def locate_peaks(self): peaks = {} for idx in xrange(self.numfiles): self.set_active_index(idx) CC = cv_funcs.xcorr(self.template_data.get_data("imagedata"), self.get_active_image()) # pks = pc.two_dim_findpeaks((CC - CC.min()) * 255, xc_filter=False) pks[:, 2] = pks[:, 2] / 255 + CC.min() peaks[self.get_active_name()] = pks self.peaks = peaks
def locate_peaks(self): peaks={} for idx in xrange(self.numfiles): self.set_active_index(idx) CC = cv_funcs.xcorr(self.template_data.get_data("imagedata"), self.get_active_image()) # pks=pc.two_dim_findpeaks((CC-CC.min())*255, xc_filter=False) pks[:,2]=pks[:,2]/255+CC.min() peaks[self.get_active_name()]=pks self.peaks=peaks
def locate_peaks(self): peaks={} for idx in xrange(self.numfiles): self.set_active_index(idx) CC = cv_funcs.xcorr(self.template_data.get_data("imagedata"), self.get_active_image()) # pks=pc.two_dim_findpeaks((CC-CC.min())*255, medfilt_radius=None, alpha=1, coords_list=[], ) pks=pc.flatten_peak_list(pks) pks[:,2]=pks[:,2]/255+CC.min() peaks[self.get_active_name()]=pks self.peaks=peaks
def _peak_attribs_stack(self, stack, peak_width, target_locations=None, target_neighborhood=20, medfilt_radius=5, mask = True): """ Characterizes the peaks in a stack of images. Parameters: ---------- peak_width : int (required) expected peak width. Too big, and you'll include other peaks in measurements. target_locations : numpy array (n x 2) array of n target locations. If left as None, will create target locations by locating peaks on the average image of the stack. default is None (peaks detected from average image) img_size : tuple, 2 elements (width, height) of images in image stack. target_neighborhood : int pixel neighborhood to limit peak search to. Peaks outside the square defined by 2x this value around the peak will be excluded from any fitting. medfilt_radius : int (optional) median filter window to apply to smooth the data (see scipy.signal.medfilt) if 0, no filter will be applied. default is set to 5 Returns: ------- 2D numpy array: - One column per image - 9 rows per peak located 0,1 - location 2,3 - difference between location and target location 4 - height 5 - orientation 6 - eccentricity 7,8 - skew X, Y, respectively """ avgImage=np.average(stack,axis=0) if target_locations is None: # get peak locations from the average image # an initial value for the peak width of 11 pixels works # OK to find initial peaks. We determine a proper value # soon. target_locations=pc.two_dim_findpeaks(avgImage, 10) peak_width = 0.75*pc.min_peak_distance(target_locations) if peak_width < 10: peak_width = 10 if mask: mask = pc.draw_mask(avgImage.shape, peak_width/2.0, target_locations) stack *= mask # get all peaks on all images peaks=pc.stack_coords(stack, peak_width=peak_width) # two loops here - outer loop loops over images (i index) # inner loop loops over target peak locations (j index) peak_locations=np.array([[pc.best_match(peaks[:,:,i], target_locations[j,:2], target_neighborhood) \ for i in xrange(peaks.shape[2])] \ for j in xrange(target_locations.shape[0])]) # pre-allocate result array. 7 rows for each peak, 1 column for each image rlt = np.zeros((9*peak_locations.shape[0],stack.shape[0])) rlt_tmp = np.zeros((peak_locations.shape[0],7)) progress = ProgressDialog(title="Peak characterization progress", message="Characterizing peaks on %d cells"%stack.shape[0], max=int(stack.shape[0]), show_time=True, can_cancel=False) for i in xrange(stack.shape[0]): progress.update(int(i+1)) rlt_tmp=pc.peak_attribs_image(stack[i,:,:], target_locations=peak_locations[:,i,:], peak_width=peak_width, medfilt_radius=medfilt_radius, ) diff_coords=target_locations[:,:2]-rlt_tmp[:,:2] for j in xrange(target_locations.shape[0]): # peak position rlt[ j*9 : j*9+2 ,i] = rlt_tmp[j,:2] # difference in peak position relative to average rlt[ j*9+2 : j*9+4 ,i] = diff_coords[j] # height rlt[ j*9+4 ,i]=rlt_tmp[j,2] # orientation rlt[ j*9+5 ,i]=rlt_tmp[j,3] # eccentricity rlt[ j*9+6 ,i]=rlt_tmp[j,4] # skew (x and y) rlt[ j*9+7 : j*9+9 ,i]=rlt_tmp[j,5:] return rlt
