 def dlogpxmc_dw(self, w, x, n_batch):
     x = self.tiled_x(x, n_batch)
     x, z, _ = self.gen_xz(w, x, {}, n_batch=n_batch)
     x, z = self.xz_to_theano(x, z)
     A = self.get_A(x)
     r = self.f_dlogpxmc_dw(*ndict.orderedvals((w, x, z)) + [A])
     return r[0], dict(list(zip(list(ndict.ordered(w).keys()), r[1:])))
 def dlogpxmc_dw(self, w, x, n_batch):
     x = self.tiled_x(x, n_batch) 
     x, z, _ = self.gen_xz(w, x, {}, n_batch=n_batch)
     x, z = self.xz_to_theano(x, z)
     A = self.get_A(x)
     r = self.f_dlogpxmc_dw(*ndict.orderedvals((w, x, z))+[A])
     return r[0], dict(zip(ndict.ordered(w).keys(), r[1:]))
 def gen_xz(self, w, x, z, n_batch=0):
     if not x.has_key('x'):
         raise Exception('Not implemented')
     if n_batch == 0:
         n_batch = x['x'].shape[1]
     A = np.ones((1, n_batch))
     _z = {}
     if not x.has_key('y'):
         w = ndict.ordered(w)
         py = self.dist_px['y'](*([x['x']] + w.values() + [A]))
         _z['py'] = py
         x['y'] = np.zeros(py.shape)
         for i in range(n_batch):
             x['y'][:,i] = np.random.multinomial(n=1, pvals=py[:,i])
     return x, z, _z
 def gen_xz(self, w, x, z, n_batch=0):
     if 'x' not in x:
         raise Exception('Not implemented')
     if n_batch == 0:
         n_batch = x['x'].shape[1]
     A = np.ones((1, n_batch))
     _z = {}
     if 'y' not in x:
         w = ndict.ordered(w)
         py = self.dist_px['y'](*([x['x']] + list(w.values()) + [A]))
         _z['py'] = py
         x['y'] = np.zeros(py.shape)
         for i in range(n_batch):
             x['y'][:,i] = np.random.multinomial(n=1, pvals=py[:,i])
     return x, z, _z
	def xz_to_theano(self, x, z):
		_x = {'x':np.dstack(ndict.ordered(x).values()).transpose((2,0,1))}
		_z = {'eps': np.dstack(ndict.ordered(z).values()).transpose((2,0,1))}
		return _x, _z
 def dlogpw_dw(self, w):
     w = ndict.ordered(w)
     r = self.f_dlogpw_dw(*(list(w.values())))
     return r[0], dict(list(zip(list(w.keys()), r[1:])))
 def f_df(w, minibatch):
     u = w['u']
     v = w['v']
     w = w['w']
     i_minibatch = minibatch[0]
     _x_l = minibatch[1] #labeled
     x_minibatch_l = {'x': np.random.normal(_x_l['mean'], np.exp(0.5*_x_l['logvar'])), 'y': _x_l['y']}
     eps_minibatch_l = model.gen_eps(n_batch_l)
     _x_u = minibatch[2] #unlabeled
     x_minibatch_u = {'x': np.random.normal(_x_u['mean'], np.exp(0.5*_x_u['logvar'])), 'y': _x_u['y']}
     eps_minibatch_u = [model.gen_eps(n_batch_u) for i in range(n_y)]
     # === Get gradient for labeled data
     # gradient of -KL(q(z|y,x) ~p(x,y) || p(x,y,z))
     logpx, logpz, logqz, gv_labeled, gw_labeled = model.dL_dw(v, w, x_minibatch_l, eps_minibatch_l)        
     # gradient of classification error E_{~p(x,y)}[q(y|x)]
     logqy, _, gu_labeled, _ = model_qy.dlogpxz_dwz(u, x_minibatch_l, {})
