def home(): sn = request.forms.get('spotNumber') hl = request.forms.get('headline') org = request.forms.get('organization') desc = request.forms.get('description') pw = request.forms.get('password') img_url = request.forms.get('image_url') #img = uploadImage(img_url) if isValidSpot(sn): snInt = int(sn) snInt = str(snInt) snDatabase = Occupant.get_by_id(snInt) if snDatabase == None: occupant = Occupant(id = snInt, headline = hl, description = desc, date_time =, spot_id = snInt, organization = org, spot_image = img_url, password = pw, report = 0) occupant.put() time.sleep(2) response.set_cookie("submittedForm", "yes") redirect('/') else: header = template('header', home="", vendor="active", edit="", about="") content = template('vendor', message = "*Sorry, the Spot Number entered has already been taken.*", sn = "", hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw) footer = template('footer',"") return header + content + footer else: header = template('header', home="", vendor="active", edit="", about="") content = template('vendor', message = "*Sorry, the spot number must be a valid spot number.*", sn = "", hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw) footer = template('footer',"") return header + content + footer
def home(): query = Occupant.query() tmp_vendors = convertVendors(query) vendors = {'vendors':tmp_vendors} #query = Spot.query() #query_spots = convertSpots(query) tmp_spots = [] for v in tmp_vendors: spot = Spot.get_by_id(v['spot_id']) if spot != None: tmp = convertOneSpot(spot,v) tmp_spots.append(tmp) spots = {'spots':tmp_spots} header = template('header', home="active", vendor="", edit="", about="") content = template('buyer', vendors, spots) footer = template('footer',"") deleted = """ <script> $(window).load(function() { alert("The spot entered and it's information has been deleted. \\n\\nThank you!"); }); </script>""" confirmation = """ <script> $(window).load(function() { alert("Your reservation is complete! Please note that official reservations must be made through the Student Center and not through antTrails. Also, please note that the spots reset at 12am everyday. \\n\\nThank you!"); }); </script> """ if request.get_cookie("submittedForm") == "yes": response.set_cookie("submittedForm", "no") content = template('buyer', vendors, spots) return header + content + footer + confirmation elif request.get_cookie("deleted") == "yes": response.set_cookie("deleted", "no") content = template('buyer', vendors, spots) return header + content + footer + deleted else: return header + content + footer
from bottle import Bottle,route, run, template, static_file, get, post, request, redirect, response from antTrailsDatabase import Occupant, Spot from google.appengine.ext import ndb import datetime, pyimgur, time ndb.delete_multi(Occupant.query().fetch(keys_only=True)) return 250
def home(): o1 = Occupant(id = "1", headline = "Selling chicken nuggets!", description = "Chicken nuggets! 5 for $1", date_time =, spot_id = "1", organization = "Circle K", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0) o2 = Occupant(id = "2", headline = "Free drinks!", description = "Answer a simple survey to get a free drink!", date_time =, spot_id = "2", organization = "Mahjong Club", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0) o3 = Occupant(id = "3", headline = "Resume Critque", description = "Stop by to get your resume up in shape!", date_time =, spot_id = "3", organization = "Career Center", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0) o4 = Occupant(id = "76", headline = "Study at our Booth!", description = "Come study with us at our booth and learn about stuff!", date_time =, spot_id = "76", organization = "Study Club", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0) o5 = Occupant(id = "233", headline = "Boats", description = "Boats, Boats BOATS!!!", date_time =, spot_id = "233", organization = "Touch the Boat", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0) o6 = Occupant(id = "314", headline = "Don't Smile at Strangers", description = "Have you ever wanted to see what goes on behind the Don't Smile at Strangers group meetings? Come by to find out! We're always happy to show you!", date_time =, spot_id = "314", organization = "INFX 151", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0) o7 = Occupant(id = "106", headline = "ASUCI Elections", description = "Vote today!", date_time =, spot_id = "106", organization = "ASUCI", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0) o1.put() o2.put() o3.put() o4.put() o5.put() o6.put() o7.put() return "Occupant Data successfully added!"
def home(): #if the user has not submitted the new editted form, it will enter this branch if request.get_cookie("edittingForm") == "no": sn = request.forms.get('spotNumber') pw = request.forms.get('password') if isValidSpot(sn): #gets rid of leading 0s snInt = int(sn) snInt = str(snInt) snDatabase = Occupant.get_by_id(snInt) if snDatabase == None: header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="") content = template('edit', message="*The entered Spot Number has not been reserved yet.") footer = template('footer',"") return header + content + footer else: if snDatabase.password == pw: #if the user chose to delete a spot, here they go! if request.forms.get("delete") == "Delete Spot": spot = Occupant.get_by_id(snInt) spot.key.delete() response.set_cookie("deleted", "yes") time.sleep(2) redirect('/') else: response.set_cookie("edittingForm", "yes") snInt = int(sn) snInt = str(snInt) response.set_cookie("originalSN", snInt) hl = snDatabase.headline org = snDatabase.organization desc = snDatabase.description header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="") content = template('vendor', message = "Spot Information has been loaded!", sn = sn, hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw) footer = template('footer',"") return header + content + footer else: header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="") content = template('edit', message="*Invalid Password") footer = template('footer',"") return header + content + footer else: header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="") content = template('edit', message = "*Sorry, the spot number must be a valid spot number.*") footer = template('footer',"") return header + content + footer #if the user has submitted a new editted spot form it will enter this branch #this branch is basically the check in vnedor that validates input else: sn = request.forms.get('spotNumber') hl = request.forms.get('headline') org = request.forms.get('organization') desc = request.forms.get('description') pw = request.forms.get('password') img_url = request.forms.get('image_url') if isValidSpot(sn): snInt = int(sn) snInt = str(snInt) snDatabase = Occupant.get_by_id(snInt) if snDatabase == None or snInt == str(request.get_cookie("originalSN")): occupant = Occupant(id = snInt, headline = hl, description = desc, date_time =, spot_id = snInt, organization = org, spot_image = img_url, password = pw, report = 0) occupant.put() #if the new spot number does not exist that means that changed the spot number #so the old can be deleted because it is being replaced if snDatabase == None: oldSpot = Occupant.get_by_id(str(request.get_cookie("originalSN"))) oldSpot.key.delete() response.set_cookie("edittingForm", "no") response.set_cookie("originalSN", "no") time.sleep(2) response.set_cookie("submittedForm", "yes") redirect('/') else: header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="") content = template('vendor', message = "*Sorry, the Spot Number entered has already been taken.*", sn = "", hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw) footer = template('footer',"") return header + content + footer else: header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="") content = template('vendor', message = "*Sorry, the spot number must be a valid spot number.*", sn = "", hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw) footer = template('footer',"") return header + content + footer