class CourseView(LoginRequiredMixin, CourseValidMixin, CoursePermissionMixin, TemplateView):
    Base course view.

    Adds conveniences such as course_id attribute, and handles 404s when retrieving data from the API.
    client = None
    course = None
    course_id = None
    course_key = None
    user = None

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.user = request.user
        self.course_id = request.course_id
        self.course_key = request.course_key

        # some views will catch the NotFoundError to set data to a state that
        # the template can rendering a loading error message for the section
            return super(CourseView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
        except NotFoundError as e:
            logger.error('The requested data from the Analytics Data API was not found: %s', e)
            raise Http404
        except ClientError as e:
            logger.error('An error occurred while retrieving data from the Analytics Data API: %s', e)

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(CourseView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        self.client = Client(base_url=settings.DATA_API_URL,
                             auth_token=settings.DATA_API_AUTH_TOKEN, timeout=5)
        self.course = self.client.courses(self.course_id)
        return context
class BasePresenter(object):
    This is the base class for the pages and sets up the analytics client
    for the presenters to use to access the data API.

    def __init__(self, course_id, timeout=settings.ANALYTICS_API_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
        self.client = Client(base_url=settings.DATA_API_URL,
        self.course_id = course_id
        self.course = self.client.courses(self.course_id)

    def get_current_date(self):
        return datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(Client.DATE_FORMAT)

    def parse_api_date(s):
        """ Parse a string according to the API date format. """
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, Client.DATE_FORMAT).date()

    def parse_api_datetime(s):
        """ Parse a string according to the API datetime format. """
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, Client.DATETIME_FORMAT)

    def strip_time(s):
        return s[:-7]

    def sum_counts(data):
        return sum(datum['count'] for datum in data)
class CourseView(LoginRequiredMixin, CourseValidMixin, CoursePermissionMixin, TemplateView):
    Base course view.

    Adds conveniences such as course_id attribute, and handles 404s when retrieving data from the API.
    client = None
    course = None
    course_id = None
    course_key = None
    user = None

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.user = request.user
        self.course_id = request.course_id
        self.course_key = request.course_key

        # some views will catch the NotFoundError to set data to a state that
        # the template can rendering a loading error message for the section
            return super(CourseView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
        except NotFoundError as e:
            logger.error('The requested data from the Analytics Data API was not found: %s', e)
            raise Http404
        except ClientError as e:
            logger.error('An error occurred while retrieving data from the Analytics Data API: %s', e)

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(CourseView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        self.client = Client(base_url=settings.DATA_API_URL,
                             auth_token=settings.DATA_API_AUTH_TOKEN, timeout=5)
        self.course = self.client.courses(self.course_id)
        return context
class BasePresenter(object):
    This is the base class for the pages and sets up the analytics client
    for the presenters to use to access the data API.

    def __init__(self, course_id, timeout=settings.ANALYTICS_API_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
        self.client = Client(base_url=settings.DATA_API_URL,
        self.course_id = course_id
        self.course = self.client.courses(self.course_id)

    def get_current_date(self):
        return datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(Client.DATE_FORMAT)

    def parse_api_date(s):
        """ Parse a string according to the API date format. """
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, Client.DATE_FORMAT).date()

    def parse_api_datetime(s):
        """ Parse a string according to the API datetime format. """
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, Client.DATETIME_FORMAT)

    def strip_time(s):
        return s[:-7]

    def sum_counts(data):
        return sum(datum['count'] for datum in data)
class BasePresenter(object):
    This is the base class for the pages and sets up the analytics client
    for the presenters to use to access the data API.

    def __init__(self, course_id, timeout=5):
        self.client = Client(base_url=settings.DATA_API_URL,
        self.course_id = course_id
        self.course = self.client.courses(self.course_id)

    def parse_api_date(s):
        """ Parse a string according to the API date format. """
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, Client.DATE_FORMAT).date()

    def parse_api_datetime(s):
        """ Parse a string according to the API datetime format. """
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, Client.DATETIME_FORMAT)

    def strip_time(s):
        return s[:-7]
def _update_active_students(course_key, section_data):
    auth_token = settings.ANALYTICS_DATA_TOKEN
    base_url = settings.ANALYTICS_DATA_URL

