def youbot():
    print('Program started')

    ## Initiate the connection to the simulator.
    id = vrep.simxStart('', 19997, True, True, 2000, 5)

    if id < 0:
        print('Failed connecting to remote API server. Exiting.')

    print('Connection {} to remote API server open '.format(id))

    # Make sure we close the connection whenever the script is interrupted.
    atexit.register(cleanup_vrep, vrep=vrep, id=id)

    # This will only work in "continuous remote API server service".
    # See http://www.v-rep.eu/helpFiles/en/remoteApiServerSide.htm
    vrep.simxStartSimulation(id, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)

    # Retrieve all handles.
    h = Youbot(vrep, id)

    # Make sure everything is settled before we start (wait for the simulation to start).

    # Read data from the RGB camera.
    # This starts the robot's camera to take a 2D picture of what the robot can see.
    # Reading an image costs a lot to VREP (it has to simulate the image). It also requires a lot of bandwidth,
    # and processing an image will take a long time in MATLAB. In general, you will only want to capture
    # an image at specific times, for instance when you believe you're facing one of the tables or a basket.

    # Ask the sensor to turn itself on, take A SINGLE IMAGE, and turn itself off again.
    # ^^^     ^^^^^^                ^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    # simxSetIntegerSignal          1        simx_opmode_oneshot_wait
    #         |
    #         handle_rgb_sensor
    res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'handle_rgb_sensor', 1,
    #vrchk(vrep, res); # Check the return value from the previous V-REP call (res) and exit in case of error.

    # Then retrieve the last picture the camera took. The image must be in RGB (not gray scale).
    #      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^^                            ^^^
    #      simxGetVisionSensorImage2     h.rgbSensor                       0
    # If you were to try to capture multiple images in a row, try other values than vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait.
    print('Capturing image...')
    res, resolution, image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage(
        id, h.RGBDSensor.rgbSensor, 0, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
    #vrchk(vrep, res);
    width, height = resolution
    print('Captured {} pixels ({} x {}).'.format(width * height, width,

    image = (
        np.reshape(image, (height, width, 3)) + 255
    ) % 255  # Returns in range [-128, 127]. Matplotlib requires [0, 255]

    # Finally, show the image.
    def __init__(self):
        self.clientID=vrep.simxStart('', 19997, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to V-REP
        #vrep.simxSynchronous(self.clientID, True)

        self.opmode_blocking = vrep.simx_opmode_blocking
        self.obs_handle1 = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, objectName="obs1", operationMode=vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)[1]
        self.obs_handle2 = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, objectName="obs2", operationMode=vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)[1]
        self.obs_handle3 = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, objectName="obs3", operationMode=vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)[1]
        self.obs_handle4 = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, objectName="obs4", operationMode=vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)[1]
        self.obs_handle5 = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, objectName="obs5", operationMode=vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)[1]
        self.d_obs_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, objectName="Obstacle_shape_1", operationMode=vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)[1]
        self.robot_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, objectName="dualarm_mobile", operationMode=vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)[1]

        self.x_rand1 = 1.2362  #random.uniform(-2.5, 2.5)
        self.x_rand3 = -2.388  #random.uniform(-2.5, 2.5)
        self.x_rand4 =  1.8112  #random.uniform(-2.5, 2.5)
        self.x_rand5 = -2.5138  #random.uniform(-2.5, 2.5)

        vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.obs_handle1, -1, [6.75, self.x_rand1, 0.5], self.opmode_blocking)
        vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.obs_handle3, -1, [1.75, self.x_rand3, 0.5], self.opmode_blocking)
        vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.obs_handle4, -1, [-2.75, self.x_rand4, 0.5], self.opmode_blocking)
        vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.obs_handle5, -1, [-5.75, self.x_rand5, 0.5], self.opmode_blocking)

        self.alpha = 0.1

        self.deviation = 0

        self._pos_x = -8
        self._pos_y = 0

        self._d_x = 4.95
        self._d_y = -1.0696
        self.graph_switch = True

        self.csv_container = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
from api import vrep
import sys
import time
import math

    vrep.simxFinish(-1)  # just in case, close all opened connections

clientID = vrep.simxStart('', 19997, True, True, 5000, 5)
if clientID != -1:
    print("Connected to remote API server")

    vrep.simxStopSimulation(clientID, operationMode=vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)

