def signup_user(): resp = ResponseFormater() data = request.get_json() hashed_password = generate_password_hash(data['password'], method='sha256') try: new_user = User(public_id=str(uuid.uuid4()), name=data['name'], username=data['username'], password_hash=hashed_password, admin=False) except NotUniqueError: return resp.failed(msg='user already exists').get_response() return resp.succeed(msg='registered successfully').get_response()
def get_hosts(resp=None): if resp is None: resp = ResponseFormater() args = request.args if request.method == 'GET' else request.get_json( silent=True) or {} query_args = dict() if "name" in args: if boolean_parser(args.get("regex", False)): regex_name = re.compile("^{}$".format( args.get("name").strip(" ").lstrip("^").rstrip("$"))) query_args["name"] = regex_name else: regex_name = re.compile(r"^{}$".format( re.escape(args.get("name")).replace("\*", ".*"))) query_args["name"] = regex_name resp.add_result(Host.objects(**query_args)) return resp.get_response()
def delete_user(): resp = ResponseFormater() request_args = merge_args_data(request.args, request.get_json(silent=True)) user_kwargs = { key: request_args.get(key) for key in ["name", "username", "public_id"] if key in request_args } o_users = User.objects(**user_kwargs) if o_users: o_users.delete() resp.changed() resp.add_message("User(s) removed") else: resp.failed(msg="User(s) not found", status=404) return resp.get_response()
def delete_hosts(): resp = ResponseFormater() args = merge_args_data(request.args, request.get_json(silent=True)) query_args = dict() if "name" in args: query_args["name__in"] = list_parser(args.get("name")) else: resp.failed(msg='name not defined') return resp.get_response() o_hosts = Host.objects(**query_args) if o_hosts.count() < 1: resp.failed(msg='%s not found' % (args.get('name'))) else: #Remove host from all groups where the host is used Group.objects(hosts__in=o_hosts).update(pull_all__hosts=o_hosts) s_hosts = ','.join(o_hosts.scalar('name')) o_hosts.delete() resp.succeed(msg='Delete host %s' % (s_hosts), changed=True) return resp.get_response()
def put_nodes(): resp = ResponseFormater() args = merge_args_data(request.args, request.get_json(silent=True)) node_type = args.get("type", None) if not node_type: resp.failed(msg='type not defined') return resp.get_response() elif node_type.lower() == "host": return put_hosts(resp=resp) elif node_type.lower() == "group": return put_groups(resp=resp) else: resp.failed(msg='unknown type: %s' % (node_type)) return resp.get_response()
def get_nodes(): resp = ResponseFormater() args = request.args if request.method == 'GET' else request.get_json( silent=True) or {} query_args = dict() if "name" in args: if boolean_parser(args.get("regex", False)): regex_name = re.compile("^{}$".format( args.get("name").strip(" ").lstrip("^").rstrip("$"))) query_args["name"] = regex_name else: regex_name = re.compile(r"^{}$".format( re.escape(args.get("name")).replace("\*", ".*"))) query_args["name"] = regex_name if "type" in args: node_type = args.get("type") if node_type.lower() == "host": query_args["_cls"] = "Node.Host" elif node_type.lower() == "group": query_args["_cls"] = "Node.Group" o_nodes = Node.objects(**query_args) resp.add_result(o_nodes) return resp.get_response()
def get_user(): resp = ResponseFormater() user_kwargs = request.args if request.method == 'GET' else request.get_json( silent=True) or {} filtered_user_kwargs = { key: user_kwargs.get(key) for key in ["name", "username", "active", "public_id"] if key in user_kwargs } o_users = User.objects(**filtered_user_kwargs) if o_users: resp.add_result(o_users) else: resp.failed(msg="User(s) not found", status=404) return resp.get_response()
def _add_user(**kwargs): resp = ResponseFormater() user_kwargs = kwargs.copy() if "password" not in user_kwargs and "password_hash" not in user_kwargs: user_kwargs["password"] = generate_password() resp.add_message("Generate random password for {}".format( user_kwargs.get("username", "unknown user"))) if user_kwargs.get("roles") is not None: user_kwargs["roles"] = list_parser(user_kwargs.get("roles")) try: o_user = User(**user_kwargs) resp.add_message("User created") resp.changed() except NotUniqueError: raise NotUniqueError return resp
