def PUT_revelations_unreveal(request, format):
    """ Respond to the "PUT revelations/unreveal" request.
    # Get the request parameters.

    params = apiHelper.get_params(request, resource_name="revelation")

    error = apiHelper.check_params(
        params, required_params=["token", "profile_id", "recipient_id", "field_name"], optional_params=[]
    if error != None:
        return error

    token = params["token"]
    field_name = params["field_name"]

    # Check that the login token is still valid.

    if not session.validate(token):
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Invalid token")

    user = session.get_user(token)

    # Check that the source and recipient profiles both exist, and that the
    # currently logged-in user owns the source profile.

        profile = Profile.objects.get(id=params["profile_id"])
    except Profile.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("No such profile")

        recipient = Profile.objects.get(id=params["recipient_id"])
    except Profile.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("No such recipient profile")

    if profile.user != user:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Not your profile")

    # Check that the field name is valid.

    if field_name not in Revelation.VALID_FIELD_NAMES:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Invalid field_name")

    # Remove the existing revelation for this field, if any.

    Revelation.objects.filter(profile=profile, recipient=recipient, field_name=field_name).delete()

    # Tell the push gateway that the profile has changed.

    push_gateway.send_profile(profile, recipient)

    # Finally, return an empty response back to the caller.

    return apiHelper.response(None, format=format, status=HTTP_RESPONSE_PUT_OK)
def POST_revelations(request, format):
    """ Respond to the "POST revelations" request.
    # Get the request parameters.

    params = apiHelper.get_params(request, resource_name="revelation")

    error = apiHelper.check_params(params,
                                   required_params=["token", "profile_id",
    if error != None: return error

    token = params['token']

    if params.get("field_names") != None:
        param_style = "NEW"
    elif params.get("revelations[][field_name]") != None:
        param_style = "OLD"
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Invalid parameters")

    if param_style == "NEW":
        required_params   = ["field_names"]
        prohibited_params = ["revelations[][recipient_id]",
    elif param_style == "OLD":
        required_params   = ["revelations[][recipient_id]",
        prohibited_params = ["field_names"]
        required_params   = []
        prohibited_params = []

    for param in required_params:
        if param not in params:
            return HttpResponseBadRequest("Missing '%s' parameter" % param)
    for param in prohibited_params:
        if param in params:
            return HttpResponseBadRequest("Unexpected '%s' parameter" % param)

    # Check that the login token is still valid.

    if not session.validate(token):
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Invalid token")

    user = session.get_user(token)

    # Check that the source and recipient profiles both exist, and that the
    # currently logged-in user owns the source profile.

        profile = Profile.objects.get(id=params['profile_id'])
    except Profile.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("No such profile")

        recipient = Profile.objects.get(id=params['recipient_id'])
    except Profile.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("No such recipient profile")

    if profile.user != user:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Not your profile")

    # Extract the list of fields to reveal.  Note that how we do this depends
    # on the parameter style being used.

    if param_style == "NEW":
        fields_to_reveal = params['field_names'].split(",")
        fields_to_reveal = []
        for field_name in params.getlist("revelations[][field_name]"):

    # Check that the field names are all correct.

    for field_name in fields_to_reveal:
        if field_name not in Revelation.VALID_FIELD_NAMES:
            return HttpResponseBadRequest("Invalid field: %s" % field_name)

    # Remove the existing revelations for these source and destination
    # profiles.

    Revelation.objects.filter(profile=profile, recipient=recipient).delete()

    # Now add the new revelations to the database.

    revelations = []
    for field_name in fields_to_reveal:
        revelation = Revelation()
        revelation.profile    = profile
        revelation.recipient  = recipient
        revelation.field_name = field_name
        revelation.created_at = datetime.datetime.now()
        revelation.updated_at = datetime.datetime.now()
        revelations.append({'revelation' : revelation.to_dict()})

    # Tell the push gateway that the profile has changed.

    push_gateway.send_profile(profile, recipient)

    # Finally, return the newly-created revelations back to the caller.

    return apiHelper.response(revelations,
                              format=format, status=HTTP_RESPONSE_POST_OK)