def Add_Data_To_Url(url): # close_old_connections() try: ip = get_host(url) if ip == '获取失败': return # print('[+ Domain UrlIP] IP解析 --> {} IP --> {}'.format(url, ip)) # Sem.acquire() try: test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) except: try: test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) except: test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) # Sem.release() # 如果数据库有这个网站的话,就直接退出 if test_url != []: return try: Test_Other_Url = Other_Url.objects.filter(url=url) # 判断网络资产表是否有这个数据,如果没有的话,就添加进去 if list(Test_Other_Url) == []: res = Get_Url_Info(url).get_info() res_url = res.get('url') try: res_title = pymysql.escape_string(res.get('title')) except Exception as e: res_title = 'Error' Except_Log(stat=11, url=url + '|网页内容转码失败', error=str(e)) res_power = res.get('power') res_server = res.get('server') res_status = res.get('status') res_ip = ip try: Other_Url.objects.create(url=res_url, title=res_title, power=res_power, server=res_server, status=res_status, ip=res_ip) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=17, url=url + '|标题等信息编码不符合', error=str(e)) Other_Url.objects.create(url=res_url, title='Error', power='Error', server=res_server, status=res_status, ip=res_ip) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=29, url=url + '|网络资产表错误', error=str(e)) try: # res = Get_Url_Info(url).get_info() # res_status = res.get('status') # 再次获取状态码,判断是否符合入库状态,以保证数据统一 # if int(res_status) not in Alive_Status: # return # 接下来可以进行数据索引唯一统一 ''' 这里添加网址资产到 索引表 和 清洗表 ''' test_url1 = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) # 如果数据库有这个网站的话,就直接退出 if test_url1 == []: URL.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip) # 添加 网址索引 try: try: Show_contents = pymysql.escape_string( Get_Url_Info(url).Requests()[0]) Cont = Content() Cont.url = url Cont.content = Show_contents IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) Show_cs = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) Show_Data.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip, cs=Show_cs, content=Cont) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=4, url=url + '|外键添加错误', error=str(e)) Show_contents = 'Error' Cont = Content() Cont.url = url Cont.content = Show_contents IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) Show_cs = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) Show_Data.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip, cs=Show_cs, content=Cont) # 添加网页内容,数据展示 except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=8, url=url + '|外键添加错误', error=str(e)) This_Sub = [x for x in ALL_DOMAINS if x in url] # 获取到当前子域名属于的主域名 try: # 尝试进行域名总数据获取检测 if This_Sub != []: Domain_Count = Domains.objects.filter(url=This_Sub[0])[0] counts = Other_Url.objects.filter( url__contains=This_Sub[0]) Domain_Count.counts = str(len(counts)) # counts = int(Domain_Count.counts)+1 # Domain_Count.counts = counts except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=15, url=url + '|获取归属域名失败|' + This_Sub, error=str(e)) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=22, url=url + '|添加到网址索引表失败|', error=str(e)) test_ip = list(IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)) # 开始添加ip 维护ip统一 # 这里开始判断数据库中是否有这个ip,并且先添加然后修改(防止重复浪费资源) if test_ip != []: test_ip_0 = IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)[0] # 这里判断数据中IP时候存在,如果存在并且有扫描状态,就直接中断操作 if test_ip_0.get == '是' or test_ip_0.get == '中': return if test_ip == []: try: IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) area = IP_Res.get_ip_address(ip) cs_name = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) try: IP.objects.create(ip=ip, servers='None', host_type='None', cs=cs_name, alive_urls='None', area=area) # 这里先添加数据,异步执行获取到的数据作为结果给下个进程使用 # 这里本来是要扫描c段开放端口,但是这样就相当于把耗时操作加载到同步执行的线程中 # 于是把扫描开放端口 放在获取ip详细信息线程中处理 except: Except_Log(stat=86, url=url + '|转换IP地区编码失败|', error=str(e)) IP.objects.create(ip=ip, servers='None', host_type='None', cs=cs_name, alive_urls='None', area='获取失败') except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=21, url=url + '|添加IP资源失败|', error=str(e)) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=30, url=url + '|维护传入网址失败|', error=str(e))