    section_data['active_student_count'] = 'N/A'
    section_data['active_student_count_start'] = 'N/A'
    section_data['active_student_count_end'] = 'N/A'

        client = Client(base_url=base_url, auth_token=auth_token)
        course = client.courses(unicode(course_key))

        recent_activity = course.recent_activity()
        section_data['active_student_count'] = recent_activity['count']

        def format_date(value):
            return value.split('T')[0]

        start = recent_activity['interval_start']
        end = recent_activity['interval_end']

        section_data['active_student_count_start'] = format_date(start)
        section_data['active_student_count_end'] = format_date(end)

    except (ClientError, KeyError) as e:
class BasePresenter(object):
    This is the base class for the pages and sets up the analytics client
    for the presenters to use to access the data API.
    def __init__(self, course_id, timeout=5):
        self.client = Client(base_url=settings.DATA_API_URL,
        self.course_id = course_id
        self.course = self.client.courses(self.course_id)

    def parse_api_date(s):
        """ Parse a string according to the API date format. """
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, Client.DATE_FORMAT).date()

    def parse_api_datetime(s):
        """ Parse a string according to the API datetime format. """
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, Client.DATETIME_FORMAT)

    def strip_time(s):
        return s[:-7]
def _update_active_students(course_key, section_data):
    auth_token = settings.ANALYTICS_DATA_TOKEN
    base_url = settings.ANALYTICS_DATA_URL

    section_data['active_student_count'] = 'N/A'
    section_data['active_student_count_start'] = 'N/A'
    section_data['active_student_count_end'] = 'N/A'

        client = Client(base_url=base_url, auth_token=auth_token)
        course = client.courses(unicode(course_key))

        recent_activity = course.recent_activity()
        section_data['active_student_count'] = recent_activity['count']

        def format_date(value):
            return value.split('T')[0]

        start = recent_activity['interval_start']
        end = recent_activity['interval_end']

        section_data['active_student_count_start'] = format_date(start)
        section_data['active_student_count_end'] = format_date(end)

    except (ClientError, KeyError) as e:
class CourseView(LoginRequiredMixin, CoursePermissionMixin, TemplateView):
    Base course view.

    Adds conveniences such as course_id attribute, and handles 404s when retrieving data from the API.
    client = None
    course = None
    course_id = None
    user = None

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.user = request.user
        self.course_id = kwargs['course_id']

            return super(CourseView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
        except NotFoundError:
            raise Http404

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(CourseView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        self.client = Client(base_url=settings.DATA_API_URL,
                             auth_token=settings.DATA_API_AUTH_TOKEN, timeout=5)
        self.course = self.client.courses(self.course_id)
        return context
class LearnerAnalyticsView(View):
    Displays the Learner Analytics Dashboard.
    def __init__(self):
        self.analytics_client = Client(base_url=settings.ANALYTICS_API_URL,

        cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True))
    def get(self, request, course_id):
        Displays the user's Learner Analytics for the specified course.

            request: HTTP request
            course_id (unicode): course id
        course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
        if not ENABLE_DASHBOARD_TAB.is_enabled(course_key):
            raise Http404

        course = get_course_with_access(request.user,
        course_url_name = default_course_url_name(course.id)
        course_url = reverse(course_url_name,
                             kwargs={'course_id': unicode(course.id)})

        is_verified = CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled_as_verified(
            request.user, course_key)
        has_access = is_verified or request.user.is_staff

        enrollment = CourseEnrollment.get_enrollment(request.user, course_key)

        upgrade_price = None
        upgrade_url = None

        if enrollment and enrollment.upgrade_deadline:
            upgrade_url = EcommerceService().upgrade_url(
                request.user, course_key)
            upgrade_price = get_cosmetic_verified_display_price(course)

        context = {
            'upgrade_price': upgrade_price,
            'upgrade_link': upgrade_url,
            'course': course,
            'course_url': course_url,
            'disable_courseware_js': True,
            'uses_pattern_library': True,
            'is_self_paced': course.self_paced,
            'is_verified': is_verified,
            'has_access': has_access,

        if (has_access):
            grading_policy = course.grading_policy

            (raw_grade_data, answered_percent,
             percent_grade) = self.get_grade_data(
                 request.user, course_key, grading_policy['GRADE_CUTOFFS'])
            raw_schedule_data = self.get_assignments_with_due_date(
                request, course_key)

            grade_data, schedule_data = self.sort_grade_and_schedule_data(
                raw_grade_data, raw_schedule_data)