    _, handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'dualarm_mobile',

    vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(clientID, handle, -1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.1],

    vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(clientID, handle, -1,
                                  [math.pi, math.pi / 2, 0.0],

def youbot():
    print('Program started')

    ## Initiate the connection to the simulator.
    id = vrep.simxStart('', 19997, True, True, 2000, 5)

    if id < 0:
        print('Failed connecting to remote API server. Exiting.')

    print('Connection {} to remote API server open '.format(id))

    # Make sure we close the connection whenever the script is interrupted.
    atexit.register(cleanup_vrep, vrep=vrep, id=id)

    # This will only work in "continuous remote API server service".
    # See http://www.v-rep.eu/helpFiles/en/remoteApiServerSide.htm
    vrep.simxStartSimulation(id, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)

    # Retrieve all handles, mostly the Hokuyo.
    h = Youbot(vrep, id)
    ls = h.LaserScanner

    # Make sure everything is settled before we start (wait for the simulation to start).

    if vrep.simxGetConnectionId(id) == -1:
        raise ConnectionAbortedError('Lost connection to remote API.')

    # Read data from the depth camera (Hokuyo)
    # Get the position and orientation of the youBot in the world reference frame (as if with a GPS).
    res, youbotPos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(id, h.ref, -1,
    #vrchk(vrep, res, true); % Check the return value from the previous V-REP call (res) and exit in case of error.
    res, youbotEuler = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(id, h.ref, -1,
    #vrchk(vrep, res, true);

    # Determine the position of the Hokuyo with global coordinates (world reference frame).
    trf = np.linalg.multi_dot((transl(youbotPos), trotx(youbotEuler[0]),
                               troty(youbotEuler[1]), trotz(youbotEuler[2])))
    worldHokuyo1 = homtrans(
        np.array([[ls.hokuyo1Pos[0]], [ls.hokuyo1Pos[1]], [ls.hokuyo1Pos[2]]]))
    worldHokuyo2 = homtrans(
        np.array([[ls.hokuyo2Pos[0]], [ls.hokuyo2Pos[1]], [ls.hokuyo2Pos[2]]]))

    # Use the sensor to detect the visible points, within the world frame.
    pts, contacts = ls.scan(vrep, opmode=vrep.simx_opmode_buffer, trans=trf)
    world_points = np.hstack((worldHokuyo1, pts[:], worldHokuyo2))

    # Plot this data: delimit the visible area and highlight contact points.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(pts[0, contacts], pts[1, contacts], '*r')
    ax.plot(np.squeeze(np.asarray(world_points[0, :])),
            np.squeeze(np.asarray(world_points[1, :])))
    ax.set_xlim([-10, 10])
    ax.set_ylim([-10, 10])
def youbot():
    print('Program started')

    ## Initiate the connection to the simulator.
    id = vrep.simxStart('', 19997, True, True, 2000, 5)

    if id < 0:
        print('Failed connecting to remote API server. Exiting.')

    print('Connection {} to remote API server open '.format(id))

    # Make sure we close the connection whenever the script is interrupted.
    atexit.register(cleanup_vrep, vrep=vrep, id=id)

    # This will only work in "continuous remote API server service".
    # See http://www.v-rep.eu/helpFiles/en/remoteApiServerSide.htm
    vrep.simxStartSimulation(id, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)

    # Retrieve all handles, mostly the Hokuyo.
    h = Youbot(vrep, id)

    # Make sure everything is settled before we start (wait for the simulation to start).

    if vrep.simxGetConnectionId(id) == -1:
        raise ConnectionAbortedError('Lost connection to remote API.')

    # Read data from the depth camera (Hokuyo)
    # Reading a 3D image costs a lot to VREP (it has to simulate the image). It also requires a lot of
    # bandwidth, and processing a 3D point cloud (for instance, to find one of the boxes or cylinders that
    # the robot has to grasp) will take a long time in MATLAB. In general, you will only want to capture a 3D
    # image at specific times, for instance when you believe you're facing one of the tables.

    # Reduce the view angle to pi/8 in order to better see the objects. Do it only once.
    # ^^^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    # simxSetFloatSignal                                                simx_opmode_oneshot_wait
    #            |
    #            rgbd_sensor_scan_angle
    # The depth camera has a limited number of rays that gather information. If this number is concentrated
    # on a smaller angle, the resolution is better. pi/8 has been determined by experimentation.
    res = vrep.simxSetFloatSignal(id, 'rgbd_sensor_scan_angle', math.pi / 8,
    #vrchk(vrep, res); # Check the return value from the previous V-REP call (res) and exit in case of error.

