def createBootGraph(data, embedded):
    # html function templates
    html_srccall = '<div id={6} title="{5}" class="srccall" style="left:{1}%;top:{2}px;height:{3}px;width:{4}%;line-height:{3}px;">{0}</div>\n'
    html_timetotal = '<table class="time1">\n<tr>'\
     '<td class="blue">Time from Kernel Boot to start of User Mode: <b>{0} ms</b></td>'\

    # device timeline
    devtl = aslib.Timeline(100, 20)

    # write the test title and general info header
    devtl.createHeader(sysvals, 'noftrace')

    # Generate the header for this timeline
    t0 = data.start
    tMax = data.end
    tTotal = tMax - t0
    if (tTotal == 0):
        print('ERROR: No timeline data')
        return False
    boot_time = '%.0f' % (tTotal * 1000)
    devtl.html += html_timetotal.format(boot_time)

    # determine the maximum number of rows we need to draw
    phase = 'boot'
    list = data.dmesg[phase]['list']
    devlist = []
    for devname in list:
        d = aslib.DevItem(0, phase, list[devname])

    # draw the timeline background
    boot = data.dmesg[phase]
    length = boot['end'] - boot['start']
    left = '%.3f' % (((boot['start'] - t0) * 100.0) / tTotal)
    width = '%.3f' % ((length * 100.0) / tTotal)
    devtl.html += devtl.html_tblock.format(phase, left, width, devtl.scaleH)
    devtl.html += devtl.html_phase.format('0', '100', \
     '%.3f'%devtl.scaleH, '%.3f'%devtl.bodyH, \
     'white', '')

    # draw the device timeline
    num = 0
    devstats = dict()
    for devname in sorted(list):
        cls, color = colorForName(devname)
        dev = list[devname]
        info = '@|%.3f|%.3f|%.3f|%d' % (dev['start'] * 1000.0,
                                        dev['end'] * 1000.0,
                                        dev['ulen'] / 1000.0, dev['ret'])
        devstats[dev['id']] = {'info': info}
        dev['color'] = color
        height = devtl.phaseRowHeight(0, phase, dev['row'])
        top = '%.6f' % ((dev['row'] * height) + devtl.scaleH)
        left = '%.6f' % (((dev['start'] - t0) * 100) / tTotal)
        width = '%.6f' % (((dev['end'] - dev['start']) * 100) / tTotal)
        length = ' (%0.3f ms) ' % ((dev['end'] - dev['start']) * 1000)
        devtl.html += devtl.html_device.format(
            dev['id'], devname + length + 'kernel_mode', left, top,
            '%.3f' % height, width, devname, ' ' + cls, '')
        rowtop = devtl.phaseRowTop(0, phase, dev['row'])
        height = '%.6f' % (devtl.rowH / 2)
        top = '%.6f' % (rowtop + devtl.scaleH + (devtl.rowH / 2))
        if data.do_one_initcall:
            if ('ftrace' not in dev):
            cg = dev['ftrace']
            large, stats = cgOverview(cg, 0.001)
            devstats[dev['id']]['fstat'] = stats
            for l in large:
                left = '%f' % (((l.time - t0) * 100) / tTotal)
                width = '%f' % (l.length * 100 / tTotal)
                title = '%s (%0.3fms)' % (l.name, l.length * 1000.0)
                devtl.html += html_srccall.format(l.name, left, top, height,
                                                  width, title, 'x%d' % num)
                num += 1
        if ('ftraces' not in dev):
        for cg in dev['ftraces']:
            left = '%f' % (((cg.start - t0) * 100) / tTotal)
            width = '%f' % ((cg.end - cg.start) * 100 / tTotal)
            cglen = (cg.end - cg.start) * 1000.0
            title = '%s (%0.3fms)' % (cg.name, cglen)
            cg.id = 'x%d' % num
            devtl.html += html_srccall.format(cg.name, left, top, height,
                                              width, title, dev['id'] + cg.id)
            num += 1

    # draw the time scale, try to make the number of labels readable
    devtl.createTimeScale(t0, tMax, tTotal, phase)
    devtl.html += '</div>\n'

    # timeline is finished
    devtl.html += '</div>\n</div>\n'

    if (sysvals.outfile == sysvals.htmlfile):
        hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'a')
        hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'w')

    # add the css if this is not an embedded run
    extra = '\
		.c1 {background:rgba(209,0,0,0.4);}\n\
		.c2 {background:rgba(255,102,34,0.4);}\n\
		.c3 {background:rgba(255,218,33,0.4);}\n\
		.c4 {background:rgba(51,221,0,0.4);}\n\
		.c5 {background:rgba(17,51,204,0.4);}\n\
		.c6 {background:rgba(34,0,102,0.4);}\n\
		.c7 {background:rgba(51,0,68,0.4);}\n\
		.c8 {background:rgba(204,255,204,0.4);}\n\
		.c9 {background:rgba(169,208,245,0.4);}\n\
		.c10 {background:rgba(255,255,204,0.4);}\n\
		.vt {transform:rotate(-60deg);transform-origin:0 0;}\n\
		table.fstat {table-layout:fixed;padding:150px 15px 0 0;font-size:10px;column-width:30px;}\n\
		.fstat th {width:55px;}\n\
		.fstat td {text-align:left;width:35px;}\n\
		.srccall {position:absolute;font-size:10px;z-index:7;overflow:hidden;color:black;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid black;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#CCC,#969696);}\n\
		.srccall:hover {color:white;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid white;}\n'

    if (not embedded):
        aslib.addCSS(hf, sysvals, 1, False, extra)

