def data_from_coordinate_pair(save_dir, x, y):

    # load the global tree, find the zone_id to which this star belongs
    global_tree_file = save_dir + "/global.json"
    global_tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(global_tree_file, leafClass=IDLeaf)
    leaf = global_tree.find_leaf(x, y)
    zone_id = leaf.node_id

    # load the zone, extract the star's data
    zone_name = apass.name_zone(zone_id)

    # load the zone's tree and data from disk and get the leaves
    zone_json = save_dir + apass.name_zone_json_file(zone_id)
    zone_tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(zone_json, leafClass=RectLeaf)
    zone.load_zone_data(zone_tree, save_dir)

    # find the leaf containing the point of interest
    leaf = zone_tree.find_leaf(x, y)

    # export the data
    data = None
    for container in leaf.containers:
        if container.contains(x, y):
            data = fred.to_fredbin(container.data)

    return data
def apass_zone_to_dat(save_dir, filter_config, zone_container_filename):
    """Process all of the rectangles found in the zone.
    With APASS data, we average on a per-container basis."""

    averages = []

    zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(zone_container_filename)
    zone_name = apass.name_zone(zone_id)
    print "Processing zone " + zone_name

    # load the zone's tree and data from disk and get the leaves
    zone_json = save_dir + apass.name_zone_json_file(zone_id)
    zone_tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(zone_json, leafClass=RectLeaf)
    zone.load_zone_data(zone_tree, save_dir)
    leaves = zone_tree.get_leaves()

    # average the data in each container.
    for leaf in leaves:
        for container in leaf.containers:
            # average the data
            c_ave = average_container(container, filter_config)

    # write out the average information
    dat_filename = save_dir + "/" + zone_name + ".dat"
    averages = dat.dicts_to_ndarray(averages, dat_type="apass")
    dat.write_dat(dat_filename, averages, dat_type="apass")
def data_from_unique_id(save_dir, zone_id, node_id, container_id):

    zone_filename = save_dir + apass.name_zone(zone_id) + "-container.fredbin"
    zone_data = fred.read_fredbin(zone_filename)

    indices = np.where((zone_data['node_id'] == node_id)
                       & (zone_data['container_id'] == container_id))

    data = zone_data[indices]

    return data
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Identifies the state of the pipeline for each zone')
                        help="Directory where save files can be found")
        "Coordinates in either a (x,y) pair, or (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) quad"

    # parse the command line arguments
    args = parser.parse_args()

    coords = map(float, args.coords)
    num_coords = len(coords)
    if not (num_coords == 2 or num_coords == 4):
        print("Coordinates must either be a pair or a quad. See -h")

    save_dir = os.path.abspath(args.save_dir) + "/"
    tree_file = save_dir + "/global.json"

    # load the zone quadtree
    tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(tree_file, leafClass=IDLeaf)

    # execute the search
    zone_ids = []
    if num_coords == 2:
        # simple (x,y) pair, simply find the leaf
        x, y = coords
        leaf = tree.find_leaf(x, y)
    elif num_coords == 4:
        print("Not implemented")

    for zone_id in zone_ids:
def sro_zone_to_dat(save_dir, filter_config, zone_container_filename):
    """Processes all of the rectangles found in zone. Zone should be a valid subdirectory
    of save_dir"""

    zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(zone_container_filename)
    zone_name = apass.name_zone(zone_id)
    print "Processing zone " + zone_name

    # create a graph data structure for this zone
    G = nx.Graph()

    # load the zone's tree and data from disk and get the leaves
    zone_json = save_dir + apass.name_zone_json_file(zone_id)
    zone_tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(zone_json, leafClass=RectLeaf)
    zone.load_zone_data(zone_tree, save_dir)
    leaves = zone_tree.get_leaves()

    # average the data and populate the graph with shared container information
    line_number = 0
    averages = []
    for leaf in leaves:
        for container in leaf.containers:
            # average the data
            c_aves = average_by_field(container, filter_config)

            # populate overlapping line information
            line_numbers = []
            field_ids = []
            for c_ave in c_aves:
                line_number += 1

            # if there are more than one field ID present, populate information
            # in the graph
            if len(field_ids) > 1:
                # generate all possible combinations of the line numbers and field IDs
                # these express the edges in the graph
                line_pairs = list(itertools.combinations(line_numbers, 2))
                field_pairs = list(itertools.combinations(field_ids, 2))

                for line_pair, field_pair in zip(line_pairs, field_pairs):
                    src_line = line_pair[0]
                    dst_line = line_pair[1]
                    src_field = field_pair[0]
                    dst_field = field_pair[1]

