def press_two(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string, unique_coordinates, is_equilateral_triangle
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite

    p_test = {
        "Checking that there is a script that has 'when 2 key is pressed' that draws an "
        "equilateral triangle. (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
        "There is a script that has 'when 2 key is pressed' that draws an "
        "equilateral triangle.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
        "There is not a script that has 'when 2 key is pressed' that draws an "
        "equilateral triangle.<br>",
    test_repeat = match_string(r"'control_repeat',\s'3'", p_scripts)
    test_two = match_string(r"'event_whenkeypressed',\s'2'", p_scripts)
    sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False)
    if test_two['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a 'when key 2 is pressed' in the code .<br>"
    if test_repeat['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a repeat block that repeats the expected number of times.<br>"
    move_success = False
    if test_two['pass']:
        for key in p_scripts:
            script = p_scripts[key]
            if len(script) > 1:
                if script[0] == ['event_whenkeypressed', '2']:
                    move_success = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
    coords = unique_coordinates(sprite.move_history)
    if len(coords) != 3:
            'fail_message'] += "After pressing 2, sprite should land on 3 unique coordinates, but does not.<br>"
    equilateral = is_equilateral_triangle(coords)
    if equilateral is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Failed test for equilateral triangle (all sides equal length) <br>.<br>"
    if test_two['pass'] and test_repeat[
            'pass'] and equilateral and move_success:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def press_one(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string, unique_coordinates, is_square
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite

    p_test = {
        "Checking that there is a script that has 'when 1 key is pressed' that draws a square"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
        "There is a script that has 'when 1 key is pressed' that draws a "
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
        "There is not a script that has 'when 1 key is pressed' that draws a "
    test_two = match_string(r"'event_whenkeypressed',\s'1'", p_scripts)
    sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False)
    if test_two['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a 'when key 1 is pressed' in the code .<br>"
    move_success = False
    if test_two['pass']:
        for key in p_scripts:
            script = p_scripts[key]
            if len(script) > 1:
                if script[0] == ['event_whenkeypressed', '1']:
                    move_success = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
    coords = unique_coordinates(sprite.move_history)
    if len(coords) != 4:
            'fail_message'] += "After pressing 1, sprite should land on 4 unique coordinates, but does not.<br>"
    square = is_square(coords)
    if square is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += "Failed test for square <br>.<br>"
    if test_two['pass'] and square and move_success:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def make_triangle_works(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import unique_coordinates, is_equilateral_triangle, distance

    p_test = {
        "Checking that the make_triangle custom block with one argument works"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
        "The make_triangle custom block with one argument works.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
        "The make_triangle custom block with one argument does not appear to work."
        "Is the input parameter named size?<br>"

    test_run_one = False
    test_run_two = False
    move_success_1 = False
    move_success_2 = False
    if 'make_triangle %s' in p_scripts.keys():
        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"size": 60})
        script = p_scripts['make_triangle %s']
        print("iii script {}".format(script))
        move_success_1 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        coords = unique_coordinates(sprite.move_history)
        if len(coords) != 3:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "make_triangle custom block should land on 3 unique coordinates," \
                                      " but does not.<br>"
            return p_test
        equilateral = is_equilateral_triangle(coords)
        if equilateral is False:
                'fail_message'] += "make_triangle custom block should create equilateral triangle but does not.<br>"
        first_move_distance = distance(sprite.move_history[0],
        if abs(60 - first_move_distance) > 60 * 0.01:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Distance between first and second move should be around 60 steps if I call " \
                                      "block with input of 60. <br> Instead, it's " \
                                      "this distance:" + str(first_move_distance) + "<br>" \
                                      "This can happen if you forgot to use 'size' in your custom block and" \
                                                                                    " hard-coded it.<br>"
            test_run_one = True
        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"size": 100})
        script = p_scripts['make_triangle %s']
        move_success_2 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        second_move_distance = distance(sprite.move_history[0],
        if abs(100 - second_move_distance) > 100 * 0.01:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Distance between first and second move should be around 100 steps if I call" \
                                      "block with input of 100. <br> Instead, it's " \
                                      "this distance:" + str(second_move_distance) + "<br>" \
                                      "This can happen if you forgot to use 'size' in your custom block and" \
                                                                                     " hard-coded it.<br>"
            test_run_two = True
            'fail_message'] += "Does not look like there is a custom block make_triangle with one input parameter."
    if move_success_1 and move_success_2 and equilateral and test_run_one and test_run_two:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test