def readANTELOPE(database, station=None, channel=None, starttime=None, endtime=None):
    Reads a portion of a Antelope wfdisc table to a Stream.
    Attempts to return one Trace per line of the 'wfdisc' view passed.  
    Additionally, will filter and cut with respect to any of the fields
    in the primary key IF specified. (sta chan time::endtime)
    NOTE: Currently MUST have both times (start/end) or neither.
    the returned Traces will have a new attribute, 'db'

    :type database: string or antelope.datascope.Dbptr
    :param database: Antelope database name or pointer
    :type station: string
    :param station: Station expression to subset
    :type channel: string
    :param channel: Channel expression to subset
    :type starttime: :class: `~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
    :param starttime: Desired start time
    :type endtime: :class: `~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
    :param endtime: Desired end time
    :rtype: :class: `~obspy.core.stream.Stream'
    :return: Stream with one Trace for each row of the database view
    .. rubric:: Example
    >>> st = readANTELOPE('/opt/antelope/example/db', station='TOLO', channel='LH.',
                        starttime=UTCDateTime(2008,6,13), endtime=UTCDateTime(2008,6,14))
    >>> print(st)
    6 Trace(s) in Stream:
    XA.TOL0..LHE | 2008-06-12T23:59:59.640000Z - 2008-06-13T00:04:11.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 253 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHE | 2008-06-13T00:04:12.640000Z - 2008-06-13T23:59:59.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 86148 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHN | 2008-06-12T23:59:59.640000Z - 2008-06-13T00:04:11.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 253 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHN | 2008-06-13T00:04:12.640000Z - 2008-06-13T23:59:59.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 86148 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHZ | 2008-06-12T23:59:59.640000Z - 2008-06-13T00:04:21.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 263 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHZ | 2008-06-13T00:04:22.640000Z - 2008-06-13T23:59:59.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 86138 samples
    Also adds a Dbrecord as an attribute of the Trace
    >>> st[0].db
    Dbrecord('View43' -> TOL0 LHE 1213229044.64::1213315451.64)
    from obspy.core import read, Stream, UTCDateTime

    if isinstance(database, Dbptr):
        db = Dbptr(database)
        db = db.lookup(table="wfdisc")
        raise TypeError("Must input a string or pointer to a valid database")

    if station is not None:
        db = db.subset("sta=~/{0}/".format(station))
    if channel is not None:
        db = db.subset("chan=~/{0}/".format(channel))
    if starttime is not None and endtime is not None:
        ts = starttime.timestamp
        te = endtime.timestamp
        db = db.subset("endtime > {0} && time < {1}".format(ts, te))
        ts = starttime
        te = endtime
    assert db.nrecs() is not 0, "No records for given time period"

