    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        system = copy.copy(self)
        mesh = self.plotter.mesh
        system.plotter = None
        system.post_processor = None
        system.plot_values = None

        system.__dict__ = copy.deepcopy(system.__dict__)
        system.plotter = plotter.Plotter(system, mesh)
        system.post_processor = post_sl(system)
        system.plot_values = plotter.PlottingValues

        return system
    def __init__(self, figsize=(12, 8), EA=15e3, EI=5e3, load_factor=1, mesh=50):
        * E = Young's modulus
        * A = Area
        * I = Moment of Inertia

        :param figsize: (tpl) Set the standard plotting size.
        :param EA: (flt) Standard E * A. Set the standard values of EA if none provided when generating an element.
        :param EI: (flt) Standard E * I. Set the standard values of EA if none provided when generating an element.
        :param load_factor: (flt) Multiply all loads with this factor.
        :param mesh: (int) Plotting mesh. Has no influence on the calculation.
        # init object
        self.post_processor = post_sl(self)
        self.plotter = plotter.Plotter(self, mesh)
        self.plot_values = plotter.PlottingValues(self, mesh)

        # standard values if none provided
        self.EA = EA
        self.EI = EI
        self.figsize = figsize
        self.orientation_cs = -1  # needed for the loads directions

        # structure system
        self.element_map = {}  # maps element ids to the Element objects.
        self.node_map = {}  # maps node ids to the Node objects.
        self.node_element_map = {}  # maps node ids to Element objects
        # keys matrix index (for both row and columns), values K, are processed assemble_system_matrix
        self.system_spring_map = {}

        # list of indexes that remain after conditions are applied
        self._remainder_indexes = []

        # keep track of the node_id of the supports
        self.supports_fixed = []
        self.supports_hinged = []
        self.supports_roll = []
        self.supports_spring_x = []
        self.supports_spring_z = []
        self.supports_spring_y = []
        self.supports_roll_direction = []
        self.inclined_roll = (
        )  # map node ids to inclination angle relative to global x-axis.

        # save tuples of the arguments for copying purposes.
        self.supports_spring_args = []

        # keep track of the loads
        self.loads_point = {}  # node ids with a point loads
        self.loads_q = {}  # element ids with a q-load
        self.loads_moment = {}
        self.loads_dead_load = set()  # element ids with q-load due to dead load

        # results
        self.reaction_forces = {}  # node objects
        self.non_linear = False
        self.non_linear_elements = (
        )  # keys are element ids, values are dicts: {node_index: max moment capacity}
        self.buckling_factor = None

        # previous point of element
        self._previous_point = Vertex(0, 0)
        self.load_factor = load_factor

        # Objects state
        self.count = 0
        self.system_matrix_locations = []
        self.system_matrix = None
        self.system_force_vector = None
        self.system_displacement_vector = None
        self.shape_system_matrix = None
        self.reduced_force_vector = None
        self.reduced_system_matrix = None
        self._vertices = {}  # maps vertices to node ids