def getinfo(ocrtext,qun,user,filepath): ocrtext=ocrtext.replace(" ", "") respContent="" if (len(allname)==0): # 主要配置表中有,就都能识别 jsonobj=json.loads(qun.gonggao.replace('\'','\"')) # 获取配置的价格表 for keystr in jsonobj: money = jsonobj[keystr] onerow = keystr.split("|") if (len(onerow)==3): allname.append(keystr) allqiye.append(onerow[0]) allchanpin.append(onerow[1]) allbank.append(onerow[2]) alljiage.append(money) # 分为大杯和中杯饮品,和多少元代金券 bank="" qiye="" chanpin = "" quanma="" money=0 canshibie=False # 先用企业和商品类型识别一遍,这个为必须包含项 for i in range(len(allqiye)): if (allqiye[i] in ocrtext and allchanpin[i] in ocrtext): qiye = allqiye[i] chanpin=allchanpin[i] bank = allbank[i] money= float(alljiage[i]) canshibie=True break # 如果不能识别,就返回不能识别说明 if (not canshibie): respContent = '无法识别此类商品或此类商品已不再收录,您可以回复jg查看收录商品,或通过其他方式上传。\n\n'\ + '<a href="'+urlpath+'piaoquan/mydiary?qunid=999&typeindex=1&userid='+str('">券码管理</a>\n\n'\ + '<a href="'+urlpath+'piaoquan/setting?userid='+str('">个人账户中心</a>\n\n'\ + '回复“jg”查询商品价格!' # print(respContent) return respContent # 再用企业、商品类型、银行识别一遍,作为次选。因为银行并不是必选项 for i in range(len(allqiye)): if (allqiye[i] in ocrtext and allchanpin[i] in ocrtext and allbank[i] in ocrtext): qiye = allqiye[i] chanpin=allchanpin[i] bank = allbank[i] money= float(alljiage[i]) break # print(qiye, chanpin, bank, money) # 如果有图片就使用图片识别券码 if (filepath): try: code = QRcode.ocr_qrcode_zxing(filepath) # 识别图中的二维码 print("第一种方式二维码识别结果:",code) # if(code==None or code=="null" or code==""): # code = QRcode.ocr_qrcode_zxing(filepath) # 识别图中的二维码 # else: # # 判断编码是不是只有字母数字和= # regexstr="^[a-zA-Z=0-9]+$" # pattern = re.compile(regexstr) # result = re.match(pattern,code) # if (not result): # return '无法识别二维码' # print("二维码识别结果:"+code) if (code.find("=")>-1): quanma = code[0:code.find("=")] else: quanma = code except Exception as e: print("二维码识别出错:",e) # 没有图片或者图片匹配不到就正则表达式识别 if (quanma==""): # 识别券码 regexstr="[0-9A-Za-z]{10,30}" # 查找指定的字符串 pattern=re.compile(regexstr) matcher = re.match(pattern, ocrtext) i = 0 while(matcher.groups(i)): # 如果在匹配到的数字前出现的“订单编号”,则放弃 if (matcher.start(i)-8>0): if ('订单编号' in ocrtext[matcher.start(i)-8,matcher.start(i)]): i += 1 continue quanma= break # 如果券码为"" if (quanma==""): # 如果没有图片,则放弃 if (filepath==None): respContent = "无法识别券码,请通过其他方式上传,或者联系客服\n\n"\ + "<a href=\""+urlpath+"piaoquan/mydiary.jsp?qunid=999&typeindex=1&userid="+str(user.getId())+"\">券码管理</a>\n\n"\ + "<a href=\""+urlpath+"piaoquan/setting.jsp?userid="+str(user.getId())+"\">个人账户中心</a>\n\n"\ + "回复“jg”查询商品价格!" return respContent else: # 如果有图片,则券号自定义为no+时间+index global index index+=1 quanma="no"+TimeUtil.getCurrentDate1()+TimeUtil.getCurrentTime1()+str(index) # 修改图片名称为券号的名称 picname ="" if(filepath): mulu = filepath[0:filepath.rfind('/') + 1] # 目录(带最后的/) # picname = filepath[filepath.rfind('/') + 1:] # 文件名 geshi =filepath[filepath.index('.')+1:] picname = quanma+"."+geshi newfilepath = mulu+picname if (os.path.exists(newfilepath)): os.remove(newfilepath) os.rename(filepath,newfilepath) print('将图片重命名为新图片名称:',newfilepath) content = qiye + "|" + chanpin + "|" + bank #要存储返回的内容 tip="该票券不是第一次上传了\n" diary = DiaryDAO.selectDiaryforSerial(quanma) if (not diary): diary = Diary() diary.userid= diary.qunid= 999 if (not filepath): diary.diarytype=ResultCode.CONTENT_TYPEWORD # 设置日志只有短信 else: diary.diarytype=ResultCode.CONTENT_TYPEIMG # 设置日志包含图片 diary.type="1" diary.serial=quanma diary.state=0 diary.content=content diary.time=TimeUtil.getCurrentTime()*int(money) # 怎么设置价格 if(filepath): datenow = TimeUtil.getCurrentMonth() diary.imgone= STATIC_URL1+ "upload/img/"+datenow+"/"+picname DiaryDAO.addDiary(diary) tip="" # 修改用户的以上传金额 user.tuijiannum = # 设置用户以上传金额 UserDAO.updateUserInfo(user) respContent = "您的券码已经收到录入,等待橙子权益的汇款即可。