def task_a(o_id): form = forms.Task_a(session.get('lang')) if data.Office.query.filter_by(id=o_id).first() is None: flash(get_lang(4), "danger") return redirect(url_for("core.root")) if current_user.role_id == 3 and data.Operators.query.filter_by( is None: flash(get_lang(17), "danger") return redirect(url_for('core.root')) if current_user.role_id == 3 and o_id != data.Operators.query.filter_by( flash(get_lang(17), "danger") return redirect(url_for('core.root')) if form.validate_on_submit(): if data.Task.query.filter_by( is not None: flash(get_lang(43), "danger") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.task_a")) db.session.add(data.Task(, o_id)) db.session.commit() flash(get_lang(52), "info") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.offices", o_id=o_id)) return render_template("task_add.html", form=form, offices=data.Office.query, serial=data.Serial.query, tasks=data.Task.query, operators=data.Operators.query, navbar="#snb1", dropdown="#dropdown-lvl" + str(o_id), hash="#t3" + str(o_id), ptitle="Add new task")
def task(o_id): form = forms.Task_a(session.get('lang')) task = data.Task.query.filter_by(id=o_id).first() if task is None: flash(get_lang(4), "danger") return redirect(url_for("core.root")) if current_user.role_id == 3 and data.Operators.query.filter_by( is None: flash(get_lang(17), "danger") return redirect(url_for('core.root')) if current_user.role_id == 3 and task.office_id != data.Operators.query.filter_by( flash(get_lang(17), "danger") return redirect(url_for('core.root')) ofc = data.Office.query.filter_by(id=task.office_id).first() page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) if page > int(data.Serial.query.filter_by(task_id=o_id).count() / 10) + 1: flash(get_lang(4), 'danger') return redirect(url_for('manage_app.task', o_id=o_id)) pagination = data.Serial.query.filter_by( task_id=o_id).order_by(data.Serial .timestamp .desc()).paginate( page, per_page=10, error_out=False) if form.validate_on_submit(): mka = data.Task.query.filter_by( for f in mka: if != o_id: flash(get_lang(43), "danger") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.task", o_id=o_id)) = db.session.add(task) db.session.commit() flash(get_lang(50), "info") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.task", o_id=o_id)) if not form.errors: = return render_template('tasks.html', form=form, ptitle="Task : " +, tasksp=pagination.items, pagination=pagination, serial=data.Serial.query, o_id=o_id, len=len, offices=data.Office.query, tasks=data.Task.query, users=data.User.query, operators=data.Operators.query, task=task, navbar="#snb1", dropdown="#dropdown-lvl" + str(task.office_id), hash="#tt" + str(task.office_id) + str(o_id))
def task_a(o_id): """ to add a task """ form = forms.Task_a(session.get('lang')) office = data.Office.get(o_id) if office is None: flash('Error: wrong entry, something went wrong', 'danger') return redirect(url_for("core.root")) if is_operator() and data.Operators.get( is None: flash('Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('core.root')) if is_operator() and o_id != data.Operators.get( flash('Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('core.root')) if form.validate_on_submit(): if data.Task.query.filter_by( is not None: flash('Error: name is used by another one, choose another name', 'danger') return redirect(url_for("manage_app.task_a", o_id=o_id)) task = data.Task( db.session.add(task) db.session.commit() if not in ids(task.offices): task.offices.append(office) db.session.commit() initial_ticket = data.Serial.query.filter_by(, office_id=o_id, number=100)\ .first() if not initial_ticket: db.session.add( data.Serial(office_id=task.offices[0].id,, p=True)) db.session.commit() flash("Notice: New task been added.", 'info') return redirect(url_for("manage_app.offices", o_id=o_id)) return render_template( "task_add.html", form=form, offices=data.Office.query, serial=data.Serial.query.filter(data.Serial.number != 100), tasks=data.Task.query, operators=data.Operators.query, navbar="#snb1", common=False, dropdown="#dropdown-lvl" + str(o_id), hash="#t3" + str(o_id), page_title="Add new task")
def common_task_a(): """ to add a common task """ if data.Office.query.count() <= 1: flash("Error: not enough offices exist to add a common task", 'danger') return redirect(url_for("manage_app.all_offices")) form = forms.Task_a(session.get('lang'), True) if form.validate_on_submit(): task = data.Task( if data.Task.query.filter_by( is not None: flash("Error: name is used by another one, choose another name", 'danger') return redirect(url_for("manage_app.common_task_a")) offices_validation = [ form[f'check{}'].data for o in data.Office.query.all() ] if len(offices_validation) > 0 and not any(offices_validation): flash('Error: one office must be selected at least', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('manage_app.common_task_a')) db.session.add(task) db.session.commit() for office in data.Office.query.all(): if form['check%i' %].data and office not in task.offices: task.offices.append(office) for office in task.offices: initial_ticket = data.Serial.query\ .filter_by(, number=100)\ .first() if not initial_ticket: db.session.add( data.Serial(,, p=True)) db.session.commit() flash("Notice: a common task has been added.", 'info') return redirect(url_for("manage_app.all_offices")) return render_template( "task_add.html", form=form, offices=data.Office.query, serial=data.Serial.query.filter(data.Serial.number != 100), tasks=data.Task.query, operators=data.Operators.query, navbar="#snb1", common=True, page_title="Add a common task", hash="#da6")