    # write the device timeline

    # add boot specific html
    statinfo = 'var devstats = {\n'
    for n in sorted(devstats):
        statinfo += '\t"%s": [\n\t\t"%s",\n' % (n, devstats[n]['info'])
        if 'fstat' in devstats[n]:
            funcs = devstats[n]['fstat']
            for f in sorted(funcs, key=funcs.get, reverse=True):
                if funcs[f][0] < 0.01 and len(funcs) > 10:
                statinfo += '\t\t"%f|%s|%d",\n' % (funcs[f][0], f, funcs[f][1])
        statinfo += '\t],\n'
    statinfo += '};\n'
    html = \
     '<div id="devicedetailtitle"></div>\n'\
     '<div id="devicedetail" style="display:none;">\n'\
     '<div id="devicedetail0">\n'\
     '<div id="kernel_mode" class="phaselet" style="left:0%;width:100%;background:#DDDDDD"></div>\n'\
     '<script type="text/javascript">\n'+statinfo+\

    # add the callgraph html
    if (sysvals.usecallgraph):
        aslib.addCallgraphs(sysvals, hf, data)

    # add the dmesg log as a hidden div
    if sysvals.addlogs:
        hf.write('<div id="dmesglog" style="display:none;">\n')
        for line in data.dmesgtext:
            line = line.replace('<', '&lt').replace('>', '&gt')

    if (not embedded):
        # write the footer and close
        aslib.addScriptCode(hf, [data])
        # embedded out will be loaded in a page, skip the js
        hf.write('<div id=bounds style=display:none>%f,%f</div>' % \
         (data.start*1000, data.initstart*1000))
    return True
def createBootGraph(data):
	# html function templates
	html_srccall = '<div id={6} title="{5}" class="srccall" style="left:{1}%;top:{2}px;height:{3}px;width:{4}%;line-height:{3}px;">{0}</div>\n'
	html_timetotal = '<table class="time1">\n<tr>'\
		'<td class="blue">Init process starts @ <b>{0} ms</b></td>'\
		'<td class="blue">Last initcall ends @ <b>{1} ms</b></td>'\

	# device timeline
	devtl = aslib.Timeline(100, 20)

	# write the test title and general info header

	# Generate the header for this timeline
	t0 = data.start
	tMax = data.end
	tTotal = tMax - t0
	if(tTotal == 0):
		print('ERROR: No timeline data')
		return False
	user_mode = '%.0f'%(data.tUserMode*1000)
	last_init = '%.0f'%(tTotal*1000)
	devtl.html += html_timetotal.format(user_mode, last_init)

	# determine the maximum number of rows we need to draw
	devlist = []
	for p in data.phases:
		list = data.dmesg[p]['list']
		for devname in list:
			d = aslib.DevItem(0, p, list[devname])
		devtl.getPhaseRows(devlist, 0, 'start')

	# draw the timeline background
	devtl.html += devtl.html_tblock.format('boot', '0', '100', devtl.scaleH)
	for p in data.phases:
		phase = data.dmesg[p]
		length = phase['end']-phase['start']
		left = '%.3f' % (((phase['start']-t0)*100.0)/tTotal)
		width = '%.3f' % ((length*100.0)/tTotal)
		devtl.html += devtl.html_phase.format(left, width, \
			'%.3f'%devtl.scaleH, '%.3f'%devtl.bodyH, \
			phase['color'], '')

