def PUT(self, userID=None): ''' Add a new order if no unplaced order exist and return the orderID''' try: userID = int(cherrypy.request.json['userID']) print "userID received: %s" % userID except: print "userID was not received" return errorJSON(code=8888, message="") cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', host='', database='feedND', charset='utf8mb4') cursor = cnx.cursor() q = "select orderID from orders where userId = %s and placed = 0" % ( userID) cursor.execute(q) orderID = cursor.fetchone()[0] if orderID is None: cursor.execute( "insert into orders (userId, lastUpdated, placed) values (%s, now(), 0)" % (userID)) cursor.execute("select orderId from orders where userId = %s" % (userID)) orderID = cursor.fetchone()[0] else: cursor.execute( "update orders set lastUpdated = now() where orderID = %s" % (orderID)) cnx.commit() cnx.close() result = {"orderID": orderID} return json.dumps(result)
def PUT(self, orderID, itemID): ''' Add or update an item to an order quantity is received in a JSON dictionary output is also returned in a JSON dictionary''' print orderID, itemID try: quantity = int(cherrypy.request.json["quantity"]) print "quantity received: %s" % quantity except: print "quantity was not received" return errorJSON(code=9003, message="Expected integer 'quantity' of items in order as JSON input") cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******',host='',database='feedND',charset='utf8mb4') cursor = cnx.cursor() q="set sql_safe_updates=0;" cursor.execute(q) # does orderID exist? q="select exists(select 1 from orders where orderID=%s)" % orderID cursor.execute(q) if not cursor.fetchall()[0][0]: #orderID does not exist return errorJSON(code=9000, message="Order with OrderID %s Does Not Exist") % orderID # does itemID exist? q="select exists(select 1 from items where itemID=%s)" % itemID cursor.execute(q) if not cursor.fetchall()[0][0]: #itemID does not exist return errorJSON(code=9001, message="Item with ItemID %s Does Not Exist") % itemID q="insert into orderItems (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (%s, %s, %s) on duplicate key update quantity=%s;" \ % (orderID, itemID, quantity, quantity) cursor.execute(q) q="select orderItemID from orderItems where orderID=%s and itemID=%s" % (orderID,itemID) orderItemID=0 try: cursor.execute(q) orderItemID=cursor.fetchall()[0][0] cnx.commit() cnx.close() except Error as e: #Failed to insert orderItem print "mysql error: %s" % e return errorJSON(code=9002, message="Failed to add order item to shopping cart") result = {'orderItemID':orderItemID, 'orderID':orderID, 'itemID':itemID, 'quantity':quantity, 'errors':[]} return json.dumps(result)
def DELETE(self, orderID, itemID): ''' Delete orderItem with orderID and itemID''' cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******',host='',database='feedND',charset='utf8mb4') cursor = cnx.cursor() q="set sql_safe_updates=0;" cursor.execute(q) q="select exists(select 1 from orderItems where orderID=%s and itemID=%s)" % (orderID, itemID) cursor.execute(q) if not cursor.fetchall()[0][0]: #no orderItemID for this orderID / itemID combination return errorJSON(code=9004, message="OrderItemID for OrderID %s and ItemID %s Does Not Exist" % (orderID,itemID)) try: q="delete from orderItems where orderID=%s and itemID=%s" % (orderID, itemID) cursor.execute(q) cnx.commit() cnx.close() except Error as e: #Failed to insert orderItem print "mysql error: %s" % e return errorJSON(code=9005, message="Failed to delete order item from shopping cart") result={"errors":[]} return json.dumps(result)
def DELETE(self, orderID): ''' If the orderID exists, delete the order. If the orderID does not exist, return error information. Error code 3000''' cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******',host='',database='foodND',charset='utf8mb4') q="select exists(select 1 from OrderDetail where orderID=%s)" % orderID cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(q) if not cursor.fetchall()[0][0]: # orderID does not exist return errorJSON(code=3000, message="orderID for %s does not exist" % orderID) q = "delete from OrderDetail where orderID=%s" % orderID cursor.execute(q) result = "Order with orderID=%s has been sucessfully deleted \n" % orderID result += "{'error' : []}" return json.dumps(result)