def Add_Data_To_Url(url): ''' 2019-12-10 1. 该函数作用为传入网址进行IP黑名单过滤 2. 该函数作用为传入网址进行【网络资产数据入库,网址索引数据入库,主机资产数据入库,监控域名数量入库处理】 2020-01-14 1. 新增泛解析过滤规则 ''' time.sleep(random.randint(5, 20)) time.sleep(random.randint(5, 20)) close_old_connections() urlhasdomain = check_black(url, ALL_DOMAINS) if urlhasdomain == False: print('[+ Insert Url] 当前网址不在域名监控域名范围内 : {}'.format(url)) try: close_old_connections() BLACKURL.objects.create(url=url, ip=get_host(url), title=RequestsTitle(url), resons='当前网址不在域名监控域名范围内') return except: close_old_connections() return if '' in url or '' in url: return urlinblackurl = check_black(url, black_url) if urlinblackurl == True: print('[+ URL Blacklist] 当前网址触发黑名单 : {}'.format(url)) try: burl = '' for blacurl in black_url: if blacurl in url: burl = blacurl close_old_connections() BLACKURL.objects.create(url=url, ip=get_host(url), title=RequestsTitle(url), resons='触发网址黑名单:{}'.format(burl)) except Exception as e: pass return try: ip = get_host(url) if ip == '获取失败': try: BLACKURL.objects.create(url=url, ip=get_host(url), title=RequestsTitle(url), resons='获取网址IP失败') except Exception as e: pass return if ip in black_ip: '''触发IP黑名单机制''' print('[+ IP Blacklist] 当前IP触发黑名单 : {} --> {}'.format(ip, url)) try: BLACKURL.objects.create(url=url, ip=get_host(url), title=RequestsTitle(url), resons='触发IP黑名单:{}'.format(ip)) except Exception as e: pass return try: test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) except: try: test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) except: close_old_connections() test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) if test_url != []: '''网址索引表如果已经有该网址,则直接退出''' return ''' 2020-01-14 1. 这里开始对比泛解析数据,判断是否为泛解析网址 2. 分别获取泛解析对比的 标题,ip,网页内容 3. 然后先对比标题,标题一致,说明不是泛解析哦~不过携程还是哪个大厂名字忘了,访问频率过快的话,网页标题会变成 填写验证码xxxx 4. 其次对比网页内容,如果网页内容相似度过大,则说明泛解析哦~ 5. 有人问,为什么不直接对比ip不就行了吗?其实不是的,比如>aedqwawrqw668.sdada.yy.com很明显都是泛解析,但是解析的ip都是不一样的 ''' infjx = [x for x in ALL_DOMAINS if x in url] if infjx == []: return else: infjx = infjx[0] inftitle, infip, infcontent = DOMAINSINFOS[infjx][ 'title'], DOMAINSINFOS[infjx]['ip'], DOMAINSINFOS[infjx]['content'] DD = Get_Url_Info(url).get_info() comtitle, comip, comcontent = DD['title'], DD['ip'], DD['content'] # if inftitle != comtitle: # # 如果标题不一样,决策为不是泛解析~,大概是80%的准确率,但是对安居客来说,这一点判断是无效的 # pass #else: if infcontent != 'Error' and comcontent != 'Error': if Return_Content_Difflib(infcontent, comcontent) == True: try: print('[+ URL Universal] 泛解析网址自动过滤 : {}'.format(url)) close_old_connections() BLACKURL.objects.create(url=url, ip=get_host(url), title=RequestsTitle(url), resons='泛解析自动过滤') return except: return else: DD1 = Get_Url_Info(url.replace('://', '://yyyyyyyyy')).get_info() comtitle1, comip1, comcontent1 = DD1['title'], DD1['ip'], DD1[ 'content'] if Return_Content_Difflib(comcontent, comcontent1) == True: try: print('[+ URL Universal] 泛解析网址自动过滤 : {}'.format(url)) close_old_connections() BLACKURL.objects.create(url=url, ip=get_host(url), title=RequestsTitle(url), resons='泛解析自动过滤') return except: return print('[+ Insert Url] 入库网址 : {}'.format(url)) try: Test_Other_Url = Other_Url.objects.filter(url=url) '''判断网络资产表是否有这个数据,如果没有的话,就添加进去''' if list(Test_Other_Url) == []: res = Get_Url_Info(url).get_info() res_url = res.get('url') try: res_title = pymysql.escape_string(res.get('title')) except Exception as e: res_title = 'Error' Except_Log(stat=11, url=url + '|网页内容转码失败', error=str(e)) res_power = res.get('power') res_server = res.get('server') res_status = res.get('status') res_ip = ip try: Other_Url.objects.create(url=res_url, title=res_title, power=res_power, server=res_server, status=res_status, ip=res_ip) except Exception as e: close_old_connections() Except_Log(stat=17, url=url + '|标题等信息编码不符合', error=str(e)) Other_Url.objects.create(url=res_url, title='Error', power='Error', server=res_server, status=res_status, ip=res_ip) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=29, url=url + '|网络资产表错误', error=str(e)) try: ''' 再次获取状态码,判断是否符合入库状态,以保证数据统一 这里添加网址资产到 索引表 和 清洗表 ''' test_url1 = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) '''如果网址索引表有这个网站的话,就直接退出''' if test_url1 == []: URL.