def delete_nodes(): resp = ResponseFormater() query_args = dict() if "name" in request.args: query_args["name__in"] = list_parser(request.args.get("name")) else: resp.failed(msg='name not defined') return resp.get_response() o_nodes = Node.objects(**query_args) if o_nodes.count() < 1: resp.failed(msg='%s not found' % (request.args.get('name'))) return resp.get_response() s_nodes = ','.join(o_nodes.scalar('name')) o_nodes.delete() resp.succeed(msg='%s have been deleted' % (s_nodes)) return resp.get_response()
def put_groups(resp=None): if resp is None: resp = ResponseFormater() args = merge_args_data(request.args, request.get_json(silent=True)) name = args.get("name", None) if name is None: abort(400, description="name not defined in request") # Create Group o_group = Group.objects(name=name).first() if o_group is None: try: query_args = dict(name=name) o_group = Group(**query_args) resp.succeed(changed=True, status=HTTPStatus.CREATED) resp.set_main_message("Create group {}".format(name)) except NotUniqueError: resp.failed(msg='%s already exist' % (name)) return resp.get_response() if "child_groups" in args or "child_groups_present" in args: child_groups = [] child_groups.extend(list_parser(args.get("child_groups", []))) child_groups.extend(list_parser(args.get("child_groups_present", []))) child_groups = list(set(child_groups)) for child_group in child_groups: o_child_group = Group.objects(name=child_group).first() if not o_child_group and args.get('create_groups', True): o_child_group = Group(name=child_group) resp.changed() resp.add_message("Create group {}".format(child_group)) if o_child_group: if o_child_group not in o_group.child_groups: o_group.child_groups.append(o_child_group) resp.changed() resp.add_message( "Add {} group as child-group".format(child_group)) else: resp.add_message( "Can't add {} as child group. Group does not exist.") if "child_groups_set" in args: o_child_groups = [] for child_group in list_parser(args.get("child_groups_set", [])): o_child_group = Group.objects(name=child_group).first() if not o_child_group and args.get('create_groups', True): o_child_group = Group(name=child_group) resp.changed() resp.add_message("Create group {}") if o_child_group: o_child_groups.append(o_child_group) else: resp.add_message( "Can't set {} as child group. Group does not exist.") if set(o_group.child_groups) != set(o_child_groups): o_group.child_groups = o_child_groups resp.changed() if len(o_child_groups) == 0: resp.add_message("Remove all child-groups from {}".format( else: resp.add_message("Set {} as child-group of {}".format( ','.join([ for cg in o_child_groups]), if "child_groups_absent" in args: for child_group in list_parser(args.get("child_groups_absent")): o_child_group = Group.objects(name=child_group).first() if o_child_group is None: resp.add_message("{} group does not exist".format(child_group)) elif o_child_group in o_group.child_groups: o_group.child_groups.remove(o_child_group) resp.changed() resp.add_message( "Remove {} from child-groups".format(child_group)) else: resp.add_message("{} is not a child-group of {}".format( child_group, name)) if "hosts" in args: hosts = list_parser(args.get("hosts")) or list_parser( args.get("hosts_present", [])) o_hosts = Host.objects(name__in=hosts) hosts_not_found = list( set(hosts).difference(set(o_hosts.scalar('name')))) if len(hosts_not_found) > 0: resp.add_message("Hosts not found: {}".format( ",".join(hosts_not_found))) o_hosts_to_add = set(o_hosts).difference(o_group["hosts"]) if len(o_hosts_to_add) > 0: o_group["hosts"].extend(o_hosts_to_add) resp.changed() resp.add_message("Add {} to hosts".format(",".join( map(lambda h:, o_hosts_to_add)))) if "hosts_set" in args: hosts = list_parser(args.get("hosts_set")) o_hosts = Host.objects(name__in=hosts) hosts_not_found = list( set(hosts).difference(set(o_hosts.scalar('name')))) if len(hosts_not_found) > 0: resp.add_message("Hosts not found: {}".format( ",".join(hosts_not_found))) if set(o_group.get("hosts")) != set(o_hosts): o_group["hosts"] = list(o_hosts) resp.changed() resp.add_message("Set {} to hosts".format(",".join( o_hosts_to_add.scalar('name')))) if "hosts_absent" in args: hosts = list_parser(args.get("hosts_absent")) o_hosts = Host.objects(name__in=hosts) o_hosts_to_remove = set(o_hosts).union(set(o_group["hosts"])) for o_host in o_hosts_to_remove: o_group["hosts"].remove(o_host) resp.changed() resp.add_message("Remove {} from hosts".format(o_host.get("name"))) # Set variables barn_vars = args.get("vars", {}) for k, v in barn_vars.items(): if o_group.vars.get(k, None) != v: o_group.vars[k] = v resp.changed() # Delete variables vars_to_remove = args.get("vars_absent", []) for var_to_remove in vars_to_remove: if var_to_remove in o_group.vars: del o_group.vars[var_to_remove] resp.changed() # Save group if resp.get_changed(): parent_groups_present = list_parser( args.get("parent_groups", args.get("parent_groups_present", []))) parent_groups_set = list_parser(args.get("parent_groups_set", [])) parent_groups_absent = list_parser(args.get("parent_groups_absent", [])) used_groups_list = parent_groups_present + parent_groups_set used_groups_list = list(set(used_groups_list)) logging.debug("list used groups: %s", ",".join(used_groups_list)) # Add groups who do not exist for g in used_groups_list: if Group.objects(name=g).first() is None: if args.get('create_groups', True): Group(name=g).save() resp.add_message("Create group {}".format(g)) resp.changed() else: resp.add_message("{} group does not exist.".format(g)) if "parent_groups" in args or "parent_groups_present" in args: o_parent_groups_to_add = Group.objects(name__in=parent_groups_present, child_groups__nin=[o_group]) if len(o_parent_groups_to_add) > 0: o_parent_groups_to_add.update(add_to_set__child_groups=o_group) resp.changed() s_parent_groups_to_add = ",".join( [str(g) for g in o_parent_groups_to_add]) resp.add_message("Add {} to child-groups of {}".format(, s_parent_groups_to_add)) if "parent_groups_set" in args: o_parent_groups_to_add = Group.objects(name__in=parent_groups_set, child_groups__nin=[o_group]) if len(o_parent_groups_to_add) > 0: o_parent_groups_to_add.update(add_to_set__child_groups=o_group) resp.changed() s_parent_groups_to_add = ",".join( [str(g) for g in o_parent_groups_to_add]) resp.add_message("Add {} to child-groups of {}".format(, s_parent_groups_to_add)) o_parent_groups_to_remove = Group.objects(name__nin=parent_groups_set, child_groups__in=[o_group]) if len(o_parent_groups_to_remove) > 0: o_parent_groups_to_remove.update(pull__child_groups=o_group) resp.changed() s_parent_groups_to_remove = ",".join( [str(g) for g in o_parent_groups_to_remove]) resp.add_message("Remove {} from child-groups of {}".format(, s_parent_groups_to_remove)) if "parent_groups_absent" in args: o_parent_groups_to_remove = Group.objects( name__in=parent_groups_absent, child_groups__in=[o_group]) if len(o_parent_groups_to_remove) > 0: o_parent_groups_to_remove.update(pull__child_groups=o_group) resp.changed() s_parent_groups_to_remove = ",".join( [str(g) for g in o_parent_groups_to_remove]) resp.add_message("Remove {} from child-groups of {}".format(, s_parent_groups_to_remove)) return resp.get_response()
def delete_groups(): resp = ResponseFormater() args = merge_args_data(request.args, request.get_json(silent=True)) query_args = dict() if "name" in args: query_args["name__in"] = list_parser(args.get("name")) else: resp.failed(msg='name not defined') return resp.get_response() o_groups = Group.objects(**query_args) logging.getLogger().info("remove groups: %s", ','.join(o_groups.scalar('name'))) Group.objects(child_groups__in=o_groups).update( pull_all__child_groups=o_groups) if o_groups.count() < 1: resp.failed(msg='%s not found' % (args.get('name'))) return resp.get_response() s_groups = ','.join(o_groups.scalar('name')) o_groups.delete() resp.succeed(msg='%s have been deleted' % (s_groups)) return resp.get_response()