            # TODO: LEARNER-3854: Fix hacked defaults with real error handling if implementing Learner Analytics.
                weekly_active_users = self.get_weekly_course_activity_count(
                week_streak = self.consecutive_weeks_of_course_activity_for_user(
                    request.user.username, course_key)
            except Exception as e:
                weekly_active_users = 134
                week_streak = 1

                get_profile_image_urls_for_user(request.user, request),
                self.get_discussion_data(request, course_key),
                math.ceil(100 * course.lowest_passing_grade),
                math.ceil(100 * percent_grade),

        return render_to_response('learner_analytics/dashboard.html', context)

    def get_grade_data(self, user, course_key, grade_cutoffs):
        Collects and formats the grades data for a particular user and course.

            user (User)
            course_key (CourseKey)
            grade_cutoffs: # TODO: LEARNER-3854: Complete docstring if implementing Learner Analytics.
        course_grade = CourseGradeFactory().read(user, course_key=course_key)
        grades = []
        total_earned = 0
        total_possible = 0
        # answered_percent seems to be unused and it does not take into account assignment type weightings
        answered_percent = None

        chapter_grades = course_grade.chapter_grades.values()

        for chapter in chapter_grades:
            # Note: this code exists on the progress page. We should be able to remove it going forward.
            if not chapter['display_name'] == "hidden":
                for subsection_grade in chapter['sections']:
                    possible = subsection_grade.graded_total.possible
                    earned = subsection_grade.graded_total.earned
                    passing_grade = math.ceil(possible * grade_cutoffs['Pass'])
                    if earned > 0:
                        total_earned += earned
                        total_possible += possible

        if total_possible > 0:
            answered_percent = float(total_earned) / total_possible
        return (grades, answered_percent, course_grade.percent)

    def sort_grade_and_schedule_data(self, grade_data, schedule_data):
        Sort the assignments in grade_data and schedule_data to be in the same order.
        schedule_dict = {
            assignment['location']: assignment
            for assignment in schedule_data

        sorted_schedule_data = []
        sorted_grade_data = []
        for grade in grade_data:
            assignment = schedule_dict.get(grade['location'])
            if assignment:

        return sorted_grade_data, sorted_schedule_data

    def get_discussion_data(self, request, course_key):
        Collects and formats the discussion data from a particular user and course.

            request (HttpRequest)
            course_key (CourseKey)
            context = create_user_profile_context(request, course_key,
        except Exception as e:
            # TODO: LEARNER-3854: Clean-up error handling if continuing support.
            return {
                'content_authored': 0,
                'thread_votes': 0,

        threads = context['threads']
        profiled_user = context['profiled_user']

        # TODO: LEARNER-3854: If implementing Learner Analytics, rename to content_authored_count.
        content_authored = profiled_user['threads_count'] + profiled_user[
        thread_votes = 0
        for thread in threads:
            if thread['user_id'] == profiled_user['external_id']:
                thread_votes += thread['votes']['count']
        discussion_data = {
            'content_authored': content_authored,
            'thread_votes': thread_votes,
        return discussion_data

    def get_assignments_with_due_date(self, request, course_key):
        Returns a list of assignment (graded) blocks with due dates, including
        due date and location.

            request (HttpRequest)
            course_key (CourseKey)
        course_usage_key = modulestore().make_course_usage_key(course_key)
        all_blocks = get_blocks(
            requested_fields=['display_name', 'due', 'graded', 'format'],
        assignment_blocks = []
        for (location, block) in all_blocks['blocks'].iteritems():
            if block.get('graded', False):
                block['due'] = block['due'].isoformat() if block.get(
                    'due') is not None else None
                block['location'] = unicode(location)

        return assignment_blocks

    def get_weekly_course_activity_count(self, course_key):
        Get the count of any course activity (total for all users) from previous 7 days.

