def addHosts(self, targetHosts, runHostDiscovery, runStagedNmap, nmapSpeed, scanMode, nmapOptions = []): if targetHosts == '':'No hosts entered..') return runningFolder = if scanMode == 'Easy': if runStagedNmap:" nmap speed is " + str(nmapSpeed)) self.runStagedNmap(targetHosts, runHostDiscovery, nmapSpeed) elif runHostDiscovery: outputfile = getNmapRunningFolder(runningFolder) + "/" + getTimestamp() + '-host-discover' command = f"nmap -n -sV -O --version-light -T{str(nmapSpeed)} {targetHosts} -oA {outputfile}""Running {command}".format(command=command)) self.runCommand('nmap', 'nmap (discovery)', targetHosts, '', '', command, getTimestamp(True), outputfile, self.view.createNewTabForHost(str(targetHosts), 'nmap (discovery)', True)) else: outputfile = getNmapRunningFolder(runningFolder) + "/" + getTimestamp() + '-nmap-list' command = "nmap -n -sL -T" + str(nmapSpeed) + " " + targetHosts + " -oA " + outputfile self.runCommand('nmap', 'nmap (list)', targetHosts, '', '', command, getTimestamp(True), outputfile, self.view.createNewTabForHost(str(targetHosts), 'nmap (list)', True)) elif scanMode == 'Hard': outputfile = getNmapRunningFolder(runningFolder) + "/" + getTimestamp() + '-nmap-custom' nmapOptionsString = ' '.join(nmapOptions) nmapOptionsString = nmapOptionsString + " -T" + str(nmapSpeed) command = "nmap " + nmapOptionsString + " " + targetHosts + " -oA " + outputfile self.runCommand('nmap', 'nmap (custom ' + nmapOptionsString + ')', targetHosts, '', '', command, getTimestamp(True), outputfile, self.view.createNewTabForHost( str(targetHosts), 'nmap (custom ' + nmapOptionsString + ')', True))
def runStagedNmap(self, targetHosts, discovery=True, stage=1, stop=False):"runStagedNmap called for stage {0}".format(str(stage))) runningFolder = if not stop: textbox = self.view.createNewTabForHost( str(targetHosts), 'nmap (stage ' + str(stage) + ')', True) outputfile = getNmapRunningFolder( runningFolder) + "/" + getTimestamp() + '-nmapstage' + str( stage) if stage == 1: # webservers/proxies ports = self.settings.tools_nmap_stage1_ports elif stage == 2: # juicy stuff that we could enumerate + db ports = self.settings.tools_nmap_stage2_ports elif stage == 4: # bruteforceable protocols + portmapper + nfs ports = self.settings.tools_nmap_stage4_ports elif stage == 5: # first 30000 ports except ones above ports = self.settings.tools_nmap_stage5_ports else: # last 35535 ports ports = self.settings.tools_nmap_stage6_ports command = "nmap " if not discovery: # is it with/without host discovery? command += "-Pn " command += "-T4 -sV " if not stage == 1 and not stage == 3: command += "-n " # only do DNS resolution on first stage if os.geteuid() == 0: # if we are root we can run SYN + UDP scans command += "-sSU " if stage == 2: command += '-O ' # only check for OS once to save time and only if we are root otherwise it fail else: command += '-sT ' if stage != 3: command += '-p ' + ports + ' ' + targetHosts + ' -oA ' + outputfile else: command = 'nmap -sV --script=./scripts/nmap/vulners.nse -vvvv ' + targetHosts + ' -oA ' + outputfile self.runCommand('nmap', 'nmap (stage ' + str(stage) + ')', str(targetHosts), '', '', command, getTimestamp(True), outputfile, textbox, discovery=discovery, stage=stage, stop=stop)
def createNewProject(self, projectType: str, isTemp: bool) -> Project: database = self.__createDatabase() workingDirectory = # to store tool output of finished processes outputFolder = prefix="legion-", suffix="-tool-output", directory="./tmp/") # to store tool output of running processes runningFolder = prefix="legion-", suffix="-running", directory="./tmp/") f"{outputFolder}/screenshots") # to store screenshots getNmapRunningFolder(runningFolder)) # to store nmap output f"{runningFolder}/hydra") # to store hydra output f"{runningFolder}/dnsmap") # to store dnsmap output (usernameWordList, passwordWordList ) = self.__createUsernameAndPasswordWordLists(outputFolder) repositoryContainer = self.repositoryFactory.buildRepositories( database) projectName = projectProperties = ProjectProperties(projectName, workingDirectory, projectType, isTemp, outputFolder, runningFolder, usernameWordList, passwordWordList, storeWordListsOnExit=True) return Project(projectProperties, repositoryContainer, database)
def test_getNmapRunningFolder_ReturnsProperNmapPathWithinAnActiveProject(self): self.assertEqual(getNmapRunningFolder("some-folder"), "some-folder/nmap")