for i,obj in enumerate(ans): box = obj.bounding_box.flatten().tolist() bbox_list.append(box) class_id_list.append(obj.label_id) prob_list.append(obj.score) bbox_array = array(bbox_list) class_id_array = array(class_id_list) prob_array = array(prob_list) inference_image, orig_image_dim, detected_objects = inference_to_image(model_type, logger, image_filepath, bbox_array, class_id_array, prob_array, model_input_dim, label_dict, PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD) if args.display == 'gtk': cv2.namedWindow('Object Detect') image = cv2.cvtColor(inference_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imshow('Object Detect', cv2.resize(image, (640,480))) cv2.waitKey(0) elif args.display == 'None': pass else: pass if args.annotation_dir != None: print ("detected objects:", detected_objects) image_basename = os.path.basename(image_filepath) annotation_xml = inference_to_xml(args.image_dir, image_basename, orig_image_dim, detected_objects, args.annotation_dir)
def image_consumer(consumer_id, sess, tensor_dict, image_tensor, bbox_stack_lists, bbox_push_lists, model_input_dim, label_dict):'IMAGE-CONSUMER started #{consumer_id}') # configuration facial_detection_regions = convert_facial_lists( settings.config["facial_detection_regions"] ) # list of lists converted to list of tuple-2 (camera_id, regions_id) while True: new_objects = 0 # default to 0 try: # Consumer tasks # - once/frame # - ALL regions of the frame data = settings.imageQueue.get(block=False) camera_id, camera_name, image_time, np_images, is_color = data pushed_to_face_queue = False start = time.perf_counter() # loop through the regions in the frame for region_id, np_image in enumerate(np_images): orig_image = np_image.copy( ) # np_image will become inference image - it's NOT immutable np_image_expanded = np.expand_dims(np_image, axis=0) # -- run model inf = tensorflow_util.send_image_to_tf_sess( np_image_expanded, sess, tensor_dict, image_tensor) # get data for relavant detections num_detections = inf.prob_array.shape[0] # check for new detections # - per camera - per region det = None # you need None, if saving inferences (no detection) on all images if num_detections > 0: # need bbox_array as a numpy log.debug( f'image_consumer#{consumer_id} - cam#{camera_id} reg#{region_id} bbox_stack_list len: {len(bbox_stack_lists)}' ) log.debug( f'-- bbox_stack_lists[{camera_id}] => bbox_stack_list') log.debug( f'-- bbox_stack_list: {bbox_stack_lists[camera_id]}') with settings.safe_stack_update: new_objects, dup_objects = tensorflow_util.identify_new_detections( image_time, settings.iou_threshold, camera_id, region_id, inf.bbox_array, bbox_stack_lists[camera_id], bbox_push_lists[camera_id]) # D E T E C T I O N class # - create a detection & update home_status det = inference.RegionDetection(image_time, camera_id, region_id, is_color, num_detections, new_objects, inf) # update regardless with settings.safe_status_update: # - - - - - - - UPDATING status & history - - - - - - - - # called as a per camera:region function settings.home_status.update_from_detection(det) # display - # NOTE - Displaying w/ cv2 in multi-threads is a problem!! 1 consumer only if you want to enable this # window_name = '{}-{}'.format(camera_name, region_id) if num_detections > 0: image = np_image # TODO - get rid of the threshold probability_threshold = 0.7 inference_image, orig_image_dim, detected_objects = display.inference_to_image( image, inf, model_input_dim, label_dict, probability_threshold) # Facial Detection if settings.facial_detection_enabled == True: submit_face_queue = check_faces( camera_id, region_id, facial_detection_regions, inf. class_array) # is this region in the regions to check? if submit_face_queue == True: settings.faceQueue.put( (camera_id, region_id, image_time, np_image)) pushed_to_face_queue = True # S A V E # - set up a couple of rules for saving # default rule_num = 2 # priority camera/region w/ new objects image_name, annotation_name = inference.get_save_detection_path( rule_num, det, settings.image_path, settings.annotation_path) f'image_consumer/get_save_path: {image_name} {annotation_name}' ) saved = False # default if image_name is not None: # original image - h: 480 w: 640 saved = True cv2.imwrite(image_name, orig_image) # this function generates & saves the XML annotation # - if no detection, just save image, skip the annotation - there is no annotation if det is not None: annotation_xml = annotation.inference_to_xml( settings.image_path, image_name, orig_image_dim, detected_objects, settings.annotation_path) with settings.safe_print: f' IMAGE-CONSUMER:<< {consumer_id} qsize: {settings.imageQueue.qsize()}' f' cam: {camera_name} reg: {region_id} timestamp {image_time}' f' inftime:{(time.perf_counter() - start):02.2f} sec dets: {num_detections} new: {new_objects} saved: {saved}' ) if num_detections > 0: log.debug(f'image_consumer - detection: {det}') if pushed_to_face_queue == True:' pushed to faceQueue') if saved == True: log.debug( f" Saved: stale objects - image_name: {image_name}" ) else: log.debug( " No new objects detected --- not saved") except queue.Empty: pass except Exception as e: with settings.safe_print: log.error( f' IMAGE-CONSUMER:!!! ERROR - Exception Consumer ID: {consumer_id}' ) log.error(f' -- image consumer exception: {e}') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) # stop? if settings.run_state == False:'******* image consummer {consumer_id} shutdown *******') return
