def importSkel( char ):
    imports the charName_skel.ma file from the character's directory if one exists.
    If no file exists, asks whether you want to import the default skel.
    skelFile = os.path.join(common.getCharDir( char ), '%s_skel.ma' % char)
    if not os.path.exists(skelFile):
        if showDialog( title='WARNING', message='Character %s skeleton file not found.\n Would you like to load default skeleton?' % char, button=['yes', 'no'] ) != 'yes':
            return 'User cancelled'
        skelFile = os.path.join(common.getCharDir( 'defaultChar' ), 'defaultChar_skel.ma')
    cmds.file(skelFile, i=1, dns=1)
def readJoints( char ):
    reads joint data for the specified character.
    First, attemps to locate charName_joints.py in the character's local directory.
    If this fails, loads in the data from the default character
    jointFile = os.path.join(common.getCharDir( char ), '%s_joints.py' % char)
    if not os.path.exists(jointFile):
        if showDialog( title='WARNING', message='Character %s joint data not found.\n Would you like to load default joint data?' % char, button=['yes', 'no'] ) != 'yes':
            return 'User cancelled'
        jointFile = os.path.join(common.getCharDir( 'defaultChar' ), 'defaultChar_joints.py')
    f = open(jointFile, 'r')
    jointDict = json.loads(f.readline())
    return jointDict
def importGeo(char):
    imports the charName_geo.ma file from the character's directory if one exists.
    If no file exists, asks whether you want to import the default geo.
    Returns a list of new nodes added to the scene (rnn flag)
    geoFile = os.path.join(common.getCharDir( char ), '%s_geo.ma' % char)
    if not os.path.exists(geoFile):
        if showDialog( title='WARNING', message='Character %s geometry file not found.\n Would you like to load default geometry?' % char, button=['yes', 'no'] ) != 'yes':
            return 'User cancelled'
        geoFile = os.path.join(common.getCharDir( 'defaultChar' ), 'defaultChar_geo.ma')
    importList = cmds.file(geoFile, i=1, dns=1, rnn=1)
    meshNodes = [ m for m in importList if m.split('_')[-1] == 'mesh' ]
    return meshNodes
def exportSkel( char, jointList ):
    exports the charName_skel.ma file from the supplied jointlist.
    If file exists, asks whether you want to overwrite.
    skelFile = os.path.join(common.getCharDir( char ), '%s_skel.ma' % char)
    if os.path.exists(skelFile):
        if showDialog( title='WARNING', message='Character %s skeleton file Exists.\n Overwrite File?' % char, button=['yes', 'no'] ) != 'yes':
            return 'User cancelled'
    cmds.file(skelFile, es=1, f=1, type='mayaAscii')
def writeJoints( char, jointList ):
    function to save joint data out to a json file
    joints are stored in a dictionary called jointDict with one key - 'joints'
    the value of jointDict['joints'] is another dictionary with a key corresponding to the name of each joint
    the value of each joint key is also a dictionary containing all the data for that joint
    joints = {}
    xformAttrs = ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz', 'jox', 'joy', 'joz']
    # Populate data
    for j in jointList:
        jointData = {}
        for attr in xformAttrs:
            jointData.setdefault( attr, cmds.getAttr('%s.%s' % (j, attr)))
        joints.setdefault( j, jointData )
    jointDict = {'joints':joints}
    charDir  = common.getCharDir( char )
    jointFile = os.path.join( charDir, '%s_joints.py' % char)
    # Check to see if file exists
    if os.path.isfile(jointFile):
        if showDialog( title='WARNING', message='Overwrite existing joint data?', button=['yes', 'no'] ) != 'yes':
            return 'User cancelled'

    # Make sure a destination folder exists
    destDir = os.path.dirname( jointFile )
    if not os.path.exists( destDir ):
        if showDialog( title='WARNING', message='Character %s Does not exist.\n Would you like to create it now?' % char, button=['yes', 'no'] ) != 'yes':
            return 'User cancelled'
            os.makedirs( destDir )

    # Write data to disk
    f = open(jointFile, 'w')
    showDialog( 'Success!', 'Joint data dumped to file:\n"%s_joints.py".' % jointFile )
def rebindSkinClusters(char="", meshes=[]):
	delete and recreate skinclusters on supplied or selected meshes
	with influences from skinWeightsFile

    # abort if no char is given
    if char == "":
        return cmds.warning("No character selected. Please supply a character name in function call.")