    # Ask the sensor to turn itself on, take A SINGLE POINT CLOUD, and turn itself off again.
    # ^^^     ^^^^^^                ^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    # simxSetIntegerSignal          1        simx_opmode_oneshot_wait
    #         |
    #         handle_xyz_sensor
    res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'handle_xyz_sensor', 1,
    #vrchk(vrep, res);

    # Then retrieve the last point cloud the depth sensor took.
    # If you were to try to capture multiple images in a row, try other values than
    # vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait.
    print('Capturing point cloud...')
    pts = h.RGBDSensor.scan(vrep, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
    # Each column of pts has [x;y;z;distancetosensor]. However, plot3 does not have the same frame of reference as
    # the output data. To get a correct plot, you should invert the y and z dimensions.

    # Plot all the points.
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.plot(pts[0, :], pts[2, :], pts[1, :], '*')

    # Plot the points of the wall (further away than 1.87 m, which is determined either in the simulator by measuring
    # distances or by trial and error) in a different colour. This value is only valid for this robot position, of
    # course. This simple test ignores the variation of distance along the wall (distance between a point and several
    # points on a line).
    ptsWall = pts[0:3, pts[3, :] >= 1.87]
    ax.plot(ptsWall[0, :], ptsWall[2, :], ptsWall[1, :], '.r')

def youbot():
    print('Program started')

    # Initiate the connection to the simulator.
    id = vrep.simxStart('', 19997, True, True, 2000, 5)

    if id < 0:
        print('Failed connecting to remote API server. Exiting.')

    print('Connection {} to remote API server open '.format(id))

    # Make sure we close the connection whenever the script is interrupted.
    atexit.register(cleanup_vrep, vrep=vrep, id=id)

    # This will only work in "continuous remote API server service".
    # See http://www.v-rep.eu/helpFiles/en/remoteApiServerSide.htm
    vrep.simxStartSimulation(id, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)

    # Retrieve all handles, mostly the Hokuyo.
    h = Youbot(vrep, id)

    # Make sure everything is settled before we start (wait for the simulation to start).

    # The time step the simulator is using (your code should run close to it).
    timestep = .05

    # Preset values for the demo.

    # Definition of the starting pose of the arm (the angle to impose at each joint to be in the rest position).
    startingJoints = [
        -90, 30.91 * math.pi / 180, 52.42 * math.pi / 180,
        72.68 * math.pi / 180, 0

    # Set the arm to its starting configuration. Several orders are sent sequentially, but they must be followed
    # by the simulator without being interrupted by other computations (hence the enclosing simxPauseCommunication
    # calls).
    res = vrep.simxPauseCommunication(
        id, True)  # Send order to the simulator through vrep object.
    #vrchk(vrep, res); # Check the return value from the previous V-REP call (res) and exit in case of error.

    for i in range(5):
        res = vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(id, h.Arm.armJoints[i],
        #vrchk(vrep, res, true);

    res = vrep.simxPauseCommunication(id, False)
    #vrchk(vrep, res);

    # Initialise the state machine.
    fsm = 'noIK'

    ## Start the demo.
    while True:
        t = time.time()  # See end of loop to see why it's useful.

        if vrep.simxGetConnectionId(id) == -1:
            raise ConnectionAbortedError('Lost connection to remote API.')

        ## Apply the state machine.

        # First example: move the arm without using the IK (inverse kinematics) solver, by explicitly setting the value
        # for each of the joints.
        if fsm == 'noIK':
            # Define each angle of the robot arm.
            chooseAngle = [
                180 * math.pi / 180, -25 * math.pi / 180, 75 * math.pi / 180,
                -17 * math.pi / 180, 90 * math.pi / 180

            # Apply the value to each articulation.
            for i in range(5):
                res = vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(id, h.Arm.armJoints[i],
                # vrchk(vrep, res, true)

            # Wait until the robot arm is in position.
            fsm = 'useIK'

        # Second example: move the arm by using the IK solver, so that you only have to specify the position of
        # the arm tip. With this, you can move the point between the two tongs of the gripper so that it coincides with
        # the object to grasp (the tip): the gripper will magically be at the right position.
        elif fsm == 'useIK':
            # Get the arm tip position.
             tpos] = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(id, h.Arm.ptip, h.Arm.armRef,
            #vrchk(vrep, res, true)

