def _setup_sol(contract: WContract, reputation_oracle: str, recording_oracle: str, reputation_oracle_stake: int, recording_oracle_stake: int, amount: int, manifest_url: str, manifest_hash: str, gas=DEFAULT_GAS) -> bool: W3 = get_w3() nonce = W3.eth.getTransactionCount(GAS_PAYER) tx_dict = contract.functions.setup(reputation_oracle, recording_oracle, reputation_oracle_stake, recording_oracle_stake, amount, manifest_url, manifest_hash).buildTransaction({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas, 'nonce': nonce }) tx_hash = sign_and_send_transaction(tx_dict, GAS_PAYER_PRIV) wait_on_transaction(tx_hash) return contract.functions.getStatus().call({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas }) == 1 # 1 Is pending 5 is Launched
def get_job(gas=DEFAULT_GAS) -> WContract: """ Get a new job and launch it without funds on the blockchain. This is the first step of putting a new job on the blockchain. After this function is called the user can add funds, abort, or set the job up for pending. Args: gas (int): How much gas to get on the contract. Returns: WContract: The contract launched on the blockchain """ global ESCROW_FACTORY factory = None if not ESCROW_FACTORY: factory = get_factory(gas) ESCROW_FACTORY = factory.address if not ESCROW_FACTORY: raise Exception("Unable to get address from factory") if factory is None: contract_interface = get_contract_interface('<stdin>:EscrowFactory') factory = get_w3().eth.contract(address=ESCROW_FACTORY, abi=contract_interface['abi']) counter = factory.functions.getCounter().call({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas }) LOG.debug("Factory counter is at:{}".format(counter)) W3 = get_w3() nonce = W3.eth.getTransactionCount(GAS_PAYER) tx_dict = factory.functions.createEscrow().buildTransaction({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas, 'nonce': nonce }) tx_hash = sign_and_send_transaction(tx_dict, GAS_PAYER_PRIV) wait_on_transaction(tx_hash) escrow_address = factory.functions.getLastAddress().call({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas })"New pokemon!:{}".format(escrow_address)) contract_interface = get_contract_interface('<stdin>:Escrow') escrow = get_w3().eth.contract(address=escrow_address, abi=contract_interface['abi']) return escrow
def _abort_sol(contract: WContract, gas: int) -> bool: W3 = get_w3() nonce = W3.eth.getTransactionCount(GAS_PAYER) tx_dict = contract.functions.abort().buildTransaction({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas, 'nonce': nonce }) tx_hash = sign_and_send_transaction(tx_dict, GAS_PAYER_PRIV) wait_on_transaction(tx_hash) return contract.functions.getStatus().call({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas }) == 5 # 1 Is pending 5 is Launched
def _complete(contract: WContract, gas=DEFAULT_GAS) -> bool: W3 = get_w3() nonce = W3.eth.getTransactionCount(GAS_PAYER) tx_dict = contract.functions.complete().buildTransaction({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas, 'nonce': nonce }) tx_hash = sign_and_send_transaction(tx_dict, GAS_PAYER_PRIV) wait_on_transaction(tx_hash) return bool(contract.functions.complete().call({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas }))
def _partial_payout_sol(contract: WContract, amount: int, to_account: str, uri: str, hash_: str, gas=DEFAULT_GAS): W3 = get_w3() nonce = W3.eth.getTransactionCount(GAS_PAYER) tx_dict = contract.functions.payOut(amount, to_account, uri, hash_).buildTransaction({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas, 'nonce': nonce }) tx_hash = sign_and_send_transaction(tx_dict, GAS_PAYER_PRIV) wait_on_transaction(tx_hash)
def _bulk_payout_sol(contract: WContract, addresses: list, amounts: list, uri: str, hash_: str, gas=DEFAULT_GAS): W3 = get_w3() nonce = W3.eth.getTransactionCount(GAS_PAYER) tx_dict = contract.functions.bulkPayOut(addresses, amounts, uri, hash_, 1).buildTransaction({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas, 'nonce': nonce }) tx_hash = sign_and_send_transaction(tx_dict, GAS_PAYER_PRIV) wait_on_transaction(tx_hash)
def _transfer_to_address(address: str, amount: int, gas=DEFAULT_GAS) -> bool: W3 = get_w3() nonce = W3.eth.getTransactionCount(GAS_PAYER) eip20_contract = get_eip20() tx_dict = eip20_contract.functions.transfer(address, amount).buildTransaction({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas, 'nonce': nonce }) tx_hash = sign_and_send_transaction(tx_dict, GAS_PAYER_PRIV) # Smart contract returns True if transaction completes successfully return wait_on_transaction(tx_hash)
def _store_results(contract: WContract, uri: str, hash_: str, gas=DEFAULT_GAS) -> bool: W3 = get_w3() nonce = W3.eth.getTransactionCount(GAS_PAYER) tx_dict = contract.functions.storeResults(uri, hash_).buildTransaction({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas, 'nonce': nonce }) tx_hash = sign_and_send_transaction(tx_dict, GAS_PAYER_PRIV) wait_on_transaction(tx_hash) contract.functions.storeResults(uri, hash_).call({ 'from': GAS_PAYER, 'gas': gas }) return True