def commitScaledStack(stackdata, params):

    #make new params query
    newstackparamsq = appiondata.ApStackParamsData()
    for key in newstackparamsq.keys():
        if key != 'bin':
            newstackparamsq[key] = stackdata[0]['stackRun']['stackParams'][key]
    newstackparamsq['bin'] = params['bin']

    #make new stack query
    newstackq = appiondata.ApStackData()
    newstackq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(
    newstackq['name'] = params['newstackname']
    newstackq['description'] = params['description']
    newstackdata = newstackq.query()

    if newstackdata:
        print "A stack with these parameters already exists"

    #make new run query

    #first check that run name doesn't already exist
    newstackrunq = appiondata.ApStackRunData()
    newstackrunq['stackRunName'] = os.path.basename(
        os.getcwd())  #use cwd for run name
    newstackrundata = newstackrunq.query()
    if newstackrundata:
        print "A stack run with this name (the current directory name) already exists. Exiting"

    newstackrunq = appiondata.ApStackRunData()
    newstackrunq['stackRunName'] = os.path.basename(
        os.getcwd())  #use cwd for run name
    newstackrunq['stackParams'] = newstackparamsq
    newstackrunq['session'] = stackdata[0]['stackRun']['session']
    if "selectionrun" in stackdata[0]['stackRun'].keys:
        newstackrunq['selectionrun'] = stackdata[0]['stackRun']['selectionrun']
    newstackrunq['syntheticStackParams'] = stackdata[0]['stackRun'][

    #make new runs in stack query and insert also inserts stack and stack run
    newrisq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
    newrisq['stack'] = newstackq
    newrisq['stackRun'] = newstackrunq

    #loop in reverse order so that order of ptcls in db is like that of orig
    for particle in range(len(stackdata) - 1, -1, -1):
        stackparticleq = appiondata.ApStackParticleData()
        stackparticleq['particleNumber'] = stackdata[particle][
        stackparticleq['stack'] = newstackq
        stackparticleq['stackRun'] = newstackrunq
        stackparticleq['particle'] = stackdata[particle]['particle']
        #print stackparticleq
def getNumAlignRunsFromSession(sessionname):
	sessiondata = apDatabase.getSessionDataFromSessionName(sessionname)

	stackrunq = appiondata.ApStackRunData()
	stackrunq['session'] = sessiondata

	runsinstackq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
	runsinstackq['stackRun'] = stackrunq
	runsindatas = runsinstackq.query()

	if not runsindatas:
		return 0
	alignidlist = []
	for runsindata in runsindatas:
		alignstackq = appiondata.ApAlignStackData()
		alignstackq['stack'] = runsindata['stack']
		alignstackdatas = alignstackq.query()
		if not alignstackdatas:
		for alignstackdata in alignstackdatas:
			alignrunid = alignstackdata['alignrun'].dbid

			if not alignrunid in alignidlist:

	return len(alignidlist)
def getStackIdFromSubStackName(substackname, sessionname, msg=True):
        For a given run name and session name find stack id
        sessiondata = apDatabase.getSessionDataFromSessionName(sessionname)

        stackrunq = appiondata.ApStackRunData()
        stackrunq['session'] = sessiondata

        stackq = appiondata.ApStackData()
        stackq['substackname'] = substackname

        runsinstackq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
        runsinstackq['stackRun'] = stackrunq
        runsinstackq['stack'] = stackq
        runsindatas = runsinstackq.query()
        if not runsindatas:
                return None
        if len(runsindatas) == 1:
                ### simpe case
                stackid = runsindatas[0]['stack'].dbid
                for runsindata in runsindatas:
                        print runsindata
                apDisplay.printError("Found too many sub-stacks for specified criteria")

