def test_boolean(self): s = io.StringIO( '''"""docstring""" \n ___yes___ = True\n___no___=False''') output = read_metadata(s) self.assertEqual(output, { 'doc': "docstring", 'yes': True, 'no': False })
def test_complex_list(self): s = io.StringIO( '''"""docstring""" \n ___list___ = ["foo", True, [], [False, 'bar']]''' ) output = read_metadata(s) self.assertEqual(output, { 'doc': "docstring", 'list': ["foo", True, [], [False, "bar"]] })
def test_full_file(self): s = io.StringIO( '''"""docstring""" \n ___foo___="bar"\n___other___='whatever'\n\nimport xyz # some comment''' ) output = read_metadata(s) self.assertEqual(output, { 'doc': "docstring", 'foo': 'bar', 'other': 'whatever' })
def add_metadata(path, resources): for resource in resources.values(): file = None if resource['type'] == "app": file = next(f for f in resource['files'] if "/" in f) elif resource['type'] == "lib": file = next(iter(resource['files'].keys())) if file: try: with open(os.path.join(path, file), "r") as stream: resource.update(_normalize_metadata(read_metadata(stream))) except ParseException as e: resource.setdefault("errors", []).append(file + ": " + str(e))
def test_single_list_element(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""docstring""" \n ___list___ = ["foo"]''') output = read_metadata(s) self.assertEqual(output, {'doc': "docstring", 'list': ["foo"]})
def test_list_empty(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""docstring""" \n ___list___ = []''') output = read_metadata(s) self.assertEqual(output, {'doc': "docstring", 'list': []})
def test_invalid_boolean(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""docstring""" \n ___yes___ = TRUE''') with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as context: output = read_metadata(s) self.assertIn("Invalid boolean ('True' expected, 'TRUE' found)", str(context.exception))
def test_invalid_int(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""docstring""" \n ___int___ = 123k''') with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as context: output = read_metadata(s) self.assertIn("Invalid int: 123k", str(context.exception))
def test_int(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""docstring""" \n ___int___ = 123''') output = read_metadata(s) self.assertEqual(output, {'doc': "docstring", 'int': 123})
def test_invalid_key_eof(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""docstring""" \n ___foobar''') with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as context: output = read_metadata(s) self.assertIn("Invalid key: ___foobar", str(context.exception))
def test_docstring_only(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""bar"""''') output = read_metadata(s) self.assertEqual(output, {'doc': "bar"})
def test_invalid_string(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""docstring""" \n ___string___ = "bar''') with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as context: output = read_metadata(s) self.assertIn("Invalid string or not terminated: bar", str(context.exception))
def test_string_var(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""docstring""" \n ___foo___="bar"''') output = read_metadata(s) self.assertEqual(output, {'doc': "docstring", 'foo': 'bar'})
def test_error_invalid_docstring(self): s = io.StringIO('''"not a docstring"''') with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as context: read_metadata(s) self.assertIn("Docstring delimiter expected", str(context.exception))
def test_invalid_list_with_missing_comma(self): s = io.StringIO('''"""docstring""" \n ___list___ = ["foo" "bar"]''') with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as context: output = read_metadata(s) self.assertIn("Expected comma, got '\"'", str(context.exception))
def test_docstring_with_leading_whitespace(self): s = io.StringIO(''' \t"""foo\nbar""" \t\r\n''') output = read_metadata(s) self.assertEqual(output, {'doc': "foo\nbar"})