            course_key (CourseKey)
        cache_key = 'learner_analytics_{course_key}_weekly_activities'.format(
        activities = cache.get(cache_key)

        if not activities:
                'Weekly course activities for course {course_key} was not cached - fetching from Analytics API'
            weekly_course_activities = self.analytics_client.courses(

            if not weekly_course_activities or 'any' not in weekly_course_activities[
                return 0

            # weekly course activities should only have one item
            activities = weekly_course_activities[0]
            cache.set(cache_key, activities,

        return activities['any']

    def consecutive_weeks_of_course_activity_for_user(self, username,
        Get the most recent count of consecutive days that a user has performed a course activity

            username (str)
            course_key (CourseKey)
        cache_key = 'learner_analytics_{username}_{course_key}_engagement_timeline'\
            .format(username=username, course_key=course_key)
        timeline = cache.get(cache_key)

        if not timeline:
                'Engagement timeline for course {course_key} was not cached - fetching from Analytics API'

            # TODO (LEARNER-3470): @jaebradley replace this once the Analytics client has an engagement timeline method
            url = '{base_url}/engagement_timelines/{username}?course_id={course_key}'\
            headers = {
                'Token {token}'.format(token=settings.ANALYTICS_API_KEY)
            response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers)
            data = response.json()

            if not data or 'days' not in data or not data['days']:
                return 0

            # Analytics API returns data in ascending (by date) order - we want to count starting from most recent day
            data_ordered_by_date_descending = list(reversed(data['days']))

            cache.set(cache_key, data_ordered_by_date_descending,
            timeline = data_ordered_by_date_descending

        return LearnerAnalyticsView.calculate_week_streak(timeline)

    def calculate_week_streak(daily_activities):
        Check number of weeks in a row that a user has performed some activity.

        Regardless of when a week starts, a sufficient condition for checking if a specific week had any user activity
        (given a list of daily activities ordered by date) is to iterate through the list of days 7 days at a time and
        check to see if any of those days had any activity.

            daily_activities: sorted list of dictionaries containing activities and their counts
        week_streak = 0
        seven_day_buckets = [
            daily_activities[i:i + 7]
            for i in range(0, len(daily_activities), 7)
        for bucket in seven_day_buckets:
            if any(LearnerAnalyticsView.has_activity(day) for day in bucket):
                week_streak += 1
                return week_streak
        return week_streak

    def has_activity(daily_activity):
        Validate that a course had some activity that day

            daily_activity: dictionary of activities and their counts
        return int(daily_activity['problems_attempted']) > 0 \
            or int(daily_activity['problems_completed']) > 0 \
            or int(daily_activity['discussion_contributions']) > 0 \
            or int(daily_activity['videos_viewed']) > 0

    def seconds_to_cache_expiration():
        """Calculate cache expiration seconds. Currently set to seconds until midnight UTC"""
        next_midnight_utc = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=1)).replace(
            hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        now_utc = datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc)
        return round((next_midnight_utc - now_utc).total_seconds())
class LearnerAnalyticsView(View):
    Displays the Learner Analytics Dashboard.
    def __init__(self):
        self.analytics_client = Client(base_url=settings.ANALYTICS_API_URL, auth_token=settings.ANALYTICS_API_KEY)

    @method_decorator(cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True))
    def get(self, request, course_id):
        Displays the user's Learner Analytics for the specified course.

            request: HTTP request
            course_id (unicode): course id
        course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
        if not ENABLE_DASHBOARD_TAB.is_enabled(course_key):
            raise Http404

        course = get_course_with_access(request.user, 'load', course_key, check_if_enrolled=True)
        course_url_name = default_course_url_name(course.id)
        course_url = reverse(course_url_name, kwargs={'course_id': unicode(course.id)})

        is_verified = CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled_as_verified(request.user, course_key)
        has_access = is_verified or request.user.is_staff

        enrollment = CourseEnrollment.get_enrollment(request.user, course_key)

        upgrade_price = None
        upgrade_url = None

        if enrollment and enrollment.upgrade_deadline:
            upgrade_url = EcommerceService().upgrade_url(request.user, course_key)
            upgrade_price = get_cosmetic_verified_display_price(course)

        context = {
            'upgrade_price': upgrade_price,
            'upgrade_link': upgrade_url,
            'course': course,
            'course_url': course_url,
            'disable_courseware_js': True,
            'uses_pattern_library': True,
            'is_self_paced': course.self_paced,
            'is_verified': is_verified,
            'has_access': has_access,

        if (has_access):
            grading_policy = course.grading_policy

            (raw_grade_data, answered_percent, percent_grade) = self.get_grade_data(request.user, course_key, grading_policy['GRADE_CUTOFFS'])
            raw_schedule_data = self.get_assignments_with_due_date(request, course_key)

            grade_data, schedule_data = self.sort_grade_and_schedule_data(raw_grade_data, raw_schedule_data)

