def test_desired_none_values_are_ignored(self):
     assert utils.do_differ_v1(
         {"spec": {
             "a": "b"
         {"spec": {
             "c": None
     ) is False
 def test_metadata_detects_change(self):
     assert utils.do_differ_v1(
         {"metadata": {
             "a": 1
         {"metadata": {
             "a": 2
     ) is True
 def test_detect_missing_keys_in_current(self):
     assert utils.do_differ_v1(
         {"spec": {
             "a": "b"
         {"spec": {
             "c": "d"
     ) is True
 def test_detect_different_values(self):
     assert utils.do_differ_v1(
         {"spec": {
             "a": "b"
         {"spec": {
             "a": "c"
     ) is True
 def test_ignore_keys_do_not_affect_the_outcome(self):
     assert utils.do_differ_v1(
         {"spec": {
             "a": 1
         {"spec": {
             "a": 2
     ) is False
 def test_metadata_detects_change_in_presence_of_created_by(self):
     assert utils.do_differ_v1(
         {"metadata": {
             "a": 1,
             "created_by": 2
         {"metadata": {
             "a": 2
     ) is True
 def test_metadata_ignores_created_by(self):
     assert utils.do_differ_v1(
         {"metadata": {
             "a": 1,
             "created_by": 2
         {"metadata": {
             "a": 1
     ) is False
 def test_extra_keys_in_current_do_not_matter(self):
     assert utils.do_differ_v1(
         {"spec": {
             "a": "b",
             "c": 3
         {"spec": {
             "a": "b"
     ) is False
 def test_ignore_keys_do_not_mask_other_differences(self):
     assert utils.do_differ_v1(
         {"spec": {
             "a": 1,
             "b": 1
         {"spec": {
             "a": 2,
             "b": 2
     ) is True
def do_differ(current, desired):
    if utils.do_differ_v1(current, desired, "client"):
        return True

    current_client = current["spec"]["client"]
    desired_client = desired["spec"]["client"]
    # Sensu Go API returns 'agent_address' field in the client spec,
    # but this field is not meant to be set via the providers API.
    if utils.do_differ(current_client, desired_client, "agent_address", "tls"):
        return True
    # Sensu Go API returns some extra fields in the tls spec.
    # We ignore them, as they are not meant to be set via the
    # providers API.
    return utils.do_differ(current_client["tls"], desired_client.get("tls") or {},
                           "insecure", "tls_server_name", "ca_path")