            # Set the inverse kinematics (IK) mode to position AND orientation (km_mode = 2). The solver will decide the
            # values for the joint angles so that the arm tip is at the given position with the given orientation (given
            # with a later simulator call).
            res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'km_mode', 2,
            #vrchk(vrep, res, true);

            # Set the new position to the expected one for the gripper (predetermined value).
            tpos = [tpos[0] - 0.1, tpos[1] + 0.3, tpos[2] - 0.3]
            res = vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(id, h.Arm.ptarget, h.Arm.armRef,
                                             tpos, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot)
            #vrchk(vrep, res, true);
            # You could do the same with the orientation using vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation. The details are in the
            # documentation:
            # http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiFunctionsMatlab.htm#simxSetObjectOrientation

            # Wait long enough so that the tip is at the right position and go on to the next state.
            fsm = 'rotGrip'

        # Rotate the tip. It can be actuated as any joint of the arm.
        elif fsm == 'rotGrip':
            # Remove the inverse kinematics (IK) mode so that joint angles can be set individually (it was reenabled by
            # the previous state).
            res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'km_mode', 0,
            #vrchk(vrep, res, true);

            # Set the new gripper angle to 0°.
            res = vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(id, h.Arm.armJoints[4], 0,
            #vrchk(vrep, res, true);

            # Make MATLAB wait long enough so that the tip is at the right position and go on to the next state.
            # This value was determined by experiments.
            fsm = 'grasp'

        # Close the gripper. It is not possible to determine the force to apply and the object will sometimes slip
        # from the gripper!
        elif fsm == 'grasp':
            res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'gripper_open', 0,
            #vrchk(vrep, res);

            # Make MATLAB wait for the gripper to be closed. This value was determined by experiments.
            fsm = 'release'

        # Open the gripper.
        elif fsm == 'release':
            res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'gripper_open', 1,
            #vrchk(vrep, res);

            # Make MATLAB wait for the gripper to be opened. This value was determined by experiments.
            fsm = 'finished'

        # Demo done: exit the function.
        elif fsm == 'finished':

            raise ValueError('Unknown state: ' + fsm)

        # Make sure that we do not go faster than the physics simulation (it is useless to go faster).
        elapsed = time.time() - t
        timeleft = timestep - elapsed
        if (timeleft > 0):
            time.sleep(min(timeleft, .01))
def youbot():
    print('Program started')

    ## Initiate the connection to the simulator.
    id = vrep.simxStart('', 19997, True, True, 2000, 5)

    if id < 0:
        print('Failed connecting to remote API server. Exiting.')

    print('Connection {} to remote API server open '.format(id))

    # Make sure we close the connection whenever the script is interrupted.
    atexit.register(cleanup_vrep, vrep=vrep, id=id)

    # This will only work in "continuous remote API server service".
    # See http://www.v-rep.eu/helpFiles/en/remoteApiServerSide.htm
    vrep.simxStartSimulation(id, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)

    # Retrieve all handles, mostly the Hokuyo.
    h = Youbot(vrep, id)

    # Make sure everything is settled before we start (wait for the simulation to start).

    # The time step the simulator is using (your code should run close to it).
    timestep = .05

    ## Preset values for the demo.

    # Parameters for controlling the youBot's wheels: at each iteration, those values will be set for the wheels.
    # They are adapted at each iteration by the code.
    forwBackVel = 0  # Move straight ahead.
    rightVel = 0  # Go sideways.
    rotateRightVel = 0  # Rotate.

    # First state of state machine
    fsm = 'forward'
    print('Switching to state: ', fsm)

    ## Start the demo.
    while True:
        t = time.time()  # See end of loop to see why it's useful.

        if vrep.simxGetConnectionId(id) == -1:
            raise ConnectionAbortedError('Lost connection to remote API.')