            # TODO: LEARNER-3854: Fix hacked defaults with real error handling if implementing Learner Analytics.
                weekly_active_users = self.get_weekly_course_activity_count(course_key)
                week_streak = self.consecutive_weeks_of_course_activity_for_user(
                    request.user.username, course_key
            except Exception as e:
                weekly_active_users = 134
                week_streak = 1

                'grading_policy': grading_policy,
                'assignment_grades': grade_data,
                'answered_percent': answered_percent,
                'assignment_schedule': schedule_data,
                'assignment_schedule_raw': raw_schedule_data,
                'profile_image_urls': get_profile_image_urls_for_user(request.user, request),
                'discussion_info': self.get_discussion_data(request, course_key),
                'passing_grade': math.ceil(100 * course.lowest_passing_grade),
                'percent_grade': math.ceil(100 * percent_grade),
                'weekly_active_users': weekly_active_users,
                'week_streak': week_streak,

        return render_to_response('learner_analytics/dashboard.html', context)

    def get_grade_data(self, user, course_key, grade_cutoffs):
        Collects and formats the grades data for a particular user and course.

            user (User)
            course_key (CourseKey)
            grade_cutoffs: # TODO: LEARNER-3854: Complete docstring if implementing Learner Analytics.
        course_grade = CourseGradeFactory().read(user, course_key=course_key)
        grades = []
        total_earned = 0
        total_possible = 0
        # answered_percent seems to be unused and it does not take into account assignment type weightings
        answered_percent = None

        chapter_grades = course_grade.chapter_grades.values()

        for chapter in chapter_grades:
            # Note: this code exists on the progress page. We should be able to remove it going forward.
            if not chapter['display_name'] == "hidden":
                for subsection_grade in chapter['sections']:
                    possible = subsection_grade.graded_total.possible
                    earned = subsection_grade.graded_total.earned
                    passing_grade = math.ceil(possible * grade_cutoffs['Pass'])
                        'assignment_type': subsection_grade.format,
                        'total_earned': earned,
                        'total_possible': possible,
                        'passing_grade': passing_grade,
                        'display_name': subsection_grade.display_name,
                        'location': unicode(subsection_grade.location),
                        'assigment_url': reverse('jump_to_id', kwargs={
                            'course_id': unicode(course_key),
                            'module_id': unicode(subsection_grade.location),
                    if earned > 0:
                        total_earned += earned
                        total_possible += possible

        if total_possible > 0:
            answered_percent = float(total_earned) / total_possible
        return (grades, answered_percent, course_grade.percent)

    def sort_grade_and_schedule_data(self, grade_data, schedule_data):
        Sort the assignments in grade_data and schedule_data to be in the same order.
        schedule_dict = {assignment['location']: assignment for assignment in schedule_data}

        sorted_schedule_data = []
        sorted_grade_data = []
        for grade in grade_data:
            assignment = schedule_dict.get(grade['location'])
            if assignment:

        return sorted_grade_data, sorted_schedule_data

    def get_discussion_data(self, request, course_key):
        Collects and formats the discussion data from a particular user and course.

            request (HttpRequest)
            course_key (CourseKey)
            context = create_user_profile_context(request, course_key, request.user.id)
        except Exception as e:
            # TODO: LEARNER-3854: Clean-up error handling if continuing support.
            return {
                'content_authored': 0,
                'thread_votes': 0,

        threads = context['threads']
        profiled_user = context['profiled_user']