        # abort if there no mesh supplied or selected
    if meshes == []:
        meshes = cmds.ls(sl=1)
        print("No meshes supplied as param, attempting to use selected objects(%s)." % ", ".join(meshes))
        if meshes == []:
            return cmds.warning("No mesh to found. Please select a mesh.")

            # confirm rebind
    if (
            message="Delete and rebind skinclusters for [ %s ]?" % ", ".join(meshes),
            button=["yes", "no"],
        != "yes"
        return "User cancelled"

        # get path to skin file
    charDir = common.getCharDir(char)
    skinWeightsFile = os.path.join(charDir, "%s_skin.py" % char)

    # use default skinWeightsFile if character specific file does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(skinWeightsFile):
        skinWeightsFile = os.path.join(common.getCharDir("defaultChar"), "defaultChar_skin.py")
        cmds.warning("Did not find skin weights file for selected character, using default character file.")

        # read skin weights from file
    f = open(skinWeightsFile, "r")
    allWeights = json.loads(f.readline())

    # remove meshes for which there is no infs-key or weight dictionary
    for mesh in meshes:
        if mesh not in allWeights.keys():
            cmds.warning("No weights dictionary found for %s" % mesh)
        if "infs" not in allWeights[mesh].keys():
            cmds.warning("No Influences key found for %s" % mesh)

    skinclusters = []
    for mesh in meshes:
        weights = allWeights[mesh]

        # unbind mesh if skincluster exists
        clusterName = mel.eval("findRelatedSkinCluster " + mesh)
        if clusterName != "":
            cmds.skinCluster(mesh, edit=True, unbind=True)

            # rebind
        skincluster = cmds.skinCluster(
            name="skincluster_" + str(mesh),

        "Succss!", 'Skinclusters rebound on [ %s ] from file:\n"%s_skin.py"' % (", ".join(meshes), skinWeightsFile)

    return skinclusters
def setSkinWeights(char="", meshes=[]):
	applies skinweights from file to supplied or selected geometries
	(which need to already have a skincluster)

    # abort if no char is given
    if char == "":
        return cmds.warning("No character selected. Please supply a character name in function call.")

        # abort if there no mesh supplied or selected
    if meshes == []:
        meshes = cmds.ls(sl=1)
        print("No meshes supplied as param, attempting to use selected objects(%s)." % ", ".join(meshes))
        if meshes == []:
            return cmds.warning("No mesh to export weights from. Please select a mesh.")

            # get path to skin file
    charDir = common.getCharDir(char)
    skinWeightsFile = os.path.join(charDir, "%s_skin.py" % char)

    # use default skinWeightsFile if character specific file does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(skinWeightsFile):
        skinWeightsFile = os.path.join(common.getCharDir("defaultChar"), "defaultChar_skin.py")
        cmds.warning("Did not find skin weights file for selected character, using default character file.")

        # read skin weights from file
    f = open(skinWeightsFile, "r")
    allWeights = json.loads(f.readline())

    # compare meshes to keys of allWeights dictionary
    print("File contains skinweights for: " + ",".join(allWeights.keys()))
    for mesh in meshes:
        if mesh not in allWeights.keys():
            cmds.warning("No weights found for %s" % mesh)

    for mesh in meshes:

        # find skinCluster
        clusterName = mel.eval("findRelatedSkinCluster " + mesh)

        if clusterName == "":
            cmds.warning("No skinclutser found on %s." % mesh)

        weights = allWeights[mesh]

        # unlock influences
        infs = cmds.skinCluster(clusterName, q=True, weightedInfluence=True)
        for inf in infs:
            cmds.setAttr("%s.liw" % inf, False)

            # prune weights to get rid of weights not stored in skinWeightsFile
            # normalize needs to be turned off for the prune to work
        normState = cmds.getAttr("%s.normalizeWeights" % clusterName)
        shapeName = cmds.listRelatives(mesh, shapes=True)[0]
        cmds.setAttr("%s.normalizeWeights" % clusterName, False)
        cmds.skinPercent(clusterName, shapeName, normalize=False, pruneWeights=100.0)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.normalizeWeights" % clusterName, normState)

