    def _precompute_distances(self, state):
        """ Precomputes the distance of each cell to that of the closest ghost """
        theGhosts = api.ghosts(state)

        distances = [[float("inf") for col in range(len(self.map[0]))]
                     for row in range(len(self.map))]

        theGhosts = api.ghosts(state)
        for ghost in theGhosts:
            self._flood_fill(distances, int(ghost[1]), int(ghost[0]), 0)

        return distances
 def updateGhostsInMap(self, state):
     ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
     for i in range(len(ghosts)):
         self.map.setValue(int(ghosts[i][0]), int(ghosts[i][1]), self.GHOST)
         gSurround = self.getSurroundingLocations(int(ghosts[i][0]), int(ghosts[i][1]))
         for j in range(len(gSurround)):
             self.map.setValue(gSurround[j][0], gSurround[j][1], self.GHOST/2)
    def getAction(self, state):
        #if the internal map of the environment has yet to be initialized, initialize it
        if not self.init:
        #update the legal moves for this move

        #if pacman can detect a ghost nearby pacman needs to run away
        if api.ghosts(state):
            return self.runAway(state)

        #if a route has been found, pacman will follow it instead of searching again
        if len(self.path) != 0:
            #pop off the first move in the path
            nextMove = self.path.pop(0)
            #check that the move is legal
            if nextMove[1] in self.legal:
                #mark that position as visited with "P"
                self.map[nextMove[0][0]][nextMove[0][1]] = "P"
                self.lastDir = nextMove[1]
                #return the move
                return api.makeMove(self.lastDir, self.legal)
            #if the move is not legal, find a new path
                return self.findPath(state)
        #otherwise find a path
            return self.findPath(state)
        def getAction(self, state):

            # Get legal actions
            legal = api.legalActions(state)

            # Get location of Pacman
            pacman = api.whereAmI(state)

            # Get location of Ghosts
            locGhosts = api.ghosts(state)
            #print "locGhosts: ", locGhosts

            # Get distance between pacman and the ghosts
            for i in locGhosts:
                p_g_dist = util.manhattanDistance(pacman, i)

            # Get distance between ghosts
            g_g_dist = util.manhattanDistance(locGhosts[0], locGhosts[1])
            #print "g_g_dist:", g_g_dist

            # Get distance between pacman and first Ghost
            dist = []
            dist.append(locGhosts[0][0] - pacman[0])
            dist.append(locGhosts[0][1] - pacman[1])

            return api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, legal)
    def getAction(self,state):
        walls = api.walls(state)
        width,height = api.corners(state)[-1]
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        me = api.whereAmI(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        direction = Directions.STOP
        x, y = me

        if not hasattr(self, 'map'):
            self.createMap(walls, width + 1, height + 1)

        self.checkForCapsules(capsules, legal, ghosts)
        legal = self.solveLoop(ghosts, legal)

        if len(ghosts):
            if self.counter < 0:
                for ghost in ghosts:
                    legal = self.checkForGhosts(ghost, me, legal)

        direction = self.pickMove(me, legal, width  + 1, height + 1, food)
        self.updatePosition(me, 1, self.map)


        self.last = direction
        return direction
    def generateRewardGrid(self, state):
        # a negative incentive for non-terminal states
        # this is an incentive for taking the shortest route
        initialValue = -5
        # initialize 2d array with correct dimensions
        (w, h) = api.corners(state)[3]
        rewardGrid = [[initialValue for x in range(w + 1)]
                      for y in range(h + 1)]

        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        foods = api.food(state)
        walls = api.walls(state)

        for (x, y) in foods:
            rewardGrid[y][x] = 100

        # fill a radius around each ghost with negative reward
        # size of radius dependent on number of foods remaining
        # pacman feels no fear when almost winning
        radius = 5 if len(foods) > 3 else 2
        for (x, y) in ghosts:
            self.floodFill(rewardGrid, int(x), int(y), radius)

        for (x, y) in walls:
            rewardGrid[y][x] = 0

        return rewardGrid
	def getAction(self, state):
		print "-" * 30 #divider
		ghosts = api.ghosts(state) #get state of ghosts
		legal = state.getLegalPacmanActions() #Again, get a list of pacman's legal actions
		last = state.getPacmanState().configuration.direction #store last move
		pacman = api.whereAmI(state) #retrieve location of pacman
		food = api.food(state) #retrieve location of food
		walls = api.walls(state)

