def add_single(conn, pathfile):
    """ add a single song to database """
    if pathfile.endswith(".mp3"):
            # read metadata
            tup = c.meta(pathfile)
            d.add_song(tup, conn)
            log.info('metadata recorded in the database')
            # convert mp3 to wav
            log.info('audio converted to wav')
            # read the wav from local directory
            filename = os.path.basename(pathfile)
            pathwav = "./music/wav/" + filename[:-3] + "wav"
             # compute spectrogram and fingerprints
            framerate, f, t, spect = a.spectrogram(pathwav)
            fingerprints1 = a.fingerprint(f, spect)
            fingerprints2 = a.fingerprint2(f, spect, framerate)
            song_id = d.select_songid(filename, conn)
            log.info('audio file no. %s recorded in the database', song_id)
            # add fingerprints to database
            d.add_fingerprint(filename, t, fingerprints1, fingerprints2, conn)
            # update fingerprinted status
            d.update_fingerprinted(song_id, conn)

            print('Done!', filename, 'added to your database ❤')
def firststep(conn):
    """ ingest a directory of music for database construction

    + this is the prerequisite for all analyses/identification
    + run this function to get a nicely-built music database
    + which will be used as the reference for audio matching
    + sql database contruction
    + read all mp3 files from a local dir
    + read metadata
    + convert mp3 to wav
    + compute spectrograms and fingerprints
    + record all info in the database

    + lazy guys like me who don't want to contruct db manually

    # create tables if non-exist
    log.info("database created")
    # construct database
    for file in os.listdir("./music/mp3"):
        if file.endswith(".mp3"):
            pathfile = "./music/mp3/" + file
            # read metadata
            tup = c.meta(pathfile)
            d.add_song(tup, conn)
            # convert mp3 to wav
    log.info('all metadata recorded in the database')
    log.info('all audio converted to wav')

    for file in os.listdir("./music/wav"):
        if file.endswith(".wav"):
            pathfile = "./music/wav/" + file
            # compute spectrogram and fingerprints
            framerate, f, t, spect = a.spectrogram(pathfile)
            fingerprints1 = a.fingerprint(f, spect)
            fingerprints2 = a.fingerprint2(f, spect, framerate)
            song_id = d.select_songid(file, conn)
            log.info('audio file no. %s recorded in the database', song_id)
            # add fingerprints to database
            d.add_fingerprint(file, t, fingerprints1, fingerprints2, conn)
            # update fingerprinted status
            d.update_fingerprinted(song_id, conn)

    print('Done! Please check out your database ❤')
def test_add_fingerprint(conn):
    """test if add_fingerprint works"""
    # use the newly-added song in previous test
    filename = os.listdir("./music/wav")[0]
    pathfile = "./music/wav/" + filename
    song_id = d.select_songid(filename, conn)
    # compute and add fingerprints to database
    framerate, f, t, spect = a.spectrogram(pathfile)
    fingerprints1 = a.fingerprint(f, spect)
    fingerprints2 = a.fingerprint2(f, spect, framerate)
    # add fingerprints to database
    d.add_fingerprint(filename, t, fingerprints1, fingerprints2, conn)
    # update fingerprinted status (prepare for the next test)
    d.update_fingerprinted(song_id, conn)
    # should have len(t) number of fingerprints added
    # since number of window = len(t)
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM fingerprint where song_id = %s',
                (song_id, ))
    rowcount = cur.fetchall()
    assert rowcount[0][0] == len(t), "add_fingerprint works"
def identify2(conn, pathfile):
    """ identify a snippet (wav) with fingerprint ver.2 """

    # read snippet and compute fingerprints
    framerate, f, _, spect = a.spectrogram(pathfile)
    f_snippet = a.fingerprint2(f, spect, framerate)
    # create a list to store number of matches for each song
    match_count = []

    # iterate through all songs in database
    log.info("iterating through all songs in database")
    max_song_id = d.select_max_song_id(conn)
    for i in range(1, max_song_id+1):
        count = 0
        # get all fingerprints (ver.2) of the song
        records = d.select_fingerprint2(conn, i)
        # iterate through the fingerprints
        for f1 in records:
            # look at the first window (0-10s) of f2 only
            f2 = f_snippet[0]
            if a.match2(f1, f2):
                count += 1
        # record number of matches for each song

    # find the best match
    max_count = max(match_count)
    log.info("best match found")
    # find all song_ids of the best match(es)
    l_songid = [i+1 for i, j in enumerate(match_count) if j == max_count]
    # get the song titles
    titlelist = []
    for song_id in l_songid:
        title = d.select_title(song_id, conn)
        log.info('song title found for best match with song_id=%s', song_id)

    return titlelist