def post(self): usr = current_user flight_id = api.payload['flight_id'] airlines = api.payload['airlines'] departure = api.payload['departure'] seat_type = api.payload['seat_type'] seats = int(api.payload['seats']) fare = float(api.payload['fare']) q1 = """ SELECT fs.flight_id, fs.seat_no FROM Flight f, FlightSeat fs WHERE f.flight_id = fs.flight_id AND f.flight_id = {} AND f.airlines = '{}' AND f.departure = '{}' AND fs.seat_type = '{}' AND fs.fare = {} AND (fs.flight_id, fs.seat_no) NOT IN (SELECT flight_id, seat_no FROM FlightBooking) LIMIT {} """ res = Query(query=q1) seats = [ a for a in res.getAll(flight_id, airlines, departure, seat_type, fare, seats) ] q2 = [] now ="%Y-%m-%d") for s in seats: q2.append( "INSERT INTO FlightBooking VALUES ({},{},{},'{}',NULL,{:.2f},FALSE);"\ .format(usr.user_id,s['flight_id'],s['seat_no'],now,fare)) tx = Transaction(query=q2) try: tx.execute() q3 = [] for s in seats: q3.append( "SELECT flight_id, seat_no FROM FlightBooking WHERE flight_id={} AND user_id={} AND seat_no={}"\ .format(s['flight_id'],usr.user_id,s['seat_no']) ) results = [] for qry in q3: ress = Query(query=qry) results.append(ress.getOne()) print("results") print(results) return {"bookings": results}, 201 except Exception as e: print(e) return {"message": "Booking failed"}, 403
def post(self): usr = current_user hotel_id = api.payload['hotel_id'] room_no = api.payload['room_no'] q = Query("SELECT cost FROM Room WHERE hotel_id = {} AND room_no = {}") cost = q.getOne(hotel_id, room_no)['cost'] start_date = api.payload['start_date'] end_date = api.payload['end_date'] days = datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d") - datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d") if days.days <= 0: return { "message": "Invalid input" }, 403 amount = cost * days.days no_of_persons = api.payload['no_of_persons'] booking_id = uuid4() query = [ "SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @cnt FROM HotelBooking\ WHERE hotel_id = {} AND room_no = {}\ AND NOT (start_date > '{}' OR end_date < '{}');"\ .format(hotel_id, room_no, end_date, start_date), "INSERT INTO HotelBooking VALUES (\ IF(@cnt > 0, -1, {}), {}, {}, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(),\ '{}', '{}', {}, 'All is well',\ {}, 0, '{}');"\ .format(usr.user_id, hotel_id, room_no, start_date, end_date, no_of_persons, amount, booking_id) ] tx = Transaction(query=query) try: tx.execute() q = Query("SELECT booking_id FROM HotelBooking WHERE booking_id = '{}';") res = q.getAll(booking_id) assert len(res) == 1 return { "message": "Booking successful" }, 201 except Exception as e: return { "message": "Booking failed" }, 403
def get_user_from_email(email): q = Query("SELECT * FROM User WHERE email = '{}'", model=User) usr = q.getOne(email) assert usr is not None return usr
def load_user(user_id): q = Query("SELECT * FROM User WHERE user_id = {}", model=User) usr = q.getOne(user_id) return usr