		#how to call getfoodvalmap method.
		#In reality, the reward should be the final value-iteration of the grid.
		foodVal = self.getValueMap(state, 10)

		print foodVal

		#example on how to use getPacMEU function
		currentUtil = self.getPacMEU(pacman[0], pacman[1], foodVal, legal)
		print "Utility values: "
		print currentUtil
		print max(currentUtil.values())
		#example on how to use getMEU function
		foodUtil = self.getMEU((18, 3), foodVal, walls)
		print "max utility for (18, 3) is: "
		print foodUtil

		if Directions.STOP in legal:
		# Random choice between the legal options.
		return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)

    def getAction(self, state):
        # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        corners = api.corners(state)
        layoutHeight = self.getLayoutHeight(corners)
        layoutWidth = self.getLayoutWidth(corners)
        if (layoutHeight-1)<8 and (layoutWidth-1)<8:
            for i in range (100):
            for i in range (50):
        plannedMove = self.plannedMove(pacman[0],pacman[1])
        #Feel free to uncomment this if you like to see the values generated

        if Directions.STOP in legal:
        #Input the calculated move for our next move
        return api.makeMove(plannedMove, legal)
    def getAction(self, state):

        self.pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        self.legal = api.legalActions(state)
        self.ghosts = api.ghosts(state)

        if not self.init:
        #    if self.reward[self.pacman[0]][self.pacman[1]] < 10:
        #        self.reward[self.pacman[0]][self.pacman[1]] = self.reward[self.pacman[0]][self.pacman[1]] - 1
        #    else:
                self.reward[self.pacman[0]][self.pacman[1]] = self.baseReward

        reward = self.updateMap(state)

        self.bellman(state, reward)

        print ''
        for row in reward:
            print row

        print ''
        for row in self.utility:
            print row

        #return self.getMove(state)
        return api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, self.legal)
    def valueIterationSmall(self, state, reward, gamma, V1):
        # Similar to valueIteration function
        # does not calculate buffers around ghosts (cause it would be too small)
        # meant for maps smaller than 10 x 10

        corners = api.corners(state)
        walls = api.walls(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)

        maxWidth = self.getLayoutWidth(corners) - 1
        maxHeight = self.getLayoutHeight(corners) - 1

        if not (0 < gamma <= 1):
            raise ValueError("MDP must have a gamma between 0 and 1.")

        # Implement Bellman equation with 10-loop iteration
        # Since smaller maps do not require as big of a value iteration loop
        loops = 100
        while loops > 0:
            V = V1.copy()  # This will store the old values
            for i in range(maxWidth):
                for j in range(maxHeight):
                    # Exclude any food because in this case it is the terminal state
                    if (i, j) not in walls and (i, j) not in food and (
                            i, j) not in ghosts and (i, j) not in capsules:
                            j)] = reward + gamma * self.getTransition(i, j, V)
            loops -= 1
    def getAction(self, state):
            The function to work out next intended action carried out.


                Directions: Intended action that Pacman will carry out.
        current_pos = api.whereAmI(state)
        corners = api.corners(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        ghost_scared_time = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)[0][1]
        walls = api.walls(state)
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        protected_coords = walls + ghosts + [current_pos]

        width = max(corners)[0] + 1
        height = max(corners, key=itemgetter(1))[1] + 1

        board = self.create_board(width, height, -0.04)
        board.set_position_values(food, 1)
        board.set_position_values(walls, 'x')
        board.set_position_values(capsules, 2)

        if ghost_scared_time < 5:
            board.set_position_values(ghosts, -3)

            # for i in range(height):
            #     for j in range(width):
            #         print board[i, j],
            #     print
            # print
            print "GHOST LIST: ", ghosts
            for x, y in ghosts:
                # set the surrounding area around the ghost to half the reward of the ghost
                # avoids changing the reward of the ghost itself, the pacman and the walls
                # print "GHOST Coordinates: " + str(x) + " " + str(y)
                x_coordinates = [x - 1, x, x + 1]
                y_coordinates = [y - 1, y, y + 1]
                # print "X/Y Coordinates: " + str(x_coordinates) + " " + str(y_coordinates)
                for x_coord in x_coordinates:
                    for y_coord in y_coordinates:
                        if (x_coord, y_coord) not in protected_coords:
                            # print("index: " + str((board.convert_y(y_coord), x_coord)))
                            converted_y = board.convert_y(y_coord)
                            # print "VALUE: " + str(board[board.convert_y(y), x])
                                  x_coord] = board[board.convert_y(y), x] / 2
                            # print "VALUE PART 2: " + str(board[converted_y, x_coord])