def GET(self, orderID, itemID): ''' GET orderItemID,quantity for orderID and itemID or error if no entry with orderID or itemID''' cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******',host='',database='feedND',charset='utf8mb4') cursor = cnx.cursor() q="select exists(select 1 from orderItems where orderID=%s and itemID=%s)" % (orderID, itemID) cursor.execute(q) if not cursor.fetchall()[0][0]: #no orderItemID for this orderID / itemID combination return errorJSON(code=9004, message="OrderItemID for OrderID %s and ItemID %s Does Not Exist" % (orderID,itemID)) q="select orderItemID,quantity from orderItems where orderID=%s and itemID=%s" % (orderID, itemID) cursor.execute(q) tmp=cursor.fetchall() result={"orderItemID":tmp[0][0],"quantity":tmp[0][1],"errors":[]} return json.dumps(result)
def GET(self, orderID): ''' Return a list of items for a given orderID''' cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******',host='',database='foodND',charset='utf8mb4') q="select exists(select 1 from OrderDetail where orderID=%s)" % orderID cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(q) if not cursor.fetchall()[0][0]: # If the orderID does not exist, return error message return errorJSON(code=3000, message="orderID for %s does Not Exist" % orderID) q = "select itemID, quantity from OrderDetail where orderID=%s" % orderID cursor.execute(q) result = [{ 'itemID' : itemID, 'quantity' : quantity } for itemID, quantity in cursor.fetchall()] result.append({'error' : []}) return json.dumps(result)
def PUT(self, userID=None): ''' Add a new order if no unplaced order exist and return the orderID''' try: userID = int (cherrypy.request.json['userID']) print "userID received: %s" % userID except: print "userID was not received" return errorJSON(code=8888, message = "") cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******',host='',database='feedND',charset='utf8mb4') cursor = cnx.cursor() q ="select orderID from orders where userId = %s and placed = 0" % (userID) cursor.execute(q) orderID = cursor.fetchone()[0] if orderID is None: cursor.execute("insert into orders (userId, lastUpdated, placed) values (%s, now(), 0)" % (userID)) cursor.execute("select orderId from orders where userId = %s" % (userID)) orderID = cursor.fetchone()[0] else: cursor.execute("update orders set lastUpdated = now() where orderID = %s" % (orderID)) cnx.commit() cnx.close() result = {"orderID": orderID} return json.dumps(result)
def POST(self, name=None, email=None, password=None, phone=None): ''' Add a new user ''' if not name: try: name = cherrypy.request.json["name"] print "name received: %s" % name except: print "name was not received" return errorJSON( code=9003, message="Expected text 'name' for user as JSON input") if not email: try: email = cherrypy.request.json["email"] print "email received: %s" % email except: print "email was not received" return errorJSON( code=9003, message="Expected email 'email' for user as JSON input") if not password: try: password = cherrypy.request.json["password"] print "password received: %s" % password except: print "password was not received" return errorJSON( code=9003, message= "Expected password 'password' for user as JSON input") if not phone: try: phone = cherrypy.request.json["phone"] print "phone received: %s" % phone except: print "phone was not received" return errorJSON( code=9003, message="Expected tel 'phone' for user as JSON input") try: password = password.pop(0) self.check_params(name=name, email=email, password=password, phone=phone) except ValidationException as ex: print ex.message return errorJSON(code=9003, message=str(ex.message)) cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=self.db['user'], host=self.db['host'], database=self.db['name']) cursor = cnx.cursor() q = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE email='%s')" % email cursor.execute(q) if cursor.fetchall()[0][0]: #email already exists print "User with email %s Already Exists" % email return errorJSON( code=9000, message="User with email %s Already Exists") % email hash = pwd_context.encrypt(password) # WARNING: Need to do validation q="INSERT INTO users (name, email, password, phone) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');" \ % (name, email, hash, phone) try: cursor.execute(q) #userID=cursor.fetchall()[0][0] cnx.commit() cnx.close() except Error as e: #Failed to insert user print "mysql error: %s" % e return errorJSON(code=9002, message="Failed to add user") result = { 'name': name, 'email': email, 'password': hash, 'phone': phone, 'errors': [] } return json.dumps(result)