        apDisplay.printMsg("Found stack id %d with substackname %s from session %s"%(stackid, substackname, sessionname))
        return stackid
 def hasRecentEntry(self):
     if self.appion_dbupgrade.tableExists('ApCtfData'):
         results = appiondata.ApCtfData().query(results=1)
         if results:
             ctfdata = results[0]
             if ctfdata.timestamp > self.checktime:
                 return True
     if self.appion_dbupgrade.tableExists('ApStackRunData'):
         results = appiondata.ApStackRunData().query(results=1)
         if results:
             stackrundata = results[0]
             if stackrundata.timestamp > self.checktime and stackrundata[
                 return True
     return False
 def scanAppionDB(self):
         if self.appion_dbtools.tableExists('ApCtfData'):
                 results = appiondata.ApCtfData().query(results=1)
                 if results:
                         ctfdata = results[0]
                         if ctfdata.timestamp > self.checktime:
                                 print "\033[35m%s has new ApCtfData in %d days %d hours\033[0m" % (self.appion_dbtools.getDatabaseName(),-self.deltadays,-self.deltahours)
         if self.appion_dbtools.tableExists('ApStackRunData'):
                 results = appiondata.ApStackRunData().query(results=1)
                 if results:
                         stackrundata = results[0]
                         if stackrundata['stackParams']['phaseFlipped']:
                                 stackpartr = appiondata.ApStackParticleData(stackRun=stackrundata).query(results=1)
                                 if stackpartr:
                                         stackpartdata = stackpartr[0]
                                         if stackpartdata.timestamp > self.checktime:
                                                 print "\033[35m%s has new particle inserted to Stack with phase flip in %d days %d hours\033[0m" % (self.appion_dbtools.getDatabaseName(),-self.deltadays,-self.deltahours)
def getNumStacksFromSession(sessionname):
        sessiondata = apDatabase.getSessionDataFromSessionName(sessionname)

        stackrunq = appiondata.ApStackRunData()
        stackrunq['session'] = sessiondata

        runsinstackq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
        runsinstackq['stackRun'] = stackrunq
        runsindatas = runsinstackq.query()

        if not runsindatas:
                return 0
        stacklist = []
        for runsindata in runsindatas:
                stackid = runsindata['stack'].dbid
                if not stackid in stacklist:
        return len(stacklist)
    def createStackData(self):
        apDisplay.printColor("Starting upload of stack", "blue")

        pathq = appiondata.ApPathData()
        pathq['path'] = self.params['rundir']

        manq = appiondata.ApManualParamsData()
        manq['diam'] = self.params['diameter']
        manq['trace'] = False

        selectq = appiondata.ApSelectionRunData()
        selectq['name'] = 'fakestack_' + self.params['runname']
        selectq['hidden'] = True
        selectq['path'] = pathq
        selectq['session'] = self.sessiondata
        selectq['manparams'] = manq

        stackq = appiondata.ApStackData()
        stackq['name'] = "start.hed"
        stackq['path'] = pathq
        stackq['description'] = self.params['description']
        stackq['hidden'] = False
        stackq['pixelsize'] = self.params['apix'] * 1e-10
        stackq['boxsize'] = self.boxsize
        stackq['centered'] = False

        stackparamq = appiondata.ApStackParamsData()
        stackparamq['boxSize'] = self.boxsize
        stackparamq['bin'] = 1
        stackparamq['phaseFlipped'] = self.params['ctfcorrect']
        if self.params['ctfcorrect'] is True:
            stackparamq['fileType'] = "manual"
        stackparamq['fileType'] = "imagic"
        stackparamq['normalized'] = self.params['normalize']
        stackparamq['lowpass'] = 0
        stackparamq['highpass'] = 0

        stackrunq = appiondata.ApStackRunData()
        stackrunq['stackRunName'] = self.params['runname']
        stackrunq['stackParams'] = stackparamq
        stackrunq['selectionrun'] = selectq
        stackrunq['session'] = self.sessiondata

        runsinstackq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
        runsinstackq['stack'] = stackq
        runsinstackq['stackRun'] = stackrunq