        # pop influences key
        if "infs" in weights:

        # set weights in skinCluster.weightsList[].weights[] to infValue
        for vertId, weightData in weights.items():
            weightListAttr = "%s.weightList[%s]" % (clusterName, vertId)
            for infId, infValue in weightData.items():
                weightsAttr = ".weights[%s]" % infId
                cmds.setAttr(weightListAttr + weightsAttr, infValue)

        "Succss!", 'Skin weights applied to [ %s ] from file:\n"%s_skin.py"' % (", ".join(meshes), skinWeightsFile)

def getSkinWeights(char="", meshes=[]):
	saves skinweights of supplied or selected geometries to a file
	the data is store in nested dictionaries in this structure

    # abort if no char is given
    if char == "":
        return cmds.warning("No character selected. Please supply a character name in function call.")

        # abort if there no mesh supplied or selected
    if meshes == []:
        meshes = cmds.ls(sl=1)
        print("No meshes supplied as param, attempting to use selected objects(%s)." % meshes)
        if meshes == []:
            return cmds.warning("No mesh to export weights from. Please select a mesh.")

            # check if output file already exists
    charDir = common.getCharDir(char)
    skinWeightsFile = os.path.join(charDir, "%s_skin.py" % char)

    if os.path.isfile(skinWeightsFile):
        if (
            cmds.confirmDialog(title="Warning", message="Overwrite existing skin weights data?", button=["yes", "no"])
            != "yes"
            return "User cancelled"

    allWeights = {}

    for mesh in meshes:
        # find skinCluster
        clusterName = mel.eval("findRelatedSkinCluster " + mesh)

        # abort if there is no skinCluster
        if clusterName == "":
            cmds.warning("No skinCluster found, " + mesh + " is not bound to a skeleton?")

            # prune to get rid of 0 zero value indices
        normState = cmds.getAttr("%s.normalizeWeights" % clusterName)
        shapeName = cmds.listRelatives(mesh, shapes=True)[0]
        cmds.setAttr("%s.normalizeWeights" % clusterName, False)
        cmds.skinPercent(clusterName, shapeName, normalize=False, pruneWeights=0.001)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.normalizeWeights" % clusterName, normState)

        # get the MFnSkinCluster for clusterName
        selList = om.MSelectionList()
        clusterNode = om.MObject()
        selList.getDependNode(0, clusterNode)
        skinFn = oma.MFnSkinCluster(clusterNode)

        # get the MDagPath for all influence
        infDags = om.MDagPathArray()

        # create a dictionary whose key is the MPlug indice id and
        # whose value is the influence list id
        infIds = {}
        infs = []
        for i in xrange(infDags.length()):
            infPath = infDags[i].fullPathName()
            infId = int(skinFn.indexForInfluenceObject(infDags[i]))
            infIds[infId] = i

            # get weightList and weight plugs
        weightListPlug = skinFn.findPlug("weightList")
        weightsPlug = skinFn.findPlug("weights")
        weightListAttr = weightListPlug.attribute()
        weightsAttr = weightsPlug.attribute()
        weightsInfIds = om.MIntArray()

        # the weights are stored in dictionary, the key is the vertId,
        # the value is another dictionary whose key is the influence id and
        # value is the weight for that influence
        # first key 'infs' is the list of influences in bind order
        weights = {}
        weights["infs"] = infs
        for vertId in xrange(weightListPlug.numElements()):
            vertWeights = {}
            weightsPlug.selectAncestorLogicalIndex(vertId, weightListAttr)


            infPlug = om.MPlug(weightsPlug)
            for infId in weightsInfIds:

                infPlug.selectAncestorLogicalIndex(infId, weightsAttr)

                    vertWeights[infIds[infId]] = infPlug.asDouble()
                except KeyError:

            weights[vertId] = vertWeights

        allWeights[mesh] = weights

        # save data to file
    f = open(skinWeightsFile, "w")
    showDialog("Succss!", 'Skin weights for [ %s ] saved to file:\n"%s_skin.py"' % (", ".join(meshes), skinWeightsFile))

    return allWeights