def run_inference(image, base_name, region, region_idx, bbox_stack_list, bbox_push_list, save_inference): ''' run the inference with the given image image = full size image base_name = time to make the file unique you'll append region_id to keep it unique region = dimension data to pull out, region = ((ymin, ymax), (xmin, xmax)) last region is the full image = all 0 values region_idx save using the {base_name}_{region_idx} ''' if region: (ymin, ymax) = region[0] (xmin, xmax) = region[1] # TODO # after getting rid of orig/fullsize # you can simplify this - you'll always have region if ymax > 0: image = image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax].copy() base_name = "{}_{}".format(base_name, region_idx) # This is destructive # when you do the display inference orig_image = image.copy() # pre-process the frame -> a compatible numpy array for the model preprocessed_image = tensorflow_util.preprocess_image( image, interpreter, model_image_dim, model_input_dim) # run the model bbox_array, class_id_array, prob_array = tensorflow_util.send_image_to_model( preprocessed_image, interpreter, PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD) # check detected objects against the stack new_objects = 0 dup_objects = 0 if prob_array is not None: match_counts = calc_iou_with_previous(region_idx, bbox_stack_list, bbox_push_list, bbox_array) for match_count in match_counts: if match_count >= 3: dup_objects = dup_objects + 1 else: new_objects = new_objects + 1 inference_image, orig_image_dim, detected_objects = display.inference_to_image( image, bbox_array, class_id_array, prob_array, model_input_dim, label_dict, PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD) # if the detected objects were repetitive - don't save the image # get IOU # testing the format # convert detected_objexts to XML # detected_objects = list [ (class_id, class_name, probability, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)] if len(detected_objects) > 0: print(" Objects:", base_name, detected_objects) if save_inference and new_objects > 0: image_name = os.path.join(image_path, base_name + '.jpg') annotation_name = os.path.join(annotation_path, base_name + '.xml') # print ("saving:", image_name, image.shape, annotation_name) # original image - h: 480 w: 640 print(" Saved: match count: {} new objects: {} image_name: {}". format(match_counts, new_objects, image_name)) cv2.imwrite(image_name, orig_image) # this function generates & saves the XML annotation annotation_xml = annotation.inference_to_xml( image_path, image_name, orig_image_dim, detected_objects, annotation_path) elif save_inference and new_objects == 0: print(" No new objects detected --- not saved") return inference_image, detected_objects, bbox_array
def main(): # get the app config - including passwords config = gen_util.read_app_config('app_config.json') # set some flags based on the config run_inference = config["run_inference"] save_inference = config["save_inference"] annotation_dir = config["annotation_dir"] snapshot_dir = config["snapshot_dir"] # set up camerass camera_list = camera_util.configure_cameras(config) # set up tflite model label_dict = label_map_util.get_label_map_dict(config['label_map'], 'id') interpreter = tensorflow_util.get_tflite_interpreter( 'model/output_tflite_graph.tflite') model_image_dim, model_input_dim, output_details = tensorflow_util.get_tflite_attributes( interpreter) # define your paths here - just once (not in the loop) image_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, snapshot_dir)) annotation_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, annotation_dir)) run_with_camera_number = 0 # 0 based snapshot_count = 0 while True: # for name, capture, flip in camera_list: name, capture, flip = camera_list[ run_with_camera_number] # running with 1 camera only start_time = time.time() print(name, snapshot_count) ret, frame = # frame.shape (height, width, depth) if frame is not None: orig_image_dim = (frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1] ) # dim = (height, width), orig_image = frame.copy() snapshot_count = snapshot_count + 1 print('captured:', frame.shape, time.time() - start_time) if flip == "vert": frame = cv2.flip(frame, 0) # True == run it through the model if run_inference: # pre-process the frame -> a compatible numpy array for the model preprocessed_image = tensorflow_util.preprocess_image( frame, interpreter, model_image_dim, model_input_dim) bbox_array, class_id_array, prob_array = tensorflow_util.send_image_to_model( preprocessed_image, interpreter) print('inference:', frame.shape, time.time() - start_time) inference_image, orig_image_dim, detected_objects = display.inference_to_image( frame, bbox_array, class_id_array, prob_array, model_input_dim, label_dict, PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD) # testing the format # convert detected_objexts to XML # detected_objects = list [ (class_id, class_name, probability, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)] if len(detected_objects) > 0: print(detected_objects) if save_inference: image_base_name = str(int(start_time)) image_name = os.path.join(image_path, image_base_name + '.jpg') annotation_name = os.path.join( annotation_path, image_base_name + '.xml') print("saving:", image_name, frame.shape, annotation_name) # original image - h: 480 w: 640 cv2.imwrite(image_name, orig_image) # this function generates & saves the XML annotation annotation_xml = annotation.inference_to_xml( name, image_name, orig_image_dim, detected_objects, annotation_dir) # enlarged_inference = cv2.resize(inference_image, (1440, 1440), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) cv2.imshow(name, inference_image) # show the inferance # cv2.imshow(name, orig_image) # show the raw image from the camera else: cv2.imshow(name, frame) else: print("-- no frame returned -- ") # time.sleep(3) # Use key 'q' to close window if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()