\n\n商品:"+content+"\n券码:"+quanma+"\n价格:¥"+str(money) \ + "\n\n<a href=\""+urlpath+"piaoquan/setting.jsp?userid="+str("\">个人账户中心</a>\n\n"\ + "<a href=\""+urlpath+"piaoquan/mydiary.jsp?qunid=999&typeindex=1&userid="+str("\">券码管理</a>\n\n"+tip\ + "回复“jg”查询商品价格!" return respContent
def addcaidan(request): diary = Diary() result = {} imagePath = [] realPath = STATICFILES_DIRS[0] + "/upload/userDiary/" # realPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("userDiary/") if request.method == "POST": content = request.POST.get("content", None) # 读取post数据,None为默认值 qunid = request.POST.get("qunid", None) # 读取post数据,None为默认值 qundiarytype = request.POST.get("qundiarytype", None) # 读取post数据,None为默认值 state = request.POST.get("state", None) # 读取post数据,None为默认值 money = request.POST.get("money", None) # 读取post数据,None为默认值 urltitle = request.POST.get("urltitle", None) # 读取post数据,None为默认值 urlcontent = request.POST.get("urlcontent", None) # 读取post数据,None为默认值 userid = request.POST.get("userid", None) # 读取post数据,None为默认值 if request.method == "GET": content = request.GET.get("content", None) # 读取get数据,None为默认值 qunid = request.GET.get("qunid", None) # 读取get数据,None为默认值 qundiarytype = request.POST.get("qundiarytype", None) # 读取get数据,None为默认值 state = request.POST.get("state", None) # 读取get数据,None为默认值 money = request.POST.get("money", None) # 读取get数据,None为默认值 urltitle = request.POST.get("urltitle", None) # 读取get数据,None为默认值 urlcontent = request.POST.get("urlcontent", None) # 读取get数据,None为默认值 userid = request.POST.get("userid", None) # 读取get数据,None为默认值 print("增加菜单(图片)接口参数:用户id:", userid, "内容:", content, "可见群组", qunid) print("上传图片的根目录为:" + realPath) files = request.FILES.getlist('files') for i in range(len(files)): multFile = files[i] filenameString = userid + "_" + str(int( time.time())) + "_" + str(i) + ".png" if (not multFile): print("文件未上传") else: # print("文件的长度为:" + multFile.getSize()) # print("文件的类型:" + multFile.getContentType()) # print("文件的属性域:" + multFile.getName()) # print("文件的原名:" + multFile.getOriginalFilename()) filepath = realPath + "/" + filenameString f_obj = open(filepath, 'wb+') for chunk in multFile.chunks(): f_obj.write(chunk) f_obj.close() fileName = STATIC_URL1 + "uploa/userDiary/" + filenameString imagePath.append(fileName) # 有图像 imgnum = len(imagePath) if imgnum > 0: diary.imgone = imagePath[0] if imgnum > 1: diary.imgtwo = imagePath[1] if imgnum > 2: diary.imgthree = imagePath[2] if imgnum > 3: diary.imgfour = imagePath[3] if imgnum > 4: diary.imgfive = imagePath[4] if imgnum > 5: diary.imgsix = imagePath[5] if imgnum > 6: diary.imgseven = imagePath[6] if imgnum > 7: diary.imgeight = imagePath[7] if imgnum > 8: diary.imgnine = imagePath[8] diary.diarytype = ResultCode.CONTENT_CAIDAN_IMG diary.state = state diary.userid = userid diary.content = content diary.qunid = qunid diary.type = qundiarytype diary.urltitle = urltitle diary.urlcontent = urlcontent = money diary.time = TimeUtil.getCurrentTime() = TimeUtil.getCurrentDate() DiaryDAO.addDiary(diary) result["data"] = "0" result["respcode"] = ResultCode.SUCCESS result["errorcode"] = "" result["message"] = "上传文件成功" return JsonResponse(result)