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip) '''添加网址到网址索引表''' try: try: ZHRND = Get_Url_Info(url) Sconten = ZHRND.get_info()['content'] if Sconten == 'Error': '''到这里说明获取网页内容失败了''' # print('{}:获取网页内容失败'.format(url)) pass else: try: blackconincon = check_black(Sconten, black_con) if blackconincon == True: '''触发网页内容黑名单''' burl = '' for blacurl in black_con: if blacurl in Sconten: burl = blacurl print( '[+ Cont Blacklist] 当前网页内容触发黑名单 : {}'. format(url)) try: close_old_connections() BLACKURL.objects.create( url=url, ip=get_host(url), title=RequestsTitle(url), resons='触发网页内容黑名单:{}'.format(burl)) except Exception as e: pass return except: Sconten = '获取失败' Show_contents = pymysql.escape_string(Sconten) Cont = Content() Cont.url = url Cont.content = Show_contents IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) Show_cs = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) Show_Data.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip, cs=Show_cs, content=Cont) except Exception as e: close_old_connections() Except_Log(stat=4, url=url + '|外键添加错误', error=str(e)) Show_contents = 'Error' Cont = Content() Cont.url = url Cont.content = Show_contents IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) Show_cs = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) Show_Data.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip, cs=Show_cs, content=Cont) '''添加网页内容,数据展示''' except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=8, url=url + '|外键添加错误', error=str(e)) This_Sub = [x for x in ALL_DOMAINS if x in url] '''获取到当前子域名属于的主域名''' try: '''尝试进行域名总数据获取检测''' if This_Sub != []: Domain_Count = Domains.objects.filter(url=This_Sub[0])[0] counts = Other_Url.objects.filter( url__contains=This_Sub[0]) Domain_Count.counts = str(len(counts)) # counts = int(Domain_Count.counts)+1 # Domain_Count.counts = counts except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=15, url=url + '|获取归属域名失败|' + This_Sub, error=str(e)) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=22, url=url + '|添加到网址索引表失败|', error=str(e)) try: test_ip = list(IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)) except: close_old_connections() test_ip = list(IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)) '''开始添加ip 维护ip统一 这里开始判断数据库中是否有这个ip,并且先添加然后修改(防止重复浪费资源) if test_ip != []: test_ip_0 = IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)[0] # 这里判断数据中IP时候存在,如果存在并且有扫描状态,就直接中断操作 if test_ip_0.get == '是' or test_ip_0.get == '中': return''' if test_ip == []: try: IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) area = IP_Res.get_ip_address(ip) cs_name = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) try: IP.objects.create(ip=ip, servers='None', host_type='None', cs=cs_name, alive_urls='None', area=area) '''这里先添加数据,异步执行获取到的数据作为结果给下个进程使用 这里本来是要扫描c段开放端口,但是这样就相当于把耗时操作加载到同步执行的线程中 于是把扫描开放端口 放在获取ip详细信息线程中处理''' except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=86, url=url + '|转换IP地区编码失败|', error=str(e)) IP.objects.create(ip=ip, servers='None', host_type='None', cs=cs_name, alive_urls='None', area='获取失败') except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=21, url=url + '|添加IP资源失败|', error=str(e)) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=30, url=url + '|维护传入网址失败|', error=str(e))