def common_task_a(): """ to add a common task """ if data.Office.query.count() <= 1: flash("Error: not enough offices exist to add a common task", "danger") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.all_offices")) form = forms.Task_a(session.get('lang'), True) if current_user.role_id == 3: flash("Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ", "danger") if form.validate_on_submit(): task = data.Task( if data.Task.query.filter_by( is not None: flash("Error: name is used by another one, choose another name", "danger") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.common_task_a")) toValidate = [] for office in data.Office.query.all(): if form['check%i' %].data and office not in task.offices: task.offices.append(office) toValidate.append(form['check%i' %].data) if len(toValidate) > 0 and True not in toValidate: flash("Error: one office must be selected at least", "danger") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.common_task_a")) db.session.add(task) db.session.commit() flash("Notice: a common task has been added.", "info") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.all_offices")) return render_template("task_add.html", form=form, offices=data.Office.query, serial=data.Serial.query, tasks=data.Task.query, operators=data.Operators.query, navbar="#snb1", common=True, ptitle="Add a common task", hash="#da6")
def task_a(o_id): """ to add a task """ form = forms.Task_a(session.get('lang')) office = data.Office.query.filter_by(id=o_id).first() if office is None: flash('Error: wrong entry, something went wrong', "danger") return redirect(url_for("core.root")) if current_user.role_id == 3 and data.Operators.query.filter_by( is None: flash("Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ", "danger") return redirect(url_for('core.root')) if current_user.role_id == 3 and o_id != data.Operators.query.filter_by( flash("Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ", "danger") return redirect(url_for('core.root')) if form.validate_on_submit(): if data.Task.query.filter_by( is not None: flash("Error: name is used by another one, choose another name", "danger") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.task_a", o_id=o_id)) task = data.Task( task.offices.append(office) db.session.add(task) db.session.commit() flash("Notice: New task been added.", "info") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.offices", o_id=o_id)) return render_template("task_add.html", form=form, offices=data.Office.query, serial=data.Serial.query, tasks=data.Task.query, operators=data.Operators.query, navbar="#snb1", common=False, dropdown="#dropdown-lvl" + str(o_id), hash="#t3" + str(o_id), ptitle="Add new task")
def task(o_id, ofc_id=None): ''' view specific task. ''' task = data.Task.get(o_id) if task is None: flash('Error: wrong entry, something went wrong', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('core.root')) form = forms.Task_a(session.get('lang'), task.common) if is_operator() and not is_common_task_operator( flash('Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('core.root')) page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) tickets = data.Serial.all_task_tickets(ofc_id, last_ticket_pulled = tickets.filter_by(p=True).first() pagination = tickets.paginate(page, per_page=10, error_out=False) if form.validate_on_submit(): if data.Task.query.filter_by( > 1: flash('Error: name is used by another one, choose another name', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('manage_app.task', o_id=o_id, ofc_id=ofc_id)) task = data.Task.get(o_id) = if task.common: checked_offices = [o for o in data.Office.query.all() if form[f'check{}'].data] removed_offices = [o for o in task.offices if not in ids(checked_offices)] to_add_offices = [o for o in checked_offices if not in ids(task.offices)] if not checked_offices: flash('Error: one office must be selected at least', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('manage_app.common_task_a')) for office in removed_offices: task.migrate_tickets(office, checked_offices[0]) task.offices.remove(office) for office in to_add_offices: task.offices.append(office) db.session.commit() flash('Notice: task has been updated .', 'info') return redirect(url_for('manage_app.task', o_id=o_id, ofc_id=ofc_id)) if not form.errors: = for office in task.offices: form[f'check{}'].data = True if not ofc_id: # NOTE: sidebar collapse failsafe, just incase the office id wasn't passed ofc_id = task.offices[0].id return render_template('tasks.html', form=form, page_title='Task : ' +, tasksp=pagination.items, pagination=pagination, serial=tickets, o_id=o_id, ofc_id=ofc_id, common=task.common, len=len, offices=data.Office.query, tasks=data.Task.query, users=data.User.query, operators=data.Operators.query, task=task, navbar='#snb1', dropdown='#dropdown-lvl%i' % ofc_id, # dropdown a list of offices hash='#tt%i%i' % (ofc_id, o_id), last_ticket_pulled=last_ticket_pulled, edit_task=len(task.offices) == 1 or not is_operator(), office=data.Office.get(ofc_id))
