    def get_apks_or_paths_from_cli(self, **kwargs):
        ''' Returns either list<str> (paths to apks) or list<Apk> if taken from import database.
        Returns as second component if list is of type `Apk` or not.

        For additional keyword-arguments see :py:meth:`.ImportStorageInterface.get_imported_apks`.
        from androlyze.loader.ApkImporter import ApkImporter

        args = self.args

        # apk paths supplied ?
        apk_paths = None
            apk_paths = args.apks
        except AttributeError:

        filter_args = CLIUtil.get_filter_options_from_cli(args)
        hashes, package_names, tags = filter_args
        res = None

        if apk_paths is not None:
            # list<str>
            res = ApkImporter.get_apks_from_list_or_dir(apk_paths)
            # list<Apk>
            res = self.storage.get_imported_apks(hashes, package_names, tags, **kwargs)

        return res, apk_paths is None
    def action_delete(self, parser, hashes, package_names, tags, yes):
        ''' Delete from the database specified by `parser` args '''

        args = self.args
        whole_db = args.all
        db = args.delete

        if whole_db:
            cli_check_n_exec(prompt_prefix="Do you really want to delete the whole database?", func=lambda:True, circumvent_check=not whole_db)
        # place after run check!
        circumvent_check = yes or whole_db

        # import db
            cli_check_n_exec(androlyze.action_delete_apks_import, circumvent_check=circumvent_check, args=(self.storage, args.delete_apk, hashes, package_names, tags, whole_db))
        # res db
        elif db == SUBCOMMAND_DELETE_RESULT:
            kwargs = CLIUtil.get_result_db_filter_args_from_argparser(args)

            if not kwargs and not whole_db:
                raise CLIError('You did not supply any filter argument!\nIf you want to delete the whole db, use the --all switch!', parser)

            kwargs["whole_db"] = whole_db
            # delete from res db
            n = cli_check_n_exec(androlyze.action_delete_apks_res, circumvent_check = circumvent_check, args=(self.storage,), kwargs=kwargs)
            if not whole_db:
                clilog.info("Deleted %s file/document(s) !" % n)
    def action_query(self, hashes, package_names, tags, yes):
        ''' Query the database '''
        args = self.args
        parser = self.parser

        # check on which database to query
        # get from argparser
        query_dst = args.query_dst
        if query_dst == SUBCOMMAND_QUERY_IMPORT:
            clilog.info('\n'.join(androlyze.action_query_import_db(self.storage, args.query_import_cmd, hashes, package_names, tags)))
        elif query_dst == SUBCOMMAND_QUERY_RESULT:
            kwargs = CLIUtil.get_result_db_filter_args_from_argparser(args)
            if args.show_id:
                kwargs["remove_id_field"] = not args.show_id

            distinct_key = None
            if args.distinct is not None:
                distinct_key = args.distinct
            # get distinct values for script name
            elif args.list_ran_scripts:
                distinct_key = MongoUtil.get_attr_str(RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_NAME, args.non_document)

            no_args_supplied = len(kwargs) == 0 and not args.latest and not args.count and distinct_key is None
            whole_db = args.all
            raw = args.raw

            # update with basic result query options

            kwargs.update(dict(include_fields=args.include_fields, exclude_fields=args.exclude_fields, non_document_raw=raw, distinct_key = distinct_key))

            if no_args_supplied and not whole_db:
                raise CLIError('Not enough arguments supplied!\nIf you want to dump the whole db, use the --all switch!', parser)

            res = cli_check_n_exec(
                prompt_prefix='Will print whole results db!',
                circumvent_check=not no_args_supplied or yes,
                args=(self.storage, CLIUtil.get_checks_from_cli(args)),

            # log results
            print_query_result_db(res, distict_generator=distinct_key is not None, count=args.count, raw=raw, interactive = not args.not_interactive)
    def run_action(self, cmd):
        ''' Run an action specified by `cmd`(see COMMAND_ prefixed variables) '''

        parser = self.parser
        args = self.args

        # check which command has been used
        if cmd is None:

            # no command specified through program name -> get it from argparser
            cmd = args.command
        if cmd in COMMANDS_ALL:
            hashes, package_names, tags = CLIUtil.get_filter_options_from_cli(args)
            yes = args.yes

            if cmd == COMMAND_QUERY:
                self.action_query(hashes, package_names, tags, yes)

            # dblyze -> do the analysis results evaluation            
            elif cmd == COMMAND_EVAL:
                dblyze_scripts = ScriptUtil.import_scripts(args.scripts, clazz_name = "Eval")
                for dblyze_script in dblyze_scripts:
            # sync from result db to file sys
            elif cmd == COMMAND_SYNC:
                total_entries = androlyze.action_sync_fs(self.storage, lambda _ : False)

                                         prompt_prefix = "Will download %d entries from result database!" % total_entries,
                                         circumvent_check = args.yes,
                                         args = (self.storage, lambda _ : True)
                # print welcome message
                clilog.info("Welcome to %s!\n" % PROJECT_NAME)

                # import command
                if cmd == COMMAND_IMPORT:
                    apks_or_paths, _ = self.get_apks_or_paths_from_cli()
                    tag = args.tag
                    copy2disk, copy2db, update, concurrency = args.copy_disk, args.copy_db, args.update, args.concurrency
                    if not update:
                        log.warn('''--update not supplied.
No update of already present apks in database will be done!''')
                    androlyze.action_import_apks(self.storage, apks_or_paths, copy2disk, copy2db, update, tag, concurrency = concurrency)
                # analyze command
                elif cmd == COMMAND_ANALYZE:
                    # androguard path has to be set before
                    from androlyze import action_analyze

                    # sort apks ?
                    get_apks_kwargs = {}
                    no_sort_by_code_size = args.no_sort_code_size
                    if not no_sort_by_code_size:
                        # sort apks by app code size for better scheduling
                        get_apks_kwargs = dict(order_by = TABLE_APK_IMPORT_KEY_SIZE_APP_CODE, ascending = False)
                    apks_or_paths, _ = self.get_apks_or_paths_from_cli(**get_apks_kwargs)

                    # debug infos
                    if not no_sort_by_code_size and not args.apks:
                        apks_or_paths, _it = itertools.tee(apks_or_paths)
                        clilog.info('Using Code Size Scheduling for faster analysis!')
                        log.debug('\n'.join(('%s: %s' % (x.package_name, x.size_app_code) for x in _it)))

                    scripts = args.scripts
                    parallel_mode, concurrency, send_id = self.__load_parallel_settings()

                    # get analysis mode
                    analyze_mode = None
                    if parallel_mode == PARALLELIZATION_MODE_DISTRIBUTED:
                        analyze_mode = ANALYZE_MODE_DISTRIBUTED
                    elif parallel_mode == PARALLELIZATION_MODE_NON_PARALLEL:
                        analyze_mode = ANALYZE_MODE_NON_PARALLEL
                        analyze_mode = ANALYZE_MODE_PARALLEL
                    action_analyze(self.storage, scripts, apks_or_paths,
                                   mode = analyze_mode, concurrency = concurrency,
                                   serialize_apks = not send_id)
                # delete command
                elif cmd == COMMAND_DELETE:
                    self.action_delete(parser, hashes, package_names, tags, yes)