        if self.params['commit'] is True:
            if 'syncstackid' in self.params.keys(
            ) and self.params['syncstackid']:
                stackdata = runsinstackq['stack']
                stack2data = apStack.getOnlyStackData(
                syncq = appiondata.ApSyncStackData(
        ### for each particle
        sys.stderr.write("Starting particle upload")
        for i in range(self.numpart):
            if i % 100 == 0:
            partq = appiondata.ApParticleData()
            partq['image'] = None  #We have no image, see if this works???
            partq['selectionrun'] = selectq
            partq['xcoord'] = int(i % 1000)
            partq['ycoord'] = int(i / 1000)
            partq['diameter'] = self.params['diameter']

            stackpartq = appiondata.ApStackParticleData()
            stackpartq['particleNumber'] = i + 1
            stackpartq['stack'] = stackq
            stackpartq['stackRun'] = stackrunq
            stackpartq['particle'] = partq
            stackpartq['mean'] = 0.0
            stackpartq['stdev'] = 1.0

            if self.params['commit'] is True:

        def insertHipParticleData(self):
                self.particleNumber = 0
                alldir = os.listdir(self.params['rundir'])
                ems_list = []
                for file in alldir:
                        if".ems.out", file):

                avgdir = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],"avgsnif1/avgsnif2/avg3"))
                fhlxavg_list = []       
                for file in avgdir:
                        if"f.hlxavg_dek", file):

                nhlxavg_list = []       
                for file in avgdir:
                        if"n.hlxavg_dek", file):

                for i in range(len(ems_list)):
                        filename = ems_list[i]
                        ### Will the filenames always be part000000.ext with apXmipp.breakStackIntoSingleFiles??  This is a risky way to get the file prefix. Find a better way!
                        self.filep = filename[0:10]
                        self.particleNumber += 1
                        HipParticle = appiondata.ApHipParticleData()
                        HipParticle['hipRun'] = self.params['HipRun']

                        for file in fhlxavg_list:
                                if, file):
                                        f = open(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "avgsnif1/avgsnif2/avg3", file), 'r')
                                        lines = f.readlines()
                                        keyline = lines[2]
                                        pzr_list = keyline.split()
                                        HipParticle['far_phi'] = pzr_list[2]
                                        HipParticle['far_z'] = pzr_list[3]
                                        HipParticle['far_rscale'] = pzr_list[4]
                                        HipParticle['far_ampscale'] = lines[-1]
                        for file in nhlxavg_list:
                                if, file):
                                        f = open(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "avgsnif1/avgsnif2/avg3", file), 'r')
                                        lines = f.readlines()
                                        keyline = lines[2]
                                        pzr_list = keyline.split()
                                        HipParticle['ner_phi'] = pzr_list[2]
                                        HipParticle['ner_z'] = pzr_list[3]
                                        HipParticle['ner_rscale'] = pzr_list[4]
                                        HipParticle['ner_ampscale'] = lines[-1]
                        f = open(ems_list[i], 'r')
                        lines = f.readlines()
                        lastline = lines[-1]
                        tsr_list = lastline.split()
                        sessiondata = apDatabase.getSessionDataFromSessionName(self.params['sessionname'])
                        HipParticle['session'] = sessiondata
                        HipParticle['filename'] = self.filep
                        HipParticle['stack'] = self.stackdata
                        HipParticle['mrc_file'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.filep + ".mrc")
                        HipParticle['s_file'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.filep + ".s")
                        HipParticle['dft_file'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.filep + ".dft")
                        HipParticle['colb_file'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.filep + ".colb")
                        HipParticle['ner_file'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.filep + ".ner")
                        HipParticle['far_file'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.filep + ".far")
                        HipParticle['fft_file'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.filep + ".fft")
                        self.stackrundata = appiondata.ApStackRunData()
                        HipParticle['stackRun'] = self.stackrundata
                        HipParticle['particleNumber'] = self.particleNumber
                        HipParticle['tilt'] = tsr_list[0]
                        HipParticle['shift'] = tsr_list[1]
                        HipParticle['resid'] = tsr_list[2]
                        HipParticledata = HipParticle.query(results=1)
                        if HipParticledata:
                                apDisplay.printError("trying to insert a duplicate particle")
                        if self.params['commit'] is True:
                        self.params['HipParticleID'] = HipParticle.dbid
                        print "self.params['HipParticleID']",self.params['HipParticleID']
	def uploadData(self, ctfpartlist):