        # Get the position and the orientation of the robot.
        res, youbotPos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(id, h.ref, -1,
        #vrchk(vrep, res, true) # Check the return value from the previous V-REP call (res) and exit in case of error.
        res, youbotEuler = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(
            id, h.ref, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer)
        #vrchk(vrep, res, true)

        ## Apply the state machine.
        if fsm == 'forward':
            # Make the robot drive with a constant speed (very simple controller, likely to overshoot).
            # The speed is - 1 m/s, the sign indicating the direction to follow. Please note that the robot has
            # limitations and cannot reach an infinite speed.
            forwBackVel = -1

            # Stop when the robot is close to y = - 6.5. The tolerance has been determined by experiments: if it is too
            # small, the condition will never be met (the robot position is updated every 50 ms); if it is too large,
            # then the robot is not close enough to the position (which may be a problem if it has to pick an object,
            # for example).
            if abs(youbotPos[1] + 6.5) < .01:
                forwBackVel = 0  # Stop the robot.
                fsm = 'backward'
                print('Switching to state: ', fsm)

        elif fsm == 'backward':
            # A speed which is a function of the distance to the destination can also be used. This is useful to avoid
            # overshooting: with this controller, the speed decreases when the robot approaches the goal.
            # Here, the goal is to reach y = -4.5.
            forwBackVel = -2 * (youbotPos[1] + 4.5)
            #             ^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            #             |     distance to goal
            #             influences the maximum speed

            # Stop when the robot is close to y = 4.5.
            if abs(youbotPos[1] + 4.5) < .01:
                forwBackVel = 0  # Stop the robot.
                fsm = 'right'
                print('Switching to state: ', fsm)

        elif fsm == 'right':
            # Move sideways, again with a proportional controller (goal: x = - 4.5).
            rightVel = -2 * (youbotPos[0] + 4.5)

            # Stop at x = - 4.5
            if abs(youbotPos[0] + 4.5) < .01:
                rightVel = 0  # Stop the robot.
                fsm = 'rotateRight'
                print('Switching to state: ', fsm)

        elif fsm == 'rotateRight':
            # Rotate until the robot has an angle of -pi/2 (measured with respect to the world's reference frame).
            # Again, use a proportional controller. In case of overshoot, the angle difference will change sign,
            # and the robot will correctly find its way back (e.g.: the angular speed is positive, the robot overshoots,
            # the anguler speed becomes negative).
            # youbotEuler(3) is the rotation around the vertical axis.
            rotateRightVel = -math.pi / 2 - youbotEuler[
                2]  # angdiff ensures the difference is between -pi and pi.

            # Stop when the robot is at an angle close to -pi/2.
            if abs(-math.pi / 2 - youbotEuler[2]) < .002:
                rotateRightVel = 0
                fsm = 'finished'
                print('Switching to state: ', fsm)

        elif fsm == 'finished':
            raise ValueError('Unknown state: ' + fsm)

        # Update wheel velocities.
        h.drive(vrep, forwBackVel, rightVel, rotateRightVel)

        # What happens if you do not update the velocities? The simulator always considers the last speed you gave it,
        # until you set a new velocity. If you perform computations for several seconds in a row without updating the
        # speeds, the robot will continue to move --- even if it bumps into a wall.

        # Make sure that we do not go faster than the physics simulation (it is useless to go faster).
        elapsed = time.time() - t
        timeleft = timestep - elapsed
        if (timeleft > 0):
            time.sleep(min(timeleft, .01))
def youbot():
    print('Program started')

    # Initiate the connection to the simulator.
    id = vrep.simxStart('', 19997, True, True, 2000, 5)

    if id < 0:
        print('Failed connecting to remote API server. Exiting.')

    print('Connection {} to remote API server open '.format(id))

    # Make sure we close the connection whenever the script is interrupted.
    atexit.register(cleanup_vrep, vrep=vrep, id=id)

    # This will only work in "continuous remote API server service".
    # See http://www.v-rep.eu/helpFiles/en/remoteApiServerSide.htm
    vrep.simxStartSimulation(id, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)

    # Retrieve all handles, mostly the Hokuyo.
    h = Youbot(vrep, id)

    # Make sure everything is settled before we start (wait for the simulation to start).

    # The time step the simulator is using (your code should run close to it).
    timestep = .05

    # Minimum and maximum angles for all joints. Only useful to implement custom IK.
    armJointRanges = [[-2.9496064186096, 2.9496064186096],
                      [-1.5707963705063, 1.308996796608],
                      [-2.2863812446594, 2.2863812446594],
                      [-1.7802357673645, 1.7802357673645],
                      [-1.5707963705063, 1.5707963705063]]

    # Definition of the starting pose of the arm (the angle to impose at each joint to be in the rest position).
    startingJoints = [
        0, 30.91 * math.pi / 180, 52.42 * math.pi / 180, 72.68 * math.pi / 180,

    # Preset values for the demo.
    print('Starting robot')

    # Define the preset pickup pose for this demo.
    pickupJoints = [
        90 * math.pi / 180, 19.6 * math.pi / 180, 113 * math.pi / 180,
        -41 * math.pi / 180, 0

    # Parameters for controlling the youBot's wheels: at each iteration, those values will be set for the wheels.
    # They are adapted at each iteration by the code.
    forwBackVel = 0  # Move straight ahead.
    rightVel = 0  # Go sideways.
    rotateRightVel = 0  # Rotate.
    prevOrientation = 0  # Previous angle to goal (easy way to have a condition on the robot's angular speed).
    prevPosition = 0  # Previous distance to goal (easy way to have a condition on the robot's speed).