def Add_Data_To_Url(url): try: ip = get_host(url) if ip == '获取失败': return # print('[+ Domain UrlIP] IP解析 --> {} IP --> {}'.format(url, ip)) test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) # 如果数据库有这个网站的话,就直接退出 if test_url != []: return try: Test_Other_Url = Other_Url.objects.filter(url=url) # 判断网络资产表是否有这个数据,如果没有的话,就添加进去 if list(Test_Other_Url) == []: res = Get_Url_Info(url).get_info() res_url = res.get('url') res_title = res.get('title') res_power = res.get('power') res_server = res.get('server') res_status = res.get('status') res_ip = ip if int(res_status) in Alive_Status: # 添加的标准是 在入库状态码内 Other_Url.objects.create(url=res_url, title=res_title, power=res_power, server=res_server, status=res_status, ip=res_ip) except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [29] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url, error='错误代码 [29] {}'.format(str(e))) try: res = Get_Url_Info(url).get_info() res_status = res.get('status') # 再次获取状态码,判断是否符合入库状态,以保证数据统一 if int(res_status) not in Alive_Status: return # 接下来可以进行数据索引唯一统一 URL.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip) # 添加 网址索引 try: Show_contents = Get_Url_Info(url).Requests()[0] Cont = Content() Cont.url = url Cont.content = Show_contents Show_Data.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip, content=Cont) # 添加网页内容,数据展示 except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [08] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url='外键添加错误', error='错误代码 [08] {}'.format(str(e))) BA = Domains.objects.all() ALL_DOMAINS = [x.get('url') for x in BA.values()] # 所有监控域名 # print('所有域名:{}'.format(ALL_DOMAINS)) This_Sub = [x for x in ALL_DOMAINS if x in url] # 获取到当前子域名属于的主域名 try: # 尝试进行域名总数据获取检测 if This_Sub != []: Domain_Count = Domains.objects.filter(url=This_Sub[0])[0] counts = Other_Url.objects.filter( url__contains=This_Sub[0]) Domain_Count.counts = str(len(counts)) # counts = int(Domain_Count.counts)+1 # Domain_Count.counts = counts except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [15] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url + '|' + This_Sub, error='错误代码 [15] {}'.format(str(e))) except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [22] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url, error='错误代码 [22] {}'.format(str(e))) test_ip = list(IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)) # 开始添加ip 维护ip统一 # 这里开始判断数据库中是否有这个ip,并且先添加然后修改(防止重复浪费资源) if test_ip != []: test_ip_0 = IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)[0] # 这里判断数据中IP时候存在,如果存在并且有扫描状态,就直接中断操作 if test_ip_0.get == '是' or test_ip_0.get == '中': return if test_ip == []: try: IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) area = IP_Res.get_ip_address(ip) IP.objects.create(ip=ip, servers='None', host_type='None', alive_urls='None', area=area) # 这里先添加数据,异步执行获取到的数据作为结果给下个进程使用 except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [21] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url, error='错误代码 [21] {}'.format(str(e))) except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [30] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url, error='错误代码 [30] {}'.format(str(e)))
def Add_Data_To_Url(url): ''' 2019-12-10 1. 该函数作用为传入网址进行IP黑名单过滤 2. 该函数作用为传入网址进行【网络资产数据入库,网址索引数据入库,主机资产数据入库,监控域名数量入库处理】 ''' time.sleep(random.randint(5, 20)) time.sleep(random.randint(5, 20)) time.sleep(random.randint(5, 20)) close_old_connections() print('[+ Insert Url] 入库网址 : {}'.format(url)) if '' in url or '' in url: return urlinblackurl = check_black(url, black_url) if urlinblackurl == True: print('[+ URL Blacklist] 当前网址触发黑名单 : {}'.format(url)) return try: ip = get_host(url) if ip == '获取失败': return if ip in black_ip: '''触发IP黑名单机制''' print('[+ IP Blacklist] 当前IP触发黑名单 : {} --> {}'.format(ip, url)) return try: test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) except: try: test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) except: close_old_connections() test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) if test_url != []: '''网址索引表如果已经有该网址,则直接退出''' return try: Test_Other_Url = Other_Url.objects.filter(url=url) '''判断网络资产表是否有这个数据,如果没有的话,就添加进去''' if list(Test_Other_Url) == []: res = Get_Url_Info(url).get_info() res_url = res.get('url') try: res_title = pymysql.escape_string(res.get('title')) except Exception as e: res_title = 'Error' Except_Log(stat=11, url=url + '|网页内容转码失败', error=str(e)) res_power = res.get('power') res_server = res.get('server') res_status = res.get('status') res_ip = ip try: Other_Url.objects.create(url=res_url, title=res_title, power=res_power, server=res_server, status=res_status, ip=res_ip) except Exception as e: close_old_connections() Except_Log(stat=17, url=url + '|标题等信息编码不符合', error=str(e)) Other_Url.objects.create(url=res_url, title='Error', power='Error', server=res_server, status=res_status, ip=res_ip) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=29, url=url + '|网络资产表错误', error=str(e)) try: ''' 再次获取状态码,判断是否符合入库状态,以保证数据统一 这里添加网址资产到 索引表 和 清洗表 ''' test_url1 = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) '''如果网址索引表有这个网站的话,就直接退出''' if test_url1 == []: URL.