        board = self.value_iteration(state, board)
        expected_utility = self.calculate_expected_utility(
            state, board, abs(current_pos[1] - (height - 1)), current_pos[0])
        return max([(utility, action) for utility, action in expected_utility
                    if action in legal])[1]
 def registerInitialState(self, state):
      print "Running registerInitialState!"
      # Make a map of the right size
      self.updateUtilities(api.walls(state), api.food(state), api.ghosts(state), 1000)
      self.counter = 0
    def getAction(self, state):
            The function to work out next intended action carried out.
                Directions: Intended action that Pacman will carry out.
        current_pos = api.whereAmI(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        # make sure all ghost coordinates are ints rather than floats
        ghosts = [(int(x), int(y)) for x, y in api.ghosts(state)]
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)

        food_multiplier = (
            (0.8 * len(food) / float(self.initial_num_food))**2) + 6
        ghost_multiplier = (
            (0.2 * len(food) / float(self.initial_num_food))**2) + 3

        board = Board(self.width, self.height, -0.04)
        board.set_position_values(self.walls, 'x')
        board.set_position_values(capsules, 2 * food_multiplier)
        board.set_position_values(food, 1 * food_multiplier)
        board.set_position_values(ghosts, -7 * ghost_multiplier)

        # rewards of ghosts, walls and current position cannot be overridden
        protected_pos = set(ghosts + self.walls + [current_pos])

        # setting a much more negative reward for potential positions ghosts can occupy
        # in two moves.
        for ghost in ghosts:
            # loop through potential positions that the ghost can occupy if it were
            # to move now
            for pos in self.get_next_pos(ghost):
                if pos not in protected_pos:
                    # set the reward value of surrounding positions of ghosts to -6 *
                    # ghost multiplier.
                          int(pos[0])] = -6 * ghost_multiplier
                    for position in self.get_next_pos(pos):
                        # loop through potential positions that the ghost can occupy if
                        # it were to move two times.
                        if position not in protected_pos:
                                  int(position[0])] = -6 * ghost_multiplier

        board = self.value_iteration(state, board)  # call value iteration

        expected_utility = self.calculate_expected_utility(
            state, board, board.convert_y(current_pos[1]), current_pos[0])

        # returns action associated to the max utility out of all the legal actions.
        return api.makeMove(
            max([(utility, action) for utility, action in expected_utility
                 if action in legal])[1], legal)
    def runFromGhost(self, state):
        # Runs away from ghosts
        # Returns any direction that moves pacman away from ghost
        # Removes option of going towards ghost
        # Makes random choice of remaining options


        # print "Running from ghosts"

        cur = api.whereAmI(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        for x in range(1, 4):

            #Ghost seen south of pacman
            if (cur[0], cur[1] - x) in ghosts:
                if Directions.SOUTH in legal:
                    #Stop pacman from going south towards ghost
                    if len(legal) > 1: legal.remove(Directions.SOUTH)
                    #Let pacman go in any direction except south
                    self.last = random.choice(legal)
                    return self.last

            #Ghost seen west of pacman
            if (cur[0] - x, cur[1]) in ghosts:
                if Directions.WEST in legal:
                    #Stop pacman from going west towards ghost
                    if len(legal) > 1: legal.remove(Directions.WEST)
                    #Let pacman go in any direction except west
                    self.last = random.choice(legal)
                    return self.last

            #Ghost seen north of pacman
            if (cur[0], cur[1] + x) in ghosts:
                if Directions.NORTH in legal:
                    #Stop pacman going north towards ghost
                    if len(legal) > 1: legal.remove(Directions.NORTH)
                    #Let pacman go in any direction except south
                    self.last = random.choice(legal)
                    return self.last