    st = Stream()
    for db.record in range(db.nrecs()):
        fname = db.filename()
        dbr = RowPointerDict(db)
        t0 = UTCDateTime(dbr["time"])
        t1 = UTCDateTime(dbr["endtime"])
        if dbr["time"] < ts:
            t0 = starttime
        if dbr["endtime"] > te:
            t1 = endtime
        if os.path.exists(fname):
            _st = read(fname, starttime=t0, endtime=t1)  # add format?
            _st = _st.select(station=dbr["sta"], channel=dbr["chan"])  # not location aware
            # _st[0].db = dbr
            if dbr["calib"] < 0:
                _st[0].data *= -1
            st += _st
    # Close what we opened, BUT garbage collection may take care of this:
    # if you have an open pointer but pass db name as a string, global
    # use of your pointer won't work if this is uncommented:
    # if isinstance(database,str):
    #   db.close()
    return st
def main():
    from argparse import ArgumentParser
    # Get command line args
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("dbin",   help="Input database")
    parser.add_argument("dbout",  help="Output database", nargs='?')
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--plot", help="Plot result", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument("-l", "--loc", help="dbloc2 mode", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--image", help="Save image with db", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument("--pf",   help="Parameter file")
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() #required=True)
    group.add_argument("--evid", help="Event ID", type=int)
    group.add_argument("--orid", help="Origin ID", type=int)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Special 'dbloc2' settings
    if args.loc:
        from antelope.datascope import Dbptr
        # alter args b/c dbloc2 passes a db and a row number
        args.dbin = args.dbin.rstrip('.origin')
        db = Dbptr(args.dbin)
        db = db.lookup(table='origin')
        db.record = int(args.dbout)
        args.orid = db.getv('orid')[0]
        args.dbout = dbloc_source_db(args.dbin, pointer=False)
        args.plot = True   # force plot
        args.image = True  # force saving image to db folder
    # Now that we have a save location from command line args,
    # make a function to save to that database. The plotter is I/O
    # agnostic, it will accept a function to save anything anyhow anywhichway
    def save_plot_to_db(fmplotter, dbname=args.dbout, dump_bitmap=args.image):
        focal_mech = fmplotter.event.focal_mechanisms[fmplotter._fm_index]
        if focal_mech is not fmplotter.event.preferred_focal_mechanism():
            fmplotter.event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = focal_mech.resource_id.resource_id
        # Save to db        
        eventfocalmech2db(event=fmplotter.event, database=dbname)
        if dump_bitmap:
            vers = fmplotter.event.preferred_origin().creation_info.version
            dbdir = os.path.dirname(dbname)
            _dump_bitmap(figure=fmplotter.fig, directory=dbdir, uid=vers)

    # Run HASH
    hp = dbhash_run(args.dbin, orid=args.orid, pf=args.pf)

    # Launch plotter or spit out solution
    if args.plot:
        from hashpy.plotting.focalmechplotter import FocalMechPlotter
        ev = hp.output(format="OBSPY")
        p = FocalMechPlotter(ev, save=save_plot_to_db)
        # quick orid/strike/dip/rake line
        print hp.output()
        p = 0    
        if args.dbout:
            db = hp.output(format="ANTELOPE", dbout=args.dbout)
    # Done, return HashPype and/or FocalMechPlotter for debugging
    return hp, p
def readANTELOPE(database, station=None, channel=None, starttime=None, endtime=None):
    Reads a portion of a Antelope wfdisc table to a Stream.
    Attempts to return one Trace per line of the 'wfdisc' view passed.  
    Additionally, will filter and cut with respect to any of the fields
    in the primary key IF specified. (sta chan time::endtime)
    NOTE: Currently MUST have both times (start/end) or neither.
    the returned Traces will have a new attribute, 'db'

    :type database: string or antelope.datascope.Dbptr
    :param database: Antelope database name or pointer
    :type station: string
    :param station: Station expression to subset
    :type channel: string
    :param channel: Channel expression to subset
    :type starttime: :class: `~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
    :param starttime: Desired start time
    :type endtime: :class: `~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
    :param endtime: Desired end time
    :rtype: :class: `~obspy.core.stream.Stream'
    :return: Stream with one Trace for each row of the database view
    .. rubric:: Example
    >>> st = readANTELOPE('/opt/antelope/example/db', station='TOLO', channel='LH.',
                        starttime=UTCDateTime(2008,6,13), endtime=UTCDateTime(2008,6,14))
    >>> print(st)
    6 Trace(s) in Stream:
    XA.TOL0..LHE | 2008-06-12T23:59:59.640000Z - 2008-06-13T00:04:11.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 253 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHE | 2008-06-13T00:04:12.640000Z - 2008-06-13T23:59:59.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 86148 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHN | 2008-06-12T23:59:59.640000Z - 2008-06-13T00:04:11.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 253 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHN | 2008-06-13T00:04:12.640000Z - 2008-06-13T23:59:59.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 86148 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHZ | 2008-06-12T23:59:59.640000Z - 2008-06-13T00:04:21.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 263 samples
    XA.TOL0..LHZ | 2008-06-13T00:04:22.640000Z - 2008-06-13T23:59:59.640000Z | 1.0 Hz, 86138 samples
    Also adds a Dbrecord as an attribute of the Trace
    >>> st[0].db
    Dbrecord('View43' -> TOL0 LHE 1213229044.64::1213315451.64)
    from obspy.core import read, Stream, UTCDateTime

