def delRelationship(fro, to): """Helper function to remove relationships from class.""" rel_to_del = Relationship.query.get({"from_name":fro, "to_name":to}) if not rel_to_del is None: delRelCmd = del_rel(fro, to, rel_to_del.rel_type) cmd_stack.execute(delRelCmd) else: flash("ERROR: Unable to delete relationship from " + fro + " to " + to, 'error')
def delAttribute(name, attr): """Helper to remove attributes from class.""" attr_to_del = Attribute.query.get({"class_name":name, "attribute":attr}) if not attr_to_del is None: delAttrCmd = del_attr(name, attr, attr_to_del.attr_type) cmd_stack.execute(delAttrCmd) else: flash("ERROR: Unable to remove attribute " + attr + " from " + name, 'error')
def execute(self): parsedType = parseType(self.attrName) if parsedType is not None: # link it to the related class if applicable ClassList = Class.query.all() for CurrentClass in ClassList: if == parsedType: cmd_stack.execute( add_rel(self.className,, "agg")) break return core_add_attr(self.className, self.attrName, self.attrType)
def updateCoords(): """Deals with requests from GUI to save dragged coordinates.""" name = request.form['name'] x = request.form['left'] y = request.form['top'] updatee = Class.query.get_or_404(name) moveCmd = move(name, x, y) cmd_stack.execute(moveCmd) db.session.commit() return "Name: " + + "\nX: " + str(updatee.x) + "\nY: " + str(updatee.y)
def index(): """Deals with requests to the base index. On POST request, adds requested class and redirects to itself to re-render with updated data On GET request, renders the base index with current data """ if request.method == 'POST': # form tag 'content' class_name = request.form['class_name'] if class_name == '': return redirect('/') classList = core_parse(class_name) for class_ in classList: addCmd = add_class(class_) if cmd_stack.execute(addCmd): flash('ERROR: Unable to add class ' + class_, 'error') return redirect('/') else: # grab all entries in order classes = Class.query.order_by(Class.date_created).all() attributes = Attribute.query.order_by(Attribute.date_created).all() theme = Settings.query.get({"name":"theme"}) if theme is None: theme = "Dark-Green" else: theme = theme.value athemes = populateThemes(); return render_template('index.html', classes=classes, attributes=attributes, cmd_stack=cmd_stack, theme=theme, availThemes=athemes)
def addAttributes(name, attrString, attrType): """Helper to add attributes to class.""" attrList = core_parse(attrString) for attr in attrList: addAttrCmd = add_attr(name, attr, attrType) if cmd_stack.execute(addAttrCmd): flash('ERROR: Unable to add attribute ' + attr + " to " + name, 'error')
def addRelationship(): """Helper function to add relationships to class.""" try: fro = request.form['class_name'] to = request.form['to'] rel_type = request.form['rel_type'] addRelCmd = add_rel(fro, to, rel_type) if cmd_stack.execute(addRelCmd): flash("ERROR: Unable to add relationship from " + fro + " to " + to, 'error') except: flash("Invalid arguments, try again.", 'error') return redirect('/')
def do_delete(self, args): """Accepts a single class name OR a list separated by commas and removes them from the database. Usage: delete <class_name1>, <class_name2>, ... , <class_nameN> """ argList = core_parse(args) if argList: for name in argList: deleteCmd = delete_class(name) if cmd_stack.execute(deleteCmd): print('ERROR: Unable to delete class \'' + name + '\'') else: print('Successfully deleted class \'' + name + '\'') else: print("Usage: delete <class_name1>, <class_name2>, ... , <class_nameN>")
def do_add(self, args): """Accepts a single class name OR a list separated by commas and adds them to the database. Usage: add <class_name1>, <class_name2>, ... , <class_nameN> """ argList = core_parse(args) if argList: for name in argList: addCmd = add_class(name) if cmd_stack.execute(addCmd): print('ERROR: Unable to add class \'' + name + '\'') else: print('Successfully added class \'' + name + '\'') else: print("Usage: add <class_name1>, <class_name2>, ... , <class_nameN>")
def delete(): """Deals with requests to remove a class. Removes the requested class from database, if successful """ try: name = request.form['delete'] deleteCmd = delete_class(name) if cmd_stack.execute(deleteCmd): flash('ERROR: Unable to delete class ' + name, 'error') except: flash("Invalid name", 'error') return redirect('/')
def do_edit(self, args): """Accepts a single class name followed by a replacement name, separated by commas, and changes instances of old name in database with new name. Usage: edit <old_name>, <new_name> """ argList = core_parse(args) if len(argList) == 2: old_name = argList.pop(0) new_name = argList.pop(0) editCmd = edit_class(old_name, new_name) if cmd_stack.execute(editCmd): print('ERROR: Unable to update class \'' + old_name + '\' to \'' + new_name + '\'') else: print('Successfully updated class \'' + old_name + '\' to \'' + new_name + '\'') else: print("Usage: edit <old_name>, <new_name>")