    # Set the arm to its starting configuration. Several orders are sent sequentially, but they must be followed
    # by the simulator without being interrupted by other computations (hence the enclosing simxPauseCommunication
    # calls).
    res = vrep.simxPauseCommunication(
        id, True)  # Send order to the simulator through vrep object.
    #vrchk(vrep, res); # Check the return value from the previous V-REP call (res) and exit in case of error.

    for i in range(5):
        res = vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(id, h.Arm.armJoints[i],
        #vrchk(vrep, res, true);

    res = vrep.simxPauseCommunication(id, False)
    #vrchk(vrep, res);

    # Initialise the plot.
    plotData = False
    if plotData:
        # Prepare the plot area to receive three plots: what the Hokuyo sees at the top (2D map), the point cloud and
        # the image of what is in front of the robot at the bottom.
        ax = plt.subplot(211)

        # Create a 2D mesh of points, stored in the vectors X and Y. This will be used to display the area the robot can
        # see, by selecting the points within this mesh that are within the visibility range.
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(-5, 5, 40), np.linspace(-5.5, 2.5, 32)
        )  # Values selected for the area the robot will explore for this demo.
        X = np.reshape(X, (-1, ), order='F')  # Make a vector of the matrix X.
        Y = np.reshape(Y, (-1, ), order='F')
    # Make sure everything is settled before we start.

    # Retrieve the position of the gripper.
    res, homeGripperPosition = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(
        id, h.Arm.ptip, h.Arm.armRef, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer)
    # vrchk(vrep, res, true)

    # Initialise the state machine.
    fsm = 'rotate'

    ## Start the demo.
    while True:
        t = time.time()  # See end of loop to see why it's useful.

        if vrep.simxGetConnectionId(id) == -1:
            raise ConnectionAbortedError('Lost connection to remote API.')

        # Get the position and the orientation of the robot.
        res, youbotPos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(id, h.ref, -1,
        #vrchk(vrep, res, true)
        res, youbotEuler = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(
            id, h.ref, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer)
        #vrchk(vrep, res, true)

        ## Plot something if required.
        if plotData:
            # Read data from the depth sensor, more often called the Hokuyo (if you want to be more precise about
            # the way you control the sensor, see later for the details about this line or the file
            # focused/youbot_3dpointcloud.m).
            # This function returns the set of points the Hokuyo saw in pts. contacts indicates, for each point, if it
            # corresponds to an obstacle (the ray the Hokuyo sent was interrupted by an obstacle, and was not allowed to
            # go to infinity without being stopped).
            pts, contacts = h.LaserScanner.scan(vrep, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer)

            # Select the points in the mesh [X, Y] that are visible, as returned by the Hokuyo (it returns the area that
            # is visible, but the visualisation draws a series of points that are within this visible area).
            points = np.hstack(
                (h.LaserScanner.hokuyo1Pos, pts[:], h.LaserScanner.hokuyo2Pos))
            polygon = path.Path(np.squeeze(np.asarray(points[0, :])),
                                np.squeeze(np.asarray(points[1, :])))

            in_mask = polygon.contains_points(X, Y)

            # Plot those points. Green dots: the visible area for the Hokuyo. Red starts: the obstacles. Red lines: the
            # visibility range from the Hokuyo sensor.
            # The youBot is indicated with two dots: the blue one corresponds to the rear, the red one to the Hokuyo
            # sensor position.
            plt.plot(X[in_mask], Y[in_mask], '.g')
            plt.plot(pts[0, contacts], pts[1, contacts], '*r')
            plt.plot(np.squeeze(np.asarray(points[0, :])),
                     np.squeeze(np.asarray(points[1, :])), 'r')
            plt.plot(0, 0, 'ob')
            plt.plot(h.LaserScanner.hokuyo1Pos[0], h.hokuyo1Pos[1], 'or')
            plt.plot(h.LaserScanner.hokuyo2Pos[0], h.hokuyo2Pos[1], 'or')
            plt.set_xlim([-5.5, 5.5])
            plt.set_ylim([-5.5, 2.5])

        angl = -math.pi / 2

        ## Apply the state machine.

        if fsm == 'rotate':
            # First, rotate the robot to go to one table.
            # The rotation velocity depends on the difference between the current angle and the target.
            rotateRightVel = angl - youbotEuler[2]