     # Reweight gu_labeled and logqy
     #beta = alpha / (1.-alpha) * (1. * n_unlabeled / n_labeled) #old
     beta = alpha * (1. * n_tot / n_labeled)
     for i in u: gu_labeled[i] *= beta
     logqy *= beta
     L_labeled = logpx + logpz - logqz + logqy
     # === Get gradient for unlabeled data
     # -KL(q(z|x,y)q(y|x) ~p(x) || p(x,y,z))
     # Approach where outer expectation (over q(z|x,y)) is taken as explicit sum (instead of sampling)
     u = ndict.ordered(u)
     py = model_qy.dist_px['y'](*([x_minibatch_u['x']] + u.values() + [np.ones((1, n_batch_u))]))
     if True:
         # Original
         _L = np.zeros((n_y, n_batch_u))
         gv_unlabeled = {i: 0 for i in v}
         gw_unlabeled = {i: 0 for i in w}
         for label in range(n_y):
             new_y = np.zeros((n_y, n_batch_u))
             new_y[label,:] = 1
             eps = eps_minibatch_u[label]
             #logpx, logpz, logqz, _gv, _gw = model.dL_dw(v, w, {'x':x_minibatch['x'],'y':new_y}, eps)
             L_unweighted, L_weighted, _gv, _gw = model.dL_weighted_dw(v, w, {'x':x_minibatch_u['x'],'y':new_y}, eps, py[label:label+1,:])
             _L[label:label+1,:] = L_unweighted
             for i in v: gv_unlabeled[i] += _gv[i]
             for i in w: gw_unlabeled[i] += _gw[i]
         # New, should be more efficient. (But is not in practice)
         _y = np.zeros((n_y, n_batch_u*n_y))
         for label in range(n_y):
             _y[label,label*n_batch_u:(label+1)*n_batch_u] = 1
         _x = np.tile(x_minibatch_u['x'].astype(np.float32), (1, n_y))
         eps = model.gen_eps(n_batch_u*n_y)
         L_unweighted, L_weighted, gv_unlabeled, gw_unlabeled = model.dL_weighted_dw(v, w, {'x':_x,'y':_y}, eps, py.reshape((1, -1)))
         _L = L_unweighted.reshape((n_y, n_batch_u))
     r = f_du(*([x_minibatch_u['x']] + u.values() + [np.zeros((1, n_batch_u)), _L]))
     L_unlabeled = r[0]
     gu_unlabeled = dict(zip(u.keys(), r[1:]))
     # Get gradient of prior
     logpu, gu_prior = model_qy.dlogpw_dw(u)
     logpv, logpw, gv_prior, gw_prior = model.dlogpw_dw(v, w)
     # Combine gradients and objective
     gu = {i: ((gu_labeled[i] + gu_unlabeled[i]) * n_minibatches + gu_prior[i])/(-n_tot) for i in u}
     gv = {i: ((gv_labeled[i] + gv_unlabeled[i]) * n_minibatches + gv_prior[i])/(-n_tot) for i in v}
     gw = {i: ((gw_labeled[i] + gw_unlabeled[i]) * n_minibatches + gw_prior[i])/(-n_tot) for i in w}
     f = ((L_labeled.sum() + L_unlabeled.sum()) * n_minibatches + logpu + logpv + logpw)/(-n_tot)
     L[0] += ((L_labeled.sum() + L_unlabeled.sum()) * n_minibatches + logpu + logpv + logpw)/(-n_tot)
     n_L[0] += 1
     return f, {'u': gu, 'v':gv, 'w':gw}
 def dlogpw_dw(self, w):
     w = ndict.ordered(w)
     r = self.f_dlogpw_dw(*(w.values()))
     return r[0], dict(zip(w.keys(), r[1:]))
    def f_df(w, minibatch):

