class ProppatchTest(unittest.TestCase): testDirPath = os.path.sep.join([repositoryPath, "TEST"]) def setUp(self): try: os.mkdir(self.testDirPath) except: pass self.dirResource = Crypto(self.testDirPath) self.dirResource._registerWithParent() self.dirResource._updateMetadata() def tearDown(self): self.dirResource.remove() def testProppatchRequestGenerateParse(self): """ Make a PROPPATCH request body, then parse it back in and compare to the input. """ body = clone.makeCloneBody(self.dirResource) xml = davxml.WebDAVDocument.fromString(body) cloneElement = proppatch.validateBodyXML(xml) cc = clone.cloneFromElement(cloneElement) assert cc.path == self.dirResource.relativePath()
class ForbiddenTest(unittest.TestCase): """ I make sure that all destructive method calls are forbidden on the external interface. """ testDirPath = os.path.sep.join([repositoryPath, "TEST"]) def setUp(self): try: os.mkdir(self.testDirPath) except: pass self.dirResource = Crypto(self.testDirPath) self.dirResource._registerWithParent() self.dirResource._updateMetadata() def tearDown(self): self.dirResource.remove() def testDenyRemoteResourceModification(self): """ Assert (except for PROPPATCH) that all modification requests for the root resource are denied. For this test to run, you need a running instance of the provider. """ from angel_app.resource.remote.clone import Clone # fake resource, modification of which should be disallowed dd = Clone("localhost", providerport, "/TEST/") assert, "Test resource root unreachable." methodsAndExpectedResponseCodes = [ ("MKCOL", responsecode.FORBIDDEN), ("DELETE", responsecode.FORBIDDEN), ("PUT", responsecode.FORBIDDEN), ("MOVE", responsecode.FORBIDDEN), ("COPY", responsecode.FORBIDDEN) ] for method, expect in methodsAndExpectedResponseCodes: runRequest(dd, method, expect) def testAllowRemoteResourceRead(self): """ Perform read-only requests on remote resource """ from angel_app.resource.remote.clone import Clone # fake resource, modification of which should be disallowed dd = Clone("localhost", providerport, "/TEST/") assert, "Test resource root unreachable. Make sure you have a provider instance running." assert self.dirResource.exists() methodsAndExpectedResponseCodes = [ ("GET", responsecode.OK), ("PROPFIND", responsecode.MULTI_STATUS), ] for method, expect in methodsAndExpectedResponseCodes: runRequest(dd, method, expect) def testCollectionRedirect(self): """ path without trailing backslash affords redirect for directories """ from angel_app.resource.remote.clone import Clone dd = Clone("localhost", providerport, "/TEST") methodsAndExpectedResponseCodes = [("GET", responsecode.MOVED_PERMANENTLY)] for method, expect in methodsAndExpectedResponseCodes: runRequest(dd, method, expect) def testProppatch(self): """ Assert (except for PROPPATCH) that all modification requests for the root resource are denied. For this test to run, you need a running instance of the provider. """ # fake resource, modification of which should be disallowed dd = clone.Clone("localhost", providerport, "/TEST/") assert, "Test resource root unreachable. Make sure you have a running provider instance." method = "PROPPATCH" response = dd.remote.performRequest(method) assert (response.status == responsecode.BAD_REQUEST), \ "Request with empty body must fail with 400 BAD_REQUEST. Received: " + `response.status` body = makePushBody(self.dirResource) response = dd.remote.performRequest(method, body = body) assert (response.status == responsecode.FORBIDDEN), \ "Request with extensive property update must fail with 403 FORBIDDEN. Received: " + `response.status` body = clone.makeCloneBody(self.dirResource) response = dd.remote.performRequest(method, body = body) # TODO: we might want to add a detailed analysis of the MULTI_STATUS response here. assert (response.status == responsecode.MULTI_STATUS), \ "Request with well-formed property update must succeed with MULTI_STATUS response. Received: " + `response.status`