def task(o_id, ofc_id=None): """ view for specific task """ task = data.Task.query.filter_by(id=o_id).first() if task is None: flash('Error: wrong entry, something went wrong', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('core.root')) form = forms.Task_a(session.get('lang'), True if len(task.offices) > 1 else False) if is_operator() and data.Operators.query.filter_by( is None: flash('Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('core.root')) office_ids = [ for o in task.offices] if request.method == 'POST' and is_operator() and any([ len(office_ids) > 1, ofc_id not in office_ids, data.Operators.query.filter_by( != ofc_id ]): flash('Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('core.root')) page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) tickets = data.Serial.query.filter(data.Serial.task_id == o_id, data.Serial.number != 100)\ .order_by(data.Serial.timestamp.desc()) last_ticket_pulled = tickets.filter_by(p=True).first() pagination = tickets.paginate(page, per_page=10, error_out=False) if form.validate_on_submit(): if data.Task.query.filter_by( > 1: flash('Error: name is used by another one, choose another name', 'danger') return redirect(url_for("manage_app.task", o_id=o_id)) task = data.Task.get(o_id) = if len(task.offices) > 1: checked_offices = [ o for o in data.Office.query.all() if form[f'check{}'].data ] removed_offices = [ o for o in task.offices if not in ids(checked_offices) ] to_add_offices = [ o for o in checked_offices if not in ids(task.offices) ] if not checked_offices: flash('Error: one office must be selected at least', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('manage_app.common_task_a')) for office in removed_offices: task.migrate_tickets(office, checked_offices[0]) task.offices.remove(office) for office in to_add_offices: task.offices.append(office) db.session.commit() flash('Notice: task has been updated .', 'info') return redirect(url_for("manage_app.task", o_id=o_id, ofc_id=ofc_id)) if not form.errors: = for office in task.offices: form[f'check{}'].data = True if not ofc_id: # FIXME: to workaround indexing sidebar without rewriting the whole thing ofc_id = task.offices[0].id return render_template( 'tasks.html', form=form, page_title="Task : " +, tasksp=pagination.items, pagination=pagination, serial=data.Serial.query.filter(data.Serial.number != 100), o_id=o_id, ofc_id=ofc_id, common=True if len(task.offices) > 1 else False, len=len, offices=data.Office.query, tasks=data.Task.query, users=data.User.query, operators=data.Operators.query, task=task, navbar="#snb1", dropdown="#dropdown-lvl%i" % ofc_id, # dropdown a list of offices hash="#tt%i%i" % (ofc_id, o_id), last_ticket_pulled=last_ticket_pulled, edit_task=len(task.offices) == 1 or not is_operator())
def task(o_id, ofc_id=None): """ view for specific task now office_id is only optional to /pull and sb_manage, otherwise it will pick the first in the task.offices list """ task = data.Task.query.filter_by(id=o_id).first() if task is None: flash('Error: wrong entry, something went wrong', "danger") return redirect(url_for("core.root")) form = forms.Task_a(session.get('lang'), True if len(task.offices) > 1 else False) if current_user.role_id == 3 and data.Operators.query.filter_by( is None: flash("Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ", "danger") return redirect(url_for('core.root')) if current_user.role_id == 3 and data.Operators.query.filter_by( not in [ for o in task.offices]: flash("Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ", "danger") return redirect(url_for('core.root')) page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) if page > int(data.Serial.query.filter_by(task_id=o_id).count() / 10) + 1: flash('Error: wrong entry, something went wrong', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('manage_app.task', o_id=o_id)) pagination = data.Serial.query.filter_by( task_id=o_id).order_by(data.Serial .timestamp .desc()).paginate( page, per_page=10, error_out=False) if form.validate_on_submit(): mka = data.Task.query.filter_by( for f in mka: if != o_id: flash("Error: name is used by another one, choose another name", "danger") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.task", o_id=o_id)) = if len(task.offices) > 1: toValidate = [] for office in data.Office.query.all(): if form['check%i' %].data: if office not in task.offices: task.offices.append(office) elif form['check%i' %].data is False: if office in task.offices: # Attaching dependent tickets to another common office for ticket in data.Serial.query.filter_by( ticket.office_id = task.offices[0].id for waiting in data.Waiting.query.filter_by( waiting.office_id = task.offices[0].id db.session.commit() task.offices.remove(office) toValidate.append(form['check%i' %].data) if len(toValidate) > 0 and True not in toValidate: flash("Error: one office must be selected at least", "danger") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.common_task_a")) db.session.add(task) db.session.commit() flash("Notice: task has been updated .", "info") return redirect(url_for("manage_app.task", o_id=o_id)) if not form.errors: = for office in task.offices: form['check%i' %].data = True if not ofc_id: # to workaround indexing sidebar without rewriting the whole thing ofc_id = task.offices[0].id return render_template('tasks.html', form=form, ptitle="Task : " +, tasksp=pagination.items, pagination=pagination, serial=data.Serial.query, o_id=o_id, common=True if len(task.offices) > 1 else False, len=len, offices=data.Office.query, tasks=data.Task.query, users=data.User.query, operators=data.Operators.query, task=task, navbar="#snb1", dropdown="#dropdown-lvl%i" % ofc_id, # dropdown a list of offices hash="#tt%i%i" % (ofc_id, o_id))