def test_feed_includes_refresh_link(self): work = self._work(with_open_access_download=True) lp = work.license_pools[0] lp.suppressed = False self._db.commit() # If the metadata wrangler isn't configured, the link is left out. feed = AcquisitionFeed( self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, self._default_library, test_mode=True)) [entry] = feedparser.parse(unicode(feed))['entries'] eq_([], [ x for x in entry['links'] if x['rel'] == "" ]) # If we configure a metadata wrangler integration, the link appears. integration = self._external_integration( ExternalIntegration.METADATA_WRANGLER, goal=ExternalIntegration.METADATA_GOAL, settings={ExternalIntegration.URL: "http://metadata"}, password="******") integration.collections += [self._default_collection] feed = AcquisitionFeed( self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, self._default_library, test_mode=True)) [entry] = feedparser.parse(unicode(feed))['entries'] [refresh_link] = [ x for x in entry['links'] if x['rel'] == "" ] assert lp.identifier.identifier in refresh_link["href"]
def test_feed_includes_change_cover_link(self): work = self._work(with_open_access_download=True) lp = work.license_pools[0] library = self._default_library feed = AcquisitionFeed( self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, library, test_mode=True), ) [entry] = feedparser.parse(str(feed))["entries"] # Since there's no storage integration, the change cover link isn't included. assert [] == [ x for x in entry["links"] if x["rel"] == "" ] # There is now a covers storage integration that is linked to the external # integration for a collection that the work is in. It will use that # covers mirror and the change cover link is included. storage = self._external_integration( ExternalIntegration.S3, ExternalIntegration.STORAGE_GOAL ) storage.username = "******" storage.password = "******" collection = self._collection() purpose = ExternalIntegrationLink.COVERS external_integration_link = self._external_integration_link( integration=collection._external_integration, other_integration=storage, purpose=purpose, ) library.collections.append(collection) work = self._work(with_open_access_download=True, collection=collection) lp = work.license_pools[0] feed = AcquisitionFeed( self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, library, test_mode=True), ) [entry] = feedparser.parse(str(feed))["entries"] [change_cover_link] = [ x for x in entry["links"] if x["rel"] == "" ] assert lp.identifier.identifier in change_cover_link["href"]
def test_feed_includes_suppress_link(self): work = self._work(with_open_access_download=True) lp = work.license_pools[0] lp.suppressed = False self._db.commit() feed = AcquisitionFeed( self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, self._default_library, test_mode=True), ) [entry] = feedparser.parse(str(feed))["entries"] [suppress_link] = [ x for x in entry["links"] if x["rel"] == "" ] assert lp.identifier.identifier in suppress_link["href"] unsuppress_links = [ x for x in entry["links"] if x["rel"] == "" ] assert 0 == len(unsuppress_links) lp.suppressed = True self._db.commit() feed = AcquisitionFeed( self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, self._default_library, test_mode=True), ) [entry] = feedparser.parse(str(feed))["entries"] [unsuppress_link] = [ x for x in entry["links"] if x["rel"] == "" ] assert lp.identifier.identifier in unsuppress_link["href"] suppress_links = [ x for x in entry["links"] if x["rel"] == "" ] assert 0 == len(suppress_links)
def test_feed_includes_edit_link(self): work = self._work(with_open_access_download=True) lp = work.license_pools[0] feed = AcquisitionFeed(self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, self._default_library, test_mode=True)) [entry] = feedparser.parse(unicode(feed))['entries'] [edit_link] = [x for x in entry['links'] if x['rel'] == "edit"] assert lp.identifier.identifier in edit_link["href"]
def test_feed_includes_change_cover_link(self): work = self._work(with_open_access_download=True) lp = work.license_pools[0] feed = AcquisitionFeed(self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, self._default_library, test_mode=True)) [entry] = feedparser.parse(unicode(feed))['entries'] # Since there's no storage integration, the change cover link isn't included. eq_([], [x for x in entry['links'] if x['rel'] == ""]) storage = self._external_integration(ExternalIntegration.S3, ExternalIntegration.STORAGE_GOAL) storage.username = "******" storage.password = "******" feed = AcquisitionFeed(self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, self._default_library, test_mode=True)) [entry] = feedparser.parse(unicode(feed))['entries'] [change_cover_link] = [x for x in entry['links'] if x['rel'] == ""] assert lp.identifier.identifier in change_cover_link["href"]
def test_feed_includes_staff_rating(self): work = self._work(with_open_access_download=True) lp = work.license_pools[0] staff_data_source = DataSource.lookup(self._db, DataSource.LIBRARY_STAFF) lp.identifier.add_measurement(staff_data_source, Measurement.RATING, 3, weight=1000) feed = AcquisitionFeed(self._db, "test", "url", [work], AdminAnnotator(None, self._default_library, test_mode=True)) [entry] = feedparser.parse(unicode(feed))['entries'] rating = entry['schema_rating'] eq_(3, float(rating['schema:ratingvalue'])) eq_(Measurement.RATING, rating['additionaltype'])
def details(self, identifier_type, identifier): """Return an OPDS entry with detailed information for admins. This includes relevant links for editing the book. """ self.require_librarian(flask.request.library) work = self.load_work(flask.request.library, identifier_type, identifier) if isinstance(work, ProblemDetail): return work annotator = AdminAnnotator(self.circulation, flask.request.library) # Don't cache these OPDS entries - they should update immediately # in the admin interface when an admin makes a change. return entry_response( AcquisitionFeed.single_entry(self._db, work, annotator), cache_for=0, )
def details(self, identifier_type, identifier): """Return an OPDS entry with detailed information for admins. This includes relevant links for editing the book. :return: An OPDSEntryResponse """ self.require_librarian(flask.request.library) work = self.load_work(flask.request.library, identifier_type, identifier) if isinstance(work, ProblemDetail): return work annotator = AdminAnnotator(self.circulation, flask.request.library) # single_entry returns an OPDSEntryResponse that will not be # cached, which is perfect. We want the admin interface # to update immediately when an admin makes a change. return AcquisitionFeed.single_entry(self._db, work, annotator)