def characterize(self, target_locations=None, target_neighborhood=20, medfilt_radius=5): #print "Main thread?" #print Application.instance().is_main_thread() # disable the UI while we're running self._toggle_UI(False) #print try: # wipe out old results self.chest.removeNode('/cell_peaks') except: # any errors will be because the table doesn't exist. That's OK. pass # locate peaks on the average image to use as target locations. # also determines the number of peaks, which in turn determines # the table columns. target_locations = pc.two_dim_findpeaks(self._get_average_image(), )[:,:2] self.numpeaks = int(target_locations.shape[0]) # generate a list of column names names = [('x%i, y%i, dx%i, dy%i, h%i, o%i, e%i, sx%i, sy%i' % ((x,)*9)).split(', ') for x in xrange(self.numpeaks)] # flatten that from a list of lists to a simple list names = [item for sublist in names for item in sublist] # make tuples of each column name and 'f8' for the data type dtypes = zip(names, ['f8', ] * self.numpeaks*9) # prepend the filename and index columns dtypes = [('filename', '|S250'), ('file_idx', 'i4'), ('omit', 'bool')] + dtypes # create an empty recarray with our data type desc = np.recarray((0,), dtype=dtypes) # create the table using the empty description recarray self.chest.createTable(self.chest.root, 'cell_peaks', description=desc) # for each file in the cell_data group, run analysis. nodes = self.chest.listNodes('/cells') node_names = [ for node in nodes] progress = ProgressDialog(title="Peak characterization progress", message="Characterizing peaks on %d images"%(len(node_names)-2), max=len(node_names)-1, show_time=True, can_cancel=False) file_progress=0 for node in node_names: # exclude some nodes if node == 'template': continue cell_data = self.get_cell_set(node) data = np.zeros((cell_data.shape[0]),dtype=dtypes) data['filename'] = node data['file_idx'] = np.arange(cell_data.shape[0]) # might want to tweak this loop or cythonize for speed... attribs = self._peak_attribs_stack(cell_data, peak_width=self.peak_width, target_locations=target_locations, target_neighborhood=target_neighborhood, medfilt_radius=medfilt_radius) attribs = attribs.T # for each column name, copy in the data for name_idx in xrange(len(names)): data[names[name_idx]] = attribs[:, name_idx] # add the data to the table self.chest.root.cell_peaks.append(data) self.chest.root.cell_peaks.flush() file_progress+=1 progress.update(file_progress) # add an attribute for the total number of peaks recorded self.chest.setNodeAttr('/cell_peaks','number_of_peaks', self.numpeaks) self.chest.root.cell_peaks.flush() self.chest.flush() self._can_show_peak_ids = True self.parent.image_controller.update_peak_map_choices() self._progress_value = 0 self.log_action(action="Characterize peaks", target_locations=target_locations, target_neighborhood=target_neighborhood, medfilt_radius=medfilt_radius) self._toggle_UI(True)
def map_global_peaks_to_cells(self): try: # wipe out old results self.chest.remove_node('/cell_peaks') except: # any errors will be because the table doesn't exist. That's OK. pass # get the average cell image and find peaks on it peaks=pc.two_dim_findpeaks(self.cell_controller.get_average_cell(), xc_filter=False, kill_edges=False) # generate a list of column names names = [('x%i, y%i, dx%i, dy%i, h%i, o%i, e%i, sx%i, sy%i' % ((x,)*9)).split(', ') for x in xrange(peaks.shape[0])] # flatten that from a list of lists to a simple list names = [item for sublist in names for item in sublist] # make tuples of each column name and 'f8' for the data type dtypes = zip(names, ['f8', ] * peaks.shape[0]*9) # prepend the filename and index columns dtypes = [('filename', '|S250'), ('file_idx', 'i4'), ('omit', 'bool')] + dtypes # create an empty recarray with our data type desc = np.recarray((0,), dtype=dtypes) # create the table using the empty description recarray self.chest.create_table(self.chest.root, 