            # When the rotation is done (with a sufficiently high precision), move on to the next state.
            if ((abs(angl - youbotEuler[2]) < .1 / 180 * math.pi) and
                (abs(prevOrientation - youbotEuler[2]) < .01 / 180 * math.pi)):
                rotateRightVel = 0
                fsm = 'drive'

            prevOrientation = youbotEuler[2]

        elif fsm == 'drive':
            # Then, make it move straight ahead until it reaches the table (x = 3.167 m).
            # The further the robot, the faster it drives. (Only check for the first dimension.)
            # For the project, you should not use a predefined value, but rather compute it from your map.
            # Here, the goal is to reach y = -4.5.
            forwBackVel = -2 * (youbotPos[0] + 3.167)

            # If the robot is sufficiently close and its speed is sufficiently low, stop it and move its arm to
            # a specific location before moving on to the next state.
            if (youbotPos[0] + 3.167 <
                    .001) and (abs(youbotPos[0] - prevPosition) < .001):
                forwBackVel = 0

                # Change the orientation of the camera to focus on the table (preparation for next state).
                vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(id, h.RGBDSensor.rgbdCasing,
                                              h.ref, [0, 0, math.pi / 4],

                # Move the arm to the preset pose pickupJoints (only useful for this demo; you should compute it based
                # on the object to grasp).
                for i in range(5):
                    res = vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(
                        id, h.Arm.armJoints[i], pickupJoints[i],
                    #vrchk(vrep, res, true)
                fsm = 'snapshot'

            prevPosition = youbotPos[0]

        elif fsm == 'snapshot':
            # Read data from the depth camera (Hokuyo)
            # Reading a 3D image costs a lot to VREP (it has to simulate the image). It also requires a lot of
            # bandwidth, and processing a 3D point cloud (for instance, to find one of the boxes or cylinders that
            # the robot has to grasp) will take a long time in MATLAB. In general, you will only want to capture a 3D
            # image at specific times, for instance when you believe you're facing one of the tables.

            # Reduce the view angle to pi/8 in order to better see the objects. Do it only once.
            # ^^^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            # simxSetFloatSignal                                                simx_opmode_oneshot_wait
            #            |
            #            rgbd_sensor_scan_angle
            # The depth camera has a limited number of rays that gather information. If this number is concentrated
            # on a smaller angle, the resolution is better. pi/8 has been determined by experimentation.
            res = vrep.simxSetFloatSignal(id, 'rgbd_sensor_scan_angle',
                                          math.pi / 8,
            #vrchk(vrep, res); # Check the return value from the previous V-REP call (res) and exit in case of error.

            # Ask the sensor to turn itself on, take A SINGLE POINT CLOUD, and turn itself off again.
            # ^^^     ^^^^^^                ^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            # simxSetIntegerSignal          1        simx_opmode_oneshot_wait
            #         |
            #         handle_xyz_sensor
            res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'handle_xyz_sensor', 1,
            #vrchk(vrep, res);

            # Then retrieve the last point cloud the depth sensor took.
            # If you were to try to capture multiple images in a row, try other values than
            # vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait.
            print('Capturing point cloud...')
            pts = h.RGBDSensor.scan(vrep, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
            # Each column of pts has [x;y;z;distancetosensor]. However, plot3 does not have the same frame of reference as
            # the output data. To get a correct plot, you should invert the y and z dimensions.

            # Here, we only keep points within 1 meter, to focus on the table.
            pts = pts[:3, pts[3, :] < 1]

            if plotData:
                ax = plt.subplot(223, projection='3d')
                ax.plot(pts[0, :], pts[2, :], pts[1, :], '*')
                #ax. view([-169 -46])

            # Read data from the RGB camera.
            # This starts the robot's camera to take a 2D picture of what the robot can see.
            # Reading an image costs a lot to VREP (it has to simulate the image). It also requires a lot of bandwidth,
            # and processing an image will take a long time in MATLAB. In general, you will only want to capture
            # an image at specific times, for instance when you believe you're facing one of the tables or a basket.