		### read mean /stdev for uploading
		self.getPartMeanTree(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['finalstack']), ctfpartlist)

		sessiondata = apDatabase.getSessionDataFromSessionName(self.params['sessionname'])
		if self.params['projectid'] is not None:
			projectnum = self.params['projectid']
			projectnum = apProject.getProjectIdFromSessionName(self.params['sessionname'])

		### create synthetic stack object ... not saving global params like runname, session, project, description, etc. here; that's in ApStackData
		syntheticq = appiondata.ApSyntheticStackParamsData()
		### get number of fakestack runs
		numentries = len(syntheticq)
		syntheticq['modelid'] = appiondata.ApInitialModelData.direct_query(self.params['modelid'])
		syntheticq['boxsize'] = self.params['box']
		syntheticq['apix'] = self.params['apix']
		syntheticq['projcount'] = self.params['projcount']
		syntheticq['projstdev'] = self.params['projstdev']
		syntheticq['shiftrad'] = self.params['shiftrad']
		syntheticq['rotang'] = self.params['rotang']
		syntheticq['flip'] = self.params['flip']
		syntheticq['kilovolts'] = self.params['kv']
		syntheticq['spher_aber'] = self.params['cs']
		syntheticq['defocus_x'] = self.params['df1']
		syntheticq['defocus_y'] = self.params['df2']
		syntheticq['randomdef'] = self.params['randomdef']
		if self.params['randomdef'] is True:
			syntheticq['randomdef_std'] = self.params['randomdef_std']
		syntheticq['astigmatism'] = self.params['astigmatism']
		syntheticq['snr1'] = self.params['snr1']
		syntheticq['snrtot'] = self.params['snrtot']
		syntheticq['envelope'] = os.path.basename(self.params['envelopefile'])
		syntheticq['ace2correct'] = self.params['ace2correct']
		syntheticq['ace2correct_rand'] = self.params['ace2correct_rand']
		if self.params['ace2correct_rand'] is True:
			syntheticq['ace2correct_std'] = self.params['ace2correct_std']
		syntheticq['ace2estimate'] = self.params['ace2estimate']
		syntheticq['lowpass'] = self.params['lpfilt']
		syntheticq['highpass'] = self.params['hpfilt']
		syntheticq['norm'] = self.params['norm']

		### fill stack parameters
		stparamq = appiondata.ApStackParamsData()
		stparamq['boxSize'] = self.params['box']
		stparamq['bin'] = 1
		stparamq['fileType'] = "imagic"
		stparamq['defocpair'] = 0
		stparamq['lowpass'] = self.params['lpfilt']
		stparamq['highpass'] = self.params['hpfilt']
		stparamq['norejects'] = 1
		if self.params['invert'] is True:
			stparamq['inverted'] = 1
			stparamq['inverted'] = 0
		if self.params['ace2correct'] is True or self.params['ace2correct_rand'] is True:
			stparamq['phaseFlipped'] = 1
			stparamq['fliptype'] = "ace2part"
			stparamq['phaseFlipped'] = 0
		stparamq['normalized'] = self.params['norm']

		paramslist = stparamq.query()

		### create a stack object
		stackq = appiondata.ApStackData()
		stackq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params['rundir']))
		### see if stack already exists in the database (just checking path & name)
		uniqstackdatas = stackq.query(results=1)

		### create a stackRun object
		runq = appiondata.ApStackRunData()
		runq['stackRunName'] = self.params['runname']
		runq['session'] = sessiondata
		### see if stack run already exists in the database (just checking runname & session)
		uniqrundatas = runq.query(results=1)

		### finish stack object
		stackq['name'] = self.params['finalstack']
		stackq['description'] = self.params['description']
		stackq['hidden'] = 0
		stackq['pixelsize'] = self.params['apix'] * 1e-10
		stackq['boxsize'] = self.params['box']
		self.stackdata = stackq