            #Ghost seen east of pacman
            if (cur[0] + x, cur[1]) in ghosts:
                if Directions.EAST in legal:
                    #Stop pacman going east towards ghost
                    if len(legal) > 1: legal.remove(Directions.EAST)
                    #Let pacman go in any direction except east
                    self.last = random.choice(legal)
                    return self.last

        self.last = random.choice(legal)
        return self.last
 def registerInitialState(self, state):
      print "Running registerInitialState!"
      # Make a map of the right size
      #Run the value iteration 1000 times at the start as it will stabilise the values for later on
      self.updateUtilities(api.walls(state), api.food(state), api.ghosts(state), 1000, state)
      self.counter = 0
 def map_negative(self, state, size):
     weight_negative = {}
     (map_x, map_y) = size
     ghost = api.ghosts(state)
     for i in range(map_x + 1):
         for j in range(map_y + 1):
             if (i, j) in ghost:
                 weight_negative[(i, j)] = self.weight_ghost
                 weight_negative[(i, j)] = self.weight_blank
     return weight_negative
 def updateGhostsToMap(self, state):
     ghost = api.ghosts(state)
     for i in range(len(ghost)):
         if (api.ghostStates(state)[i][1] != 1):
             self.map.setValue(int(ghost[i][0]), int(ghost[i][1]),
                               (-self.initialFood, 0))
             self.aroundGhosts(int(ghost[i][0]), int(ghost[i][1]),
                               -self.initialFood, 0)
             self.map.setValue(int(ghost[i][0]), int(ghost[i][1]),
                               (-0.02, 0))
def ghost_value(direction, state):
    ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
    location = api.whereAmI(state)
    danger = 0
    for ghost in ghosts:
        distance = util.manhattanDistance(location, ghost)
        if distance:
            danger += directional_weight(location, ghost)[direction] / distance
            danger += float('inf')
    return danger
    def updateGhosts(self,state):
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        ghostStatesWithTimes= api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)

        for g in ghostStatesWithTimes:
            ghostVal = 1.2*g[1]-20
            #g[0] here is the coordinates of the respective ghost 
            # and g[1] is how much time till ghosts revert from edible state to hunting pacman
            # with 0 being not edible anymore

        self.dankMap =self.map #update map to dankMap
    def getAction(self, state):
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        location = api.whereAmI(state)
        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        if CAN_STOP:
            if Directions.STOP in legal:
        return api.makeMove(self.map.optimalMove(location, legal), legal)
    def updateMap(self, state):
        ghost = api.ghosts(state)
        ghostStates = api.ghostStates(state)
        capsule = api.capsules(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        wall = api.walls(state)

        for node in self.mapDictionary:
            if node in wall:
                self.mapDictionary.update({node: 'X'})

        return self.mapDictionary
    def value_iteration(self, state, board):
            The function to carry out value iteration.

                board (Board): Chosen board to use.

                Board: Board with updated utility values stored in each cell of board.
        board_copy = copy.deepcopy(board)
        # Positions where value stored should not be altered.
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        gamma = 0.9
        iterations = 10
        threshold = 0.01
        convergence = False
        height = board_copy.get_board_height()
        width = board_copy.get_board_width()

        iterations = 15
        while iterations > 0:
            # while True:
            U = copy.deepcopy(board_copy)
            totalDifference = 0
            for row in range(height):
                for col in range(width):
                    value = board_copy[row, col]
                    if isinstance(value, numbers.Number) and (
                            col, (height - 1) - row) not in ghosts:
                        # Check to make sure this position is not where a wall or a ghost is.
                        expected_utility = [
                            for utility in self.calculate_expected_utility(
                                state, U, row, col)
                        max_expected_utility = max(expected_utility)
                        board_copy[row, col] = board[row, col] + \
                            gamma * max_expected_utility

            iterations -= 1

            # for row in range(height):
            #     for col in range(width):
            #         value = board[row, col]
            #         if isinstance(value, numbers.Number) and (col, (height - 1) - row) not in ghosts:
            #             totalDifference += round(value - U[row, col], 4)
            # if abs(totalDifference) <= threshold:
            #     break

        return board_copy
    def getAction(self, state):
        moves = api.legalActions(state)
        if Directions.STOP in moves:

        successors = [(state.generateSuccessor(0, action), action)
                      for action in moves]
        scores = [(self.ghostScore(api.whereAmI(state),
                                   api.ghosts(state)), action)
                  for state, action in successors]
        bestScore = max(scores)[0]
        bestActions = [pair[1] for pair in scores if pair[0] == bestScore]
        return random.choice(bestActions)
    def updateMap(self, state):

        corners = api.corners(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        me = api.whereAmI(state)
        walls = api.walls(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        foods = api.food(state)

