def calc_bearing(uh, vh):
    """ Calculate velocity bearing from North
    #FIXME (Ole): I reckon we should refactor this one to use
    #             the function angle() in utilities/numerical_tools
    #             It will be a simple matter of
    # * converting from radians to degrees
    # * moving the reference direction from [1,0] to North
    # * changing from counter clockwise to clocwise.

    # if indeterminate, just return 
    if uh==0 and vh==0:
        return NAN
    return degrees(angle([uh, vh], [0, -1]))   
def calc_bearing(uh, vh):
    """ Calculate velocity bearing from North
    #FIXME (Ole): I reckon we should refactor this one to use
    #             the function angle() in utilities/numerical_tools
    #             It will be a simple matter of
    # * converting from radians to degrees
    # * moving the reference direction from [1,0] to North
    # * changing from counter clockwise to clocwise.

    # if indeterminate, just return
    if uh == 0 and vh == 0:
        return NAN

    return degrees(angle([uh, vh], [0, -1]))
    def get_boundary_polygon(self, verbose=False):
        """Return bounding polygon for mesh (counter clockwise)

        Using the mesh boundary, derive a bounding polygon for this mesh.
        If multiple vertex values are present (vertices stored uniquely),
        the algorithm will select the path that contains the entire mesh.

        All points are in absolute UTM coordinates

        from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import angle, ensure_numeric

        # Get mesh extent
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.get_extent(absolute=True)
        pmin = ensure_numeric([xmin, ymin])
        pmax = ensure_numeric([xmax, ymax])

        # Assemble dictionary of boundary segments and choose starting point
        segments = {}
        inverse_segments = {}
        p0 = None

        # Start value across entire mesh
        mindist = num.sqrt(num.sum((pmax-pmin)**2))
        for i, edge_id in self.boundary.keys():
            # Find vertex ids for boundary segment
            if edge_id == 0: a = 1; b = 2
            if edge_id == 1: a = 2; b = 0
            if edge_id == 2: a = 0; b = 1

            A = self.get_vertex_coordinate(i, a, absolute=True)    # Start
            B = self.get_vertex_coordinate(i, b, absolute=True)    # End

            # Take the point closest to pmin as starting point
            # Note: Could be arbitrary, but nice to have
            # a unique way of selecting
            dist_A = num.sqrt(num.sum((A-pmin)**2))
            dist_B = num.sqrt(num.sum((B-pmin)**2))

            # Find lower leftmost point
            if dist_A < mindist:
                mindist = dist_A
                p0 = A
            if dist_B < mindist:
                mindist = dist_B
                p0 = B

            # Sanity check
            if p0 is None:
                msg = 'Impossible: p0 is None!?'
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Register potential paths from A to B
            if not segments.has_key(tuple(A)):
                segments[tuple(A)] = []    # Empty list for candidate points


        # Start with smallest point and follow boundary (counter clock wise)
        polygon = [list(p0)]# Storage for final boundary polygon
        point_registry = {} # Keep track of storage to avoid multiple runs
                            # around boundary. This will only be the case if
                            # there are more than one candidate.
                            # FIXME (Ole): Perhaps we can do away with polygon
                            # and use only point_registry to save space.

        point_registry[tuple(p0)] = 0

        while len(point_registry) < len(self.boundary):
            candidate_list = segments[tuple(p0)]
            if len(candidate_list) > 1:
                # Multiple points detected (this will be the case for meshes
                # with duplicate points as those used for discontinuous
                # triangles with vertices stored uniquely).
                # Take the candidate that is furthest to the clockwise
                # direction, as that will follow the boundary.
                # This will also be the case for pathological triangles
                # that have no neighbours.

                if verbose:
                    log.critical('Point %s has multiple candidates: %s'
                                 % (str(p0), candidate_list))

                # Check that previous are not in candidate list
                #for p in candidate_list:
                #    assert not allclose(p0, p)

                # Choose vector against which all angles will be measured
                if len(polygon) > 1:
                    v_prev = p0 - polygon[-2]    # Vector that leads to p0
                                                 # from previous point
                    # FIXME (Ole): What do we do if the first point has
                    # multiple candidates?
                    # Being the lower left corner, perhaps we can use the
                    # vector [1, 0], but I really don't know if this is
                    # completely watertight.
                    v_prev = [1.0, 0.0]

                # Choose candidate with minimum angle
                minimum_angle = 2*pi
                for pc in candidate_list:
                    vc = pc-p0    # Candidate vector (from p0 to candidate pt)

                    # Angle between each candidate and the previous vector
                    # in [-pi, pi]
                    ac = angle(vc, v_prev)
                    if ac > pi:
                        # Give preference to angles on the right hand side
                        # of v_prev
                        ac = ac-2*pi

                    # Take the minimal angle corresponding to the
                    # rightmost vector
                    if ac < minimum_angle:
                        minimum_angle = ac
                        p1 = pc             # Best candidate

                if verbose is True:
                    log.critical('  Best candidate %s, angle %f'
                                 % (p1, minimum_angle*180/pi))
                p1 = candidate_list[0]

            if point_registry.has_key(tuple(p1)):
                # We have reached a point already visited.
                if num.allclose(p1, polygon[0]):
                    # If it is the initial point, the polygon is complete.
                    if verbose is True:
                        log.critical('  Stop criterion fulfilled at point %s'
                                     % str(p1))

                    # We have completed the boundary polygon - yeehaa
                    # The point already visited is not the initial point
                    # This would be a pathological triangle, but the
                    # algorithm must be able to deal with this

                # We are still finding new points on the boundary
                point_registry[tuple(p1)] = len(point_registry)

            polygon.append(list(p1))    # De-numeric each point :-)
            p0 = p1

        return polygon