def fitConstant(self, raddata, PSDarray): onevec = numpy.ones(raddata.shape) sqrtvec = numpy.sqrt(raddata) squarevec = raddata**2 X = numpy.array([onevec]).transpose() fitparams = leastsq.totalLeastSquares(X, PSDarray, onevec) return fitparams[0]
def fitLinearPlus(self, raddata, PSDarray): onevec = numpy.ones(raddata.shape) sqrtvec = numpy.sqrt(raddata) squarevec = raddata**2 X = numpy.array([onevec, sqrtvec, raddata, squarevec]).transpose() fitparams = leastsq.totalLeastSquares(X, PSDarray, onevec) fitdata = fitparams[0] + fitparams[1]*sqrtvec + fitparams[2]*raddata + fitparams[3]*squarevec return fitdata
def refineCTF(radial_array, angle_array, amp_con, z1, z2, angle_astig, normPSD, cs, wavelength, refineFlags=(1, 1, 1, 1), weights=None, msg=True): """ take a 2D normalized PSB and refines all CTF parameters using a linear least squares all values in meters """ print "BEFORE ac=%.3f, z1=%.3e, z2=%.3e, astig=%.1f" % (amp_con, z1, z2, angle_astig) print cs, wavelength print "resolution limits %.2f <> %.2f" % (1.0e10 / radial_array.max(), 1.0e10 / radial_array.min()) ### convert parameters C = math.sin(math.asin(amp_con) - math.pi / 4.) D = math.sqrt(1 - C**2) zavg = (z1 + z2) / 2.0 zdiff = z2 - z1 if abs(zdiff) < 1e-9: # this prevents singular matrices zdiff = 1e-9 astigrad = math.radians(angle_astig) ### create astigmatic gamma function radialsq_array = radial_array**2 astigcos_array = numpy.cos(2.0 * (angle_array - astigrad)) defocus_array = zavg - zdiff / 2.0 * astigcos_array gamma_array = (-0.5 * math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq_array**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq_array * defocus_array) del defocus_array, radial_array ### create refinement vectors cosvec = numpy.cos(2 * gamma_array) #C sinvec = numpy.sin(2 * gamma_array) #D dCTFdGamma_array = -2 * C * sinvec + 2 * D * cosvec onevec = numpy.ones(radialsq_array.shape) zavgvec = wavelength * math.pi * radialsq_array * dCTFdGamma_array zdiffvec = -0.5 * zavgvec * astigcos_array zastigvec = zavgvec * zdiff * numpy.sin(2.0 * (angle_array - astigrad)) del gamma_array, astigcos_array, dCTFdGamma_array ### create X data matrix and adjust y values #X = numpy.array([cosvec, sinvec]).transpose() X = numpy.vstack([cosvec, sinvec]) if refineFlags[0] == 1: X = numpy.vstack([X, zavgvec]) if refineFlags[1] == 1: X = numpy.vstack([X, zdiffvec]) if refineFlags[2] == 1: X = numpy.vstack([X, zastigvec]) X = numpy.vstack([X, onevec, radialsq_array]) X = X.transpose() del cosvec, sinvec, zavgvec, zdiffvec, zastigvec, angle_array # create weighted matrix if weights is None: # make an identity matrix for no weights weights = numpy.ones(normPSD.shape[0]) # adjust y values yprime = 2 * normPSD - 1 ## solve it beta = leastsq.totalLeastSquares(X, yprime, weights) if beta is None: beta = leastsq.numpyLeastSquares(X, yprime) del X, weights if beta is None: apDisplay.printWarning("Least squares failed") return None #translate the values index = 0 C = beta[index] index += 1 D = beta[index] index += 1 if refineFlags[0] == 1: dzavg = beta[index] print "dzavg", dzavg index += 1 else: dzavg = 0 if refineFlags[1] == 1: dzdiff = beta[index] index += 1 print "dzdiff", dzdiff else: dzdiff = 0 if refineFlags[2] == 1: dtheta = beta[index] % 2 * math.pi index += 1 print "dtheta", dtheta else: dtheta = 0 constant = beta[index] index += 1 sqterm = beta[index] index += 1 if refineFlags[3] == 1: psi = 0.5 * math.atan2(C, D) phi = psi + math.pi / 4 amp_con = math.sin(phi) zavg += dzavg zdiff += dzdiff if zdiff < 0: zdiff = 0 z1 = zavg - zdiff / 2 z2 = zavg + zdiff / 2. if refineFlags[2] == 1: astigrad += dtheta angle_astig = math.degrees(astigrad) print "AFTER ac=%.3f, z1=%.3e, z2=%.3e, astig=%.1f" % (amp_con, z1, z2, angle_astig) if msg is True: from matplotlib import pyplot args = numpy.argsort(radialsq_array) radialsq_array = radialsq_array[args] yprime = yprime[args] pyplot.clf() yprime2 = yprime - constant - sqterm * radialsq_array yprime2 /= numpy.abs(yprime2).max() newGamma = (-0.5 * math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq_array**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq_array * zavg) newB = math.sqrt(1 - amp_con**2) adjctf1 = 2 * numpy.power( amp_con * numpy.cos(newGamma) + newB * numpy.sin(newGamma), 2) - 1 pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, yprime2, '.', color="gray") #pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, yprime2, 'k-',) pyplot.plot( radialsq_array, adjctf1, 'b--', ) pyplot.title("CTF Refine 2D Fit") pyplot.subplots_adjust( wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05, bottom=0.05, left=0.05, top=0.95, right=0.95, ) if amp_con < 0.0: apDisplay.printWarning( "amp contrast is negative (reduce defocus): %.4f" % (amp_con)) #return None if amp_con > 0.5: apDisplay.printWarning( "amp contrast is too large (increase defocus): %.8f" % (amp_con)) #return None return amp_con, z1, z2, angle_astig
def refineCTFOneDimension(radial_array, amp_con, zavg, normPSD, cs, wavelength, weights=None, msg=True): """ take a 2D normalized PSB and refines all CTF parameters using a linear least squares all values in meters """ apDisplay.printColor("BEFORE ac=%.3f, zavg=%.3e" % (amp_con, zavg), "cyan") print cs, wavelength print "resolution limits %.2f <> %.2f" % (1.0e10 / radial_array.max(), 1.0e10 / radial_array.min()) ### convert parameters C = math.sin(math.asin(amp_con) - math.pi / 4.) D = math.sqrt(1 - C**2) ### create astigmatic gamma function radialsq_array = radial_array**2 gamma_array = (-0.5 * math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq_array**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq_array * zavg) ### create refinement vectors cosvec = numpy.cos(2 * gamma_array) #C sinvec = numpy.sin(2 * gamma_array) #D onevec = numpy.ones(radialsq_array.shape) dCTFdGamma_array = -2 * C * sinvec + 2 * D * cosvec zavgvec = wavelength * math.pi * radialsq_array * dCTFdGamma_array ### create X data matrix and adjust X = numpy.array([cosvec, sinvec, zavgvec, onevec, radialsq_array]).transpose() # create weighted matrix if weights is None: # make an identity matrix for no weights weights = numpy.ones(normPSD.shape[0]) # adjust y values yprime = (normPSD - normPSD.mean()) yprime /= numpy.abs(yprime).max() ## solve it beta = leastsq.totalLeastSquares(X, yprime, weights) if beta is None: beta = leastsq.numpyLeastSquares(X, yprime) del X, weights if beta is None: apDisplay.printWarning("Least squares failed") return None #translate the values C = beta[0] D = beta[1] dzavg = beta[2] constant = beta[3] sqterm = beta[4] print beta psi = 0.5 * math.atan2(C, D) print "psi=", psi phi = psi + math.pi / 4 print "phi=", phi amp_con = math.sin(phi) if dzavg / zavg > 1: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad defocus change: %.4e --> %.4e" % (zavg, zavg + dzavg)) return None zavg += dzavg print "AFTER ac=%.3f, zavg=%.3e" % (amp_con, zavg) apDisplay.printColor("AFTER ac=%.3f, zavg=%.3e" % (amp_con, zavg), "cyan") newGamma = (-0.5 * math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq_array**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq_array * zavg) fitctf1 = C * cosvec + D * sinvec fitctf1b = numpy.sin(2 * gamma_array + 2 * psi) fitctf2 = numpy.sin(2 * newGamma + 2 * psi) newB = math.sqrt(1 - amp_con**2) # need to do the y' = 2 y - 1 adjctf1 = 2 * numpy.power( amp_con * numpy.cos(newGamma) + newB * numpy.sin(newGamma), 2) - 1 crosscorr = scipy.stats.pearsonr(fitctf2, adjctf1)[0] if crosscorr < -0.6: print "likely 180 degree out of phase" apDisplay.printWarning("Bad angle translation: %.8f" % (amp_con)) if msg is True: from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.clf() yprime2 = yprime - constant - sqterm * radialsq_array yprime2 /= numpy.abs(yprime2).max() pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, yprime2, '.', color="gray") pyplot.plot( radialsq_array, yprime2, 'k-', ) pyplot.plot( radialsq_array, fitctf1b, 'r--', ) pyplot.plot( radialsq_array, fitctf2, 'g--', ) pyplot.plot( radialsq_array, adjctf1, 'b--', ) conf1 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf1b)[0] conf2 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, adjctf1)[0] conf3 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf2)[0] #pyplot.ylim(ymin=-1.05, ymax=1.05) pyplot.title("CTF Refine 1D Fit (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) CC=%.3f" % (conf1, conf2, conf3, crosscorr)) pyplot.subplots_adjust( wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05, bottom=0.05, left=0.05, top=0.95, right=0.95, ) if crosscorr < 0.5: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad angle translation: %.8f" % (amp_con)) return None if zavg > 20e-6 or zavg < 0.1e-6: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad defocus change: %.4e --> %.4e" % (zavg - dzavg, zavg)) return None if amp_con < 0.0: apDisplay.printWarning( "amp contrast is negative (reduce defocus): %.4f" % (amp_con)) #return None if amp_con > 0.6: apDisplay.printWarning( "amp contrast is too large (increase defocus): %.8f" % (amp_con)) #return None return amp_con, zavg
def refineAmplitudeContrast(radial_array, defocus, normPSD, cs, wavelength, weights=None, msg=True): """ takes elliptical average data and fits it to the equation A cos(x) + B sin(x) """ if msg is True: print "resolution limits %.2f <> %.2f" % (1.0e10 / radial_array.max(), 1.0e10 / radial_array.min()) # create X matrix radialsq = radial_array**2 if msg is True: print 1.0 / radial_array[-1], wavelength, defocus, cs gamma = (-0.5 * math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq * defocus) cosvec = numpy.cos(2 * gamma) #C sinvec = numpy.sin(2 * gamma) #D onevec = numpy.ones(gamma.shape) #extra constant X = numpy.array([cosvec, sinvec, onevec, radialsq]).transpose() #del cosvec, sinvec, gamma # create weighted matrix if weights is None: # make an identity matrix for no weights weights = numpy.ones(normPSD.shape[0]) # adjust y values yprime = (normPSD - normPSD.mean()) yprime /= numpy.abs(yprime).max() ## solve it beta = leastsq.totalLeastSquares(X, yprime, weights) if beta is None: beta = leastsq.numpyLeastSquares(X, yprime) del X, weights if beta is None: apDisplay.printWarning("Least squares failed") return None #translate the values C = beta[0] D = beta[1] constant = beta[2] sqterm = beta[3] if msg is True: print beta, radial_array.shape psi = 0.5 * math.atan2(C, D) if msg is True: print "psi=", psi phi = psi + math.pi / 4 if msg is True: print "phi=", phi amp_con = math.sin(phi) if msg is True: apDisplay.printColor("amplitude contrast = %.8f" % (amp_con), "cyan") fitctf1 = C * cosvec + D * sinvec fitctf2 = numpy.sin(2 * gamma + 2 * psi) newB = math.sqrt(1 - amp_con**2) # need to do the y' = 2 y - 1 adjctf1 = 2 * numpy.power( amp_con * numpy.cos(gamma) + newB * numpy.sin(gamma), 2) - 1 #adjctf2 = 2 * numpy.power(numpy.sin(gamma + math.asin(amp_con)), 2) - 1 crosscorr = scipy.stats.pearsonr(fitctf2, adjctf1)[0] yprime2 = yprime - constant - sqterm * radialsq yprime2 /= numpy.abs(yprime2).max() fitconf = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf2)[0] if msg is True: from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.clf() pyplot.plot(radialsq, yprime2, '.', color="gray") pyplot.plot( radialsq, yprime2, 'k-', ) pyplot.plot( radialsq, fitctf1, 'r--', ) pyplot.plot( radialsq, fitctf2, 'g--', ) pyplot.plot( radialsq, adjctf1, 'b--', ) conf1 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf1)[0] conf2 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, adjctf1)[0] conf3 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf2)[0] print "conf %.4f, %.4f, %.4f; cc = %.4f" % (conf1, conf2, conf3, crosscorr) #pyplot.ylim(ymin=-1.05, ymax=1.05) pyplot.title("Amplitude Contrast Fit (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) CC=%.3f" % (conf1, conf2, conf3, crosscorr)) pyplot.subplots_adjust( wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05, bottom=0.05, left=0.05, top=0.95, right=0.95, ) if crosscorr < -0.6: print "likely 180 degree out of phase" apDisplay.printWarning("Bad angle translation: %.8f" % (amp_con)) return None if fitconf < 0.1 and amp_con > 0.4: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad fit confidence %.3f, ac=%.8f" % (fitconf, amp_con)) return None if crosscorr < 0.5: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad angle translation: %.8f" % (amp_con)) return None if amp_con < 0.0: apDisplay.printWarning( "amp contrast is negative (reduce defocus): %.4f" % (amp_con)) #return None if amp_con > 0.6: apDisplay.printWarning( "amp contrast is too large (increase defocus): %.8f" % (amp_con)) #return None return amp_con
def refineCTF(radial_array, angle_array, amp_con, z1, z2, angle_astig, normPSD, cs, wavelength, refineFlags=(1,1,1,1), weights=None, msg=True): """ take a 2D normalized PSB and refines all CTF parameters using a linear least squares all values in meters """ print "BEFORE ac=%.3f, z1=%.3e, z2=%.3e, astig=%.1f"%(amp_con, z1, z2, angle_astig) print cs, wavelength print "resolution limits %.2f <> %.2f"%(1.0e10/radial_array.max(), 1.0e10/radial_array.min()) ### convert parameters C = math.sin(math.asin(amp_con) - math.pi/4.) D = math.sqrt(1 - C**2) zavg = (z1 + z2)/2.0 zdiff = z2 - z1 if abs(zdiff) < 1e-9: # this prevents singular matrices zdiff = 1e-9 astigrad = math.radians(angle_astig) ### create astigmatic gamma function radialsq_array = radial_array**2 astigcos_array = numpy.cos(2.0*(angle_array - astigrad)) defocus_array = zavg - zdiff/2.0 * astigcos_array gamma_array = ( -0.5*math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq_array**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq_array * defocus_array ) del defocus_array, radial_array ### create refinement vectors cosvec = numpy.cos(2*gamma_array) #C sinvec = numpy.sin(2*gamma_array) #D dCTFdGamma_array = -2*C*sinvec + 2*D*cosvec onevec = numpy.ones(radialsq_array.shape) zavgvec = wavelength*math.pi*radialsq_array * dCTFdGamma_array zdiffvec = -0.5*zavgvec * astigcos_array zastigvec = zavgvec * zdiff * numpy.sin(2.0*(angle_array- astigrad)) del gamma_array, astigcos_array, dCTFdGamma_array ### create X data matrix and adjust y values #X = numpy.array([cosvec, sinvec]).transpose() X = numpy.vstack([cosvec, sinvec]) if refineFlags[0] == 1: X = numpy.vstack([X, zavgvec]) if refineFlags[1] == 1: X = numpy.vstack([X, zdiffvec]) if refineFlags[2] == 1: X = numpy.vstack([X, zastigvec]) X = numpy.vstack([X, onevec, radialsq_array]) X = X.transpose() del cosvec, sinvec, zavgvec, zdiffvec, zastigvec, angle_array # create weighted matrix if weights is None: # make an identity matrix for no weights weights = numpy.ones(normPSD.shape[0]) # adjust y values yprime = 2 * normPSD - 1 ## solve it beta = leastsq.totalLeastSquares(X, yprime, weights) if beta is None: beta = leastsq.numpyLeastSquares(X, yprime) del X, weights if beta is None: apDisplay.printWarning("Least squares failed") return None #translate the values index = 0 C = beta[index] index += 1 D = beta[index] index += 1 if refineFlags[0] == 1: dzavg = beta[index] print "dzavg", dzavg index += 1 else: dzavg = 0 if refineFlags[1] == 1: dzdiff = beta[index] index += 1 print "dzdiff", dzdiff else: dzdiff = 0 if refineFlags[2] == 1: dtheta = beta[index] % 2*math.pi index += 1 print "dtheta", dtheta else: dtheta = 0 constant = beta[index] index += 1 sqterm = beta[index] index += 1 if refineFlags[3] == 1: psi = 0.5*math.atan2(C,D) phi = psi + math.pi/4 amp_con = math.sin(phi) zavg += dzavg zdiff += dzdiff if zdiff < 0: zdiff = 0 z1 = zavg - zdiff/2 z2 = zavg + zdiff/2. if refineFlags[2] == 1: astigrad += dtheta angle_astig = math.degrees(astigrad) print "AFTER ac=%.3f, z1=%.3e, z2=%.3e, astig=%.1f"%(amp_con, z1, z2, angle_astig) if msg is True: from matplotlib import pyplot args = numpy.argsort(radialsq_array) radialsq_array = radialsq_array[args] yprime = yprime[args] pyplot.clf() yprime2 = yprime - constant - sqterm*radialsq_array yprime2 /= numpy.abs(yprime2).max() newGamma = ( -0.5*math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq_array**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq_array * zavg ) newB = math.sqrt(1 - amp_con**2) adjctf1 = 2 * numpy.power(amp_con*numpy.cos(newGamma) + newB*numpy.sin(newGamma), 2) - 1 pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, yprime2, '.', color="gray") #pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, yprime2, 'k-',) pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, adjctf1, 'b--',) pyplot.title("CTF Refine 2D Fit") pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05, bottom=0.05, left=0.05, top=0.95, right=0.95, ) if amp_con < 0.0: apDisplay.printWarning("amp contrast is negative (reduce defocus): %.4f"%(amp_con)) #return None if amp_con > 0.5: apDisplay.printWarning("amp contrast is too large (increase defocus): %.8f"%(amp_con)) #return None return amp_con, z1, z2, angle_astig
def refineCTFOneDimension(radial_array, amp_con, zavg, normPSD, cs, wavelength, weights=None, msg=True): """ take a 2D normalized PSB and refines all CTF parameters using a linear least squares all values in meters """ apDisplay.printColor("BEFORE ac=%.3f, zavg=%.3e"%(amp_con, zavg), "cyan") print cs, wavelength print "resolution limits %.2f <> %.2f"%(1.0e10/radial_array.max(), 1.0e10/radial_array.min()) ### convert parameters C = math.sin(math.asin(amp_con) - math.pi/4.) D = math.sqrt(1 - C**2) ### create astigmatic gamma function radialsq_array = radial_array**2 gamma_array = ( -0.5*math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq_array**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq_array * zavg ) ### create refinement vectors cosvec = numpy.cos(2*gamma_array) #C sinvec = numpy.sin(2*gamma_array) #D onevec = numpy.ones(radialsq_array.shape) dCTFdGamma_array = -2*C*sinvec + 2*D*cosvec zavgvec = wavelength*math.pi*radialsq_array * dCTFdGamma_array ### create X data matrix and adjust X = numpy.array([cosvec, sinvec, zavgvec, onevec, radialsq_array]).transpose() # create weighted matrix if weights is None: # make an identity matrix for no weights weights = numpy.ones(normPSD.shape[0]) # adjust y values yprime = (normPSD - normPSD.mean()) yprime /= numpy.abs(yprime).max() ## solve it beta = leastsq.totalLeastSquares(X, yprime, weights) if beta is None: beta = leastsq.numpyLeastSquares(X, yprime) del X, weights if beta is None: apDisplay.printWarning("Least squares failed") return None #translate the values C = beta[0] D = beta[1] dzavg = beta[2] constant = beta[3] sqterm = beta[4] print beta psi = 0.5*math.atan2(C,D) print "psi=", psi phi = psi + math.pi/4 print "phi=", phi amp_con = math.sin(phi) if dzavg/zavg > 1: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad defocus change: %.4e --> %.4e"%(zavg, zavg+dzavg)) return None zavg += dzavg print "AFTER ac=%.3f, zavg=%.3e"%(amp_con, zavg) apDisplay.printColor("AFTER ac=%.3f, zavg=%.3e"%(amp_con, zavg), "cyan") newGamma = ( -0.5*math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq_array**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq_array * zavg ) fitctf1 = C*cosvec + D*sinvec fitctf1b = numpy.sin(2*gamma_array + 2*psi) fitctf2 = numpy.sin(2*newGamma + 2*psi) newB = math.sqrt(1 - amp_con**2) # need to do the y' = 2 y - 1 adjctf1 = 2 * numpy.power(amp_con*numpy.cos(newGamma) + newB*numpy.sin(newGamma), 2) - 1 crosscorr = scipy.stats.pearsonr(fitctf2, adjctf1)[0] if crosscorr < -0.6: print "likely 180 degree out of phase" apDisplay.printWarning("Bad angle translation: %.8f"%(amp_con)) if msg is True: from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.clf() yprime2 = yprime - constant - sqterm*radialsq_array yprime2 /= numpy.abs(yprime2).max() pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, yprime2, '.', color="gray") pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, yprime2, 'k-',) pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, fitctf1b, 'r--',) pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, fitctf2, 'g--',) pyplot.plot(radialsq_array, adjctf1, 'b--',) conf1 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf1b)[0] conf2 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, adjctf1)[0] conf3 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf2)[0] #pyplot.ylim(ymin=-1.05, ymax=1.05) pyplot.title("CTF Refine 1D Fit (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) CC=%.3f"%(conf1, conf2, conf3, crosscorr)) pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05, bottom=0.05, left=0.05, top=0.95, right=0.95, ) if crosscorr < 0.5: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad angle translation: %.8f"%(amp_con)) return None if zavg > 20e-6 or zavg < 0.1e-6: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad defocus change: %.4e --> %.4e"%(zavg-dzavg, zavg)) return None if amp_con < 0.0: apDisplay.printWarning("amp contrast is negative (reduce defocus): %.4f"%(amp_con)) #return None if amp_con > 0.6: apDisplay.printWarning("amp contrast is too large (increase defocus): %.8f"%(amp_con)) #return None return amp_con, zavg