def do_delRel(self, args): """Accepts a single 'from' class name followed by a list of 'to' class names separated by commas and removes these relationships from the database. Usage: delRel <class_name>, <relationship1>, <relationship2>, ... , <relationshipN> """ argList = core_parse(args) if len(argList) > 1: class_name = argList.pop(0) for rel in argList: rel_to_del = Relationship.query.get({"from_name":class_name, "to_name":rel}) if rel_to_del is None or cmd_stack.execute(del_rel(class_name, rel, rel_to_del.rel_type)): print('ERROR: Unable to delete relationship from \'' + class_name + '\' to \'' + rel + '\'') else: print('Successfully deleted relationship from \'' + class_name + '\' to \'' + rel + '\'') else: print("Usage: delRel <class_name>, <relationship1>, <relationship2>, ... , <relationshipN>")
def do_delAttr(self, args): """Accepts a single class name followed by a list of attribute names separated by commas and removes them from the class. Usage: delAttr <class_name>, <attribute1>, <attribute2>, ... , <attributeN> """ argList = core_parse(args) if len(argList) > 1: class_name = argList.pop(0) for attr in argList: attr_to_del = Attribute.query.get({"class_name":class_name, "attribute":attr}) if attr_to_del is None or cmd_stack.execute(del_attr(class_name, attr, attr_to_del.attr_type)): print('ERROR: Unable to delete attribute \'' + attr + '\'') else: print('Successfully deleted attribute \'' + attr + '\'') else: print("Usage: delAttr <class_name>, <attribute1>, <attribute2>, ... , <attributeN>")
def do_editAttr(self, args): """Accepts a single class name followed by an existing attribute within and a new name which will replace said attribute in the class, all separated by commas. Usage: editAttr <class_name>, <old_attribute>, <new_attribute> """ argList = core_parse(args) if len(argList) == 3: class_name = argList.pop(0) old_name = argList.pop(0) new_name = argList.pop(0) editAttrCmd = edit_attr(class_name, old_name, new_name) if cmd_stack.execute(editAttrCmd): print('ERROR: Unable to update attribute \'' + old_name + '\' to \'' + new_name + '\'') else: print('Successfully updated attribute \'' + old_name + '\' to \'' + new_name + '\'') else: print("Usage: editAttr <class_name>, <old_attribute>, <new_attribute>")
def do_addAttr(self, args): """Accepts a single class name and attribute type followed by a list of attribute names separated by commas and adds them to the class. Usage: addAttr <class_name>, <field/method>, <attribute1>, <attribute2>, ... , <attributeN> """ argList = core_parse(args) if len(argList) > 2: class_name = argList.pop(0) attr_type = argList.pop(0).lower() if not attr_type in ["field", "method"]: print('ERROR: Invalid attribute type: ' + attr_type + "\n\tValid attribute types: field, method") return for attr in argList: addAttrCmd = add_attr(class_name, attr, attr_type) if cmd_stack.execute(addAttrCmd): print('ERROR: Unable to add ' + attr_type + ' \'' + attr + '\'') else: print('Successfully added ' + attr_type + ' \'' + attr + '\'') else: print("Usage: addAttr <class_name>, <field/method>, <attribute1>, <attribute2>, ... , <attributeN>")
def do_addRel(self, args): """Accepts a single 'from' class name and relationship type followed by a list of 'to' class names separated by commas and adds these relationships to the database. Usage: addRel <class_name>, <relationship type>, <relationship1>, <relationship2>, ... , <relationshipN> Valid relationship types: agg, comp, gen, none """ argList = core_parse(args) if len(argList) > 2: class_name = argList.pop(0) rel_type = argList.pop(0).lower() if not rel_type in ["agg", "comp", "gen", "none"]: print('ERROR: Invalid relationship type: ' + rel_type + "\n Valid relationship types: agg, comp, gen, none") return for rel in argList: addRelCmd = add_rel(class_name, rel, rel_type) if cmd_stack.execute(addRelCmd): print('ERROR: Unable to add relationship from \'' + class_name + '\' to \'' + rel + '\' of type \'' + rel_type + '\'') else: print('Successfully added relationship from \'' + class_name + '\' to \'' + rel + '\' of type \'' + rel_type + '\'') else: print("Usage: addRel <class_name>, <relationship type>, <relationship1>, <relationship2>, ... , <relationshipN>\n Valid relationship types: agg, comp, gen, none")
def update(oldName, newName): """Helper to update a class's name.""" updateCmd = edit_class(oldName, newName) if cmd_stack.execute(updateCmd): flash("ERROR: Unable to update class " + oldName + " to " + newName, 'error')
def updateAttribute(name, oldAttr, newAttr): """Helper to update attributes in class.""" editAttrCmd = edit_attr(name, oldAttr, newAttr) if cmd_stack.execute(editAttrCmd): flash("ERROR: Unable to update attribute " + oldAttr + " in " + name + " to " + newAttr, 'error')