def test_current(monkeypatch):
    account = Record.new()
    acid, *tokens = (utils.unique_hash() for _ in range(3))
    # Split the list (aproximatly) in half and save the tokens
    cookies, sessions = [tokens[0]], [tokens[-1]]

    for x in cookies:
        auth.cookies.save(acct=account, acid=acid, token=x)

    for x in sessions:
        auth.cookies.save(acct=account, acid=acid, token=x, session=True)

    # Test the attributes and the return value
    for token in tokens:
        current = auth.Current(token=token, acid=acid)
        assert current.loggedin
        assert not current.multi
        assert current.record == account

    # TODO: Be consistent and use `patch` from `unittest.mock`?
    # Test session lifetime
    monkeypatch.setattr("time.time", session_time)
    for token in sessions:
        current = auth.Current(token=token, acid=acid)
        assert not current.loggedin
        assert not current.multi

    # Test cookie lifetime
    monkeypatch.setattr("time.time", cookie_time)
    for token in cookies:
        current = auth.Current(token=token, acid=acid)
        assert not current.loggedin
        assert not current.multi
def test_multilogin(monkeypatch):
    # TODO: Test switch_to
    acct1, acct2 = Record.new(), Record.new()
    ids = {acct1.id, acct2.id}
    acid, token1, token2 = (utils.unique_hash() for _ in range(3))

    # Save the first token
    auth.cookies.save(acct=acct1, token=token1, acid=acid)
    # Save the second token (with different lifetime)
    auth.cookies.save(acct=acct2, token=token2, acid=acid, session=True)

    # Both tokens must work correctly
    current = auth.Current(token=token1, acid=acid)
    assert current.loggedin
    assert current.record == acct1
    assert current.multi
    assert {x.id for x in current.records} == ids

    current = auth.Current(token=token2, acid=acid)
    assert current.loggedin
    assert current.record == acct2
    assert current.multi
    assert {x.id for x in current.records} == ids

    # Test tokens' lifetime
    monkeypatch.setattr("time.time", session_time)
    current = auth.Current(token=token2, acid=acid)
    assert not current.loggedin
    assert not current.multi

    monkeypatch.setattr("time.time", cookie_time)
    current = auth.Current(token=token1, acid=acid)
    assert not current.loggedin
    assert not current.multi
def test_cookies():
    account = Record.new()
    # No distinction between real cookies and session
    acid, *tokens = (utils.unique_hash() for _ in range(3))
    for token in tokens:
        auth.cookies.save(acct=account, acid=acid, token=token)

    it = auth.cookies.get_by_acid(acid)
    assert sum(1 for _ in it) == len(tokens)
    assert next(auth.cookies.get_by_acid(acid), None) is None