	# draw the device timeline
	num = 0
	devstats = dict()
	for phase in data.phases:
		list = data.dmesg[phase]['list']
		for devname in sorted(list):
			cls, color = colorForName(devname)
			dev = list[devname]
			info = '@|%.3f|%.3f|%.3f|%d' % (dev['start']*1000.0, dev['end']*1000.0,
				dev['ulen']/1000.0, dev['ret'])
			devstats[dev['id']] = {'info':info}
			dev['color'] = color
			height = devtl.phaseRowHeight(0, phase, dev['row'])
			top = '%.6f' % ((dev['row']*height) + devtl.scaleH)
			left = '%.6f' % (((dev['start']-t0)*100)/tTotal)
			width = '%.6f' % (((dev['end']-dev['start'])*100)/tTotal)
			length = ' (%0.3f ms) ' % ((dev['end']-dev['start'])*1000)
			devtl.html += devtl.html_device.format(dev['id'],
				devname+length+phase+'_mode', left, top, '%.3f'%height,
				width, devname, ' '+cls, '')
			rowtop = devtl.phaseRowTop(0, phase, dev['row'])
			height = '%.6f' % (devtl.rowH / 2)
			top = '%.6f' % (rowtop + devtl.scaleH + (devtl.rowH / 2))
			if data.do_one_initcall:
				if('ftrace' not in dev):
				cg = dev['ftrace']
				large, stats = cgOverview(cg, 0.001)
				devstats[dev['id']]['fstat'] = stats
				for l in large:
					left = '%f' % (((l.time-t0)*100)/tTotal)
					width = '%f' % (l.length*100/tTotal)
					title = '%s (%0.3fms)' % (l.name, l.length * 1000.0)
					devtl.html += html_srccall.format(l.name, left,
						top, height, width, title, 'x%d'%num)
					num += 1
			if('ftraces' not in dev):
			for cg in dev['ftraces']:
				left = '%f' % (((cg.start-t0)*100)/tTotal)
				width = '%f' % ((cg.end-cg.start)*100/tTotal)
				cglen = (cg.end - cg.start) * 1000.0
				title = '%s (%0.3fms)' % (cg.name, cglen)
				cg.id = 'x%d' % num
				devtl.html += html_srccall.format(cg.name, left,
					top, height, width, title, dev['id']+cg.id)
				num += 1

	# draw the time scale, try to make the number of labels readable
	devtl.createTimeScale(t0, tMax, tTotal, 'boot')
	devtl.html += '</div>\n'

	# timeline is finished
	devtl.html += '</div>\n</div>\n'

	# draw a legend which describes the phases by color
	devtl.html += '<div class="legend">\n'
	pdelta = 20.0
	pmargin = 36.0
	for phase in data.phases:
		order = '%.2f' % ((data.dmesg[phase]['order'] * pdelta) + pmargin)
		devtl.html += devtl.html_legend.format(order, \
			data.dmesg[phase]['color'], phase+'_mode', phase[0])
	devtl.html += '</div>\n'

	if(sysvals.outfile == sysvals.htmlfile):
		hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'a')
		hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'w')

	# add the css if this is not an embedded run
	extra = '\
		.c1 {background:rgba(209,0,0,0.4);}\n\
		.c2 {background:rgba(255,102,34,0.4);}\n\
		.c3 {background:rgba(255,218,33,0.4);}\n\
		.c4 {background:rgba(51,221,0,0.4);}\n\
		.c5 {background:rgba(17,51,204,0.4);}\n\
		.c6 {background:rgba(34,0,102,0.4);}\n\
		.c7 {background:rgba(51,0,68,0.4);}\n\
		.c8 {background:rgba(204,255,204,0.4);}\n\
		.c9 {background:rgba(169,208,245,0.4);}\n\
		.c10 {background:rgba(255,255,204,0.4);}\n\
		.vt {transform:rotate(-60deg);transform-origin:0 0;}\n\
		table.fstat {table-layout:fixed;padding:150px 15px 0 0;font-size:10px;column-width:30px;}\n\
		.fstat th {width:55px;}\n\
		.fstat td {text-align:left;width:35px;}\n\
		.srccall {position:absolute;font-size:10px;z-index:7;overflow:hidden;color:black;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid black;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#CCC,#969696);}\n\
		.srccall:hover {color:white;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid white;}\n'
	if(not sysvals.embedded):
		aslib.addCSS(hf, sysvals, 1, False, extra)

	# write the device timeline

	# add boot specific html
	statinfo = 'var devstats = {\n'
	for n in sorted(devstats):
		statinfo += '\t"%s": [\n\t\t"%s",\n' % (n, devstats[n]['info'])
		if 'fstat' in devstats[n]:
			funcs = devstats[n]['fstat']
			for f in sorted(funcs, key=funcs.get, reverse=True):
				if funcs[f][0] < 0.01 and len(funcs) > 10:
				statinfo += '\t\t"%f|%s|%d",\n' % (funcs[f][0], f, funcs[f][1])
		statinfo += '\t],\n'
	statinfo += '};\n'
	html = \
		'<div id="devicedetailtitle"></div>\n'\
		'<div id="devicedetail" style="display:none;">\n'\
		'<div id="devicedetail0">\n'
	for p in data.phases:
		phase = data.dmesg[p]
		html += devtl.html_phaselet.format(p+'_mode', '0', '100', phase['color'])
	html += '</div>\n</div>\n'\
		'<script type="text/javascript">\n'+statinfo+\

	# add the callgraph html
		aslib.addCallgraphs(sysvals, hf, data)

	# add the dmesg log as a hidden div
	if sysvals.dmesglog:
		hf.write('<div id="dmesglog" style="display:none;">\n')
		for line in data.dmesgtext:
			line = line.replace('<', '&lt').replace('>', '&gt')

	if(not sysvals.embedded):
		# write the footer and close
		aslib.addScriptCode(hf, [data])
		# embedded out will be loaded in a page, skip the js
		hf.write('<div id=bounds style=display:none>%f,%f</div>' % \
			(data.start*1000, data.end*1000))
	return True