		### finish stackRun object
		runq['stackParams'] = stparamq
		runq['syntheticStackParams'] = syntheticq
		self.stackrundata = runq

		### create runinstack object
		rinstackq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
		rinstackq['stackRun'] = runq

        	### if not in the database, make sure run doesn't already exist
		if not uniqstackdatas and not uniqrundatas:
			if self.params['commit'] is True:
				apDisplay.printColor("Inserting stack parameters into database", "cyan")
				rinstackq['stack'] = stackq
				apDisplay.printWarning("NOT INSERTING stack parameters into database")

		elif uniqrundatas and not uniqstackdatas:
			apDisplay.printError("Weird, run data without stack already in the database")

			rinstack = rinstackq.query(results=1)

			prevrinstackq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
			prevrinstackq['stackRun'] = uniqrundatas[0]
			prevrinstackq['stack'] = uniqstackdatas[0]
			prevrinstack = prevrinstackq.query(results=1)

			## if no runinstack found, find out which parameters are wrong:
			if not rinstack:
				for i in uniqrundatas[0]:
					print "r =======",i,"========"
					if uniqrundatas[0][i] != runq[i]:
						apDisplay.printError("the value for parameter '"+str(i)+"' is different from before")
						print i,uniqrundatas[0][i],runq[i]
				for i in uniqrundatas[0]['stackParams']:
					print "p =======",i,"========"
					if uniqrundatas[0]['stackParams'][i] != stparamq[i]:
						apDisplay.printError("the value for parameter '"+str(i)+"' is different from before")
						print i, uniqrundatas[0]['stackParams'][i], stparamq[i]
				for i in uniqstackdatas[0]:
					print "s =======",i,"========"
					if uniqstackdatas[0][i] != stackq[i]:
						apDisplay.printError("the value for parameter '"+str(i)+"' is different from before")
						print i,uniqstackdatas[0][i],stackq[i]
				for i in prevrinstack[0]:
					print "rin =======",i,"========"
					if prevrinstack[0][i] != rinstackq[i]:
						print i,prevrinstack[0][i],rinstackq[i]
						apDisplay.printError("the value for parameter '"+str(i)+"' is different from before")
						print i,prevrinstack[0][i],rinstackq[i]
				apDisplay.printError("All parameters for a particular stack must be identical! \n"+\
											 "please check your parameter settings.")
			apDisplay.printWarning("Stack already exists in database! Will try and appending new particles to stack")

		### create a fake selection run
#		selectq = appiondata.ApSelectionRunData()
#		selectq['session'] = sessiondata
#		selectq['name'] = "fakerun"
#		self.selectq = selectq
		if self.params['commit'] is True:
			apDisplay.printColor("Inserting fake selection parameters into the database", "cyan")
#			selectq.insert()
			apDisplay.printWarning("NOT INSERTING fake selection parameters into the database")

		partNumber = 0
		### loop over the particles and insert
		if self.params['commit'] is True:
			apDisplay.printColor("inserting particle parameters into database", "cyan")
			apDisplay.printWarning("NOT INSERTING particle parameters into database")
		for i in range(len(ctfpartlist)):
			partNumber += 1
			partfile = ctfpartlist[i]
			partmeandict = self.partmeantree[i]

			partq = appiondata.ApParticleData()
#			partq['selectionrun'] = selectq
			partq['xcoord'] = partNumber

			stpartq = appiondata.ApStackParticleData()

			### check unique params
			stpartq['stack'] = self.stackdata
			stpartq['stackRun'] = self.stackrundata
			stpartq['particleNumber'] = partNumber
			stpartdata = stpartq.query(results=1)
			if stpartdata:
				apDisplay.printError("trying to insert a duplicate particle")

			stpartq['particle'] = partq
			stpartq['mean'] = partmeandict['mean']
			stpartq['stdev'] = partmeandict['stdev']
			if self.params['commit'] is True:
