    def genCards(self, nids):
        "Generate cards for non-empty templates, return ids to remove."
        # build map of (nid,ord) so we don't create dupes
        snids = ids2str(nids)
        have = {}
        dids = {}
        for id, nid, ord, did in self.db.execute(
            "select id, nid, ord, did from cards where nid in "+snids):
            # existing cards
            if nid not in have:
                have[nid] = {}
            have[nid][ord] = id
            # and their dids
            if nid in dids:
                if dids[nid] and dids[nid] != did:
                    # cards are in two or more different decks; revert to
                    # model default
                    dids[nid] = None
                # first card or multiple cards in same deck
                dids[nid] = did
        # build cards for each note
        data = []
        ts = maxID(self.db)
        now = intTime()
        rem = []
        usn = self.usn()
        for nid, mid, flds in self.db.execute(
            "select id, mid, flds from notes where id in "+snids):
            model = self.models.get(mid)
            avail = self.models.availOrds(model, flds)
            did = dids.get(nid) or model['did']
            # add any missing cards
            for t in self._tmplsFromOrds(model, avail):
                doHave = nid in have and t['ord'] in have[nid]
                if not doHave:
                    # check deck is not a cram deck
                    did = t['did'] or did
                    if self.decks.isDyn(did):
                        did = 1
                    # if the deck doesn't exist, use default instead
                    did = self.decks.get(did)['id']
                    # we'd like to use the same due# as sibling cards, but we
                    # can't retrieve that quickly, so we give it a new id
                    # instead
                    data.append((ts, nid, did, t['ord'],
                                 now, usn, self.nextID("pos")))
                    ts += 1
            # note any cards that need removing
            if nid in have:
                for ord, id in have[nid].items():
                    if ord not in avail:
        # bulk update
insert into cards values (?,?,?,?,?,?,0,0,?,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"")""",
        return rem
    def genCards(self, nids):
        "Generate cards for non-empty templates, return ids to remove."
        # build map of (nid,ord) so we don't create dupes
        snids = ids2str(nids)
        have = {}
        dids = {}
        for id, nid, ord, did in self.db.execute(
            "select id, nid, ord, did from cards where nid in "+snids):
            # existing cards
            if nid not in have:
                have[nid] = {}
            have[nid][ord] = id
            # and their dids
            if nid in dids:
                if dids[nid] and dids[nid] != did:
                    # cards are in two or more different decks; revert to
                    # model default
                    dids[nid] = None
                # first card or multiple cards in same deck
                dids[nid] = did
        # build cards for each note
        data = []
        ts = maxID(self.db)
        now = intTime()
        rem = []
        usn = self.usn()
        for nid, mid, flds in self.db.execute(
            "select id, mid, flds from notes where id in "+snids):
            model = self.models.get(mid)
            avail = self.models.availOrds(model, flds)
            did = dids.get(nid) or model['did']
            # add any missing cards
            for t in self._tmplsFromOrds(model, avail):
                doHave = nid in have and t['ord'] in have[nid]
                if not doHave:
                    # check deck is not a cram deck
                    did = t['did'] or did
                    if self.decks.isDyn(did):
                        did = 1
                    # if the deck doesn't exist, use default instead
                    did = self.decks.get(did)['id']
                    # we'd like to use the same due# as sibling cards, but we
                    # can't retrieve that quickly, so we give it a new id
                    # instead
                    data.append((ts, nid, did, t['ord'],
                                 now, usn, self.nextID("pos")))
                    ts += 1
            # note any cards that need removing
            if nid in have:
                for ord, id in have[nid].items():
                    if ord not in avail:
        # bulk update
insert into cards values (?,?,?,?,?,?,0,0,?,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"")""",
        return rem
    def genCards(self, nids):
        "Generate cards for non-empty templates, return ids to remove."
        # build map of (nid,ord) so we don't create dupes
        snids = ids2str(nids)
        have = {}
        for id, nid, ord in self.db.execute(
            "select id, nid, ord from cards where nid in "+snids):
            if nid not in have:
                have[nid] = {}
            have[nid][ord] = id
        # build cards for each note
        data = []
        ts = maxID(self.db)
        now = intTime()
        rem = []
        usn = self.usn()
        for nid, mid, did, flds in self.db.execute(
            "select id, mid, did, flds from notes where id in "+snids):
            model = self.models.get(mid)
            avail = self.models.availOrds(model, flds)
            ok = []
            for t in model['tmpls']:
                doHave = nid in have and t['ord'] in have[nid]
                # if have ord but empty, add cid to remove list
                # (may not have nid if generating before any cards added)
                if doHave and t['ord'] not in avail:
                # if missing ord and is available, generate
                if not doHave and t['ord'] in avail:
                    data.append((ts, nid, t['did'] or did, t['ord'],
                                 now, usn, nid))
                    ts += 1
        # bulk update
insert into cards values (?,?,?,?,?,?,0,0,?,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"")""",
        return rem
    def genCards(self, nids):
        "Generate cards for non-empty templates, return ids to remove."
        # build map of (nid,ord) so we don't create dupes
        snids = ids2str(nids)
        have = {}
        for id, nid, ord in self.db.execute(
                "select id, nid, ord from cards where nid in " + snids):
            if nid not in have:
                have[nid] = {}
            have[nid][ord] = id
        # build cards for each note
        data = []
        ts = maxID(self.db)
        now = intTime()
        rem = []
        usn = self.usn()
        for nid, mid, did, flds in self.db.execute(
                "select id, mid, did, flds from notes where id in " + snids):
            model = self.models.get(mid)
            avail = self.models.availOrds(model, flds)
            ok = []
            for t in model['tmpls']:
                doHave = nid in have and t['ord'] in have[nid]
                # if have ord but empty, add cid to remove list
                # (may not have nid if generating before any cards added)
                if doHave and t['ord'] not in avail:
                # if missing ord and is available, generate
                if not doHave and t['ord'] in avail:
                    data.append((ts, nid, t['did']
                                 or did, t['ord'], now, usn, nid))
                    ts += 1
        # bulk update
insert into cards values (?,?,?,?,?,?,0,0,?,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"")""", data)
        return rem
    def genCards(self, nids: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        "Generate cards for non-empty templates, return ids to remove."
        # build map of (nid,ord) so we don't create dupes
        snids = ids2str(nids)
        have: Dict[int, Dict[int, int]] = {}
        dids: Dict[int, Optional[int]] = {}
        dues: Dict[int, int] = {}
        for id, nid, ord, did, due, odue, odid, type in self.db.execute(
                "select id, nid, ord, did, due, odue, odid, type from cards where nid in "
                + snids):
            # existing cards
            if nid not in have:
                have[nid] = {}
            have[nid][ord] = id
            # if in a filtered deck, add new cards to original deck
            if odid != 0:
                did = odid
            # and their dids
            if nid in dids:
                if dids[nid] and dids[nid] != did:
                    # cards are in two or more different decks; revert to
                    # model default
                    dids[nid] = None
                # first card or multiple cards in same deck
                dids[nid] = did
            # save due
            if odid != 0:
                due = odue
            if nid not in dues and type == 0:
                # Add due to new card only if it's the due of a new sibling
                dues[nid] = due
        # build cards for each note
        data = []
        ts = maxID(self.db)
        now = intTime()
        rem = []
        usn = self.usn()
        for nid, mid, flds in self.db.execute(
                "select id, mid, flds from notes where id in " + snids):
            model = self.models.get(mid)
            assert model
            avail = self.models.availOrds(model, flds)
            did = dids.get(nid) or model["did"]
            due = dues.get(nid)
            # add any missing cards
            for t in self._tmplsFromOrds(model, avail):
                doHave = nid in have and t["ord"] in have[nid]
                if not doHave:
                    # check deck is not a cram deck
                    did = t["did"] or did
                    if self.decks.isDyn(did):
                        did = 1
                    # if the deck doesn't exist, use default instead
                    did = self.decks.get(did)["id"]
                    # use sibling due# if there is one, else use a new id
                    if due is None:
                        due = self.nextID("pos")
                    data.append((ts, nid, did, t["ord"], now, usn, due))
                    ts += 1
            # note any cards that need removing
            if nid in have:
                for ord, id in list(have[nid].items()):
                    if ord not in avail:
        # bulk update
insert into cards values (?,?,?,?,?,?,0,0,?,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"")""",
        return rem
 def _prepareTS(self) -> None:
     self._ts = maxID(self.dst.db)
 def _prepareTS(self):
     self._ts = maxID(self.dst.db)
 def _prepareTS(self):
     # 数据库内容
     self._ts = maxID(self.dst.db)
文件: base.py 项目: ACEfanatic02/anki
 def _prepareTS(self):
     self._ts = maxID(self.dst.db)
    def genCards(self, nids):
        """Ids of cards needed to be removed.

        Generate missing cards of a note with id in nids.
        # build map of (nid,ord) so we don't create dupes
        snids = ids2str(nids)
        have = {}#Associated to each nid a dictionnary from card's order to card id.
        dids = {}#Associate to each nid the only deck id containing its cards. Or None if there are multiple decks
        dues = {}#Associate to each nid the due value of the last card seen.
        for id, nid, ord, did, due, odue, odid in self.db.execute(
            "select id, nid, ord, did, due, odue, odid from cards where nid in "+snids):
            # existing cards
            if nid not in have:
                have[nid] = {}
            have[nid][ord] = id
            # if in a filtered deck, add new cards to original deck
            if odid != 0:
                did = odid
            # and their dids
            if nid in dids:
                if dids[nid] and dids[nid] != did:
                    # cards are in two or more different decks; revert to
                    # model default
                    dids[nid] = None
                # first card or multiple cards in same deck
                dids[nid] = did
            # save due
            if odid != 0:
                due = odue
            if nid not in dues:
                dues[nid] = due
        # build cards for each note
        data = []#Tuples for cards to create. Each tuple is newCid, nid, did, ord, now, usn, due
        ts = maxID(self.db)
        now = intTime()
        rem = []#cards to remove
        usn = self.usn()
        for nid, mid, flds in self.db.execute(
            "select id, mid, flds from notes where id in "+snids):
            model = self.models.get(mid)
            avail = self.models.availOrds(model, flds)
            did = dids.get(nid) or model['did']
            due = dues.get(nid)
            # add any missing cards
            for t in self._tmplsFromOrds(model, avail):
                doHave = nid in have and t['ord'] in have[nid]
                if not doHave:
                    # check deck is not a cram deck
                    did = t['did'] or did
                    if self.decks.isDyn(did):
                        did = 1
                    # if the deck doesn't exist, use default instead
                    did = self.decks.get(did)['id']
                    # use sibling due# if there is one, else use a new id
                    if due is None:
                        due = self.nextID("pos")
                    data.append((ts, nid, did, t['ord'],
                                 now, usn, due))
                    ts += 1
            # note any cards that need removing
            if nid in have:
                for ord, id in list(have[nid].items()):
                    if ord not in avail:
        # bulk update
insert into cards values (?,?,?,?,?,?,0,0,?,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"")""",
        return rem