'cell_peaks', description=desc) self.chest.set_node_attr('/cell_peaks','number_of_peaks', peaks.shape[0]) self.chest.flush() # loop over each peak, finding the peak that best matches this cell's position # plus the offset for the peak. for node in self.image_controller.get_node_iterator(): cell_data = self.cell_controller.get_cell_set( data = np.zeros((cell_data.shape[0]),dtype=dtypes) data["filename"] = data['file_idx'] = np.arange(cell_data.shape[0]) for idx, peak in enumerate(peaks): #TODO: need to rework this whole get_expression_data concept. It is # a column accessor. target_x = self.image_controller.get_expression_data("x_coordinate", table_loc="/cell_description",[0] target_y = self.image_controller.get_expression_data("y_coordinate", table_loc="/cell_description",[1] if target_x.shape[0]>0: chars = self.find_best_matching_global_peaks(np.array([target_x,target_y]).T, # add the peak ids (or data) to table representing cell peak characteristics data["x%i"%idx] = chars["x"]-target_x+peak[0] data["y%i"%idx] = chars["y"]-target_y+peak[1] data["dx%i"%idx] = chars["x"]-target_x data["dy%i"%idx] = chars["y"]-target_y data["h%i"%idx] = chars["h"] data["o%i"%idx] = chars["o"] data["e%i"%idx] = chars["e"] data["sx%i"%idx] = chars["sx"] data["sy%i"%idx] = chars["sy"] # commit the data to the table self.chest.root.cell_peaks.append(data) self.chest.root.cell_peaks.flush() self.chest.flush() self.cell_controller._can_show_peak_ids=True
def map_global_peaks_to_cells(self): try: # wipe out old results self.chest.remove_node('/cell_peaks') except: # any errors will be because the table doesn't exist. That's OK. pass # get the average cell image and find peaks on it peaks = pc.two_dim_findpeaks(self.cell_controller.get_average_cell(), xc_filter=False, kill_edges=False) # generate a list of column names names = [('x%i, y%i, dx%i, dy%i, h%i, o%i, e%i, sx%i, sy%i' % ((x, ) * 9)).split(', ') for x in xrange(peaks.shape[0])] # flatten that from a list of lists to a simple list names = [item for sublist in names for item in sublist] # make tuples of each column name and 'f8' for the data type dtypes = zip(names, [ 'f8', ] * peaks.shape[0] * 9) # prepend the filename and index columns dtypes = [('filename', '|S250'), ('file_idx', 'i4'), ('omit', 'bool')] + dtypes # create an empty recarray with our data type desc = np.recarray((0, ), dtype=dtypes) # create the table using the empty description recarray self.chest.create_table(self.chest.root, 'cell_peaks', description=desc) self.chest.set_node_attr('/cell_peaks', 'number_of_peaks', peaks.shape[0]) self.chest.flush() # loop over each peak, finding the peak that best matches this cell's position # plus the offset for the peak. for node in self.image_controller.get_node_iterator(): cell_data = self.cell_controller.get_cell_set( data = np.zeros((cell_data.shape[0]), dtype=dtypes) data["filename"] = data['file_idx'] = np.arange(cell_data.shape[0]) for idx, peak in enumerate(peaks): #TODO: need to rework this whole get_expression_data concept. It is # a column accessor. target_x = self.image_controller.get_expression_data( "x_coordinate", table_loc="/cell_description", + peak[0] target_y = self.image_controller.get_expression_data( "y_coordinate", table_loc="/cell_description", + peak[1] if target_x.shape[0] > 0: chars = self.find_best_matching_global_peaks( np.array([target_x, target_y]).T, # add the peak ids (or data) to table representing cell peak characteristics data["x%i" % idx] = chars["x"] - target_x + peak[0] data["y%i" % idx] = chars["y"] - target_y + peak[1] data["dx%i" % idx] = chars["x"] - target_x data["dy%i" % idx] = chars["y"] - target_y data["h%i" % idx] = chars["h"] data["o%i" % idx] = chars["o"] data["e%i" % idx] = chars["e"] data["sx%i" % idx] = chars["sx"] data["sy%i" % idx] = chars["sy"] # commit the data to the table self.chest.root.cell_peaks.append(data) self.chest.root.cell_peaks.flush() self.chest.flush() self.cell_controller._can_show_peak_ids = True