def modelSpec(lib='GK',teff=4500,logg=2.5,metals=0., cfe=0.,nfe=0.,afe=0.,vmicro=2., dr=None,rmHDU1=True,rmHDU2=True): """ NAME: modelSpec PURPOSE: download a model spectrum file INPUT: lib= ('GK') spectral library teff= (4500) grid-point Teff logg= (2.5) grid-point logg metals= (0.) grid-point metallicity cfe= (0.) grid-point carbon-enhancement nfe= (0.) grid-point nitrogen-enhancement afe= (0.) grid-point alpha-enhancement vmicro= (2.) grid-point microturbulence dr= return the path corresponding to this data release rmHUD1= (True) if True, rm the first (v. large) HDU with the high-resolution model spectrum rmHDU2= (True) if True, rm the second (quite large) HDU with the model spectrum convolved with the LSF OUTPUT: (none; just downloads) HISTORY: 2015-01-20 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ if dr is None: dr= path._default_dr() # First make sure the file doesn't exist filePath= path.modelSpecPath(lib=lib,teff=teff,logg=logg,metals=metals, cfe=cfe,nfe=nfe,afe=afe,vmicro=vmicro,dr=dr) if os.path.exists(filePath): return None # Create the file path downloadPath= filePath.replace(os.path.join(path._APOGEE_DATA, _dr_string(dr)), _base_url(dr=dr)) _download_file(downloadPath,filePath,dr,verbose=True) # Post-processing of the file, removing the big first HDU or the first two for local storage if rmHDU1 or rmHDU2: # Open the file, need to use astropy's fits reader, bc the file has issues import as apyfits from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore',category=AstropyUserWarning) hdulist= if rmHDU1: hdu= apyfits.PrimaryHDU(numpy.zeros((2,2))) else: hdu= hdulist[0].copy() inp= [hdu] if rmHDU2: hdu2= apyfits.ImageHDU(numpy.zeros((2,2))) else: hdu2= hdulist[1].copy() inp.append(hdu2) inp.extend(hdulist[2:]) newHdulist= apyfits.HDUList(inp) # Fix any issues in the headers for ii in range(5): if '[A/M]' in newHdulist[ii].header: newHdulist[ii].header['AM']= newHdulist[ii].header.pop('[A/M]',None) if '[C/M]' in newHdulist[ii].header: newHdulist[ii].header['CM']= newHdulist[ii].header.pop('[C/M]',None) if '[N/M]' in newHdulist[ii].header: newHdulist[ii].header['NM']= newHdulist[ii].header.pop('[N/M]',None) # Overwrite file newHdulist.writeto(filePath,clobber=True,output_verify='silentfix') return None
def modelSpec(lib='GK', teff=4500, logg=2.5, metals=0., cfe=0., nfe=0., afe=0., vmicro=2., dr=None, header=True, ext=234, apStarWavegrid=None, **kwargs): """ NAME: modelSpec PURPOSE: Read a model spectrum file INPUT: lib= ('GK') spectral library teff= (4500) grid-point Teff logg= (2.5) grid-point logg metals= (0.) grid-point metallicity cfe= (0.) grid-point carbon-enhancement nfe= (0.) grid-point nitrogen-enhancement afe= (0.) grid-point alpha-enhancement vmicro= (2.) grid-point microturbulence dr= return the path corresponding to this data release ext= (234) extension to load (if ext=234, the blue, green, and red spectra will be combined [onto the aspcapStar wavelength grid by default, just concatenated if apStarWavegrid=False), with NaN where there is no model) apStarWavegrid= (True) if False and ext=234, don't put the spectrum on the apStar wavelength grid, but just concatenate the blue, green, and red detector header= (True) if True, also return the header (not for ext=234) dr= return the path corresponding to this data release (general default) +download kwargs OUTPUT: model spectrum or (model spectrum file, header) HISTORY: 2015-01-13 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ filePath = path.modelSpecPath(lib=lib, teff=teff, logg=logg, metals=metals, cfe=cfe, nfe=nfe, afe=afe, vmicro=vmicro, dr=dr) if not os.path.exists(filePath): download.modelSpec(lib=lib, teff=teff, logg=logg, metals=metals, cfe=cfe, nfe=nfe, afe=afe, vmicro=vmicro, dr=dr, **kwargs) # Need to use