def put_user(action="present"): resp = ResponseFormater() request_args = request.get_json(silent=True) if request_args is None: abort(400, description="Bad Request") username = request_args.get("username", None) if not username: resp.failed("{} not defined".format("username")) return resp.get_response() o_user = User.objects(username=username).first() if not o_user: if action == "present" or action == "add": try: allowed_args = [ "username", "name", "active", "roles", "password", "password_hash" ] user_kwargs = { key: value for key, value in request_args.items() if key in allowed_args } resp += _add_user(**user_kwargs) except NotUniqueError: resp.failed("User already exist", status=400) else: resp.failed( "User does not exist. Set action to 'add' or 'present' if you want to create the user", status=400) else: if action == "update" or action == "present": allowed_args = [ "username", "name", "active", "roles", "password", "password_hash" ] user_kwargs = { key: value for key, value in request_args.items() if key in allowed_args } resp += _modify_user(**user_kwargs) elif action == "add": resp.failed("User already exist", status=400) elif action == "passwd": new_password = request_args.get("password") if new_password: resp += _modify_user(username=username, password=new_password) else: resp.failed("password not defined", status=400) #create user if action == "present": pass return resp.get_response()
def _modify_user(**user_kwargs): resp = ResponseFormater() username = user_kwargs.get("username") if username is None: resp.failed("{} not defined".format(username)) return resp o_user = User.objects(username=username).first() o_user_hash = hash(o_user) if not o_user: resp.failed("{} user not found".format(username)) return resp if "active" in user_kwargs and user_kwargs.get("active") != = boolean_parser(user_kwargs.get("active")) if "name" in user_kwargs and user_kwargs.get("name") != = user_kwargs.get("name") if "password_hash" in user_kwargs and user_kwargs.get( "password_hash") != o_user.password_hash: password_hash = user_kwargs.get("password_hash") if password_hash.startswith("sha256$"): o_user.password_hash = password_hash else: resp.add_message("invalid password hash") elif "password" in user_kwargs: password = user_kwargs.pop("password").strip() if not check_password_hash(o_user.password_hash, password): o_user.password_hash = generate_password_hash(password, method='sha256') if user_kwargs.get("roles") is not None: o_user.roles = list( set(o_user.roles + list_parser(user_kwargs.get("roles")))) if o_user_hash != hash(o_user): resp.add_message("User modified") resp.changed() return resp
def put_file_import(): resp = ResponseFormater() hosts_to_add = [] groups_to_add = [] keep_existing_nodes = str( request.args.get("keep") or next(iter(request.form.getlist('keep')), None)).lower() in [ "on", "true", "1", "yes" ] for file in request.files.values(): fileextention = file.filename.split(".")[-1] to_add = None if fileextention.lower() in ("yaml", "yml"): try: to_add = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) resp.add_message("Successfully loaded %s" % (file.filename)) except yaml.YAMLError as _: return resp.failed( msg="failed to read yaml file: %s" % (file.filename), changed=False, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST).get_response() elif fileextention.lower() == "json": try: to_add = json.load(file) resp.add_message("Successfully loaded %s" % (file.filename)) except json.JSONDecodeError as _: return resp.failed( msg="failed to read json file: %s" % (file.filename), changed=False, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST).get_response() elif fileextention.lower() == "ini": try: data ='utf-8') to_add = _convert_ini(data) except Exception: return resp.failed( msg="failed to read ini file: %s" % (file.filename), changed=False, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST).get_response() else: return resp.failed("unsupported extention", changed=False, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST).get_response() if "hosts" in to_add and isinstance(to_add["hosts"], list): hosts_to_add.extend(to_add["hosts"]) if "groups" in to_add and isinstance(to_add["groups"], list): groups_to_add.extend(to_add["groups"]) for node in to_add.get("nodes", []): if node.get("type", "").lower() == "host": hosts_to_add.append(node) elif node.get("type", "").lower() == "group": groups_to_add.append(node) if len(hosts_to_add) > 0 or len(groups_to_add) > 0: if not keep_existing_nodes: o_nodes_to_delete = Node.objects() if o_nodes_to_delete.count() > 0: o_nodes_to_delete.delete() resp.add_message("Remove old hosts and groups")"Remove all existing nodes during import") resp.changed() else:"Keep existing nodes during