def test_hsp_overlap_size(self):
        overlap_size = hmm_detection.hsp_overlap_size
        first = FakeHSPHit("A", "A", 50, 60, 0., None)
        second = FakeHSPHit("B", "B", 70, 100, 0., None)
        # no overlap
        assert overlap_size(first, second) == 0
        first.hit_end = 70
        # still no overlap, end isn't inclusive
        assert overlap_size(first, second) == 0
        # a mix of second starting inside first
        for i in range(1, 30):
            first.hit_end += 1
            assert overlap_size(first, second) == i
        # second wholly contained
        first.hit_end = 110
        assert overlap_size(first, second) == 30

        # first inside second
        first.hit_start = 75
        assert overlap_size(first, second) == 25

        # first inside second, but direction reversed
        first.hit_end = 50
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            overlap_size(first, second)
    def test_filter(self):
        # fake HSPs all in one CDS with overlap > 20 and query_ids from the same equivalence group

        # not overlapping by > 20
        first = FakeHSPHit("AMP-binding", "A", 50, 90, 0.1, None)
        second = FakeHSPHit("A-OX", "A", 70, 100, 0.5, None)
        new, by_id = hmm_detection.filter_results([first, second], {"A": [first, second]},
                                                  self.filter_file, self.signature_names)
        assert new == [first, second]
        assert by_id == {"A": [first, second]}

        # overlapping, in same group
        first.hit_end = 91
        assert hmm_detection.hsp_overlap_size(first, second) == 21
        new, by_id = hmm_detection.filter_results([first, second], {"A": [first, second]},
                                                  self.filter_file, self.signature_names)
        assert new == [second]
        assert by_id == {"A": [second]}

        # overlapping, not in same group
        second.query_id = "none"
        new, by_id = hmm_detection.filter_results([first, second], {"A": [first, second]},
                                                  self.filter_file, self.signature_names)
        assert new == [first, second]
        assert by_id == {"A": [first, second]}

        # not in the same CDS, but int he same group
        second.hit_id = "B"
        second.query_id = "A-OX"
        new, by_id = hmm_detection.filter_results([first, second], {"A": [first], "B": [second]},
                                                  self.filter_file, self.signature_names)
        assert new == [first, second]
        assert by_id == {"A": [first], "B": [second]}