def cli(ctx, opt_model_enum): """Print DNN layer info to find feat vec layer""" # ------------------------------------------------ # imports from os.path import join import logging from urllib import request from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from app.image import cvdnn from app.settings import app_cfg from app.utils import file_utils # ------------------------------------------------ # start log = logging.getLogger('vframe') log.debug(f'Printing layer info for: {opt_model_enum}') dnn_factory = cvdnn.DNNFactory() cvmodel = dnn_factory.from_enum(opt_model_enum) im = np.zeros([640, 480, 3], dtype=np.uint8) cvmodel._preprocess(im) for layer in try: feat_vec ='{layer}: {feat_vec.shape}') except Exception as e:'{layer}: no features')
def cli(ctx, opt_dir_in, opt_fp_out, opt_model_enum): """Converts directory of images to feature vectors""" # ------------------------------------------------ # imports import logging from pathlib import Path from os.path import join from tqdm import tqdm import cv2 as cv from app.image import cvdnn from app.utils import file_utils # ------------------------------------------------ # start log = logging.getLogger('vframe') # move to ctx dnn_factory = cvdnn.DNNFactory() # FIXME: make static class? cvmodel = dnn_factory.from_enum(opt_model_enum) exts = ('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg') fp_images = file_utils.glob_exts(opt_dir_in, exts) feats = [] fns = [] log.debug( f'Using model: {opt_model_enum} and layer: {cvmodel.dnn_cfg.features}') for fp_image in tqdm(fp_images): im = cv.imread(fp_image) feat_vec = cvmodel.features(im) fns.append(str(Path(fp_image).name)) feats.append(feat_vec) data = { 'fns': fns, 'feats': feats, } file_utils.write_pickle(data, opt_fp_out)
class SingleFeatureIndex: """Feature vector search that keeps one open model-index pairing at a time.""" dnn_factory = cvdnn.DNNFactory() # FIXME: make static class? cvmodel = None detection_model = None index = None feature_type = None loading = False def initialize(self, initial_feature_id=1): """Initialize and load the index.""" session = Session() initial_feature = session.query(FeatureType).get(initial_feature_id) if initial_feature: self.load(initial_feature) # load the munitions model, for the time being # self.load_detection_model('darknet_yolo_v3_vframe_munitions_v09b') def load(self, feature_type): """Load a model + index.""" modelzoo_enum_name = ModelZoo[feature_type.modelzoo_name.upper()] print("Loading {}".format(feature_type.modelzoo_name)) try: self.loading = True cvmodel = self.dnn_factory.from_enum(modelzoo_enum_name) index = IndexFactory(feature_type) index.load() self.feature_type = feature_type self.cvmodel = cvmodel self.index = index except Exception as e: print("Error loading feature index!") print(e) finally: self.loading = False def load_detection_model(self, modelzoo_name): modelzoo_enum_name = ModelZoo[modelzoo_name.upper()] print("Loading {}".format(modelzoo_name)) try: self.loading = True detection_model = self.dnn_factory.from_enum(modelzoo_enum_name) self.detection_model = detection_model except Exception as e: print("Error loading feature index!") print(e) finally: self.loading = False def query(self, im): """Query the index with a filepath, then relate the results back to media records.""" if self.loading: print("Index not ready") return [] feat_vec = self.cvmodel.features(im) scores, ids = self.index.query(feat_vec) session = Session() q = session.query(Media).filter( medias = q.all() return [ { 'score': float(score), 'media': media.toJSON(), 'id': int(id) } for score, media, id in zip(scores, medias, ids) ] def infer(self, im): if self.detection_model is not None: results = self.detection_model.infer(im) else: results = None # print(results) return(results)
def cli(ctx): """Query an index with a feature""" # ------------------------------------------------ # imports import os import pickle import logging from glob import glob from tqdm import tqdm import cv2 as cv from sqlalchemy import or_, and_ from sqlalchemy_utc import utcnow from sqlalchemy import func from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from app.settings import app_cfg from app.models.types import MediaType, ModelZoo from app.utils import log_utils, file_utils from app.sql.common import db, Session from app.image import cvdnn from app.sql.models.feature_type import FeatureType from import Media from app.sql.models.upload import Upload from app.indexes.index_factory import IndexFactory from app.models.types import ModelZoo dnn_factory = cvdnn.DNNFactory() # FIXME: make static class? session = Session() feature_type = session.query(FeatureType).get(1) modelzoo_enum_name = ModelZoo[feature_type.modelzoo_name.upper()] print("Loading {}".format(feature_type.modelzoo_name)) cvmodel = dnn_factory.from_enum(modelzoo_enum_name) print("Loading index") index = IndexFactory(feature_type) index.load() print("Querying image") media = session.query(Media).get(1) path = media.fullpath() im = cv.imread(path) feat_vec = cvmodel.features(im) scores, ids = index.query(feat_vec) print("Looking up results") q = session.query(Media).filter( medias = q.all() # media_lookup = { media for media in medias } for media in medias: print(media.fullpath())
def cli(ctx, opt_fp_pickle, opt_port): """Run a flask server to search an in-memory feature vector store""" # ------------------------------------------------ # imports import os import pickle import logging from os.path import join from functools import partial from glob import glob import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from flask import Flask, request, send_from_directory, jsonify from app.settings import app_cfg from app.models import types from app.utils import log_utils, file_utils from app.server.decorators import api_query, store_uploaded_image, get_offset_and_limit, as_json, exception_handler from app.image import cvdnn from app.utils import file_utils # ------------------------------------------------ # load model and vectors log = logging.getLogger('vframe') # move to ctx dnn_factory = cvdnn.DNNFactory() # FIXME: make static class? data = file_utils.load_pickle(opt_fp_pickle) opt_model_enum = data['model']['enum'] features = data['features'] mediaRecords = data['mediaRecords'] cvmodel = dnn_factory.from_enum(opt_model_enum) log.debug(f'Using model: {opt_model_enum} and layer: {cvmodel.dnn_cfg.features}') # ------------------------------------------------ # instantiate flask server index_html = 'prod.html' if app_cfg.PRODUCTION else 'dev.html' static_folder = os.path.normpath(join(os.getcwd(), '../static')) app = Flask('__main__', static_folder=static_folder, static_url_path='/static') @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return app.send_static_file(index_html), 200 @app.route('/search/', methods=['GET']) def index(): return app.send_static_file(index_html) @app.route('/favicon.ico') def favicon(): return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'img/'), 'favicon.ico',mimetype='image/') # ------------------------------------------------ # api route @app.route('/api/v1/search/info', methods=['GET']) @as_json @exception_handler def info(query={}): return { 'features': { cvmodel.dnn_cfg, }, 'active': [], } @app.route('/api/v1/image/upload', methods=['POST']) @as_json @exception_handler @api_query @store_uploaded_image('query_img', store=True) def upload(im, query={}): pass @app.route('/api/v1/search/image', methods=['POST']) @as_json @exception_handler @api_query @get_offset_and_limit @store_uploaded_image('query_img', store=True) def search(im, query={}): # search_flat_features(im, model, features, mediaRecords) query_feat = cvmodel.features(im) dists = np.linalg.norm(features - query_feat, axis=1) start = query['offset'] end = query['offset'] + query['limit'] ids = np.argsort(dists)[start:end] # Sort results scores = [{ 'score': dists[id].item(), 'mediaRecord': mediaRecords[id], } for id in ids] return scores # ------------------------------------------------ # run the server directly"", port=opt_port)