        # Width and Height of Map
        width, height = corners[3][0] + 1, corners[3][1] + 1

        # Generate empty world Map
        if (self.worldMap is None):
            self.worldMap = [[[' ', self.emptyReward, 0, Directions.STOP]
                              for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]

            self.setMap(me[0], me[1], ['M', self.meReward, 0, Directions.STOP])
            for food in foods:
                self.setMap(food[0], food[1],
                            ['F', self.foodReward, 0, Directions.STOP])
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.setMap(capsule[0], capsule[1],
                            ['C', self.capsuleReward, 0, Directions.STOP])
            for wall in walls:
                self.setMap(wall[0], wall[1],
                            ['W', self.wallReward, 0, Directions.STOP])
            for ghost in ghosts:
                self.setMap(ghost[0], ghost[1],
                            ['G', self.ghostReward, 0, Directions.STOP])

            self.setThing(me[1], me[0], 'M')
            for food in foods:
                self.setThing(food[1], food[0], 'F')
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.setThing(capsule[1], capsule[0], 'C')
            for wall in walls:
                self.setThing(wall[1], wall[0], 'W')
            for ghost in ghosts:
                self.setThing(ghost[1], ghost[0], 'G')
            self.setReward(me[0], me[1], self.meReward)
            for food in foods:
                self.setReward(food[0], food[1], self.foodReward)
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.setReward(capsule[0], capsule[1], self.capsuleReward)
            for wall in walls:
                self.setReward(wall[0], wall[1], self.wallReward)
            for ghost in ghosts:
                self.setReward(ghost[0], ghost[1], self.ghostReward)
 def getAction(self, state):
     # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
     legal = api.legalActions(state)
     if Directions.STOP in legal:
     # Get current location of pacman
     pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
     # Get list of ghost locations
     ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
     # Compute manhattan distance to each ghost location
     ghostsDistances = []
     for i in range(len(ghosts)):
         ghostsDistances.append(util.manhattanDistance(pacman, ghosts[i]))
     minDistance = min(ghostsDistances)
     print "Min Distance: ", minDistance
     minDistanceIndex = ghostsDistances.index(minDistance)
     print "Min Ghosts index: ", minDistanceIndex
     nearestGhost = ghosts[minDistanceIndex]
     print "Pacman: ", pacman
     print "Nearest Ghost: ", nearestGhost
     diffX = pacman[0] - nearestGhost[0]
     diffY = pacman[1] - nearestGhost[1]
     print "legal", legal
     print diffX, diffY
     moveX = Directions.STOP
     moveY = Directions.STOP
     # Determine whether to move east or west
     if diffX >= 0:
         print "Go right"
         moveX = Directions.EAST
     elif diffX < 0:
         print "Go left"
         moveX = Directions.WEST
     # Determine whether to move north or south
     if diffY >= 0:
         print "Go up"
         moveY = Directions.NORTH
     elif diffY < 0:
         print "Go down"
         moveY = Directions.SOUTH
     # Determine whether to move in X or Y
     print "diffX: ", diffX, " diffY", diffY
     if abs(diffX) >= abs(diffY) and moveX in legal:
         return api.makeMove(moveX, legal)
     elif abs(diffY) >= 0 and moveY in legal:
         return api.makeMove(moveY, legal)
     elif abs(diffX) >= 0 and moveX in legal:
         return api.makeMove(moveX, legal)
         return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)
    def value_iteration(self, state, board):
            The function to carry out value iteration.
                board (Board): Chosen board to use.
                Board: Board with updated utility values stored in each cell of board.
        board_copy = copy.deepcopy(board)
        gamma = 0.9  # discount factor
        iterations = 14  # max number of iterations
        threshold = 0.1

        # Positions where value stored should not be altered.
        protected_pos = api.ghosts(state) + api.walls(state)

        while iterations > 0:
            U = copy.deepcopy(board_copy)
            # total differences between previous board and new board which has been made
            # at the end of the iteration
            total_difference = 0

            for row in range(self.height):
                for col in range(self.width):
                    value = board_copy[row, col]
                    # Check to make sure this position is not where a wall or a ghost is.
                    if (col, board.convert_y(row)) not in protected_pos:
                        # just take the utility from the list returned by calculate_expected_utility
                        expected_utility = [
                            for utility in self.calculate_expected_utility(
                                state, U, row, col)
                        max_expected_utility = max(expected_utility)
                        board_copy[row, col] = board[row, col] + gamma * \
                            max_expected_utility  # Bellman's equation