        u = w['u']
        v = w['v']
        w = w['w']

        i_minibatch = minibatch[0]
        _x_l = minibatch[1]  #labeled
        x_minibatch_l = {
            'x': np.random.normal(_x_l['mean'], np.exp(0.5 * _x_l['logvar'])),
            'y': _x_l['y']
        eps_minibatch_l = model.gen_eps(n_batch_l)

        _x_u = minibatch[2]  #unlabeled
        x_minibatch_u = {
            'x': np.random.normal(_x_u['mean'], np.exp(0.5 * _x_u['logvar'])),
            'y': _x_u['y']
        eps_minibatch_u = [model.gen_eps(n_batch_u) for i in range(n_y)]

        # === Get gradient for labeled data
        # gradient of -KL(q(z|y,x) ~p(x,y) || p(x,y,z))
        logpx, logpz, logqz, gv_labeled, gw_labeled = model.dL_dw(
            v, w, x_minibatch_l, eps_minibatch_l)
        # gradient of classification error E_{~p(x,y)}[q(y|x)]
        logqy, _, gu_labeled, _ = model_qy.dlogpxz_dwz(u, x_minibatch_l, {})

        # Reweight gu_labeled and logqy
        #beta = alpha / (1.-alpha) * (1. * n_unlabeled / n_labeled) #old
        beta = alpha * (1. * n_tot / n_labeled)
        for i in u:
            gu_labeled[i] *= beta
        logqy *= beta

        L_labeled = logpx + logpz - logqz + logqy

        # === Get gradient for unlabeled data
        # -KL(q(z|x,y)q(y|x) ~p(x) || p(x,y,z))
        # Approach where outer expectation (over q(z|x,y)) is taken as explicit sum (instead of sampling)
        u = ndict.ordered(u)
        py = model_qy.dist_px['y'](*([x_minibatch_u['x']] + list(u.values()) +
                                     [np.ones((1, n_batch_u))]))

        if True:
            # Original
            _L = np.zeros((n_y, n_batch_u))
            gv_unlabeled = {i: 0 for i in v}
            gw_unlabeled = {i: 0 for i in w}
            for label in range(n_y):
                new_y = np.zeros((n_y, n_batch_u))
                new_y[label, :] = 1
                eps = eps_minibatch_u[label]
                #logpx, logpz, logqz, _gv, _gw = model.dL_dw(v, w, {'x':x_minibatch['x'],'y':new_y}, eps)
                L_unweighted, L_weighted, _gv, _gw = model.dL_weighted_dw(
                    v, w, {
                        'x': x_minibatch_u['x'],
                        'y': new_y
                    }, eps, py[label:label + 1, :])
                _L[label:label + 1, :] = L_unweighted
                for i in v:
                    gv_unlabeled[i] += _gv[i]
                for i in w:
                    gw_unlabeled[i] += _gw[i]
            # New, should be more efficient. (But is not in practice)
            _y = np.zeros((n_y, n_batch_u * n_y))
            for label in range(n_y):
                _y[label, label * n_batch_u:(label + 1) * n_batch_u] = 1
            _x = np.tile(x_minibatch_u['x'].astype(np.float32), (1, n_y))
            eps = model.gen_eps(n_batch_u * n_y)
            L_unweighted, L_weighted, gv_unlabeled, gw_unlabeled = model.dL_weighted_dw(
                v, w, {
                    'x': _x,
                    'y': _y
                }, eps, py.reshape((1, -1)))
            _L = L_unweighted.reshape((n_y, n_batch_u))

        r = f_du(*([x_minibatch_u['x']] + list(u.values()) +
                   [np.zeros((1, n_batch_u)), _L]))
        L_unlabeled = r[0]
        gu_unlabeled = dict(list(zip(list(u.keys()), r[1:])))

        # Get gradient of prior
        logpu, gu_prior = model_qy.dlogpw_dw(u)
        logpv, logpw, gv_prior, gw_prior = model.dlogpw_dw(v, w)

        # Combine gradients and objective
        gu = {
            ((gu_labeled[i] + gu_unlabeled[i]) * n_minibatches + gu_prior[i]) /
            for i in u
        gv = {
            ((gv_labeled[i] + gv_unlabeled[i]) * n_minibatches + gv_prior[i]) /
            for i in v
        gw = {
            ((gw_labeled[i] + gw_unlabeled[i]) * n_minibatches + gw_prior[i]) /
            for i in w
        f = ((L_labeled.sum() + L_unlabeled.sum()) * n_minibatches + logpu +
             logpv + logpw) / (-n_tot)

        L[0] += ((L_labeled.sum() + L_unlabeled.sum()) * n_minibatches +
                 logpu + logpv + logpw) / (-n_tot)
        n_L[0] += 1


        return f, {'u': gu, 'v': gv, 'w': gw}
 def xz_to_theano(self, x, z):
     _x = {'x': np.dstack(ndict.ordered(x).values()).transpose((2, 0, 1))}
     _z = {'eps': np.dstack(ndict.ordered(z).values()).transpose((2, 0, 1))}
     return _x, _z