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip) '''添加网址到网址索引表''' try: try: ZHRND = Get_Url_Info(url) Sconten = ZHRND.get_info()['content'] if Sconten == 'Error': '''到这里说明获取网页内容失败了''' # print('{}:获取网页内容失败'.format(url)) pass else: try: blackconincon = check_black(Sconten, black_con) if blackconincon == True: '''触发网页内容黑名单''' print( '[+ Cont Blacklist] 当前网页内容触发黑名单 : {}'. format(url)) return None except: Sconten = '获取失败' Show_contents = pymysql.escape_string(Sconten) Cont = Content() Cont.url = url Cont.content = Show_contents IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) Show_cs = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) Show_Data.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip, cs=Show_cs, content=Cont) except Exception as e: close_old_connections() Except_Log(stat=4, url=url + '|外键添加错误', error=str(e)) Show_contents = 'Error' Cont = Content() Cont.url = url Cont.content = Show_contents IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) Show_cs = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) Show_Data.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip, cs=Show_cs, content=Cont) '''添加网页内容,数据展示''' except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=8, url=url + '|外键添加错误', error=str(e)) This_Sub = [x for x in ALL_DOMAINS if x in url] '''获取到当前子域名属于的主域名''' try: '''尝试进行域名总数据获取检测''' if This_Sub != []: Domain_Count = Domains.objects.filter(url=This_Sub[0])[0] counts = Other_Url.objects.filter( url__contains=This_Sub[0]) Domain_Count.counts = str(len(counts)) # counts = int(Domain_Count.counts)+1 # Domain_Count.counts = counts except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=15, url=url + '|获取归属域名失败|' + This_Sub, error=str(e)) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=22, url=url + '|添加到网址索引表失败|', error=str(e)) try: test_ip = list(IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)) except: close_old_connections() test_ip = list(IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)) '''开始添加ip 维护ip统一 这里开始判断数据库中是否有这个ip,并且先添加然后修改(防止重复浪费资源) if test_ip != []: test_ip_0 = IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)[0] # 这里判断数据中IP时候存在,如果存在并且有扫描状态,就直接中断操作 if test_ip_0.get == '是' or test_ip_0.get == '中': return''' if test_ip == []: try: IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) area = IP_Res.get_ip_address(ip) cs_name = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) try: IP.objects.create(ip=ip, servers='None', host_type='None', cs=cs_name, alive_urls='None', area=area) '''这里先添加数据,异步执行获取到的数据作为结果给下个进程使用 这里本来是要扫描c段开放端口,但是这样就相当于把耗时操作加载到同步执行的线程中 于是把扫描开放端口 放在获取ip详细信息线程中处理''' except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=86, url=url + '|转换IP地区编码失败|', error=str(e)) IP.objects.create(ip=ip, servers='None', host_type='None', cs=cs_name, alive_urls='None', area='获取失败') except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=21, url=url + '|添加IP资源失败|', error=str(e)) except Exception as e: Except_Log(stat=30, url=url + '|维护传入网址失败|', error=str(e)) Add_Data_To_Url(url)
