    def run_cmd(self, data):
        """Runs the given command.
        from app_workspace.mod_cmd.commands.projects.load_project import load_project
        from app_workspace import app
        from app_workspace.mod_cmd.client_instruction import ClientInstruction
        command = data['method']
        params = data['params']

        package = get_package(command)

        project = None
        if 'active_project' in app.session:
            project, _ = load_project(app.session['active_user'], app.session['active_project'])

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join('app_workspace', 'mod_cmd', 'commands', package, command+'.py')):
            if package != '':
                package += '.'
            cmd = importlib.import_module("app_workspace.mod_cmd.commands.%s%s" % (package, command))
            [project, instruction] = cmd.run(project, params, connection=self)
            instruction = ClientInstruction({'message': "Command %s not found. Run 'help' to view all available commands." % command})

        project, instruction = self.pass_other_stuff(project, instruction)

        return (project, instruction.to_json())
    def on_open(self, info):
        # Todo: Multiple connect not working well. Need to learn SocketJS' behaviors.
        # for participant in self.participants:
        #     if participant.session.conn_info.ip == self.session.conn_info.ip:
        #         self.send("%s has already joined this session." % self.session.conn_info.ip)
        from app_workspace import app
        from app_workspace.mod_cmd.commands.projects.load_project import load_project
        from app_workspace.mod_cmd.commands.docs.list_docs import list_docs
        from client_instruction import ClientInstruction

        session_id = info.cookies.get('session').value
        app.session = Session(app.session_store, session_id)

        app.session['active_user'] = '******'

        # Send that someone joined
        self.broadcast(self.participants, "%s joined." % self.session.conn_info.ip)

        # Add client to the clients list
        if 'active_project' in app.session:
            project, instruction = load_project(app.session['active_user'], app.session['active_project'])
            if project.active_doc == None:
                project, instruction = list_docs(project)
            instruction.set_value('message', "Connected to workspace server.\n\n%s" % instruction.get_value('message'))

            project, instruction = self.pass_other_stuff(project, instruction)

            self.send("Connected to workspace server.")