        # TODO: LEARNER-3854: If implementing Learner Analytics, rename to content_authored_count.
        content_authored = profiled_user['threads_count'] + profiled_user['comments_count']
        thread_votes = 0
        for thread in threads:
            if thread['user_id'] == profiled_user['external_id']:
                thread_votes += thread['votes']['count']
        discussion_data = {
            'content_authored': content_authored,
            'thread_votes': thread_votes,
        return discussion_data

    def get_assignments_with_due_date(self, request, course_key):
        Returns a list of assignment (graded) blocks with due dates, including
        due date and location.

            request (HttpRequest)
            course_key (CourseKey)
        course_usage_key = modulestore().make_course_usage_key(course_key)
        all_blocks = get_blocks(
            requested_fields=['display_name', 'due', 'graded', 'format'],
        assignment_blocks = []
        for (location, block) in all_blocks['blocks'].iteritems():
            if block.get('graded', False):
                block['due'] = block['due'].isoformat() if block.get('due') is not None else None
                block['location'] = unicode(location)

        return assignment_blocks

    def get_weekly_course_activity_count(self, course_key):
        Get the count of any course activity (total for all users) from previous 7 days.

            course_key (CourseKey)
        cache_key = 'learner_analytics_{course_key}_weekly_activities'.format(course_key=course_key)
        activities = cache.get(cache_key)

        if not activities:
            log.info('Weekly course activities for course {course_key} was not cached - fetching from Analytics API'
            weekly_course_activities = self.analytics_client.courses(course_key).activity()

            if not weekly_course_activities or 'any' not in weekly_course_activities[0]:
                return 0

            # weekly course activities should only have one item
            activities = weekly_course_activities[0]
            cache.set(cache_key, activities, LearnerAnalyticsView.seconds_to_cache_expiration())

        return activities['any']

    def consecutive_weeks_of_course_activity_for_user(self, username, course_key):
        Get the most recent count of consecutive days that a user has performed a course activity

            username (str)
            course_key (CourseKey)
        cache_key = 'learner_analytics_{username}_{course_key}_engagement_timeline'\
            .format(username=username, course_key=course_key)
        timeline = cache.get(cache_key)

        if not timeline:
            log.info('Engagement timeline for course {course_key} was not cached - fetching from Analytics API'

            # TODO (LEARNER-3470): @jaebradley replace this once the Analytics client has an engagement timeline method
            url = '{base_url}/engagement_timelines/{username}?course_id={course_key}'\
            headers = {'Authorization': 'Token {token}'.format(token=settings.ANALYTICS_API_KEY)}
            response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers)
            data = response.json()

            if not data or 'days' not in data or not data['days']:
                return 0

            # Analytics API returns data in ascending (by date) order - we want to count starting from most recent day
            data_ordered_by_date_descending = list(reversed(data['days']))

            cache.set(cache_key, data_ordered_by_date_descending, LearnerAnalyticsView.seconds_to_cache_expiration())
            timeline = data_ordered_by_date_descending

        return LearnerAnalyticsView.calculate_week_streak(timeline)

    def calculate_week_streak(daily_activities):
        Check number of weeks in a row that a user has performed some activity.

        Regardless of when a week starts, a sufficient condition for checking if a specific week had any user activity
        (given a list of daily activities ordered by date) is to iterate through the list of days 7 days at a time and
        check to see if any of those days had any activity.

            daily_activities: sorted list of dictionaries containing activities and their counts
        week_streak = 0
        seven_day_buckets = [daily_activities[i:i + 7] for i in range(0, len(daily_activities), 7)]
        for bucket in seven_day_buckets:
            if any(LearnerAnalyticsView.has_activity(day) for day in bucket):
                week_streak += 1
                return week_streak
        return week_streak

    def has_activity(daily_activity):
        Validate that a course had some activity that day

            daily_activity: dictionary of activities and their counts
        return int(daily_activity['problems_attempted']) > 0 \
            or int(daily_activity['problems_completed']) > 0 \
            or int(daily_activity['discussion_contributions']) > 0 \
            or int(daily_activity['videos_viewed']) > 0

    def seconds_to_cache_expiration():
        """Calculate cache expiration seconds. Currently set to seconds until midnight UTC"""
        next_midnight_utc = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
                                                                           microsecond=0, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        now_utc = datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc)
        return round((next_midnight_utc - now_utc).total_seconds())