, y=0.97, fontsize=20) if verb: print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') # plot fit params figure(12, figsize=figsize) clf() for i in range(nchan): sp1 = subplot(3, 2, 1) plot(pcoef[i][:, 0, 0], 'o-', color=c[i]) ylabel('Sin Amp [K]') sp1.set_xticklabels('') xl = sp1.set_xlim([-2, sd[1]]) if i == 0: sp1.grid(which='both') if i == 0: yl = sp1.set_ylim([0, 4]) text(xl[0], yl[1], 'Fit Coeffs') sp2 = subplot(3, 2, 3) plot(pcoef[i][:, 1, 0], 'o-', color=c[i]) ylabel('Sin Phase [deg]') sp2.set_xlim([-2, sd[1]]) sp2.set_xticklabels('') if i == 0: sp2.grid(which='both') sp3 = subplot(3, 2, 5) plot(pcoef[i][:, 2, 0], 'o-', color=c[i]) ylabel('Sin Offset [K]') yl = sp3.set_ylim([0, 300]) sp3.set_xlim([-2, sd[1]]) sp3.set_xlabel('scan number') if i == 0: sp3.grid(which='both') sp4 = subplot(3, 2, 2) plot(pcoef[i][:, 0, 1], 'o', color=c[i]) ylabel('Sin Amplitude err [K]') sp4.set_xticklabels('') xl = sp4.set_xlim([-2, sd[1]]) if i == 0: sp4.grid(which='both') if i == 0: yl = sp4.set_ylim([0, .4]) text(xl[0], yl[1], 'Fit Coeffs Errors') sp5 = subplot(3, 2, 4) plot(pcoef[i][:, 1, 1], 'o', color=c[i]) ylabel('Sin Phase err [deg]') sp5.set_xticklabels('') sp5.set_xlim([-2, sd[1]]) if i == 0: sp5.grid(which='both') sp6 = subplot(3, 2, 6) plot(pcoef[i][:, 2, 1], 'o', color=c[i]) if i == 0: sp6.grid(which='both') ylabel('Sin Offset err[K]') sp6.set_xlabel('scan number') sp6.set_xlim([-2, sd[1]]) sp1.legend(['Tsrc0', 'Tsrc1', 'Tsrc2', 'Tsrc3'], loc=1, prop={'size': 8}) subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) title = fileslow.replace('.txt', '_sinFits') suptitle(title, y=0.97, fontsize=20) if verb: print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') # plot residuals az_temp = {} figure(13, figsize=figsize) clf() for i in range(nchan): sp = subplot(5, 1, i + 1) for j in range(sd[1]): plot(Dres[i][:, j], '.', color=c[i]) az_temp[i] = nanmean(Dres[i], axis=1) plot(az_temp[i], 'k-') sp.grid(which='both') ylabel('Tsrc%s [K]' % i) sp.set_xticklabels('') ylim([-1, 1]) sp.set_xlim([-2, sd[0]]) sp2 = subplot(5, 1, 5) plot(az_temp[i], '-', color=c[i]) sp2.set_xlim([-2, sd[0]]) ylim([-1, 1]) xlabel('Az [deg]') ylabel('Tsrc [K]') sp2.grid() subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01) title = fileslow.replace('.txt', '_residuals') suptitle(title, y=0.97, fontsize=20) if verb: print "Saving %s.png" % title savefig(title + '.png') if not inter: close('all') au.movePlotsToReducDir(self.reducDir) return waz, D, Dres, Dbl, pcoef