            # Ask the sensor to turn itself on, take A SINGLE IMAGE, and turn itself off again.
            # ^^^     ^^^^^^                ^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            # simxSetIntegerSignal          1        simx_opmode_oneshot_wait
            #         |
            #         handle_rgb_sensor
            res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'handle_rgb_sensor', 1,
            #vrchk(vrep, res); # Check the return value from the previous V-REP call (res) and exit in case of error.

            # Then retrieve the last picture the camera took. The image must be in RGB (not gray scale).
            #      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^^                            ^^^
            #      simxGetVisionSensorImage2     h.rgbSensor                       0
            # If you were to try to capture multiple images in a row, try other values than vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait.
            print('Capturing image...')
            res, resolution, image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage(
                id, h.RGBDSensor.rgbSensor, 0, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
            #vrchk(vrep, res);
            width, height = resolution
            print('Captured {} pixels ({} x {}).'.format(
                width * height, width, height))

            image = np.reshape(image, (height, width, 3))

            # Finally, show the image.
            if plotData:

            # Next state.
            fsm = 'extend'

        elif fsm == 'extend':
            # Move the arm to face the object.
            # Get the arm position.
            res, tpos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(id, h.Arm.ptip,
            #vrchk(vrep, res, true)

            # If the arm has reached the wanted position, move on to the next state.
            # Once again, your code should compute this based on the object to grasp.
            if np.linalg.norm(
                    np.array(tpos) -
                    np.array([0.3259, -0.0010, 0.2951])) < .002:
                # Set the inverse kinematics (IK) mode to position AND orientation (km_mode = 2).
                res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'km_mode', 2,
                #vrchk(vrep, res, true);
                fsm = 'reachout'

        elif fsm == 'reachout':
            # Move the gripper tip along a line so that it faces the object with the right angle.
            # Get the arm tip position. The arm is driven only by the position of the tip, not by the angles of
            # the joints, except if IK is disabled.
            # Following the line ensures the arm attacks the object with the right angle.
            res, tpos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(id, h.Arm.ptip,
            #vrchk(vrep, res, true);

            # If the tip is at the right position, go on to the next state. Again, this value should be computed based
            # on the object to grasp and on the robot's position.
            if tpos[0] > .39:
                fsm = 'grasp'

            # Move the tip to the next position along the line.
            tpos[0] = tpos[0] + .01
            res = vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(id, h.Arm.ptarget, h.Arm.armRef,
                                             tpos, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot)
            #vrchk(vrep, res, true)

        elif fsm == 'grasp':
            # Grasp the object by closing the gripper on it.
            # Close the gripper. Please pay attention that it is not possible to adjust the force to apply:
            # the object will sometimes slip from the gripper!
            res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'gripper_open', 0,
            #vrchk(vrep, res);

            # Make MATLAB wait for the gripper to be closed. This value was determined by experiments.

            # Disable IK; this is used at the next state to move the joints manually.
            res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(id, 'km_mode', 0,
            #vrchk(vrep, res)
            fsm = 'backoff'

        elif fsm == 'backoff':

            for i in range(5):
                res = vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(id, h.Arm.armJoints[i],
                #vrchk(vrep, res, true)

                # Get the gripper position and check whether it is at destination (the original position).
                res, tpos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(id, h.Arm.ptip,
                #vrchk(vrep, res, true)
                if np.linalg.norm(
                        np.array(tpos) - np.array(homeGripperPosition)) < .02:
                    # Open the gripper when the arm is above its base.
                    res = vrep.simxSetIntegerSignal(
                        id, 'gripper_open', 1, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)
                    #vrchk(vrep, res);

                if np.linalg.norm(
                        np.array(tpos) - np.array(homeGripperPosition)) < .002:
                    fsm = 'finished'

        elif fsm == 'finished':
            # Demo done: exit the function.

            raise ValueError('Unknown state: ' + fsm)

        # Update wheel velocities using the global values (whatever the state is).
        h.drive(vrep, forwBackVel, rightVel, rotateRightVel)

        # Make sure that we do not go faster than the physics simulation (it is useless to go faster).
        elapsed = time.time() - t
        timeleft = timestep - elapsed
        if (timeleft > 0):
            time.sleep(min(timeleft, .01))