def is_project_user(): current_project = utils.get_current_project() # app.logger.debug(f"context_processor - is_project_user {utils.is_project_user(current_project)}") return dict(is_project_user=utils.is_project_user(current_project))
def create_app(extra_config_settings={}): """Create a Flask application. """ global app, current_project, user_manager # Instantiate Flask app = Flask(__name__)"Created Flask Application") # Load common settings app.config.from_object('app.settings') # Load environment specific settings app.config.from_object('app.local_settings') # Load extra settings from extra_config_settings param app.config.update(extra_config_settings) # import utils here, because they need the initialized app variable from app import utils current_project = LocalProxy(lambda: utils.get_current_project()) Scss(app, static_dir='app/static', asset_dir='app/assets') # Setup Flask-SQLAlchemy db.init_app(app) # Setup Flask-Migrate migrate.init_app(app, db) # Setup Flask-Mail mail.init_app(app) # Setup Flask-Admin flask_admin.init_app(app) # Setup WTForms CSRFProtect csrf_protect.init_app(app) # Register REST Api from import register_blueprints as register_api register_api(app, url_prefix="/api", exempt_from_csrf=True, csrf_protect=csrf_protect) csrf_protect # Register views from app.views import register_blueprints as register_view register_view(app, url_prefix="") # # Define bootstrap_is_hidden_field for flask-bootstrap's bootstrap_wtf.html from wtforms.fields import HiddenField def is_hidden_field_filter(field): return isinstance(field, HiddenField) app.jinja_env.globals['bootstrap_is_hidden_field'] = is_hidden_field_filter # Setup an error-logger to send emails to app.config.ADMINS init_email_error_handler(app) # Setup Flask-User to handle user account related forms from .models.user_models import User #from .views.main_views import user_profile_page # Setup Flask-User user_manager = UserManager(app, db, User) # registers all jinja template extensions from app import template_extensions # enable CSRF-Protection for all view urls and only exclude /user and /api """ remove CSRF check from all requests with via WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT to False and only add it to the view requests: """ @app.before_request def check_csrf(): if not request.path.startswith( '/user') and not request.path.startswith('/api'): app.logger.debug(f"CSRF protecting path {request.path}") csrf_protect.protect() # for key in app.config: #"{key} {app.config[key]}") if not app.debug: users = [] with app.app_context(): # init db db.create_all() from app.models.user_models import User users = db.session.query(User).all() # check if there are already technical users existing (if so, then this is not the first boot) no_technical_admin = False if any(user if any( == 'admin' for role in user.roles) else None for user in users) else True f"No technical admin present? {no_technical_admin}") # create default admin if no user exist if no_technical_admin: from app.commands.init_db import create_roles create_roles() # create the default flask admin from app.models.user_models import Role from app.controllers import user_controller all_roles = Role.query.all() #"Creating admin with attributes: 'Admin', 'Admin', {app.config['ADMIN']}, {app.config['ADMIN_PW']}, {all_roles}") default_admin_user = user_controller.create_user( 'Admin', 'Admin', app.config['ADMIN'], app.config['ADMIN_PW'], all_roles) return app
def current_project(): # app.logger.debug(f"context_processor - current_project {utils.get_current_project()}") return dict(current_project=utils.get_current_project())