astropy's fits reader, bc the file has issues import as apyfits from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=AstropyUserWarning) hdulist = # Find index of nearest grid point in Teff, logg, and metals if dr is None: dr = path._default_dr() if dr == '12': logggrid = numpy.linspace(0., 5., 11) metalsgrid = numpy.linspace(-2.5, 0.5, 7) if lib.lower() == 'gk': teffgrid = numpy.linspace(3500., 6000., 11) teffIndx = numpy.argmin(numpy.fabs(teff - teffgrid)) elif lib.lower() == 'f': teffgrid = numpy.linspace(5500., 8000., 11) teffIndx = numpy.argmin(numpy.fabs(teff - teffgrid)) loggIndx = numpy.argmin(numpy.fabs(logg - logggrid)) metalsIndx = numpy.argmin(numpy.fabs(metals - metalsgrid)) if header and not ext == 234: return (hdulist[ext].data[metalsIndx, loggIndx, teffIndx], hdulist[ext].header) elif not ext == 234: return hdulist[ext].data[metalsIndx, loggIndx, teffIndx] else: #ext == 234, combine 2,3,4 out = numpy.zeros(7214) out[:2920] = hdulist[2].data[metalsIndx, loggIndx, teffIndx] out[2920:5320] = hdulist[3].data[metalsIndx, loggIndx, teffIndx] out[5320:] = hdulist[4].data[metalsIndx, loggIndx, teffIndx] return out
def modelSpec(lib='GK',teff=4500,logg=2.5,metals=0., cfe=0.,nfe=0.,afe=0.,vmicro=2., dr=None,header=True,ext=234,apStarWavegrid=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: modelSpec PURPOSE: Read a model spectrum file INPUT: lib= ('GK') spectral library teff= (4500) grid-point Teff logg= (2.5) grid-point logg metals= (0.) grid-point metallicity cfe= (0.) grid-point carbon-enhancement nfe= (0.) grid-point nitrogen-enhancement afe= (0.) grid-point alpha-enhancement vmicro= (2.) grid-point microturbulence dr= return the path corresponding to this data release ext= (234) extension to load (if ext=234, the blue, green, and red spectra will be combined [onto the aspcapStar wavelength grid by default, just concatenated if apStarWavegrid=False), with NaN where there is no model) apStarWavegrid= (True) if False and ext=234, don't put the spectrum on the apStar wavelength grid, but just concatenate the blue, green, and red detector header= (True) if True, also return the header (not for ext=234) dr= return the path corresponding to this data release (general default) +download kwargs OUTPUT: model spectrum or (model spectrum file, header) HISTORY: 2015-01-13 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ filePath= path.modelSpecPath(lib=lib,teff=teff,logg=logg,metals=metals, cfe=cfe,nfe=nfe,afe=afe,vmicro=vmicro,dr=dr) if not os.path.exists(filePath): download.modelSpec(lib=lib,teff=teff,logg=logg,metals=metals, cfe=cfe,nfe=nfe,afe=afe,vmicro=vmicro,dr=dr, **kwargs) # Need to use astropy's fits reader, bc the file has issues import as apyfits from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore',category=AstropyUserWarning) hdulist= # Find index of nearest grid point in Teff, logg, and metals if dr is None: dr= path._default_dr() if dr == '12': logggrid= numpy.linspace(0.,5.,11) metalsgrid= numpy.linspace(-2.5,0.5,7) if lib.lower() == 'gk': teffgrid= numpy.linspace(3500.,6000.,11) teffIndx= numpy.argmin(numpy.fabs(teff-teffgrid)) elif lib.lower() == 'f': teffgrid= numpy.linspace(5500.,8000.,11) teffIndx= numpy.argmin(numpy.fabs(teff-teffgrid)) loggIndx= numpy.argmin(numpy.fabs(logg-logggrid)) metalsIndx= numpy.argmin(numpy.fabs(metals-metalsgrid)) if header and not ext == 234: return (hdulist[ext].data[metalsIndx,loggIndx,teffIndx], hdulist[ext].header) elif not ext == 234: return hdulist[ext].data[metalsIndx,loggIndx,teffIndx] else: #ext == 234, combine 2,3,4 out= numpy.zeros(7214) out[:2920]= hdulist[2].data[metalsIndx,loggIndx,teffIndx] out[2920:5320]= hdulist[3].data[metalsIndx,loggIndx,teffIndx] out[5320:]= hdulist[4].data[metalsIndx,loggIndx,teffIndx] return out