            # calculate differences for each position using the old board(U) and new board(board_copy)
            for row in range(self.height):
                for col in range(self.width):
                    if (col, board.convert_y(row)) not in protected_pos:
                        value = board_copy[row, col]
                        total_difference += abs(round(value - U[row, col], 4))

            if total_difference <= threshold:

            iterations -= 1

        return board_copy
    def getAction(self, state):
        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        if Directions.STOP in legal:

        coners = api.corners(state)

        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)

        food = api.food(state)

        Capsules = api.capsules(state)

        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)

        if len(self.detected) == 0:
            self.states.push((pacman, Directions.STOP))

        if not self.states.isEmpty():
            success_node = []
            for directs in legal:
                if directs == Directions.WEST:
                    success_node.append((pacman[0] - 1, pacman[1]))
                if directs == Directions.EAST:
                    success_node.append((pacman[0] + 1, pacman[1]))
                if directs == Directions.NORTH:
                    success_node.append((pacman[0], pacman[1] + 1))
                if directs == Directions.SOUTH:
                    success_node.append((pacman[0], pacman[1] - 1))
            for index in range(len(success_node)):
                if not success_node[index] in self.detected and (
                        success_node[index] in food
                        or success_node[index] in Capsules):
                    self.states.push((success_node[index], legal[index]))
                    return (api.makeMove(legal[index], legal))

            last, acted = self.states.pop()
            if acted == Directions.NORTH:
                return (api.makeMove(Directions.SOUTH, legal))
            if acted == Directions.SOUTH:
                return (api.makeMove(Directions.NORTH, legal))
            if acted == Directions.WEST:
                return (api.makeMove(Directions.EAST, legal))
            if acted == Directions.EAST:
                return (api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal))

        return (api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, legal))
    def ghostRegion1(self,state):
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)

        region1 = []
        # for loop creates a list of lists
        for k in range(len(ghosts)):
            region1.append(self.getSuccessor(state, ghosts[k][0], ghosts[k][1]))

        # Create a list containing every element in the previously created list of lists
        flat_list = [item for sublist in region1 for item in sublist]

        # Remove any duplicates in the list
        flat_list = list(set(flat_list))

        return flat_list
    def bellmanUpdate(
        self, state
    ):  #preforms bellmans over the entire map using bellmans equation on each cell
        ghostList = api.ghosts(state)
        foodList = api.food(state)
        wallList = api.walls(state)
        scaredTime = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)[0][1]
        capsuleList = api.capsules(state)
        width = self.map.width
        height = self.map.height
        done = False

        while not done:  #loops over map preforming bellmans until previous map from the last iteration is equal to the map at the end of the new iteration
            oldMap = deepcopy(self.map)

            for x in range(0, width):
                for y in range(0, height):
                    if oldMap[x][y] != None:
                        bestUtil = -1000
                        moves = [
                            oldMap[x][y + 1], oldMap[x + 1][y],
                            oldMap[x][y - 1], oldMap[x - 1][y]
                        ]  # list of all possible moves from the current cell

                        for i in range(
                        ):  # finds the best util possible based on all legal moves to uses in value iteration
                            if moves[i] != None:
                                tutil = moves[i] * 0.8
                                if moves[i - 1] != None:
                                    tutil += moves[i - 1] * 0.1
                                    tutil += oldMap[x][y] * 0.1
                                if moves[(i + 1) % 4] != None:
                                    tutil += moves[(i + 1) % 4] * 0.1
                                    tutil += oldMap[x][y] * 0.1
                                if tutil > bestUtil:
                                    bestUtil = deepcopy(tutil)

                        self.map[x][y] = (bestUtil * 0.9) + self.reward(
                            x, y, state, ghostList, foodList, capsuleList,
                            wallList)  #bellmans equation using rewards functon

            done = self.checkSame(
                oldMap, self.map
            )  #checks to see whether old map is the same as new map
    def getAction(self, state):
        #Initialise all variables
        walls = api.walls(state)
        ghostArray = api.ghosts(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        #Run value iteration and update the map
        self.valueIteration(walls, food, ghostArray, state)

        #Get the direction based on MEU 
        direction = self.getNextMoveBasedOnMEU(state)

        #return with a move
        return api.makeMove(direction, legal)