def Add_Data_To_Url(url): time.sleep(random.randint(1,20)) time.sleep(random.randint(1,20)) time.sleep(random.randint(1,20)) time.sleep(random.randint(1,20)) time.sleep(random.randint(1,20)) time.sleep(random.randint(1,20)) time.sleep(random.randint(1,20)) try: ip = get_host(url) if ip == '获取失败': return # print('[+ Domain UrlIP] IP解析 --> {} IP --> {}'.format(url, ip)) test_url = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) # 如果数据库有这个网站的话,就直接退出 if test_url != []: return try: Test_Other_Url = Other_Url.objects.filter(url=url) # 判断网络资产表是否有这个数据,如果没有的话,就添加进去 if list(Test_Other_Url) == []: res = Get_Url_Info(url).get_info() res_url = res.get('url') res_title = res.get('title') res_power = res.get('power') res_server = res.get('server') res_status = res.get('status') res_ip = ip #if int(res_status) in Alive_Status: # 添加的标准是 在入库状态码内 Other_Url.objects.create(url=res_url, title=res_title, power=res_power, server=res_server, status=res_status,ip=res_ip) except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [29] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url, error='错误代码 [29] {}'.format(str(e))) try: # res = Get_Url_Info(url).get_info() # res_status = res.get('status') # 再次获取状态码,判断是否符合入库状态,以保证数据统一 # if int(res_status) not in Alive_Status: # return # 接下来可以进行数据索引唯一统一 test_url1 = list(URL.objects.filter(url=url)) # 如果数据库有这个网站的话,就直接退出 if test_url1 == []: URL.objects.create(url=url,ip=ip) # 添加 网址索引 try: Show_contents = Get_Url_Info(url).Requests()[0] Cont = Content() Cont.url = url Cont.content = Show_contents IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) Show_cs = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) Show_Data.objects.create(url=url, ip=ip,cs=Show_cs, content=Cont) # 添加网页内容,数据展示 except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [08] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url='外键添加错误', error='错误代码 [08] {}'.format(str(e))) BA = Domains.objects.all() ALL_DOMAINS = [x.get('url') for x in BA.values()] # 所有监控域名 # print('所有域名:{}'.format(ALL_DOMAINS)) This_Sub = [x for x in ALL_DOMAINS if x in url] # 获取到当前子域名属于的主域名 try: # 尝试进行域名总数据获取检测 if This_Sub != []: Domain_Count = Domains.objects.filter(url=This_Sub[0])[0] counts = Other_Url.objects.filter(url__contains=This_Sub[0]) Domain_Count.counts = str(len(counts)) # counts = int(Domain_Count.counts)+1 # Domain_Count.counts = counts except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [15] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url+'|'+This_Sub, error='错误代码 [15] {}'.format(str(e))) except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [22] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url, error='错误代码 [22] {}'.format(str(e))) test_ip = list(IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)) # 开始添加ip 维护ip统一 # 这里开始判断数据库中是否有这个ip,并且先添加然后修改(防止重复浪费资源) if test_ip != []: test_ip_0 = IP.objects.filter(ip=ip)[0] # 这里判断数据中IP时候存在,如果存在并且有扫描状态,就直接中断操作 if test_ip_0.get == '是' or test_ip_0.get == '中': return if test_ip ==[]: try: IP_Res = Get_Ip_Info(ip) area = IP_Res.get_ip_address(ip) cs_name = IP_Res.get_cs_name(ip) IP.objects.create(ip=ip, servers='None', host_type='None', cs=cs_name,alive_urls='None', area=area) # 这里先添加数据,异步执行获取到的数据作为结果给下个进程使用 cs_ips = [str(x) for x in list(IP_Res.get_cs_ips(ip).values())[0]] # 整个 C 段的数据ip if ip in cs_ips: cs_ips.remove(ip) Read_to_check_host = set() for cs_ip in cs_ips: indata = list(IP.objects.filter(ip=str(cs_ip))) if indata== [] and cs_ip != ip: Read_to_check_host.add(cs_ip) Alive_Hosts = IP_Res.get_alive_hosts(Read_to_check_host) print('[+ CHost Scaner] {} 段存活主机 : {}台'.format(cs_name,len(Alive_Hosts))) if Alive_Hosts == []: return for alive_host in Alive_Hosts: try: checkindata = list(IP.objects.filter(ip=str(alive_host))) if checkindata == [] : # 最后一次数据判断匹配 c_ip = str(alive_host) c_cs = cs_name c_area = IP_Res.get_ip_address(c_ip) IP.objects.create(ip=c_ip, servers='None', host_type='None', cs=c_cs, alive_urls='None', area=c_area) except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [03] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url, error='错误代码 [03] {}'.format(str(e))) except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [21] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url, error='错误代码 [21] {}'.format(str(e))) except Exception as e: print('错误代码 [30] {}'.format(str(e))) Error_Log.objects.create(url=url, error='错误代码 [30] {}'.format(str(e)))