                        edge = G[src_field][dst_field]
                        G.add_edge(src_field, dst_field, line_ids=[], weight=0)
                        edge = G[src_field][dst_field]

                    edge['line_ids'].append((src_line, dst_line))
                    edge['weight'] += 1

    # write out the average information
    dat_filename = save_dir + "/" + zone_name + ".dat"
    averages = dat.dicts_to_ndarray(averages, dat_type="sro")
    dat.write_dat(dat_filename, averages, dat_type="sro")

    # save the graph to a pickle file
    graph_filename = save_dir + "/" + zone_name + ".p"
    nx.write_gpickle(G, graph_filename)
def main():
    """Plots all data in an APASS zone and optionally displays container boundaries."""

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Plots a zone file and its data')
                        help="Zone JSON files to be plotted")
                        help="Plot borders for containers")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    save_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(args.input[0])) + "/"

    inputs = args.input

    for filename in inputs:
        zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(filename)

        zone_name = apass.name_zone(zone_id)
        print "Plotting zone " + zone_name

        # load the original zone data. Note, we don't restore it to the tree
        zone_data_file = save_dir + apass.name_zone_file(zone_id)
        zone_data = fred.read_fredbin(zone_data_file)
        print("Zone file has " + str(zone_data.size) + " entries")

        # load the containerized zone data
        zone_container_file = save_dir + apass.name_zone_container_file(
        zone_container_data = fred.read_fredbin(zone_container_file)
        print("Zone container file has " + str(zone_container_data.size) +
              " entries")

        # load the zone's tree
        zone_json = save_dir + apass.name_zone_json_file(zone_id)
        zone_tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(zone_json, leafClass=RectLeaf)
        leaves = zone_tree.get_leaves()

        total_containers = 0
        for leaf in leaves:
            total_containers += len(leaf.containers)

        print("Zone contains a total of " + str(total_containers) +
              " containers")

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(1)

        # plot the zone container data
        for leaf in leaves:
            rect = leaf.rect
            x = rect.x_min
            y = rect.y_min
            dx = rect.x_max - x
            dy = rect.y_max - y

            axes.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((x, y), dx, dy, fill=False))

            if args.show_containers:
                plot_containers(leaf, axes)

        # plot the data
        dec = zone_data['dec']
        ra = zone_data['ra']
        plt.scatter(ra, dec)

        dec = zone_container_data['dec']
        ra = zone_container_data['ra']
        plt.scatter(ra, dec, color="green")

def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Identifies the state of the pipeline for each zone')
                        help="Directory where save files can be found")

    # parse the command line arguments and start timing the script
    args = parser.parse_args()
    save_dir = os.path.abspath(args.save_dir) + "/"

    tree_file = save_dir + "/global.json"
    output_file = save_dir + "/broken_zones.log"

    # get a list of all of the files in the save directory
    saved_files = glob.glob(save_dir + "z*")

    # load the zone quadtree
    tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(tree_file, leafClass=IDLeaf)

    # init a structure to store stage -> zone mapping information
    stages = dict()
    for extension in expected_extensions:
        stages[extension] = []

    # find the broken zones
    poles_checked = [False, False]
    leaves = tree.get_leaves()
    for leaf in leaves:
        zone_id = leaf.node_id
        zone_name = name_zone(zone_id)

        # The north/south zone IDs appear multiple times in the tree.
        # Ensure we only visit these once.
        if zone_id == south_zone_id or zone_id == north_zone_id:
            if poles_checked[zone_id]:
                poles_checked[zone_id] = True

        # determine which, if any, files are missing for this zone:
        missing_extensions = []
        for extension in expected_extensions:
            filename = save_dir + zone_name + extension

            if filename in saved_files:

        if len(missing_extensions) > 0:
            # print a message on the console
            print str(zone_id) + ": " + ", ".join(missing_extensions)

    missing_file = save_dir + '/missing.txt'
    for extension in expected_extensions:
        missing_files = stages[extension]
        if len(missing_files) > 0:
            print("The earliest files missing are %s." % (extension))
                "Modify the 'missing.txt' file for the previous stage input " +
                "files and run the corresponding stage of the pipeline")
            with open(missing_file, 'w') as outfile:
                for filename in missing_files:
                    outfile.write(filename + "\n")