import") # first make sure all nodes exist for host in hosts_to_add: if host.get("name") and not Host.objects(name=host.get("name")): Host(name=host.get("name")).save() for group in groups_to_add: if group.get("name") and not Group.objects(name=group.get("name")): Group(name=group.get("name")).save() for host in hosts_to_add: try: o_host = Host.from_json(host, append=True) resp.add_result(o_host) resp.changed() except Exception as _: resp.add_message("Failed to import host %s" % (host.get("name", "unknown"))) for group in groups_to_add: try: o_group = Group.from_json(group, append=True) resp.add_result(o_group) resp.changed() except Exception as _: resp.add_message("Failed to import group %s" % (group.get("name", "unknown"))) else: resp.failed(msg="No valid hosts or groups in import") resp.add_message("Import completed") return resp.get_response()
def put_hosts(action=None, resp=None): if resp is None: resp = ResponseFormater() args = merge_args_data(request.args, request.get_json(silent=True)) name = args.get("name", None) if name is None: resp.failed(msg='name not defined') return resp.get_response() # Create Host o_host = Host.objects(name=name).first() if o_host is not None and action == "add": resp.failed(msg='%s already exist' % (args.get("name"))) return resp.get_response() elif o_host is None: if action == "update": resp.failed(msg='Host not found: %s Does not exist' % (args.get("name"))) return resp.get_response() else: try: o_host = Host(name=name) resp.succeed(changed=True, msg="Create host {}".format(name), status=HTTPStatus.CREATED) except NotUniqueError: resp.failed(msg='%s already exist' % (args.get("name"))) return resp.get_response() # Set variables barn_vars = args.get("vars", {}) if action == "set" and barn_vars != o_host.vars: o_host.vars = {} resp.changed() resp.add_message("Reset host variables") for k, v in barn_vars.items(): if o_host.vars.get(k, None) != v: o_host.vars[k] = v resp.changed() resp.add_message("Change variable: {}".format(k)) # Delete variables if action != "add": vars_to_remove = args.get("vars_absent", []) for var_to_remove in vars_to_remove: if var_to_remove in o_host.vars: del o_host.vars[var_to_remove] resp.add_message("Remove variable: {}".format(var_to_remove)) resp.changed() # Save Host if resp.get_changed(): # Add host to group o_groups_remove_list = [] o_groups_add_list = [] if args.get("groups", False): groups = list_parser(args.get("groups")) for group in groups: o_group = Group.objects(name=group).first() if not o_group and args.get('create_groups', True): o_group = Group(name=group) resp.changed() resp.add_message("Create {} group".format(group)) if o_group: o_groups_add_list.append(o_group) if args.get("groups_present", False): groups = list_parser(args.get("groups_present")) for group in groups: o_group = Group.objects(name=group).first() if not o_group and args.get('create_groups', True): o_group = Group(name=group) if o_group: o_groups_add_list.append(o_group) if args.get("groups_set", False) and not any( k in args for k in ("groups", "groups_present", "groups_absent")): groups = list_parser(args.get("groups_set")) o_groups_remove = Group.objects(name__not__in=groups, hosts__in=[o_host]) for g in o_groups_remove: o_groups_remove_list.append(g) for group in groups: o_group = Group.objects(name=group).first() if not o_group and args.get('create_groups', True): o_group = Group(name=group) if o_group: o_groups_add_list.append(o_group) if args.get("groups_absent", False): groups = list_parser(args.get("groups_absent")) o_groups_remove = Group.objects(name__in=groups) for g in o_groups_remove: o_groups_remove_list.append(g) for g in list(set(o_groups_remove_list)): if o_host in g.hosts: g.hosts.remove(o_host) resp.add_message("Remove {} from {} group".format(name, resp.changed() for g in list(set(o_groups_add_list)): if o_host not in g.hosts: g.hosts.append(o_host) resp.add_message("Add {} into {} group".format(name, resp.changed() return resp.get_response()
def test(): logging.getLogger().critical("critical message") logging.getLogger().warning("warning message") logging.getLogger().info("info message") logging.getLogger().debug("debug message") return ResponseFormater().succeed(msg="it works").get_response()