    def heuristic_2a(self, player: int, depth: int,
                     curr_state: State) -> float:
        potential_points = 0
        played_card = curr_state.get_opponents_played_card()
        if played_card is not None:
            played_card = util.get_rank(played_card)
            if played_card == 'J':
                potential_points -= 2
            elif played_card == 'Q':
                potential_points -= 3
            elif played_card == 'K':
                potential_points -= 4
            elif played_card == '10':
                potential_points -= 10
            elif played_card == 'A':
                potential_points -= 11

        return potential_points / MAX_POSSIBLE_POTENTIAL_POINTS
def features(state):
    # type: (State) -> tuple[float, ...]
    Extract features from this state. Remember that every feature vector returned should have the same length.

    :param state: A state to be converted to a feature vector
    :return: A tuple of floats: a feature vector representing this state.

    feature_set = []

    # Add player 1's points to feature set
    p1_points = State.get_points(state, 1)

    # Add player 2's points to feature set
    p2_points = State.get_points(state, 2)

    # Add player 1's pending points to feature set
    p1_pending_points = State.get_pending_points(state, 1)

    # Add plauer 2's pending points to feature set
    p2_pending_points = State.get_pending_points(state, 2)

    # Get trump suit
    trump_suit = State.get_trump_suit(state)

    # Add phase to feature set
    phase = State.get_phase(state)

    # Add stock size to feature set
    stock_size = State.get_stock_size(state)

    # Add leader to feature set
    leader = State.leader(state)

    # Add whose turn it is to feature set
    whose_turn = State.whose_turn(state)

    # Add opponent's played card to feature set
    opponents_played_card = State.get_opponents_played_card(state)

    ################## You do not need to do anything below this line ########################

    perspective = state.get_perspective()

    # Perform one-hot encoding on the perspective.
    # Learn more about one-hot here: https://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-one-hot-encode-sequence-data-in-python/
    perspective = [
        card if card != 'U' else [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != 'S' else [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != 'P1H' else [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != 'P2H' else [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != 'P1W' else [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != 'P2W' else [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] for card in perspective

    # Append one-hot encoded perspective to feature_set
    feature_set += list(chain(*perspective))

    # Append normalized points to feature_set
    total_points = p1_points + p2_points
    feature_set.append(p1_points / total_points if total_points > 0 else 0.)
    feature_set.append(p2_points / total_points if total_points > 0 else 0.)

    # Append normalized pending points to feature_set
    total_pending_points = p1_pending_points + p2_pending_points
        p1_pending_points /
        total_pending_points if total_pending_points > 0 else 0.)
        p2_pending_points /
        total_pending_points if total_pending_points > 0 else 0.)

    # Convert trump suit to id and add to feature set
    # You don't need to add anything to this part
    suits = ["C", "D", "H", "S"]
    trump_suit_onehot = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    trump_suit_onehot[suits.index(trump_suit)] = 1
    feature_set += trump_suit_onehot

    # Append one-hot encoded phase to feature set
    feature_set += [1, 0] if phase == 1 else [0, 1]

    # Append normalized stock size to feature set
    feature_set.append(stock_size / 10)

    # Append one-hot encoded leader to feature set
    feature_set += [1, 0] if leader == 1 else [0, 1]

    # Append one-hot encoded whose_turn to feature set
    feature_set += [1, 0] if whose_turn == 1 else [0, 1]

    # Append one-hot encoded opponent's card to feature set
    opponents_played_card_onehot = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        opponents_played_card if opponents_played_card is not None else 20] = 1
    feature_set += opponents_played_card_onehot

    for index, element in enumerate(feature_set):
        if element == None:
            feature_set[index] = 0
    # Return feature set
    return feature_set