import collections
import copy
import glob
import platform
import re
import shlex

import yaml

from anvil import colorizer
from anvil import exceptions as excp
from anvil import importer
from anvil import log as logging
from anvil import shell as sh

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Component = collections.namedtuple(  # pylint: disable=C0103
    "Component", 'entry_point,options,siblings')

class Distro(object):
    def __init__(self,
                 name, platform_pattern,
                 install_helper, dependency_handler,
                 commands, components):
        self.name = name
        self._platform_pattern = re.compile(platform_pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
        self._install_helper = install_helper
        self._dependency_handler = dependency_handler
        self._commands = commands
from anvil import actions
from anvil import colorizer
from anvil import distro
from anvil import exceptions as excp
from anvil import log as logging
from anvil import opts
from anvil.packaging import yum
from anvil import persona
from anvil import pprint
from anvil import settings
from anvil import shell as sh
from anvil import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger()

def run(args):
    """Starts the execution after args have been parsed and logging has been setup.

    LOG.debug("CLI arguments are:")
    utils.log_object(args, logger=LOG, level=logging.DEBUG, item_max_len=128)

    # Keep the old args around so we have the full set to write out
    saved_args = dict(args)
    action = args.pop("action", "").strip().lower()
    if re.match(r"^moo[o]*$", action):
文件: __main__.py 项目: minacel/anvil
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))

from anvil import actions
from anvil import colorizer
from anvil import distro
from anvil import exceptions as excp
from anvil import log as logging
from anvil import opts
from anvil import origins as _origins
from anvil import persona
from anvil import pprint
from anvil import settings
from anvil import shell as sh
from anvil import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger()
SETTINGS_FILE = "/etc/anvil/settings.yaml"
ANVIL_DIRS = tuple(["/etc/anvil/", '/usr/share/anvil/'])

def run(args):
    """Starts the execution after args have been parsed and logging has been setup.

    LOG.debug("CLI arguments are:")
    utils.log_object(args, logger=LOG, level=logging.DEBUG, item_max_len=128)

    # Keep the old args around so we have the full set to write out
    saved_args = dict(args)
    action = args.pop("action", '').strip().lower()
    if re.match(r"^moo[o]*$", action):
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestLog, self).setUp()
     self.test_logger = log.getLogger().logger
     self.test_logger.handlers = []
     self.log_name = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]