def modelSpec(lib='GK', teff=4500, logg=2.5, metals=0., cfe=0., nfe=0., afe=0., vmicro=2., dr=None, rmHDU1=True, rmHDU2=True): """ NAME: modelSpec PURPOSE: download a model spectrum file INPUT: lib= ('GK') spectral library teff= (4500) grid-point Teff logg= (2.5) grid-point logg metals= (0.) grid-point metallicity cfe= (0.) grid-point carbon-enhancement nfe= (0.) grid-point nitrogen-enhancement afe= (0.) grid-point alpha-enhancement vmicro= (2.) grid-point microturbulence dr= return the path corresponding to this data release rmHUD1= (True) if True, rm the first (v. large) HDU with the high-resolution model spectrum rmHDU2= (True) if True, rm the second (quite large) HDU with the model spectrum convolved with the LSF OUTPUT: (none; just downloads) HISTORY: 2015-01-20 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ if dr is None: dr = path._default_dr() # First make sure the file doesn't exist filePath = path.modelSpecPath(lib=lib, teff=teff, logg=logg, metals=metals, cfe=cfe, nfe=nfe, afe=afe, vmicro=vmicro, dr=dr) if os.path.exists(filePath): return None # Create the file path downloadPath = filePath.replace( os.path.join(path._APOGEE_DATA, _dr_string(dr)), _base_url(dr=dr)) _download_file(downloadPath, filePath, dr, verbose=True) # Post-processing of the file, removing the big first HDU or the first two for local storage if rmHDU1 or rmHDU2: # Open the file, need to use astropy's fits reader, bc the file has issues import as apyfits from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=AstropyUserWarning) hdulist = if rmHDU1: hdu = apyfits.PrimaryHDU(numpy.zeros((2, 2))) else: hdu = hdulist[0].copy() inp = [hdu] if rmHDU2: hdu2 = apyfits.ImageHDU(numpy.zeros((2, 2))) else: hdu2 = hdulist[1].copy() inp.append(hdu2) inp.extend(hdulist[2:]) newHdulist = apyfits.HDUList(inp) # Fix any issues in the headers for ii in range(5): if '[A/M]' in newHdulist[ii].header: newHdulist[ii].header['AM'] = newHdulist[ii].header.pop( '[A/M]', None) if '[C/M]' in newHdulist[ii].header: newHdulist[ii].header['CM'] = newHdulist[ii].header.pop( '[C/M]', None) if '[N/M]' in newHdulist[ii].header: newHdulist[ii].header['NM'] = newHdulist[ii].header.pop( '[N/M]', None) # Overwrite file newHdulist.writeto(filePath, clobber=True, output_verify='silentfix') return None
nfe= (0.) grid-point nitrogen-enhancement afe= (0.) grid-point alpha-enhancement vmicro= (2.) grid-point microturbulence dr= return the path corresponding to this data release ext= (234) extension to load (if ext=234, the blue, green, and red spectra will be combined [onto the aspcapStar wavelength grid by default, just concatenated if apStarWavegrid=False), with NaN where there is no model) apStarWavegrid= (True) if False and ext=234, don't put the spectrum on the apStar wavelength grid, but just concatenate the blue, green, and red detector header= (True) if True, also return the header (not for ext=234) dr= return the path corresponding to this data release (general default) +download kwargs OUTPUT: model spectrum or (model spectrum file, header) HISTORY: 2015-01-13 - Written - Bovy (IAS) 2018-02-05 - Updated to account for changing detector ranges - Price-Jones (UofT) """ filePath= path.modelSpecPath(lib=lib,teff=teff,logg=logg,metals=metals, cfe=cfe,nfe=nfe,afe=afe,vmicro=vmicro,dr=dr) if not os.path.exists(filePath): download.modelSpec(lib=lib,teff=teff,logg=logg,metals=metals, cfe=cfe,nfe=nfe,afe=afe,vmicro=vmicro,dr=dr, **kwargs) # Need to use astropy's fits reader, bc the file has issues import as apyfits from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore',category=AstropyUserWarning) hdulist= # Find index of nearest grid point in Teff, logg, and metals if dr is None: dr= path._default_dr() if dr == '12': logggrid= numpy.linspace(0.,5.,11)