    if isinstance(database,Dbptr):
        db = Dbptr(database)
        db = db.lookup(table='wfdisc')
        raise TypeError("Must input a string or pointer to a valid database")
    if station is not None:
        db = db.subset('sta=~/{0}/'.format(station))
    if channel is not None:
        db = db.subset('chan=~/{0}/'.format(channel))
    if starttime is not None and endtime is not None:
        ts = starttime.timestamp
        te = endtime.timestamp
        db = db.subset('endtime > {0} && time < {1}'.format(ts,te) )
        ts = starttime
        te = endtime
    assert db.nrecs() is not 0, "No records for given time period"
    st = Stream()
    for db.record in range(db.nrecs() ):
        fname = db.filename() 
        dbr = RowPointerDict(db)
        t0 = UTCDateTime(dbr['time'])
        t1 = UTCDateTime(dbr['endtime'])
        if dbr['time'] < ts:
            t0 = starttime
        if dbr['endtime'] > te:
            t1 = endtime
        if os.path.exists(fname):
            _st = read(fname, starttime=t0, endtime=t1)      # add format?
            _st = _st.select(station=dbr['sta'], channel=dbr['chan']) #not location aware
            #_st[0].db = dbr
            if dbr['calib'] < 0:
                _st[0].data *= -1
            st += _st
    # Close what we opened, BUT garbage collection may take care of this:
    # if you have an open pointer but pass db name as a string, global
    # use of your pointer won't work if this is uncommented:
    #if isinstance(database,str):
    #   db.close()
    return st
def main():
    from argparse import ArgumentParser

    # Get command line args
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("dbin", help="Input database")
    parser.add_argument("dbout", help="Output database", nargs='?')
                        help="Plot result",
    parser.add_argument("-l", "--loc", help="dbloc2 mode", action='store_true')
                        help="Save image with db",
    parser.add_argument("--pf", help="Parameter file")
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()  #required=True)
    group.add_argument("--evid", help="Event ID", type=int)
    group.add_argument("--orid", help="Origin ID", type=int)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Special 'dbloc2' settings
    if args.loc:
        from antelope.datascope import Dbptr
        # alter args b/c dbloc2 passes a db and a row number
        args.dbin = args.dbin.rstrip('.origin')
        db = Dbptr(args.dbin)
        db = db.lookup(table='origin')
        db.record = int(args.dbout)
        args.orid = db.getv('orid')[0]
        args.dbout = dbloc_source_db(args.dbin, pointer=False)
        args.plot = True  # force plot
        args.image = True  # force saving image to db folder

    # Now that we have a save location from command line args,
    # make a function to save to that database. The plotter is I/O
    # agnostic, it will accept a function to save anything anyhow anywhichway
    def save_plot_to_db(fmplotter, dbname=args.dbout, dump_bitmap=args.image):
        focal_mech = fmplotter.event.focal_mechanisms[fmplotter._fm_index]
        if focal_mech is not fmplotter.event.preferred_focal_mechanism():
            fmplotter.event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = focal_mech.resource_id.resource_id

        # Save to db
        eventfocalmech2db(event=fmplotter.event, database=dbname)

        if dump_bitmap:
            vers = fmplotter.event.preferred_origin().creation_info.version
            dbdir = os.path.dirname(dbname)
            _dump_bitmap(figure=fmplotter.fig, directory=dbdir, uid=vers)

    # Run HASH
    hp = dbhash_run(args.dbin, orid=args.orid, pf=args.pf)

    # Launch plotter or spit out solution
    if args.plot:
        from hashpy.plotting.focalmechplotter import FocalMechPlotter
        ev = hp.output(format="OBSPY")
        p = FocalMechPlotter(ev, save=save_plot_to_db)
        # quick orid/strike/dip/rake line
        print hp.output()
        p = 0
        if args.dbout:
            db = hp.output(format="ANTELOPE", dbout=args.dbout)

    # Done, return HashPype and/or FocalMechPlotter for debugging
    return hp, p