def POST(self,name=None,email=None,password=None,phone=None): ''' Add a new user ''' if not name: try: name = cherrypy.request.json["name"] print "name received: %s" % name except: print "name was not received" return errorJSON(code=9003, message="Expected text 'name' for user as JSON input") if not email: try: email = cherrypy.request.json["email"] print "email received: %s" % email except: print "email was not received" return errorJSON(code=9003, message="Expected email 'email' for user as JSON input") if not password: try: password = cherrypy.request.json["password"] print "password received: %s" % password except: print "password was not received" return errorJSON(code=9003, message="Expected password 'password' for user as JSON input") if not phone: try: phone = cherrypy.request.json["phone"] print "phone received: %s" % phone except: print "phone was not received" return errorJSON(code=9003, message="Expected tel 'phone' for user as JSON input") try: password = password.pop(0) self.check_params(name=name, email=email, password=password, phone=phone) except ValidationException as ex: print ex.message return errorJSON(code=9003, message=str(ex.message)) cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=self.db['user'],host=self.db['host'],database=self.db['name']) cursor = cnx.cursor() q="SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE email='%s')" % email cursor.execute(q) if cursor.fetchall()[0][0]: #email already exists print "User with email %s Already Exists" % email return errorJSON(code=9000, message="User with email %s Already Exists") % email hash = pwd_context.encrypt(password) # WARNING: Need to do validation q="INSERT INTO users (name, email, password, phone) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');" \ % (name, email, hash, phone) try: cursor.execute(q) #userID=cursor.fetchall()[0][0] cnx.commit() cnx.close() except Error as e: #Failed to insert user print "mysql error: %s" % e return errorJSON(code=9002, message="Failed to add user") result = {'name':name, 'email':email, 'password':hash, 'phone':phone, 'errors':[]} return json.dumps(result)
def POST(self, firstName=None, lastName=None, email=None, address=None, password=None, confirmPassword=None, phone=None): ''' Add a new user ''' if not firstName: try: firstName = cherrypy.request.json["firstName"] print "firstName received: %s" % firstName except: print "firstName was not received" return errorJSON( code=8002, message="Expected text 'firstName' for user as JSON input") if not lastName: try: lastName = cherrypy.request.json["lastName"] print "lastName received: %s" % lastName except: print "lastName was not received" return errorJSON( code=8002, message="Expected text 'lastName' for user as JSON input") if not email: try: email = cherrypy.request.json["email"] print "email received: %s" % email except: print "email was not received" return errorJSON( code=8002, message="Expected email 'email' for user as JSON input") if not address: try: address = cherrypy.request.json["address"] print "address received: %s" % address except: print "address was not received" return errorJSON( code=8002, message="Expected email 'address' for user as JSON input") if not password: try: password = cherrypy.request.json["password"] print "password received: %s" % password except: print "password was not received" return errorJSON( code=8002, message= "Expected password 'password' for user as JSON input") if not phone: try: phone = cherrypy.request.json["phone"] print "phone received: %s" % phone except: print "phone was not received" return errorJSON( code=8002, message= "Expected phone 'phone number' for user as JSON input") try: self.check_params(firstName=firstName, lastName=lastName, email=email, address=address, password=password, phone=phone) except ValidationException as ex: print ex.message return errorJSON(code=8002, message=ex.message) cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=self.db['user'], host=self.db['host'], database=self.db['name']) cursor = cnx.cursor() # WARNING: Need to do validation #Add in def POST: after connecting to DB and before INSERT statement: # Check if email already exists q = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM User WHERE email='%s')" % email cursor.execute(q) if cursor.fetchall()[0][0]: #email already exists print "User with email %s Already Exists" % email return errorJSON( code=8000, message="User with email %s Already Exists") % email hash = pwd_context.encrypt(password) q="INSERT INTO User (firstName, lastName, email, address, password, phone) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');" \ % (firstName, lastName, email, address, hash, phone) try: cursor.execute(q) #userID=cursor.fetchall()[0][0] cnx.commit() cnx.close() except Error as e: #Failed to insert user print "mysql error: %s" % e return errorJSON(code=8001, message="Failed to add user") result = { 'firstName': firstName, 'lastName': lastName, 'email': email, 'address': address, 'password': hash, 'phone': phone, 'errors': [] } return json.dumps(result)