def refineAmplitudeContrast(radial_array, defocus, normPSD, cs, wavelength, weights=None, msg=True): """ takes elliptical average data and fits it to the equation A cos(x) + B sin(x) """ if msg is True: print "resolution limits %.2f <> %.2f"%(1.0e10/radial_array.max(), 1.0e10/radial_array.min()) # create X matrix radialsq = radial_array**2 if msg is True: print 1.0/radial_array[-1], wavelength, defocus, cs gamma = ( -0.5 * math.pi * cs * wavelength**3 * radialsq**2 + math.pi * wavelength * radialsq * defocus ) cosvec = numpy.cos(2*gamma) #C sinvec = numpy.sin(2*gamma) #D onevec = numpy.ones(gamma.shape) #extra constant X = numpy.array([cosvec, sinvec, onevec, radialsq]).transpose() #del cosvec, sinvec, gamma # create weighted matrix if weights is None: # make an identity matrix for no weights weights = numpy.ones(normPSD.shape[0]) # adjust y values yprime = (normPSD - normPSD.mean()) yprime /= numpy.abs(yprime).max() ## solve it beta = leastsq.totalLeastSquares(X, yprime, weights) if beta is None: beta = leastsq.numpyLeastSquares(X, yprime) del X, weights if beta is None: apDisplay.printWarning("Least squares failed") return None #translate the values C = beta[0] D = beta[1] constant = beta[2] sqterm = beta[3] if msg is True: print beta, radial_array.shape psi = 0.5*math.atan2(C,D) if msg is True: print "psi=", psi phi = psi + math.pi/4 if msg is True: print "phi=", phi amp_con = math.sin(phi) if msg is True: apDisplay.printColor("amplitude contrast = %.8f"%(amp_con), "cyan") fitctf1 = C*cosvec + D*sinvec fitctf2 = numpy.sin(2*gamma + 2*psi) newB = math.sqrt(1 - amp_con**2) # need to do the y' = 2 y - 1 adjctf1 = 2 * numpy.power(amp_con*numpy.cos(gamma) + newB*numpy.sin(gamma), 2) - 1 #adjctf2 = 2 * numpy.power(numpy.sin(gamma + math.asin(amp_con)), 2) - 1 crosscorr = scipy.stats.pearsonr(fitctf2, adjctf1)[0] yprime2 = yprime - constant - sqterm*radialsq yprime2 /= numpy.abs(yprime2).max() fitconf = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf2)[0] if msg is True: from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.clf() pyplot.plot(radialsq, yprime2, '.', color="gray") pyplot.plot(radialsq, yprime2, 'k-',) pyplot.plot(radialsq, fitctf1, 'r--',) pyplot.plot(radialsq, fitctf2, 'g--',) pyplot.plot(radialsq, adjctf1, 'b--',) conf1 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf1)[0] conf2 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, adjctf1)[0] conf3 = scipy.stats.pearsonr(yprime2, fitctf2)[0] print "conf %.4f, %.4f, %.4f; cc = %.4f"%(conf1, conf2, conf3, crosscorr) #pyplot.ylim(ymin=-1.05, ymax=1.05) pyplot.title("Amplitude Contrast Fit (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) CC=%.3f"%(conf1, conf2, conf3, crosscorr)) pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05, bottom=0.05, left=0.05, top=0.95, right=0.95, ) if crosscorr < -0.6: print "likely 180 degree out of phase" apDisplay.printWarning("Bad angle translation: %.8f"%(amp_con)) return None if fitconf < 0.1 and amp_con > 0.4: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad fit confidence %.3f, ac=%.8f"%(fitconf, amp_con)) return None if crosscorr < 0.5: apDisplay.printWarning("Bad angle translation: %.8f"%(amp_con)) return None if amp_con < 0.0: apDisplay.printWarning("amp contrast is negative (reduce defocus): %.4f"%(amp_con)) #return None if amp_con > 0.6: apDisplay.printWarning("amp contrast is too large (increase defocus): %.8f"%(amp_con)) #return None return amp_con