def offices(office, order_by, order_kwargs): ''' view and update an office. ''' if is_operator() and not is_office_operator( flash('Error: operators are not allowed to access the page ', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('core.root')) form = OfficeForm(current_prefix=office.prefix) tickets_form = ProcessedTicketForm() page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) last_ticket_pulled = data.Serial.all_office_tickets(\ .filter_by(p=True)\ .first() tickets = data.Serial.all_office_tickets(, order=False)\ .order_by(*data.Serial.ORDERS.get(order_by, [])) pagination = tickets.paginate(page, per_page=10, error_out=False) office_name = remove_string_noise( or '', lambda s: s.startswith('0'), lambda s: s[1:]) or None if form.validate_on_submit(): if not office.is_valid_new_name(office_name): flash('Error: name is used by another one, choose another name', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('manage_app.offices', office = data.Office.get( # NOTE: DB session is lost = office_name office.prefix = db.session.commit() flash('Notice: office has been updated. ', 'info') return redirect(url_for('manage_app.offices', = = office.prefix.upper() return render_template('offices.html', form=form, officesp=pagination.items, pagination=pagination, page_title='Office : ' + office.prefix + str(,, ooid=office, len=len, serial=tickets, offices=data.Office.query, tasks=data.Task, users=data.User.query, operators=data.Operators.query, navbar='#snb1', dropdown='#dropdown-lvl' + str(, hash='#t1' + str(, last_ticket_pulled=last_ticket_pulled, tickets_form=tickets_form, **order_kwargs)
def serial(task, office_id=None): ''' generate a new ticket and print it. ''' windows = == 'nt' form = TouchSubmitForm() task = data.Task.get( office = data.Office.get(office_id) touch_screen_stings = data.Touch_store.get() ticket_settings = data.Printer.get() printed = not touch_screen_stings.n numeric_ticket_form = ticket_settings.value == 2 name_or_number = remove_string_noise( or '', lambda s: s.startswith('0'), lambda s: s[1:]) or None # NOTE: if it is registered ticket, will display the form if not form.validate_on_submit() and not printed: return render_template('touch.html', title=touch_screen_stings.title, tnumber=numeric_ticket_form, ts=touch_screen_stings, bgcolor=touch_screen_stings.bgcolor, a=4, done=False, page_title='Touch Screen - Enter name ', form=form, dire='multimedia/', alias=data.Aliases.query.first(), office_id=office_id) new_ticket, exception = data.Serial.create_new_ticket( task, office, name_or_number) if exception: flash('Error: you must have available printer, to use printed', 'danger') flash('Notice: make sure that printer is properly connected', 'info') if windows: flash( 'Notice: Make sure to make the printer shared on the local network', 'info') elif 'linux' in platform: flash( 'Notice: Make sure to execute the command `sudo gpasswd -a $(users) lp` and ' 'reboot the system', 'info') log_error(exception) return redirect(url_for('core.root')) return redirect(url_for('core.touch', a=1, office_id=office_id))
def serial(task, office_id=None): ''' generate a new ticket and print it. ''' windows = == 'nt' form = TouchSubmitForm() task = data.Task.get( office = data.Office.get(office_id) touch_screen_stings = data.Touch_store.get() ticket_settings = data.Printer.get() settings = data.Settings.get() printed = not touch_screen_stings.n numeric_ticket_form = ticket_settings.value == 2 name_or_number = remove_string_noise( or '', lambda s: s.startswith('0'), lambda s: s[1:]) or None # NOTE: if it is registered ticket, will display the form if not form.validate_on_submit() and not printed: return render_template('touch.html', title=touch_screen_stings.title, tnumber=numeric_ticket_form, ts=touch_screen_stings, bgcolor=touch_screen_stings.bgcolor, a=4, done=False, page_title='Touch Screen - Enter name ', form=form, dire='multimedia/', alias=data.Aliases.query.first(), office_id=office_id) # NOTE: Incrementing the ticket number from the last generated ticket globally next_number = data.Serial.query.order_by(data.Serial.number.desc())\ .first().number + 1 office = office or task.least_tickets_office() if printed: current_ticket = getattr( data.Serial.all_office_tickets(, 'number', None) common_arguments = (f'{office.prefix}.{next_number}', f'{office.prefix}{}', data.Serial.all_office_tickets(,, f'{office.prefix}.{current_ticket}') try: if windows or settings.lp_printing: (print_ticket_cli_ar if ticket_settings.langu == 'ar' else print_ticket_cli)(, *common_arguments, language=ticket_settings.langu, windows=windows, unix=not windows) else: printer = assign(ticket_settings.vendor, ticket_settings.product, ticket_settings.in_ep, ticket_settings.out_ep) (printit_ar if ticket_settings.langu == 'ar' else printit)( printer, *common_arguments, lang=ticket_settings.langu, scale=ticket_settings.scale) except Exception as exception: flash('Error: you must have available printer, to use printed', 'danger') flash('Notice: make sure that printer is properly connected', 'info') if windows: flash( 'Notice: Make sure to make the printer shared on the local network', 'info') elif 'linux' in platform: flash( 'Notice: Make sure to execute the command `sudo gpasswd -a $(users) lp` and ' 'reboot the system', 'info') log_error(exception) return redirect(url_for('core.root')) db.session.add( data.Serial(number=next_number,,, name=name_or_number, n=not printed)) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('core.touch', a=1, office_id=office_id))